View Full Version : A few screenies of recent endeavours...

October 7th, 2018, 20:36
Hiya Guys,

Been slowly but surely reworking the Micronesia collection. Don't know that I will ever get it done but its fun working on it. The airfields themselves are all quite spartan- mostly just glorified texture polygons made with G2K.and plenty of Wolfi's coastline palms trees.

A couple of screenies: Abemama Atoll twice and then Aranuka Island. All of these locations are in the Gilbert Islands, Kiribati.


October 7th, 2018, 20:39
A few more: Fanning Island two times, Kuria Island and Maiana Atoll

October 7th, 2018, 22:34
Wow....what great looking shots. What textures are you using MR? This makes me think of revisiting the Pacific.:very_drunk:

Shadow Wolf 07
October 8th, 2018, 04:51
Great pics and scenery MR!

I thought you were working on doing GSL for the Philippines. :wiggle:

October 8th, 2018, 09:43
Wow....what great looking shots. What textures are you using MR? This makes me think of revisiting the Pacific.:very_drunk:

Hiya Ravenna,

Pretty sure I am using PacTex-Version1 along with UT's PacificBlues_subdued


Great pics and scenery MR!

I thought you were working on doing GSL for the Philippines. http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/images/smilies/wiggle.gif

Howdy SW,

Yeah, I am. Sort of. But I get distracted. Think of this as a GSLization of my Micronesia pack. ;^)


October 8th, 2018, 11:59
looks great MR.


October 9th, 2018, 14:40

Your work looks absolutely astounding. Nicely done...I love the realistic look to the airfields and the textures! :very_drunk:

Shadow Wolf 07
October 9th, 2018, 15:16
Hiya Ravenna,

Pretty sure I am using PacTex-Version1 along with UT's PacificBlues_subdued


Howdy SW,

Yeah, I am. Sort of. But I get distracted. Think of this as a GSLization of my Micronesia pack. ;^)


:applause: :applause: :applause:

October 10th, 2018, 07:54
Love all your stuff MR. So happy to see your new updates. Especially Micronesia. Just been re-reading John Lundstrom's "The First Team" and went looking for a CFS2 Makin and found it in your original mr_micronesia. Your scenery is so much better than the MS versions. Wonder if you might might do some replacements?

October 10th, 2018, 12:47
Chris, We've seen a lot of blue water around plain-looking islands over the years in stock CFS2 PTO, but every time you guys add something with coral reefs its just soo awesomazing! Great eye-candy for my frequent free-flight touring moods.

October 10th, 2018, 12:57

I appreciate your work.

October 11th, 2018, 08:13
Thanks guys. Slowly finishing up Tabiteuea Atoll. Don't think it was involved in any WWII action but it has 2 airfields (North and South) and is a good site to prctice with. Still needs a bit more tweaking to the land and water class as well more extensive airfield "facilities.


October 11th, 2018, 08:15
A few mas:

October 11th, 2018, 11:26

October 11th, 2018, 13:19
Now that's what I call a VERY long distance mission!!

October 11th, 2018, 19:56
....Wonder if you might might do some replacements?

Hiya Worthless. Yes Butaritari Island (Makin Atoll) and Makin Island (North) are definitely on the list.

... Great eye-candy for my frequent free-flight touring moods.

I'm hearing ya BC. Free-flight sight-seeing has always been my main pastime with CFS2.


October 12th, 2018, 05:51
Putting finishing touches on the Tabiteuea North airfield. Much more elaborate than anything that was likely ever there. Call it artistic license. ;^) Three images: (1)Standing by at the end of Runway33; (2)inside a camo-netted revetment; (3) low pass over the field.


