View Full Version : A2A WOP3 Spitfire Ia X4650 2018 Repaint

December 30th, 2018, 14:55
A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FSX Military skins - WWII

Description: X4650’s first flight was at Eastleigh on the 23rd October 1940. She was issued to 24 M.U. Tern Hill, Shropshire, UK on the 25th October 1940 on charge with 54 Sqn. Catterick, Yorkshire. She was involved in a mid-air collision in December 1940 and struck off charge in June 1941. The wreckage was discovered on the banks of the river Lever in 1976. The remains were acquired by Peter Monk in 1995 and soon after restoration work on her was commenced. First post restoration flight was from Biggin Hill in March 2012. She is now owned by the Texas based Comanche Warbirds Ltd, but based in the UK and registered G-CGUK.

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