View Full Version : Carenado F406 French army repaint?

January 3rd, 2018, 23:43
Hi and happy new year to all!

Recently I bought the F406 from Carenado's sale and wondered if some of you knew where livery of the French army is available.
Any hint would be appreciated


January 4th, 2018, 01:38
Hi Norbert,
the French Army has no Cessna 406... I think the one you are talking about must be from the French Customs?
You may ask Martial Feron (aka Ferondoe) who has already done lots of beautiful French repaints, I might do it one day?


January 5th, 2018, 07:37
Salut Steph.

thank you for your hints. Obviously, not only the French Customs but also the French army deployed two F406 planes - admittedly not to many.
If my remaining French language skills do not mislead me, they were used for liason duties for the état-major (general staff) and have been decommissioned in 2007.
Source for this is the official site of the Armée de Terre, see here. (http://According to the official site of the Armée de Terrer,)

Pictures for a white one here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reims-Cessna_F406_Caravan_II)and and a grey one here (https://abpic.co.uk/pictures/view/1165848).

all the best

January 5th, 2018, 08:34
Hi Norbert,
You are completely right!!!
As stated above I think the most skilled repainter of French armed Forces aircraft is Martial Feron (Ferondoe here at SOH), You may contact him and see what he can do...
Sorry for the mistake...
