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View Full Version : Ant's Airplanes - Tiger Moth Pro

November 3rd, 2019, 16:05
For FSX & P3D: -





November 4th, 2019, 02:49
Yeah, I just discovered this too. I saw it on Simmarkets front page. I am getting it direct from Ant's website though, he has now set that up to make sales through Fastspring or Sendowl.

The Tigermoth was one of my all time favourite addons for FSX. I have never even tried it in P3DV4 though. Stoked to try out the new Pro version.

November 4th, 2019, 02:52
The old one works perfectly in P3d.

November 4th, 2019, 04:41
This new one is the Pro version with all the bells and whistles for realism.

It really is a fantastic model and flies beautifully.

cheers Chris

November 4th, 2019, 08:29
The images of the Tiger Moth show a (very) highly detailed rendering, so I downloaded the demo to see what sort of frame rates I'd get. It's FSX-A that I'm running, and my locked frame rate level stayed put. ( Happy experience right on loading the sim....big plus.)

What I've found in an hour of flight is a truly masterful rendering by a true master. Call it a masterpiece if you will, that's my call.

The model looks stunning in FSX, I have to imagine what sort of treat the 64 bit P3D operators are in for.

Good solid flight physics, excellent sounds, off the scale rendering, and more.

Ant's Tiger Moth has always been at the front of my flight-line.

Look's to me like we've just received a new version that should extend itself through many more generations of flight sims, looking,sounding & feeling amazing while doing that "Tiger Moth" thing that it does so well.

Thank you Anthony. (!!!!)

November 4th, 2019, 08:50
Yess, it's very immersive. It took me about ten minutes of flying the demo to decide to buy it!

November 4th, 2019, 13:26
Downloading now. Just bought it, loved the old one.

November 4th, 2019, 19:12
I bought Ant's Tiger Moth Pro this morning as soon as I saw it. I have his freeware and others. Ant's freeware was my choice. This new one seems to be better in every way.

Cees Donker
December 30th, 2019, 05:37
Bought it today! What a great addon!



alpha charlie
December 31st, 2019, 03:03
Bought it today! What a great addon!

I admire how long you fought the temptation. :biggrin-new: For me it was an instant purchase.