Shadow Wolf 07
October 13th, 2018, 06:01
Bearcat241: If you are interested, one of my oldest uploads ("Shadow Bases": http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=6055 ) has some fictional bases in the PNG area, all in GSL for your free flight pleasure. One of them, Long Island is half way between Alexishafen and Cape Gloucester. It has a conventional airbase, close to the shore and a huge lake in the volcanic caldera, where I put in a seaplane base. (see pics). If you are fling from Cape G to Alexishafen, you'll pas right over them, can stop in and refuel. Another, Morobe ha a PT Boat base with an airstrip and seaplane base with a ramp for amphib seaplanes. I used Pactex textures with standard mesh.

Great work Chris! I'm not trying to hijack your thread.

October 13th, 2018, 10:09
Thanks for the link Shadow Wolf. I don't use Pactex anymore (got tired of seeing rice paddies in odd places), but i'm sure your work will look great with my current choice.

BTW, i finally finished your Essex camp last week. Great immersion with big air wing actions - busy skies. Sometimes too busy for my aging processor. I especially liked the dicey night CAP missions. Target vectoring from CIC was sometimes confusing when i tried to follow it while also using the waypoint marker in the pop-up targeting window. Getting in close in the dark is often the only way to get the job done, but those kamikazes exploding in your face can take your mount out of the fight and leave you swimming home. :biggrin-new:

Had to make a lot of air-start mods due to the incessant and unsolvable "jumping ship" syndrome, but i can live without the launches if necessary. As i told you before, i also subbed a lot of aircraft to inject more of the various squadrons deployed on the Essex between `43 and `45.

All in all, well done...gonna take another run at it. Thanks for the ride.

Sorry about the digression Chris...


Shadow Wolf 07
October 13th, 2018, 12:04
Putting finishing touches on the Tabiteuea North airfield. Much more elaborate than anything that was likely ever there. Call it artistic license. ;^) Three images: (1)Standing by at the end of Runway33; (2)inside a camo-netted revetment; (3) low pass over the field.


Nice base! I especially like the camo netting and the tree set-up.

The B24 Guy
October 13th, 2018, 15:18
Hi BC,

Have you ever tried Pen32win's Pactex mod? Here is a copy of his post.

Listed below are the textures that I replaced. The first number is the series that was replaced. The second number is the series I used to replace it with, a copy of it that is.

Here’s how I did it to help prevent messing things up. Before starting back up your files.
1. Delete the series (There are 7 files in each series) that you want to replace.
2. Copy the series that is going to replace them and paste them in an empty folder.
3. Rename the files you just copied to the same names as the file deleted in Step 1.
4. Move the files you just renamed back into your scendb/wolrd/texture folder.
So if you’re going to replace series 006H2SU1 thru 7 with series 066H2SU1 thru 7 you would first delete 006H2SU1 thru 7. Then copy 066H2SU1 thru 7 to the empty folder and then rename them to 006H2SU1 thru 7. Then move the new files back into to the world texture folder.

The list:

006h2su1-7 replace with copies of 066h2su1-7
011h2su1-7 replace with copies of 025h2su1-7
027b2su1-7 replace with copies of 022b2su1-7
052h2su1-7 replace with copies of 019h2su1-7
063h2su1-7 replace with copies of 018b2su1-7
031h2su1-7 replace with copies of 031b2su1-7 (better city textures)
064h2su1-7 replace with copies of 047h2su1-7

Make these changes and PacTex2 becomes very different. Very nice for the PTO. It makes your jungle areas jungles but they are not mono-texture looking.


October 13th, 2018, 15:34
Thank you sir...i'll look into it.

October 13th, 2018, 17:14
Sorry about the digression Chris...

No worries BC! Happy to have ya whatever the "digression". Great screenshot!


October 13th, 2018, 17:19
Great work Chris! I'm not trying to hijack your thread.

Not a problem SW!I don't consider it hijacked at all. Happy to see ya!

BTW, I still have all of your Shadow Bases loaded up!


Shadow Wolf 07
October 14th, 2018, 06:09
MR: Are you using the stock or Rhumba's mesh for your background scenery?

October 14th, 2018, 11:24
MR: Are you using the stock or Rhumba's mesh for your background scenery?



