View Full Version : Captain Sim Stops Developing for FSX

October 12th, 2018, 10:00

P.S. P3Dv1-3 is also on Captain Sim's cut list! No more 32 bit development.

October 12th, 2018, 10:47
One of many developers that have already or are planning to drop development / support for FSX. I think FSX real nail in the coffin was that its graphics engine was always CPU limited, never making good use of the on-going GPU improvements over the years. Sad to say, I will not be moving on to P3D. I might end up going back to DCS.


October 12th, 2018, 12:37
I actually think this is great news, as that means they'll be able to full take advantage of the new capabilities of P3D V4+.

FSX did it's time. It's horribly designed for modern hardware. I for one welcome our new 64-bit overlords.

The nice thing is that people can still develop less demanding freeware, etc. that will work on both sims, so FSX can still be supported while also supporting the new sims, bridging the past and the future. As opposed to the folks who still develop for FS9, which been a dead-end since the DX10 beta was released last decade.

October 12th, 2018, 14:16
I for one welcome our new 64-bit overlords. .

made me chuckle. :biggrin-new:
I hope they will port their 707 over soon. I really liked flying that one.

October 12th, 2018, 16:41
Makes sense, just as long as they get the B707/727/737 into 64bit format sooner rather than later.

October 12th, 2018, 19:35
Still, there are a lot of people flying FS8 and FS9. Along with Windows 98. ;-)

October 12th, 2018, 23:01
One of many developers that have already or are planning to drop development / support for FSX. I think FSX real nail in the coffin was that its graphics engine was always CPU limited, never making good use of the on-going GPU improvements over the years. Sad to say, I will not be moving on to P3D. I might end up going back to DCS.



Here's 5 reasons:






October 12th, 2018, 23:35
Dammit Rick! I was trying to resist the Tomcat. Now what am I gonna do?! :loyal:

October 13th, 2018, 03:24
For years we have pleaded for a 64-bit version of FSX. MicroSoft ceased all further development of their flight sim (other than Flight, which did not last very long), now Lockheed-Martin has taken FSX to the 64-bit world. FSX and FSX-Steam will go the way of FS9, far fewer additional payware scenery and aircraft, but I expect the freeware to continue for quite some time. Is this the final nail in the coffin of FSX? Not really, but FSX died years ago and with no alternatives, we did not notice. Today, there are alternatives and they are 64-bit and they do make better use of the video card. My next computer build will be with the 64-bit future in mind.

October 13th, 2018, 05:38
FSX will dead only when the operating system no longer supports fsx, at that point I will stick with FSX

Also looking to these graphics of 64 make me stick more and more! Knowing that my system not supot all these graphics

October 13th, 2018, 07:26
Also looking to these graphics of 64 make me stick more and more! Knowing that my system not supot all these graphics

I also said this when running fs9 when fsx was released. The feedback from sim users was violent because hardly anyone could run it. I had a real slide show going and put it away. Three years later I upgraded by computer and now I could enjoy it. I think most people upgrade their computers over time.

I have fsx on my system and hardly never use it. Gone to P3D and X-plane 11 but do like to keep up with the fsx news as it also impacts P3D.

I’m sorry also to say that in the old days when logging on to the outhouse, there would be a full page and a half to two pages of threads. Now only 1/3 to 1/2 page of comments and the P3D forum less than that. We need something to get the x boxers back to simming.

October 13th, 2018, 08:55
Such a shame the two-seat Starfighter was never developed for FSX or indeed P2Dv4. IMHO one of the most beautiful planes ever built. Just goes to show the old adage 'if it looks great it is great' is not always right....!

My interpretation of a UK Starfighter. Sindwinders by SSW, Mk.82 by roger-wilco-66.


Sadly just an MCX mash-up


October 13th, 2018, 09:56
.....My next computer build will be with the 64-bit future in mind.

My next computer will be another 10" tablet as the one I have is getting long in the tooth. The reality is that I can no longer justify the cost of a dedicated computer just for my flight simming. Everything else I do I can do just fine on a tablet or even a smart phone. I see this as a growing trend among the older crowd (my crowd), as I rarely see desktop computers at any of my friends or family homes anymore. I'm one of the last that has a desktop computer, and once this one breaks, I'm done with dedicated desktops.


