View Full Version : Light entries in Aircraft cfg

gray eagle
September 10th, 2019, 13:19
Would anyone please explain the what three values mean?

;1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
;6=taxi, 7=recognition, 8=wing, 9=Logo, 10=cabin
light.0 = 4, 23.00, 0.00, 2.00, fx_vclight_red
;light.1 = 5, 2.00, 3.00, -1.70, fx_shockwave_landing_light_small_old
light.2 = 7, -11.46,-17.55, 1.33, fx_contrail_Alpha Viggen
light.3 = 7, -11.46, 17.55, 1.33, fx_contrail_Alpha Viggen

Same thing for the smoke entry.....

smoke.0 = -22.00, 0.00, 0.00, fx_F8_engsmoke
smoke.1 = -17.60, 0.00, 0.30, fx_ALPHA_EA6_Exh1
smoke.2 = -17.60, 0.00, 0.25, fx_ALPHA_F8_AB <<< I think this entry if for the AB effect.

Are there any gauge entrys in the Panel cfg that control above entries?


September 10th, 2019, 13:58
Would anyone please explain the what three values mean?

;1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
;6=taxi, 7=recognition, 8=wing, 9=Logo, 10=cabin
light.0 = 4, 23.00, 0.00, 2.00, fx_vclight_red
;light.1 = 5, 2.00, 3.00, -1.70, fx_shockwave_landing_light_small_old
light.2 = 7, -11.46,-17.55, 1.33, fx_contrail_Alpha Viggen
light.3 = 7, -11.46, 17.55, 1.33, fx_contrail_Alpha Viggen

Same thing for the smoke entry.....

smoke.0 = -22.00, 0.00, 0.00, fx_F8_engsmoke
smoke.1 = -17.60, 0.00, 0.30, fx_ALPHA_EA6_Exh1
smoke.2 = -17.60, 0.00, 0.25, fx_ALPHA_F8_AB <<< I think this entry if for the AB effect.

Are there any gauge entrys in the Panel cfg that control above entries?

ThanksOh, boy. I'll try...in layman's terms.

First, here (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/microsoft-esp/cc526949(v=msdn.10)?redirectedfrom=MSDN) is a site that helps decipher entries in the aircraft.cfg file. Unfortunately, it is a little cryptic regarding the entries in the two sections you listed.

For the [lights] entries, the first entry (4) is for type or circuit. The next three entries are coordinates relative to the aircraft datum. I envision the aircraft model to have three axis which create the datum - longitytude along the aircraft axis, latitude or horizontal to the aircraft axis, and height or elevation above the axis. A positive value is in front of that datum, whereas a negative value is below.

The first value of 23.00 would be 23 units in front of the datum center. The second value of 0 is offset from the aircraft center which in this case is none. The third number of 2.00 would be height above the aircraft center or axis.

The [smokesystem] coordinates (and others) work as described except without the first entry identifying the type or circuit. Most likely because they are controlled elsewhere, like with a gauge associated with the panel. Only way I've tracked down a specific gauge is to examine the associated *.cab file and read individual *.xml scripts. Never been able to edit, but at least I can understand the code.

BTW - notice the negative values for the first coordinate in the [smokesystem] entries for the burner effects? That's to place them at the back of the aircraft, whereas the vclight in the [lights] section is in front of the aircraft.

If you plan to experiment, here's a suggestion. First make a copy of your panel.cfg. Before you edit a specific line, keep a copy of the original. Something like this:

//light.0 = 4, 23.00, 0.00, 2.00, fx_vclight_red
light.0 = 4, 22.00, 0.00, 2.00, fx_vclight_red

Hope that helps.

September 10th, 2019, 14:33
Negative entries are for left of, below, or behind the model's datum point. Positive values are the converse...right of, above or in front of the model datum....;)

September 10th, 2019, 15:08
If you install Shockwave Lights, their installer only modifies the default (stock) aircraft panel configs. For most add-on aircraft, you need to add a line yourself. It looks like this in the default C172.


gauge00=Cessna!Nav_GPS_Annunciator, 69,457, 20, 19
gauge01=Cessna!VOR1, 259, 1,140,140
gauge02=Cessna!Nav GPS Switch, 45,456, 20, 21
gauge03=Cessna!ADF, 259,283,145,145
gauge04=Cessna172!EGT_Fuel_Flow, 400,109,107,107
gauge05=Cessna172!Fuel, 400, 1,107,107
gauge06=Cessna182s!Oil_Press_Temp, 405,325,107,107
gauge07=Cessna!OMI_Lights, 0,456, 44, 24
gauge08=Cessna!Vacuum_Ampermeter, 405,217,107,107
gauge09=Cessna!Annunciator, 0,481, 99, 25
gauge10=Cessna172!Whiskey_Compass, 100,456, 56, 39
gauge11=Cessna182s!VOR2, 259,142,140,140
gauge12=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Audio, 0, 0, 258, 50
gauge13=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 1, 0, 51,258, 95
gauge14=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 2, 0,147,258, 95
gauge15=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio ADF, 0,243,258, 66
gauge16=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio DME, 0,310,258, 66
gauge17=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Xpndr, 0,377,258, 78
gauge18=n_number_plaque!n_number_plaque, 188,468,89,25
gauge19=shockwave_lights!SW Lights, 1,1,1,1 //shockwave light

It is always the last line in this section, so the gauge number is the next in sequence, not always 19.

Hope this helps,

gray eagle
September 10th, 2019, 15:21
Oh, boy. I'll try...in layman's terms.

First, here (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/microsoft-esp/cc526949(v=msdn.10)?redirectedfrom=MSDN) is a site that helps decipher entries in the aircraft.cfg file. Unfortunately, it is a little cryptic regarding the entries in the two sections you listed.

For the [lights] entries, the first entry (4) is for type or circuit. The next three entries are coordinates relative to the aircraft datum. I envision the aircraft model to have three axis which create the datum - longitytude along the aircraft axis, latitude or horizontal to the aircraft axis, and height or elevation above the axis. A positive value is in front of that datum, whereas a negative value is below.

The first value of 23.00 would be 23 units in front of the datum center. The second value of 0 is offset from the aircraft center which in this case is none. The third number of 2.00 would be height above the aircraft center or axis.

The [smokesystem] coordinates (and others) work as described except without the first entry identifying the type or circuit. Most likely because they are controlled elsewhere, like with a gauge associated with the panel. Only way I've tracked down a specific gauge is to examine the associated *.cab file and read individual *.xml scripts. Never been able to edit, but at least I can understand the code.

BTW - notice the negative values for the first coordinate in the [smokesystem] entries for the burner effects? That's to place them at the back of the aircraft, whereas the vclight in the [lights] section is in front of the aircraft.

If you plan to experiment, here's a suggestion. First make a copy of your panel.cfg. Before you edit a specific line, keep a copy of the original. Something like this:

//light.0 = 4, 23.00, 0.00, 2.00, fx_vclight_red
light.0 = 4, 22.00, 0.00, 2.00, fx_vclight_red

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the info. That link will take me awhile to understand. I may try to experiment after making a backup.

September 10th, 2019, 15:31
Thanks for the info. That link will take me awhile to understand. I may try to experiment after making a backup.

This will explain it and give examples