October 18th, 2018, 04:47
Love all your stuff MR. So happy to see your new updates. Especially Micronesia. Just been re-reading John Lundstrom's "The First Team" and went looking for a CFS2 Makin and found it in your original mr_micronesia. Your scenery is so much better than the MS versions. Wonder if you might might do some replacements?

Hiya Worthless. A little follow-up to my last reply to your post.

I have started in earnest on Butaritari Atoll (Makin Island). Started with Butaritari Island itself as a separate project. I wanted to get the coastline and assorted piers and wharves looking as close as possible to the WWII Japanese set-up. Next up will be a separate project of Makin Island proper (up in the far NE corner of the atoll). Then I will do all of the lesser Islands in one project.

My project map ended up being a hodge podge combination of SRTM shuttle water-body data, Google-earth image and a nice map from the Hyperwar website.

The attached image shows progress so far. Still needs roads and proper water class and so on. but its coming along nicely. I will include a very rough runway and airfield set-up although there was actually no airfield until after the Allies occupied the island.

And, oh yeah, Shessi's Emily wreck ends up nestled snugly against the base of Kings Wharf just where it is supposed to be!

Anyhow, here how she looks so far:

October 23rd, 2018, 01:48
Hi guys. Progress on Butaritari (Makin) Atoll. Still need to do the water-class and touch-up a few other details. Its been a fun little project!

The first shot is an overview of the entire atoll. The second two are close-ups of Butaritari Island.
The second three, next post, show close-ups of Makin Island. The airfield on Makin is way over-done for anything that was ever actually there. But I can't resist the urge to indulge my artistic license!

October 23rd, 2018, 01:50
Screenies of Makin Island

October 23rd, 2018, 09:46

Love your work. Your scenery really comes alive with GSL.

I am still hopelessly fixated on my father's war, and fly from Ie Shima every day.

Thanks again all your work, and for me, particulary Ie Shima.

Shadow Wolf 07
October 23rd, 2018, 09:57
Lookin good MR, lookin good! :applause: I'm tempted to do another PTO install, using Rhumba's mesh et al. :wiggle:

October 23rd, 2018, 14:36
Impressive :applause:...

Chris, they should have had someone with your current skill set on the original design team, just for the aesthetics. But then again, that might have turned this into a civie sim with far more tourists than combat pilots :applouse:

October 24th, 2018, 13:10
Happily, the wrecked Kawanishi Emily created by Shessi (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php/98771-Kawanishi-H8K-Emily?p=1010050&viewfull=1#post1010050) ended up almost exactly in the spot where it is supposed to be!



October 24th, 2018, 13:30
MR, this is looking first rate.

October 26th, 2018, 19:31
A few more screenies. The latest are a couple of easier little projects: Arorae and Tamana Islands. First image is a Gilbert Islands map- with check marks next to completed locations. Then two shots each of Arorae Island and Tamana Island.


October 27th, 2018, 10:04
Hiya Worthless. A little follow-up to my last reply to your post.

I have started in earnest on Butaritari Atoll (Makin Island). Started with Butaritari Island itself as a separate project. I wanted to get the coastline and assorted piers and wharves looking as close as possible to the WWII Japanese set-up. Next up will be a separate project of Makin Island proper (up in the far NE corner of the atoll). Then I will do all of the lesser Islands in one project.

My project map ended up being a hodge podge combination of SRTM shuttle water-body data, Google-earth image and a nice map from the Hyperwar website.

The attached image shows progress so far. Still needs roads and proper water class and so on. but its coming along nicely. I will include a very rough runway and airfield set-up although there was actually no airfield until after the Allies occupied the island.

And, oh yeah, Shessi's Emily wreck ends up nestled snugly against the base of Kings Wharf just where it is supposed to be!

Anyhow, here how she looks so far:

Fantastic MR. Just what we needed. I can hardly wait.

Shadow Wolf 07
October 27th, 2018, 11:16
Aye, fantastic work Chris!

