View Full Version : Windows10 and Aicarriers .Net

July 25th, 2017, 11:20

Is anyone using the .Net version of Aicarriers successfully on a Windows10 system with the CreatorsUpdate (== Windowsversion 1703) installed ???

Some background:
I have a new PC, with a fresh install on Windows10 (incl. the recent CreatorsUpdate).
On which I did a fresh install of FSX-Accel.
Much to my surprise I have my entire FSX working as I had it on my old Windows7 PC, in a few days.
Including the infamous "PartMgr" patch in the registry to register Accel.

Except: I can't get Aicarriers .Net to run.
I know this version requires .Net 4.* to be installed, but .Net V4.7 is included in the Creators Update. (you can't install older V4.* .Net versions then, like e.g. with the VisualStudio runtime distributebles).
But I can't start Aicarriers .Net in any way:
- Not directly from the Desktop (running it does nothing, no task or windows process is launched)
- Not auto-started from an EXE.xml (it doesn't popup in the Addon menu).
So it's NOT a problem with the EXE.xml !!

The only thing I can think of, is that AIcarriers .Net somehow doesn't work with .Net 4.7.
Someone has this combo working ?? (just curious) Or has other suggestions ?

In the mean time, I reverted back to the old Java version of Aicarriers; which works fine, both when started from the desktop (when FSX is running) or auto-started by FSX via the EXE.xml file.


July 25th, 2017, 11:33
Works fine for me, but I have to manually start it after I start P3Dv4. I put a shortcut on my task bar. I could not get it to auto start through the .config file.


July 25th, 2017, 12:27
I have to tell AI Carriers to start every time when it asks me while FSX-SE is loading.

July 25th, 2017, 13:05
It is working for me. I'm also using manual start.

I haven't focused much time on converting non working models yet, but the vanilla installation is at least a foundation.

July 26th, 2017, 07:45
Problem solved.

Apperantly .Net wasn't installed properly.
Via the Windows SW Configuration - Programs function (installed Windows component) .Net V4.7 wasn't activated; now it is.

And AIcarriers .Net works OK now:
- Auto-loaded by FSX via the EXE.xml
- Start via the desktop when FSX is allready running.

What DOESN'T work:
When AIcarriers .Net is loaded via the EXE.file, you cannot spawn a second instance of AICarriers .Net via the desktop.
Seems a limitation of the AIcarriers .Net; I have the same limitation on my WIndows7 PC.
With AIcarriers JAVA this IS possible !!

So what I do now:
- Use AIcarriers .Net, auto-started via the EXE.xml
- When I need it, start a second (or even third) instance of AIcarriers Java via the desktop.
And that works perfect ....
