View Full Version : Aerosoft Bronco question

July 13th, 2018, 07:19
Going through my paints, I discovered I no longer have of my repaints for the Aerosoft Bronco. Is there anybody that kept them?
I remember two NASA versions and one for Mosquito Control, not sure about any others....

July 13th, 2018, 07:30
I've got the two NASA paints installed and should have the original files somewhere on my archives (Yep, found them).

The only other one by you is for Marine_222. Is that the 'Mosquito Control' or is that another?

July 13th, 2018, 10:33
ah, that is one I forgot!

July 13th, 2018, 11:45
Jankees, I can send you what I have if you need them. Just send me a PM with your e-mail address and one way or another I can get them to you.

As for the "Mosquito Control" texture, do you remember what the texture folder name might be? Those beginning with "JK_" are quite obvious, but I thought I might look again.