October 28th, 2018, 03:34

This new scenery really does look fantastic, your scenery for the Pacific (as well as those made by UncleTgt) have so radically enhanced CFS2, it's truly incredible. :encouragement:

Captain Kurt
October 28th, 2018, 06:22
Looking very good. Thanks, the old girl can really appreciate the Pacific makeover.

October 29th, 2018, 02:56
Just about finished with this little gem: Onotoa Atoll.

Still need to build a proper airfield but otherwise she's just about done.


October 29th, 2018, 06:14
Aside from adding a few more scenery objects at various remote locations on Onotoa, she's pretty much a done deal!


October 29th, 2018, 06:48
Magnificent Chris! I just want to get down there and go for a swim or a snorkel.

November 1st, 2018, 15:06
Beru Island: almost finished. needs a little more water-class tweaking.

November 3rd, 2018, 06:15
Well, the southern Gilberts are almost done. Just putting final touches on Nikunau Island- a relative quick study. Then it is on to Nonouti Atoll and then north to Abaing, Marakei and lastly, Tarawa.

Hopefully this thread along with everyone else's will survive the "MOVE" which I believe is scheduled to begin early tomorrow morning? Yes?

See everybody on the other side!


A few pictures of Nikunau Island.


November 3rd, 2018, 10:49
Nice work Chris :applouse:...and i can appreciate the subtle but perceptible difference in the coloration of the inland lakes in contrast to the surrounding blue sea. Seeing inland lakes the same color as the open sea or the coral shores has always been a little irritant for me in my casual touring, since its counter to reality

November 3rd, 2018, 15:06
Nice work Chris http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/images/smilies/applouse.png...and i can appreciate the subtle but perceptible difference in the coloration of the inland lakes in contrast to the surrounding blue sea. Seeing inland lakes the same color as the open sea or the coral shores has always been a little irritant for me in my casual touring, since its counter to reality

Hiya BC,

Yes, that inland lake/pond coloration issue has always niggled at me too. Especially in south Pacific island locations. And what's doubly annoying is that much of the time the "water" class uncovered by those inland water masks is water class 1 which is that bright blue color that reacts like dirt instead of water when you shoot bullets into it. Very annoying. Now days what I do is after I create the lake/pond water masks in my project's land.LWM I then save that project as ponds.LWM, delete everything but the lwm lake water masks and then convert those into textured VTP1-7 polys using a texture called pondwater.bmp to texture them. I think its a much nicer effect (plus I make sure that the water class underlying the location is actually water).

Happy you noticed!


Shadow Wolf 07
November 4th, 2018, 08:03
MR: In pictures 2 and 4 in post 43 above, (Excellent shots BTW) You show some very well laid out airbases. :applause: Since my poor eyes cannot see any, I'll ask: Did you place any defensive infrastructure objects like AA gun pit positions, shore batteries etc. and port facilities, or are you leaving those to the user? Are the runways with lights, and ADF?

Thanks: :encouragement:

November 4th, 2018, 08:30
MR: In pictures 2 and 4 in post 43 above, (Excellent shots BTW) You show some very well laid out airbases. Since my poor eyes cannot see any, I'll ask: Did you place any defensive infrastructure objects like AA gun pit positions, shore batteries etc. and port facilities, or are you leaving those to the user? Are the runways with lights, and ADF?


Hiya SW07,

Some of them have port facilities- very rudimentary. Basically with the port facilities if I saw some while viewing the locations on Google Earth, I added them. If not, I didn't. But its all pretty much up to me- all of these airfields are over built in any event, compared to anything that was actually ever there- most of them anyway. But that's the way I like it! ;^) Target rich and plenty of stuff to look at.

But as of yet none of them has any AA emplacements- although they really should. I just forgot. The runways are all lit- at the dimmest level.

What are your preferences. I can always include lit and unlit runway versions- easily. Do you prefer having AA positions all set up ready to go?


