View Full Version : OT: Should have seen it in color ...

February 26th, 2009, 14:39
Quick history lesson here ...


double click ... says its disabled. :)

February 26th, 2009, 15:22

Thanks for the link...that is the best new country song I have heard in a long long time....and the lyrics hit home big time...which is a sure sign of a great song. I remember sitting on the sofa with my dad looking at the pictures of him in the USMC, of pictures of my Uncles in Korea and Vietnam, of a couple of my Great Uncles in WW2. I remember looking at one picture and asking Dad who the guy with the goofy sticky outie ears was...and he looked at me and says, "That's me...and aren't you lucky that you got my ears?"


February 26th, 2009, 15:27
Good song! I've got some old b&w pics of my dad in the Marines on Kodiak Island and later on from VietNam.