View Full Version : New Updates for N30

November 10th, 2018, 15:17
Thanks to Jason Becker at Cherry Ridge Airport I have new reference photos and more details to add to the airport scenery. This isn't a required update and it's still being worked. Here are a few shots:
Re-done "Bosses Hangar", Additions to the Cherry Ridge Restaurant and an elevation adjustment to the ground surrounding the Restaurant so that the ramp off the deck could be added and the access from the back of the building could be added as well.

November 10th, 2018, 15:19
Note: Until I can find a File Sharing Site that will actually let me share photos and not just a link to a photo. . .I'm stuck with these.

November 11th, 2018, 03:56
Finally got Photobucket corrected so here are better shots of the details that have been added to Cherry Ridge.

https://beta-static.photobucket.com/images/g84/ejwells409/0/840bb538-e8d8-49e6-ac52-a943ab3b9f29-original.jpg?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds (https://beta.photobucket.com/u/ejwells409/p/840bb538-e8d8-49e6-ac52-a943ab3b9f29)

https://beta-static.photobucket.com/images/g84/ejwells409/0/1247ba83-9f79-40cd-a687-d4eaf1656eee-original.jpg?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds (https://beta.photobucket.com/u/ejwells409/p/1247ba83-9f79-40cd-a687-d4eaf1656eee)

https://beta-static.photobucket.com/images/g84/ejwells409/0/c362c730-a64e-4480-9126-256bf8e369d6-original.jpg?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds (https://beta.photobucket.com/u/ejwells409/p/c362c730-a64e-4480-9126-256bf8e369d6)

November 11th, 2018, 23:39
Really nice work Ed. I am a collector of all your fine airports.

November 12th, 2018, 09:10
Nice work, Ed! Good stuff for sure.

November 12th, 2018, 09:15
Ed, excellent work.. can't wait to walk around your scenery. You always put such detail in them.. Great job....

November 27th, 2018, 10:12
Thanks Ed for all your work on N30. It looks so good and it is amazing that it can be so real. That fuel island sign was custom made by the owner, so I doubt there are any other airports with that exact one (unless he copied someone that we don't know about). We were talking the other day about the utility poles going through the airport and how the original owner didn't want to spend extra to put utilities underground, and so there they are in the sim, like sore thumbs sticking out. I love simply practicing traffic patterns now and really seeing our "skyline" down on the ground. I think it will help new students without them even knowing it, when they practice in the sim and then take the real plane up and around the pattern and having it seem somehow familiar already. With our wraparound setup, the red wing light is right off your left shoulder, and there is still more you can see beyond that another ten or so degrees, and same with the green wingtip light if we practice a right pattern for variety (the Medivac helis always do the right pattern). Anyone who uses this scenery will be able to fly into N30 and feel right at home, and that is really the best thing you can ask of a simulation. Bravo.

November 28th, 2018, 03:16
Thanks a lot for that endorsement Jason. This airport has a lot more detail than normal, but that's all due to the excellent assistance of having someone right there at the airport to give me a ground level look at what it actually looks like. Other than Old Rhinebeck, this is probably the most detailed airport I've done thus far. Thanks again!

November 28th, 2018, 05:01
Hi Ed
Great scenery as always. I've noticed during a couple of touch and gos that my seasonal snow scenery turns to green (grass) scenery as I round out and move down the runway - as I climb away the snow returns - not sure why. When I sit at the end of the runway I see green grass but when I climb away the snow comes back. Would be good situation in real life actually. I'm thinking it might be one of my settings but I'm open to suggestions. I use all relevant Orbx products in P3D V4.3

November 28th, 2018, 05:21
Hi Ed
Great scenery as always. I've noticed during a couple of touch and gos that my seasonal snow scenery turns to green (grass) scenery as I round out and move down the runway - as I climb away the snow returns - not sure why. When I sit at the end of the runway I see green grass but when I climb away the snow comes back. Would be good situation in real life actually. I'm thinking it might be one of my settings but I'm open to suggestions. I use all relevant Orbx products in P3D V4.3
Based on the inf file I used to compile the photo.bgl, January is the only month that should show hard winter (snow). All other winter months should show the browned out ground texture with bare trees. That's based on the FSX Seasonal default settings. If you are changing the hard winter to a different month via the "themes setting" that's probably why you see what you are describing. The Sim knows that January is the only hard winter month and is reverting to that despite your settings. (that's my guess).

