View Full Version : Sun texture problem

June 27th, 2018, 11:21
Need help here..what's happen to this sun texture ? (white box square)
Im still using vanilla CFS3 without ETO expansion as i just reinstalling back my CFS3 after a huge data loss again. Using all ankor shaders version still got the same thing happen. Neverseen like this before
Can anyone point me how to fix this?
Thanks guys

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0UtmQEEtKNPMboGo20PKCN2Oetzm38o9tUTrdzNpAunw2wjJ-Pl_yPGj3u8pRpcGzUxqq4_ntriSKp0vIGnK9RZAksjkJ7HoXcR jjDAgabbeto9PJ-uqJP4MiU7df-rgizslNnmbFp54tHJ-wxytYxm7_YueJAQktWzxacdpx-CSs8E1-ADUlzTp1LQexKDA1iJLbAxwMFFph8lAo0BLALxH2R1IuxJBjyT dUBNZ31nh8UWmuZ78vVgxEAC0PZ5oKKvCLJPY39t2phEhER_FV-qoM-rbgNdKQArH00_cmMpibNU8UyUPoMr5eIXcu_-r95B0ml9TpqNaSqafSBbaKyraFPJh97sUuezigEPoX7m-RiSRMl7wV_b_QOzG6lZ7fynYCJ-TQBQPqYnj4gL4CEOgJRmxL-q012Th0kOJET_DVToytMAlk0SoMJPLCqyBhReAxEXh5mq4uu4S js1PQLXjE5mn4yhvtTCc9T4dp0TaeYBC_kcpBA9JyWfnRmPlbY EqC1081Ml2Aymu7uTD4RhpkBIOVKzSxU9rBercskguhjy3hNQY HZ4CCy4IcBwreDIH8ihOBJQM4L04ouKTXlCxA95NosAj9TaDuD k=w1228-h690-no

June 27th, 2018, 12:56
I would start by going through the suneffect.xml and making sure I have all of the dds files it references.

June 28th, 2018, 07:00
yes you're right major, i've suneffect 2015 date which i dont have some of them like sun_glare_*.dds and the sun name is using sun_main.dds which i change it to sun.dds.

xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SunEffect OcclusionSize="0.1">
<EnvironmentMap SunAngle="-3.0"/>
<SunGlare Size="2.5" Location="1.00" Intensity="0.4" Red="255" Green="255" Blue="204" Texture="sun_glare_d.dds" u1="0.0" v1="0.0" u2="1.0" v2="1.0" UpAlign="1"/>
<SunGlare Size="0.075" Location="0.75" Intensity="0.20" Red="255" Green="0" Blue="255" Texture="sun_glare_d.dds" u1="0.0" v1="0.0" u2="1.0" v2="1.0" UpAlign="1"/>
<SunGlare Size="0.0625" Location="0.70" Intensity="0.20" Red="0" Green="0" Blue="255" Texture="sun_glare_c.dds" u1="0.0" v1="0.0" u2="1.0" v2="1.0" UpAlign="1"/>
<SunGlare Size="0.050" Location="0.65" Intensity="0.20" Red="0" Green="255" Blue="0" Texture="sun_glare_b.dds" u1="0.0" v1="0.0" u2="1.0" v2="1.0" UpAlign="1"/>
<SunGlare Size="0.0375" Location="0.60" Intensity="0.20" Red="255" Green="0" Blue="0" Texture="sun_glare_a.dds" u1="0.0" v1="0.0" u2="1.0" v2="1.0" UpAlign="1"/>
<SunImage Texture="sun.dds" Size="0.02" BlendMode="1"/>
<Corona Texture="corona1.dds" Size="0.0225" BlendMode="1" UpAlign="1"/>

Now i don't know where can i get those "Sun_glare_*.dds" ? or which file that i might can substitute them?

June 28th, 2018, 07:16
They should be in AnKors_Shaders_17_Jan_2018.zip, in the Weather Effects folder.

June 28th, 2018, 07:18
If these don't work for you, I have some older ones which seem to work for me. I had trouble with the Ankor ones, but that's probably just me!

June 28th, 2018, 07:39
got it..thanks major will check it

Thanks mongoose..will try ankor 2018 first

July 6th, 2018, 03:04
I just found the white square box still exist, thought it's already gone with ankor 2018 files. Im still using vanila cfs3 installation without ETO expansion, would you please re-check it major? i've checked the suneffect.xml and seems all files are correct.


July 6th, 2018, 04:05
Other than deleting sun.dds (by renaming it temporarily) or changing BlendMode="1" to BlendMode="0" I can't get anything to look like that.

July 7th, 2018, 16:16
could it be cause by shader.xml ? mine is outdate 2002, do you have the newest shader.xml major?

July 7th, 2018, 17:47
Strange one,iv`e had a square moon now a square sun,could it be round illuminated objects suffer from some gremlin or other,there must be an answer to this.