October 13th, 2018, 10:46
For those who do not have the money to buy a new computer to run P3DV4 that's a bummer. I'll just continue to fly the 200+GB of FSX aircraft and scenery I have saved and just won't buy any new ones. As long as AVSIM, SIMVIATION, FLIGHTSIM AND FLYAWAY SIM are around there's downloads for free and I have more than enough to have fun 24/7 not to have to spend any more money on flightsim and still have fun until they batten down the lid on me. LOL. iFly is doing the same thing. They're in this for the money as a commercial supplier. Hope that not all the rest follow suit anytime soon but support all the platforms for all the stuff I HAVE gotten payware.

October 13th, 2018, 11:10
Such a shame the two-seat Starfighter was never developed for FSX or indeed P2Dv4. IMHO one of the most beautiful planes ever built. Just goes to show the old adage 'if it looks great it is great' is not always right....!

My interpretation of a UK Starfighter. Sindwinders by SSW, Mk.82 by roger-wilco-66.


Sadly just an MCX mash-up


Love it. Care to share the repaint Dave?

October 13th, 2018, 11:48
For those who do not have the money to buy a new computer to run P3DV4 that's a bummer. I'll just continue to fly the 200+GB of FSX aircraft and scenery I have saved and just won't buy any new ones. As long as AVSIM, SIMVIATION, FLIGHTSIM AND FLYAWAY SIM are around there's downloads for free and I have more than enough to have fun 24/7 not to have to spend any more money on flightsim and still have fun until they batten down the lid on me. LOL. iFly is doing the same thing. They're in this for the money as a commercial supplier. Hope that not all the rest follow suit anytime soon but support all the platforms for all the stuff I HAVE gotten payware.

I fully agree.

I looked on the L-M site tonight and saw this. "Prepar3D is not to be used, offered, sold or distributed through markets or channels for use as a personal/consumer entertainment product" Are most users ignoring this stipulation?

I bought FSX and nobody tells me I can't use it.

October 13th, 2018, 12:30
The young ones and young adults in our family and extended family could care less about desktop computers or tablets for that matter. They just want the most expensive up-to-date cell phones (with the best built-in cameras) that money can buy. Children have a knack for losing or breaking cell phones too on a regular basis, so we have to factor that in too. That's where most of my "computer" budget goes now days. Hence, no new desktop computer for me in the future. Times and priorities have changed for many of us.


October 13th, 2018, 13:13
Tommieboy, just do as I do - you want a phone? Go to work! When you have enough money to pay for it, you can have it. Until then, no phone. They'll survive -- We all did, without them (cell phones). They have everything and appreciate nothing nowadays.

Desert Rat
October 13th, 2018, 14:02
From Captain Sims point of view, those of you (and me) who can't afford the newest rigs to run P3D, also can't afford the latest add-ons. They are purely catering for the majority of their market, those who have interest and income.

fair enough.

October 13th, 2018, 15:45
Tommieboy, just do as I do - you want a phone? Go to work! When you have enough money to pay for it, you can have it. Until then, no phone. They'll survive -- We all did, without them (cell phones). They have everything and appreciate nothing nowadays.

I'm with you on that, but more schools are now requiring tablets (and some now require cell phones too) as mandatory school supplies. More schools are switching from hardcopy books to Internet based e-book lessons.


October 13th, 2018, 18:45
High schools? Or Universities? My kids middle schools have Chrome books. But those are paid for via Public schrool funds. Interesting. Well you can always get the cheapest free phones! Would hate to see you have to give your hobby because of this sensationalist cell phone addicted cry-baby, self-induced pandemic... You deserve better!

October 13th, 2018, 20:13
High schools? Or Universities? My kids middle schools have Chrome books. But those are paid for via Public schrool funds. Interesting. Well you can always get the cheapest free phones! Would hate to see you have to give your hobby because of this sensationalist cell phone addicted cry-baby, self-induced pandemic... You deserve better!