Not including Butaritari Island (Makin Atoll), the following locations have port facilities (any excuse to post some more screenies!)

Port facilities Abemama Atoll:

Port facilities Maiana Atoll:

Port facilities Onotoa Atoll:

Port Facilities Tabiteua Atoll North:

Port Facilities Tabiteuea South:

Shadow Wolf 07
November 4th, 2018, 10:12
Peferences? I prefer the dimly lit versions with some AA positions and a target rich environment like you have here. :wavey:

Sarg Willy
November 4th, 2018, 18:56
Simply stunning Chris , Those look better than my older brothers first copy of Penthouse

November 4th, 2018, 19:31
Simply stunning Chris , Those look better than my older brothers first copy of Penthouse

LOL! Well, just don't be printing them out and sneaking them into the bathroom with ya!


November 14th, 2018, 17:32
The latest installment in the Gilberts project: Marakei Atoll.

Abaiang is WIP and Tarawa will cap it off.


November 14th, 2018, 17:51
Looks fantastic MR. Looking forward to it.


Shadow Wolf 07
November 15th, 2018, 13:48
As always, an excellent job with another of your works of art. :applause:

November 15th, 2018, 16:58
Thanks SW,

This has been a fun project. Each of these Gilbert locations has presented its own little challenges and quirks.

Just finishing up the foundation land and shoreline polys for Abaiang Atoll.


November 15th, 2018, 22:36
MR, What great scenery. Thanks so much. Certainly a looooong way from what came out of the box when CFS2 was released.:applause::applause::applause::applause:

November 16th, 2018, 12:22
AHHH, MR you have wrought a great gift here. I know you intend it for the whole gang, but I just got my birthday email message from SOH and next thing I did was open this thread. Great snaps. Just fantastic. Can't wait to load them up.

November 21st, 2018, 17:11
Just a short screenies tour of Abaiang Atoll starring Shessi's Short Sunderland MkI Coastal Command!

Everyone enjoy your Turkey Day!


November 21st, 2018, 17:14
A few more to complete the tour!


November 23rd, 2018, 02:57

Wow. As good as your work a decade or more ago was, you are definitely now the scenery guru of CFS2. This is about as close to photo-realistic as CFS2 can get. I often wonder if the original designers could have envisioned where we are now. :jawdrop:

December 15th, 2018, 07:48
Wow. Can't believe it been nearly a month since I posted anything to this Gilbert Islands thread.

Last time I posted I had just finished up Abaiang and Marakei Atoll and was shifting over to the last project: Tarawa Atoll.

There were a couple of side-related threads about latrines and searchlights at Betio. I have finished with Betio (I think) and have also finished with the airfield over at Bonriki Island.

Since then my attention, when real world issues have allowed, has been concentrated on building the rest of the Tarawa Atoll.

Had to divide the project into 5 sections: Betio Island, Bonriki Island, the southern Islands in the chain between Betio and Bonriki, north Tarawa and the finally the chain of islands between North Tarawa and Bonriki. And then do the reef also in the same 5 sections. All of the G2K and FSSC/GSL work is now done!

Hopefully I will have this Gilbert Island project ready for release before the New Year.

Next up is doing a nice waterclass for the project.

Meanwhile thought I would post a screenie of what it looks like right now sans waterclass.

Cheers, Guys

Shadow Wolf 07
December 15th, 2018, 08:07
Gilbert Is. - a great Christmas present! :applause::applause::applause:

December 15th, 2018, 11:41
Beautiful work MR. :applause::applause:

December 15th, 2018, 11:51

December 15th, 2018, 12:58
Outstanding! Can't wait to fly the skies around your latest creation.

December 16th, 2018, 06:20
Making good progress on the Tarawa water-class file

The B24 Guy
December 16th, 2018, 09:37
WOW Thanks MR. You are a true artist.


December 16th, 2018, 12:46
:greenbounce: always appreciate somewhere picturesque for the "low & slow" to fly over :a1310: