View Full Version : Two Major X-Plane 11.30 Features

November 1st, 2018, 09:35
Hello there!
Beta testers are currently helping us track down bugs and issues in X-Plane 11.30. We have a couple major changes that are in 11.30 to highlight this month, so that everyone's ready for them once we can release a clean, stable version.
11.30 FeaturesAutopilot Updates
X-Plane 11.30 includes quite a few autopilot changes (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6IlpLOExBQUZtejVvaTY3c0tTdkQyZHNkQ2 5SRT0iLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9kZXZlbG9wZXIueC1wbGFu ZS5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS9wcmVjb25maWd1cmVkLWF1dG9waWxvdH MtYW5kLW90aGVyLWF1dG9waWxvdC1jaGFuZ2VzLWluLTExLTMw LyIsImxpbmtfaWQiOjcwNzcxMzkyLCJwb3NpdGlvbiI6MX0/dc2a54c307e37d49ebd70671836f942ed5068976021894ec38 7698db25044477). A new S-Tec 55, which is a high-end general aviation dual-axis rate-based digital autopilot, in now installed in the default Cessna 172, and we have a video tutorial on how to use it.Â
http://userimg.customeriomail.com/oGLscKL7TXSD12A3BlPm_X-Plane_1130_C172_AP_update.png (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6IlpLOExBQUZtejVvaTY3c0tTdkQyZHNkQ2 5SRT0iLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueC1wbGFuZS5jb20v MjAxOC8xMC9hdXRvcGlsb3QtY2hhbmdlcy1pbi14LXBsYW5lLT ExLTMwLyIsImxpbmtfaWQiOjcwNzcxMzkzLCJwb3NpdGlvbiI6 Mn0/4d862056cefa6caeedb6bb0754b489f9b11a376351514254a9 86c30629d2e458)
ATC Updates
A new and more powerful ATC voice system is included in the update as well! Check out this tutorial video on how to interact with X-Plane's ATC system, including the new changes in 11.30.
http://userimg.customeriomail.com/EePlFFr4RJOff2I7UHmL_Play_1130_ATC.png (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6IlpLOExBQUZtejVvaTY3c0tTdkQyZHNkQ2 5SRT0iLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS9GdGZuVXFD SXBTdyIsImxpbmtfaWQiOjcwNzcxMzk0LCJwb3NpdGlvbiI6M3 0/a0caf50b2f89c1d7a9000f165b1c83c18e67354341d8b78b93 05b37b54ee77dd)
Upcoming EventsX-Plane will be in attendance at FSWeekend (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6IlpLOExBQUZtejVvaTY3c0tTdkQyZHNkQ2 5SRT0iLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cDovL2Zzd2Vla2VuZC5jb20vZW4v aG9tZS8iLCJsaW5rX2lkIjo1ODcwNDU4OSwicG9zaXRpb24iOj R9/d46f3f3b1a1e85ae961d8d3a4ab38ac24953d6448372f5d014 0bd85a6bdc2898) in Lelystadt on 3 & 4 November. We'll be showcasing X-Plane in VR at a booth, and we'll also have presentations on Friday and Saturday.
Featured Add OnsThis month brought more great new addon releases (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6IlpLOExBQUZtejVvaTY3c0tTdkQyZHNkQ2 5SRT0iLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueC1wbGFuZS5jb20v MjAxOC8xMS9vY3RvYmVycy1iZXN0LXgtcGxhbmUtYWRkb25zLy IsImxpbmtfaWQiOjcwNzcxMzk1LCJwb3NpdGlvbiI6NX0/6ab1a8c4e499d6e7944119bbe1f038514587bc124c0c9c67ad c3d0e3b63f6c59), including two new scenery packs and two aircraft.
http://userimg.customeriomail.com/9FrjerLXQRui5IGIwwja_octnews.jpg (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6IlpLOExBQUZtejVvaTY3c0tTdkQyZHNkQ2 5SRT0iLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueC1wbGFuZS5jb20v MjAxOC8xMS9vY3RvYmVycy1iZXN0LXgtcGxhbmUtYWRkb25zLy IsImxpbmtfaWQiOjcwNzcxMzk1LCJwb3NpdGlvbiI6Nn0/9090723cb51ee98bd8f9bac56decfaf857b2c5bb8d47a8f214 00c7d403065640)
Gateway NewsScenery artist Anthony Dyer is on a mission to provide 3D scenery for all of the UK's airports.
What motivates you to develop X-Plane scenery?
It kind of grew, as hobbies do, from satisfying my desire to fill in a few empty airports to the objective of making sure every airport under National Air Traffic Service (NATS) control in the UK was included in 3D. With every airport, attention to detail was important. I wanted to make airports that were enjoyable to fly to repeatedly. So If I could see a detail on the satellite image, no matter how insignificant, it had to go into the flight simulator. I think hobbies in the United Kingdom are things that we treat very seriously, whether it's gardening, photography or in my case the prior two as well as airport building.
For me when I'm traveling on assignment, it's been a very accessible hobby and one I can do almost anywhere in the world whenever I have some spare time. I've also found that when I've showed off my work to friends and colleagues who aren't into flight simulators, a lot of them appreciate it. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that everyone goes flying on commercial airliners these days, so they can all relate to a particular airport. If they see it in a virtual rendering, it makes them smile and that matters a lot.
http://userimg.customeriomail.com/lpsydIHBQcSnPh7FCyMx_X-Plane-ENGM-Oslo-Gardermoen.jpg (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6IlpLOExBQUZtejVvaTY3c0tTdkQyZHNkQ2 5SRT0iLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueC1wbGFuZS5jb20v MjAxOC8xMS9tZWV0LWdhdGV3YXktYXJ0aXN0LWFudGhvbnlfZC 8iLCJsaW5rX2lkIjo3MDc3MTM5NiwicG9zaXRpb24iOjd9/0c59e099c83b40069fd51204ea2a2f5a05bc23471c3d76f979 03ff7b4cae71d5)
(This interview has been edited and condensed for space. Read the full interview here (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6IlpLOExBQUZtejVvaTY3c0tTdkQyZHNkQ2 5SRT0iLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueC1wbGFuZS5jb20v MjAxOC8xMS9tZWV0LWdhdGV3YXktYXJ0aXN0LWFudGhvbnlfZC 8iLCJsaW5rX2lkIjo3MDc3MTM5NiwicG9zaXRpb24iOjh9/b46645dcb9c34f59686cd906c65d37d92d923fb1a4d1f47dd9 2f220b230d4893)!)
Read the interview (http://email.x-plane.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6IlpLOExBQUZtejVvaTY3c0tTdkQyZHNkQ2 5SRT0iLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueC1wbGFuZS5jb20v MjAxOC8xMS9tZWV0LWdhdGV3YXktYXJ0aXN0LWFudGhvbnlfZC 8iLCJsaW5rX2lkIjo3MDc3MTM5NiwicG9zaXRpb24iOjl9/6bc4e450ab33c5736b4f561ccfca4a2c3e90fe135bcfb8c8d4 780004b65e4648)
Happy flying!
-- The X-Plane Team

November 1st, 2018, 13:33
The new voice system is quite nice. With a few additional voices and mods to the airspace definition files, you could even have regional dialects.

As for the flight guidance side of things, well...same old, same old, lol.

November 1st, 2018, 17:53
The new voice system is quite nice. With a few additional voices and mods to the airspace definition files, you could even have regional dialects.

As for the flight guidance side of things, well...same old, same old, lol.

Give it time...they are making changes much quicker now!