Elementary School.

In any case, it was mentioned earlier in this thread that FSX still has a huge following. So, as long as I can keep my current rig patched together, I can still keep my foot in the flight sim world. As far as P3D goes, I can't deny that I'm really envious of the developments that I coming down the pipeline and wish all the P3D converts all the best.


October 13th, 2018, 20:47
Personally I am really glad they are going to focus on V4, since I upgraded to it myself I really miss there 707 and 727, and been disappointed on how slow they were going, I just hope this means they are going to speed up there releases.

October 13th, 2018, 21:09
I keep P3D3 running just so I can fly my CS tubes.
What really annoys me is their delay in upgrading when an operation like Just Flight makes a point of keeping up to date.
OT: The latest batch of 'phones' aren't marketed as such, now they're promoted as 'cameras'........which any serious photographer finds hilarious.

October 14th, 2018, 00:21
I will waiting if P3D implement PBR or similar for more realistic 3D world, then I'll thinking for new rig and considering for new development focus
as developer, maintaining widespread of sim version, neither easy, neither hard, it just need more time.
upgrading complex aircraft system from 32bit to 64bit could be hard, or the worse things is the code can't upgrade-able to 64bit which is need to do rewrite everything from scratch.

October 14th, 2018, 00:39
isn't this about facing up to reality? 32 bit has served us well for years, but progress now dictates moving over to 64 bit.


October 14th, 2018, 04:52
isn't this about facing up to reality? 32 bit has served us well for years, but progress now dictates moving over to 64 bit.


And that is just it. Progress. When MS released the demo of FSX, I hated it. It ran poorly on my computer, the graphics appeared to be inferior to those in my tricked out FS9, and I just did not like it. Once FSX became established and many of the bugs were fixed, software developers focused their attention on FSX and the new features that FSX brought to the flight sim world. I ended up embracing FSX and a few months ago, having not used it in ages for anything other than testing and having problems with my flight sim hard drive, I deleted FS9 when I upgraded the drive to a SSD. I see P3Dv4 and X-Plane 11 the same way I saw FSX back in 2006. My current computer won't run them, I'm holding onto FSX, but I know that in a couple of years I will end up enjoying the new, 64-bit flight sims.

October 14th, 2018, 05:35
Why in the world would they announce this when almost their entire fleet is still 32 bit only? At the rate they're 'upgrading' aircraft, by the time they're finished, we'll all be on P3D V6. It doesn't make sense from a business perspective to make an announcement that alienates most of your customers and offerings, without giving you some sort of competitive advantage. :dizzy:

October 14th, 2018, 05:51
Two weeks ago, I finally got a custom built rig (i7-8700k, GTX 1070 OC, 16gb RAM) to run P3Dv4. This machine is just adequate for running P3D; but with absolutely no AI, boats or car traffic.

Unless you are willing to put up with more shimmering and poor anti-aliasing (especially compare to FSX) than I am; 8XSSAA is a required setting.

October 14th, 2018, 07:10
I have all of my FSX CS aircraft archived on safe storage. I have my primary work/flight box that runs Win10 64bit and P3Dv4.
I have a second box (needs a new cpu) that runs Win7 32bit. I keep a boxed version of FSX/Acceleration in my physical possession.

There should be no dilemma for those who choose to follow the technology curve, and are able to make the investments in hardware. The new 64bit CS packages will make a fine addition to the existing inventory. Just don't have any fun if you fly them in P3D. Promise...cross your heart.

A good FSX setup is still quite lovely and can offer worlds of fun...without consequences...for those who cannot, or choose not to go 64bit.

As for the developers, anyone who has undertaken to learn either scenery or aircraft development (or both in my case) realizes that the 32bit/64but curve becomes unrealistic and economically prohibitive to maintain. Keeping up with P3D is a full time commitment, and now moving towards the new engine things are going to accelerate away from FSX rapidly. The cost benefit are difficult for large teams to manage, much less developers who are restricted with resource limitations.