November 28th, 2018, 06:45
Hi Ed
Sounds reasonable. I just went back and did a couple of additional circuits and no snow at all this time - perhaps Orbx has an influence during seasonable changes as well - none of this helping mu airmanship but that's another story.
Thanks again

November 28th, 2018, 07:31
Has this been released yet? (I couldn’t find it in the Library)

November 28th, 2018, 07:35
Yes, click on the link in my signature.

November 28th, 2018, 08:45
Thanks - don't know how I missed it!

December 1st, 2018, 18:38
Where is the scenery for Old Rheinbeck, I would like to check that one out.

December 1st, 2018, 19:44
Hey Ed,

This is really fantatic, looks like photos of the real airport. Beautiful job!

December 1st, 2018, 20:33
Where is the scenery for Old Rheinbeck, I would like to check that one out.
Best way is to click on the link in my Signature, that will take you to everything I've uploaded here.

December 3rd, 2018, 09:00
:wavey: Ed, really enjoy this rendition. I could really live in a place like this. Imagine going to your "garage" and taxiing out to the runway. Thank you for an extremely beautiful product. I enjoyed "wandering" around your creation. A couple of questions.. I am NOT running Orbx, just FSX-A and didn't see any other aircraft in the hangars or on the field. Are these available only through Orbx libraries? Did I miss some of your signature sounds that you have included in your previous builds. I might have overlooked them. Regardless, this is a fun site and creates a lot of imagination. One can almost smell the barbecue off the patio. Thank you for this neat package.... Terry

December 3rd, 2018, 10:50
:wavey: Ed, really enjoy this rendition. I could really live in a place like this. Imagine going to your "garage" and taxiing out to the runway. Thank you for an extremely beautiful product. I enjoyed "wandering" around your creation. A couple of questions.. I am NOT running Orbx, just FSX-A and didn't see any other aircraft in the hangars or on the field. Are these available only through Orbx libraries? Did I miss some of your signature sounds that you have included in your previous builds. I might have overlooked them. Regardless, this is a fun site and creates a lot of imagination. One can almost smell the barbecue off the patio. Thank you for this neat package.... Terry
Thanks Terry. As far as additional aircraft, the only two are default and are positioned off the taxiway in the grass. There are no other airplanes as part of the scenery. . . .and as far as sounds go, Tangier Island is the only scenery I've done where I added sounds. The Island airport just seemed perfect for the sound of waves and gulls.

Cherry Ridge has actually had quite a bit of added details since my original release. This was a rare scenery project where I was put in touch with someone who works at the airport, could critique the scenery and give suggested changes as well as supply photographs of many areas where I was unable to find reference photos. I really need to post an update for that scenery. . .but actually I only just recently finally made the last changes to it.

December 3rd, 2018, 19:35
Ed, there are a lot of details and my default scenery must have changed to winter textures after Dec. 1. Now N30 sits like a little patch of green in a sea of white. Looks like a postcard. Never did find those two wayward airplanes even though I turned scenery complex up max. No matter though, if you want a real challenge, take Milton's latest, Avia56, in there. That plane sitting on the ramp looks so much like a old picture of Americana. I must be getting rusty...took four tries to get on the ground without bending tin. The landscape is realistically deceiving and I was on my toes comparing field elev., airspeed vs real view. Superb job, Ed... It's been awhile since I was truly challenged to this level. Thank you very much.

February 20th, 2019, 11:27
Hello Ed.
In February I see that the scenery is green.

http://i.imgur.com/yVczeQjl.jpg (https://imgur.com/yVczeQj)

Is it ok?

I noticed also this:

http://i.imgur.com/otEa1jDm.jpg (https://imgur.com/otEa1jD)

Perhaps its a Free ORBX airports addon (which I have also); N30 is here also: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=16TLldaoxxmFv7wOWfYyM8zV-bgM&ll=41.64162029443941%2C-74.025075010237&z=8

I removed 3 files named "N30...." from \Prepar3Dv4\ORBX\FTX_GLOBAL\FTX_FTXG_AIRPORTS\Scen ery. It fixed double buildings.