View Full Version : Can someone rid me of......

February 25th, 2019, 04:40
......this meddlesome building? I have this BUFF style building plopping itself down on some base where it doesn't belong. It cannot be blown up and you can fly right through it. I have searched for anything that looks like in ALL texture folders,and for any stray API's, with no joy. IIRC, there was a similar problem in the Fox Four KTO where a whole airport was there and I was told it was a remnant of FS98. I also do not recall if it was ever remedied.
It is really annoying and want to get rid of it. Any suggestions and pointers accepted. Also for some reason my MB has disappeared?:banghead:
Here is a pic of this urban blight.

No Dice
February 25th, 2019, 16:26
You may be able to use BGL Analize:

RJ wrote a small tutorial in his MAG.

Issue 1 May/June 2012
By Robert John
Using the Remagen Ludendorff Bridge
as a working platform this issue covers:
* Correcting Textures
* Using BGL Analyze
* Working with Batch Files
download (http://www.thefreeflightsite.com/ccount/click.php?id=15) 2,042 times


February 25th, 2019, 17:14

First things first. This is no remnant from FS98 or any other flight sim.

The two locations in question, Abemama and Abaiang atoll were virgin territory when I went there and built the first add-on airfields on them for CFS2.

I guarantee you the locations were devoid of any of life.

And those two sets of hangars were never any part of any MR scenery packs.

These hangars have nothing to do with any random texture or APImacro that you will find sitting around someplace. They are most likely part of a scenery bgl file that is installed somewhere in some folder in your CFS2 set-up. The question is: where is this bgl file?

If it were me the first thing I would do is go through my scenery library and deactivate all of the active add-on scenery folders.

Then check to see if the hangars are gone.

If they are gone, then great. Then reactivate scenery folders one by one until they show up again.

The fact that your MB isn't working is problematic. Makes it difficult to determine whether or no the object is part of the GSL. If it were it would be targetable in MB. It would also be selectable in MB when the MBGSL editoor was active.

Another way to check would be to replace your current cfs2.gsl file with and empty.gsl renamed cfs2.gsl. Then open the sim and see if the offending scenery objects are still there. If they are still present then you know for sure that they are part of some add-on scenery bgl.

If they are gone then you will know that they are part of your currently installed gsl. And you could check in your current cfs2.gsl file, using GSKMan.exe, to see if there are any odd gls currently loaded that you don't recognize.


PS: What it appears to me to be is some sort of first stab at a building of some sort. Either made using FSSC or perhaps GMAX or some other such 3d object making software. I am guessing FSSC. FSSC has this "advanced building" function where one can cobble together some half-axed looking buildings of whatever size you like. This appears to be something along those lines. It is more than likely part of some scenery bgl from somewhere.

The only question is, as I said, where have you got it tucked away? ;^)

February 26th, 2019, 07:45
BTW Fibber,

About that first screenie you posted above?

Where is that? That doesn't look like any place in the Gilberts to me. There is way to much land and not enough water.

I appears that there are two sceneries sitting on top of each other.

Can you take a top down screenshot please? It is darn near impossible to get a good idea whats going on from that angle.

MEANWHILE: can some other kind soul please go to Abemama and Abaiang and see if you also have these buildings present? Just to put this to rest??

Thanks you!


February 26th, 2019, 10:05
I see nothing on Abemama and Abaiang...

February 26th, 2019, 11:01
I see nothing on Abemama and Abaiang...

Thanks Allen,

I'm hoping that what you really meant to say is that you see nothing but the Gilberts scenery and no monstrous green buildings?



February 26th, 2019, 13:27
........as a conclusion of this "Philadelphia Experiment" I will give a overhead (for what it is worth) of this place. I sincerly believe it is not your doing but something on this end that vexes me.

February 26th, 2019, 13:52
........as a conclusion of this "Philadelphia Experiment" I will give a overhead (for what it is worth) of this place. I sincerly believe it is not your doing but something on this end that vexes me.

Thanks Fibber. I hope you figure out what it is!

Just out of curiosity, is there any chance of your getting the same angle on the first screenshot in your first post on this thread?

Until later,

February 26th, 2019, 14:36
..you want?

February 26th, 2019, 14:44
..you want?

No. I want a more top down version of this screenshot- the first screen shot you posted in the first post on this thread.

This is not a picture of abemama or abaiang- too much land, no ocean in sight.

And i'd like to see a top down view of it so I might be better able to ID it.

When in CFS2, tp get a top down view, right click on the screen and chose "Top Down View" from the menu.


February 26th, 2019, 15:07
Also using SHIFT + Z so that we can see the Latitude and Longitude may be helpful

February 26th, 2019, 15:24
...like I said. The heck with it. I'll just fly in a different area when I can. Not enough time available for me to be doodling in this and using everyone elses' time and patience. :wavey:

February 26th, 2019, 15:52
Roger that, Fibber.

I get where you are coming from.

Its just a stone that I would dearly like to shake out of my shoe.

One final thought:

If that screenshot actually is from Abaiang, and the tree lines and stuff lead me to think that it may be, then the only way it can be so and have it look like that is the presence of a serious scenery conflict at that location. Like I said: way to much land, not enough ocean.

I don't know where else to look. I was thinking perhaps there might be some odd add-on scenery bgls tucked away in you main CFS2 Scenery folder. Who knows?

Anyhow, we will quit beating this dead horse.

Cheers, buddy