I think it's great that CS is moving towards 64bit and beyond. Their existing 32bit inventory has been a joy for many years and will remain magnificent for those who remain in FSX.

It's really a win/win...IMO.

October 14th, 2018, 07:24
"Prepar3D is not to be used, offered, sold or distributed through markets or channels for use as a personal/consumer entertainment product" Are most users ignoring this stipulation?

No comments on this?

October 14th, 2018, 07:36
"Prepar3D is not to be used, offered, sold or distributed through markets or channels for use as a personal/consumer entertainment product" Are most users ignoring this stipulation?

No comments on this?

That's kind of a third rail subject, and has been discussed in depth. Verboten.

For my own part, I primarily use FSX and P3D as test beds for scenery and aircraft that I create. This keeps me in honor with the P3D EULA regardless of whether or not I am entertained, which I am not...never...ever.

FSX and Prepar3D both offer SDKs for any, and everyone to explore, and could be construed as an "educational" tool by any definition. Therefore, anyone using the SDK to learn is in honor of the Prepar3D EULA and not subject to ethical violation of the letter of the contract.

The above is purely my opinion and should not be construed as legal advice, and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of this site, their management or administration. :untroubled:

October 14th, 2018, 07:46
Personally, I really don't care if CS stops developing for FSX. Every plane I ever bought from them was filled with bugs and things that didn't work. I run FSX, FSX Steam and P3Dv3. If they are not going to build for P3dv3 that really won't do me any good.

October 14th, 2018, 07:51
"Prepar3D is not to be used, offered, sold or distributed through markets or channels for use as a personal/consumer entertainment product" Are most users ignoring this stipulation?

No comments on this?

The comment following SOH rules is the following: Don't mention the P3D EULA. ;)


October 14th, 2018, 08:11
"Prepar3D is not to be used, offered, sold or distributed through markets or channels for use as a personal/consumer entertainment product" Are most users ignoring this stipulation?

No comments on this?

You can use it, just don't enjoy it.

October 14th, 2018, 09:26
The comment following SOH rules is the following: Don't mention the P3D EULA. ;)

That is like the thing, first person to make a comparison with Hitler in any argument, that person has lost the argument. :pop4:

October 14th, 2018, 09:38
That is like the thing, first person to make a comparison with Hitler in any argument, that person has lost the argument. :pop4:

That's just it. I don't comment on the EULA, but I use and enjoy P3Dv4.3. 64 bit is the future. And P3D currently is the superior product. XP11 doesn't even come close.


October 14th, 2018, 18:13
Two weeks ago, I finally got a custom built rig (i7-8700k, GTX 1070 OC, 16gb RAM) to run P3Dv4. This machine is just adequate for running P3D; but with absolutely no AI, boats or car traffic.

Unless you are willing to put up with more shimmering and poor anti-aliasing (especially compare to FSX) than I am; 8XSSAA is a required setting.

Well that's a better set up than I've got and I don't have any of those problems. I'm running an i5 from about 4 years ago, a 4gb nVidia graphics card, and 8gb of RAM. No anti-aliasing problems and I have plenty of AI, including Henrik's shipping and custom routes for about 20+ airlines.

October 14th, 2018, 18:22
"Two weeks ago, I finally got a custom built rig (i7-8700k, GTX 1070 OC, 16gb RAM) to run P3Dv4. This machine is just adequate for running P3D; but with absolutely no AI, boats or car traffic.

Unless you are willing to put up with more shimmering and poor anti-aliasing (especially compare to FSX) than I am; 8XSSAA is a required setting. "

I'm running a 6 year old PC with an AMD 8150, and have none of the problems discussed. and was running an old 770 GTX for the longest time -- AMD isn't as good as Intel for the FSX/P3D from my experience...so if my rig can work, it sounds like you need to tune that rig into the machine it can be!

October 14th, 2018, 19:30
+1 Same here. i7700k 4.2GHz non-oc, GTX1070. Frames locked at 60fps for completely smooth aerobatics and maneuvering. No cfg tweaking at all.

October 14th, 2018, 19:52
"Prepar3D is not to be used, offered, sold or distributed through markets or channels for use as a personal/consumer entertainment product" Are most users ignoring this stipulation?

