View Full Version : Whence goeth Lagaffe?

August 2nd, 2017, 11:03
Anyone hear from Didier lately? I sent him a note a couple of weeks ago but got no reply...


August 2nd, 2017, 12:35
All I know is, he's still contributing to the French sim community:

August 3rd, 2017, 11:30
But my hollidays are finish and the works take all my time.
I will read your MP.
@+ Lagaffe

EDIT: Tonight, I just give some informations http://www.pilote-virtuel.com/viewtopic.php?pid=892090#p892090

August 8th, 2017, 11:35
Some news of the Cessna 150 v2.0

Yesterday, Doug S. Dawson has release three gauges in 64 bits:
- dsd p3d fuel dump x64,
- p3d xml vars x64
- dsd p3d xml sound_x64 (version 5)

Tonight, I download them and try it on the last version of the Cessna 150: the Taildragger.
Goods news for Prepar3D v4: sound is present, the Damage Mod function an other time and I am very happy.

So a few bugs should be corrected and the version 2.0 can be released. No date for the moment bt "as soon as possible" as English men said ;-)

August 16th, 2017, 12:13
Since there are a lot of requests concerning the Cessna 150, I am thinking in particular of the people of Sim-Outhouse who made him a very good welcome when I release it,
I decided to upload a "working version" that I would update regularly. This will be an open-beta to take the term into fashion so an operational version but not totally finished.

The current state allowed me last night to prepare a first archive of the Cessna 150 Taildragger (tail wheel) since it is functional under simul 64bits (Prepar3D v4).
What works:
- the sound, fuel and cockpit sound management are new functional thanks to the new freeware modules by Doug S. Dawson,
- a number of points inside the cockpit have been solved, thus the management of the ADF and the reception of the morse signals,
- the main functions of the Damage Mod are there but some must be reviewed because the XML encoding errors are no longer forgiven by the SDK of Prepar3D.

What remains to be done:
- to review some XML code causing problems (management of the engine oil)
- add some functions that I put in my ToDo List ...
- review the external and internal textures that cause problems: hey yes, there are notably the new engine cover and oil hood (with an additional animation that has had concerns: the hood comes alive in the sense reverse).

This will be the rule:
- I would take the remarks when technically possible and if it falls into my specifications but I do not commit myself to anything.

The goal is to improve this aircraft and bring it to an even higher technical level. I think I can transmit the download link by this weekend
