View Full Version : Question about (non)working VC-gauges in CFS1

August 29th, 2018, 14:18
Hi all,

Would someone be so kind to explain to this design-illiterate why the VC-gauges in the original Microsoft CFS1-planes DO work and don't in almost all other plane designs?



September 1st, 2018, 01:33
Think it is because CFS1 was the first to have VC gauges and no one made a modeling program that could add VC gauges to add-ons.

September 1st, 2018, 02:56
Hi Allen,

Thanks for the reply. If that's the reason, would it be possible for someone to make such a programme or has Microsoft blocked that?



September 2nd, 2018, 01:31
I would think it would be possible but unlikely any one would make the program.

September 2nd, 2018, 02:40
Thanks Allen! But you'll never know :biggrin-new:....... Sometimes in life things you've never thought of do happen.....


September 10th, 2018, 11:24
Hello Gentlemen,

This issue was actually addressed many many years ago, but I forget by whom.
(I think the fellow had an Italian or Spanish sounding name.)
This was not long after I started building for Combat Flight Simulator and I am certain that it involved replacing the MDL with the version (7?) used by CFS and then using other SCASM code to make things work.
Even these days, I tend to do very minimal interior views even though the capability is certainly there with SCASM.

I might have something in my archives somewhere but need to remember what exactly it is that I am looking for.
I am guessing that the package with description of the process might be found on Simviation but that is only a guess.
If I remember more, I will post here or PM you, Hertzie.

Nice looking Airacobra, Allen. I am having loads of fun building one and reworking another.

- Ivan.

September 19th, 2018, 15:51

Better late reply then never reply..