No comments on this?

All I am going to say is that P3D is one of the best pieces of EDUCATIONAL software I have ever purchased.

October 14th, 2018, 21:16
Indeed, and not a single one of us P3D simmers are entertained at all while flying that simulator :biggrin-new:

Concerning the remarks from people who think they cannot update their computers to run P3D or any 64 bits sims, I understand that a full PC is quite a budget. I had to change my 9 years-old computer recently and that was a bug expense. But keep that in mind:
- At some point in the past, you had to buy a computer to run what you're running now.
- Computers are not eternal.
- At some point in the not-so-distant future, your old computer is going to die, and you'll have to buy a new one. Or rent it (Shadow PC and such, maybe?)
- Most of today's computers can run P3D quite well.
- Most of 3-4 years-old hardware can run P3D quite well too, although not at max quality (but still way ahead of FSX)

October 15th, 2018, 00:07
Yeah, I'm running an i7-2700k with GTX980 in a system built 6 1/2 years ago and I can run FSX, P3DV3, P3DV4 and X Plane 11 quite comfortably and can use the Oculus Rift very comfortably with DCS World and Aerofly FS2.

I did add the GTX980 at a later date than the original build (about 2 years ago) because my original AMD7970 bit the dust.

I have seen users with the i7-8700k and GTX1080 get triple digit frames with ease.

October 15th, 2018, 05:38
Two weeks ago, I finally got a custom built rig (i7-8700k, GTX 1070 OC, 16gb RAM) to run P3Dv4. This machine is just adequate for running P3D; but with absolutely no AI, boats or car traffic.

Unless you are willing to put up with more shimmering and poor anti-aliasing (especially compare to FSX) than I am; 8XSSAA is a required setting.

As 000Rick000 stated in an earlier response, it seems that you have not properly optimized your P3D settings. There are many, many tips available for proper settings (likely because there are many settings that potentially affect sim performance). I run AMD, and a graphics card that is less capable than yours, and have been very pleased with the performance of P3D. I found that Dynamic 3D Autogen really impacts performance, so that needs to be turned off.

Like I said, lots of tips and tweaks comments around. For example, take a look at this - https://www.nmgsimulations.co.za/prepar3d-v4-recommended-settings/#.W8SXgGhKjic . Good luck.

October 15th, 2018, 10:58
Forget about P3Dv4; I just installed X-Plane 11 on my new system and I'm blown away by how great it looks and runs now.

On the old computer I didn't have the video card to handle 8x SSAA+FXAA in X-Plane 11, so the anti-aliasing was horrendous; but the new system can, and it shows!

Thanks, anyway, for the comments on fixing P3D. I did look at some of the settings guides, but most were written by people running 4k monitors so they didn't need SSAA at all (only MSAA).

The 4k crowd also have monitors that can run at 30hz, so synchronizing at 30 fps is easy!

October 15th, 2018, 11:03
For what it's worth, when it was clear that V4 was about to be released and my system did not meet the 'recommended' specs I ordered a new system, but V4 was released before it arrived and I installed it on the old machine that at least meet the minimum specs. On the old machine V4 ran better than V3 did, so don't be afraid.

October 15th, 2018, 13:26
Pfft! It is a non event. Buzz ...


October 15th, 2018, 18:06
Forget about P3Dv4; I just installed X-Plane 11 on my new system and I'm blown away by how great it looks and runs now.
Ah, now your previous post/'observation' makes sense. LOL

October 16th, 2018, 04:14
Pfft! It is a non event. Buzz ...


Totally. Now, if they cut the prices on their FSX models, gave them away for free or removed them from the store all together, it MIGHT be significant.

October 16th, 2018, 08:35
Totally. Now, if they cut the prices on their FSX models, gave them away for free or removed them from the store all together, it MIGHT be significant.

Some of their FSX models are on sale. I am thinking of buying a C130.

Go here: https://www.captainsim.com/store/

October 16th, 2018, 09:53
CS C-130 comes stock with P3Dv4.3 just saying.