View Full Version : Autogen loading problem

Navy Chief
October 11th, 2018, 18:03
Ok. I get one problem fixed, and now another pops up. :banghead:

All of a sudden, my scenery is not loading like it should. Any advice? I am running a 1080ti with a I8700K. This shouldn't be happening. NC


October 12th, 2018, 10:11
Chief - This issue is pretty well documented (I think it is on Avsim). You need to delete a file or two (and a folder) that will regenerate upon starting P3Dv4. I'm pretty sure it's your "Shaders" folder. I'll check things out and get back on in a couple hours.

P.S. - Here is a google search I tried and got lots of information from - https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=H-bAW9yFMcPqjwSmt6LgBw&q=p3dv4+black+scenery+tiles&btnK=Google+Search&oq=p3dv4+black+scenery+tiles&gs_l=psy-ab.3...3014.36502..38045...1.0..0.410.4108.1j26j4-1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0j0i131j0i22i30j0i22i10i30j33i160j0i13j3 3i10i299j33i22i29i30j33i10i160.PZMwjqD0EJk

October 12th, 2018, 16:55
Chief, have you considered taking up knitting or woodwork or some other hobby?