View Full Version : Mission Builder How to have your aircraft starting in Europe

February 17th, 2018, 20:13
Hi All,

Regarding Mission Builder...Is there a way to have your own aircraft start on a European airfield?

At the moment, I open Mission Builder and my own aircraft in near Guadalcanal.

I can change theatre's, but I have to manually move my aircraft to ETO and this takes time.



P.S. - One way I have used to get around is to move my aircraft to Europe and save as 'ETO Basic'.

February 17th, 2018, 20:43

Nope...that's ingrained into the sim, no way to change it. :wiggle:

No Dice
February 18th, 2018, 06:11
2 cents worth..
Have you tried the A/c swap utility:

MK_CFS2 (http://thefreeflightsite.com/mk_cfs2_util_v2.zip) CFS2 Aircraft and mission swap utility
Allows you to separate your a/c in to separate theaters, by M. Krogstad****


Cody Coyote
February 18th, 2018, 07:42
You should not have to manually move your aircraft to Europe. After opening Mission Builder and changing theaters to the ETO simply click on the Create New Mission button and select the runway you want to start at. Mission Builder will jump to that location and show your plane and one waypoint just like it does in the Pacific. MB won't open in Europe but getting there is a quick two-step process.

February 18th, 2018, 13:52
Hi All
Thanks for the help.
Cody's idea worked.