View Full Version : New AERRONCA (CR1-SOFTWARE) BETA

Slim Pickins
July 23rd, 2019, 19:40
Hello, Me again.

New beta, I have the who add on now its almost done, well it was done then Tom says, "I got some more ideas" So it went back in the hangar and got ripped apart....its pretty amazing this little add on, very good and unlike anything offered for the amount of customization you can do. You can literally with a click change the gauges and interiors to any livery you want to change from default, I never saw that!

So it has special textures just for Prepar3d 4.4 and there is a code written in the mdl that activates them if you port over from fsx. I wish I could show you the new ford tri motor that thing blows this away and this is NICE!

Ok guys I will shut up now so I wont get in sheeeeiiitt from the boss.

Here is a look at what I am allowed to show, this is beta 4 or 5 I cant remember so I made a little video of it for you!


Ok I will answer as many questions as I know.

The next video will be better, sorry.


July 23rd, 2019, 22:03
Looking good!

July 23rd, 2019, 22:19
Great - the only downside is that I'll be retiring my old Cr-1 Aeronca.

Slim Pickins
July 24th, 2019, 06:14
Hey Buddy! :adoration:

Actually You wont, because in the paint folder he has all the old paints and interiors and gauges and the airconfig file is set up so you just drop them in the right model folders and bingo you got the old paints and interiors as well. He was very determined that you guys could keep your old custom paints that you did so he remapped the new model to those old maps. Even though we told him not to worry about it...lol


July 24th, 2019, 06:28
That's very good news. I do have two colour schemes which i use a lot, and one of those is UK, which I doubt would get reworked.

July 29th, 2019, 16:47
Want this one bad. Of course, would like a Paint Kit too, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

Slim Pickins
July 31st, 2019, 16:04
It has a very good paint kit in it now, we all asked for that one..LOL!

Actually there is a new beta coming up and its the tundra!! Cant wait, I hope he dose a real cool silver or a camo one!!

