View Full Version : Anyone working on a payware Gulfstream?

Navy Chief
June 21st, 2017, 17:36
This looks so nice!

Would be a great addition to FSX!


June 21st, 2017, 17:51
According to different sources, it's never going to happen. Sadly Gulfstream won't play ball with FS Developers at all.

Navy Chief
June 21st, 2017, 19:38
That is most disappointing:dejection: NC

June 21st, 2017, 21:47
I wholeheartedly agree Chief. Gulfstream rarely to never licenses out 3rd party products bearing their name and are quick to take anyone to court who ignores their lawyers cease & desist warnings. I saw a case where they sued a pilot (who happened to be type rated on a GIIB) who promoted Gulfstream Aircraft via a social media screen name but the company (Gulfstream) claimed the pilot was promoting their aviation company with the Gulfstream trademark. The whole thing was viewed as being a ridiculous & overzealous move by the company and was quietly settled out of court. Oh well, maybe one day they may change their minds.

June 21st, 2017, 21:52
As Storm says, it isn't going to happen.

June 22nd, 2017, 01:19
It seems that the competition e.g.., Bombardier has no such silly hangup . .


June 22nd, 2017, 01:31
Such a shame. They are beautiful aircraft.

Navy Chief
June 22nd, 2017, 06:33
As the saying goes, "Never say never." I will maintain hope that someday things might change. Of course I may not be around when it does, or my computer could quit working..... NC

June 22nd, 2017, 09:42
There was a WIP somewhere.... it was a facebook page I saw.

I found the 3d render of the cockpit to be used in that project, but I'm unable to find the actual project link

http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/ryanbatc/even%20more%20fs/15110253_909166739220046_4417522046889280365_o.jpg (http://s141.photobucket.com/user/ryanbatc/media/even%20more%20fs/15110253_909166739220046_4417522046889280365_o.jpg .html)

Oh I found the page - not sure if they are continuing or not.

June 22nd, 2017, 12:08
Shoot! Dang, that looks nice (as Maj Kong would say)! Shame nothing can be done with it. I'd plug it in to the IRIS freeware GEX in a heartbeat.

June 22nd, 2017, 12:26
I see that doesn't claim to be a particular aircraft by a specific manufacturer: very sensible! (otherwise you can be sure a cease-and-desist would have already landed) Looks a fine VC model. :encouragement:

Paul Domingue
June 22nd, 2017, 13:53
Personally I don't see what all the hub-bub is all about. If someone wants to make a model in the confines of freeware there is nothing to stop it. Name it a Gulfscream or Golfstream and post it. There is nothing that can be done about it. Any protestations would have the burden of proof as a requirement.

If I were so inclined, I would not hesitate to build the model. Of course I would never consider something so pedestrian. :untroubled:

June 22nd, 2017, 14:09
I've only seen 1 freeware quality Gulf with USAF and USMC paints and it's in XP10 and XP11.

June 23rd, 2017, 04:19
Check the Facebook link above for 25 more pictures, YouTube as well has videos that show this bird in development and release


Navy Chief
June 23rd, 2017, 15:56
Check the Facebook link above for 25 more pictures, YouTube as well has videos that show this bird in development and release


Yeah, nice!!


June 24th, 2017, 06:22
Worth getting the 450 even with future development still to happen.
Their 550 looks very promising.


June 24th, 2017, 06:51
Anyone try this yet? Interior looks nice but exterior looks kind of bland.

June 24th, 2017, 09:06
Its way WIP

No exterior Textures yet-->but painkit. Do it yourself
And you need to read manual a lot to even start the engines

All that for 25 bucks.

But I started yesterday with Version 4.2.1-->today we are at 4.3 and we have jokes now.

So I am fine and that is the only chance to have an FSX native Gulfstream.And who knows Gulfstream as company it may not be for long

Therefore worthwile to do for me

my 2 Cents

gray eagle
June 24th, 2017, 10:27
Looks nice. Saw that it was for FSX, wonder if it would work with P3D V3.4, or if there are plans?

+ If it were purchased now, would free updates be available in the future as this WIP progresses?

I think Navy Chief is showing a Pic of a C-20 AKA GIII or G IV

Would be nice if someone would make a paint that looks like what Navy Chief posted - That is sharp :encouragement:

Here is some data on the Gulfstream lines that I didn't know about.


June 24th, 2017, 10:39
Website: https://www.triton-simulation.com/

"First and foremost our products are for use in computer flight simulation. We are not associated nor endorsed by any company that may be mentioned (directly or indirectly) on this website or any supplementing documents included with our products. What our products are NOT:

. Not A product of Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
. Not A product of General Dynamics
. Not A product of any aircraft manufacturer
. Not A product of any aircraft parts/components manufacturer
Our products are NOT teaching tools and any verbiage, research or documents we provide are our opinions and personal studies. Refer back to your manuals or conduct your own research for any clarification. All our products and modifications are for personal development and entertainment purposes only.
We would like to reiterate that our “G” products are NOT products of General Dynamics and/or Gulfstream Aerospace, nor are they endorsed or supported by Gulfstream Aerospace and/or General Dynamics or any of it's affiliates. Our products and photography are NOT allowed for resale or private distribution and measures will be taken to ensure this is adhered to. "

I wonder if this will protect them from the manufacturer of the original aircraft...

June 24th, 2017, 11:13
If it works in P3D V4 it will be a sure buy for me.

June 24th, 2017, 11:14
+ If it were purchased now, would free updates be available in the future as this WIP progresses?

Yes you get updated

had 3 in 2 days

may not be that fast forever but still moves on till you have final version

June 24th, 2017, 13:15
C'mon Bjoern, which lawyer is going to make a good case on that basis? And just how ridiculous will any lawsuit look to a court? I'm quite sure the external textures are that bland so no-one will be able to mistake it for a real aircraft manufacturer's product and waste the court's valuable time. Hope there's a good paintkit, mind you! :applause:

June 25th, 2017, 02:38
C'mon Bjoern, which lawyer is going to make a good case on that basis? And just how ridiculous will any lawsuit look to a court? I'm quite sure the external textures are that bland so no-one will be able to mistake it for a real aircraft manufacturer's product and waste the court's valuable time. Hope there's a good paintkit, mind you! :applause:

Aren't "Cease and Desist" orders usually enough to scare people away from doing what they're doing?

But maybe one should really base any Golfstrom developers in countries whose legal system has something better to do than compare window roundness and rivets between a virtual rendition and the real thing.

June 25th, 2017, 03:45
It all depends on what Gulfstream has trademarked. They can have the shape trademarked and win. We have trademarks on one of our locomotives, which includes color, numbers, shape, and a few more things. If they want it stopped, or it falls under their TM, they will win.


June 25th, 2017, 12:08
If anybody bought this do you mind posting some screenshots? And does it come with a paintkit?

June 25th, 2017, 15:18
No specific paint kit, you would have to disassemble the aircraft to figure it out.
Possibly one in the future.

June 25th, 2017, 17:34
Bought it and had a quick look at the texture files. It will be a bit of a challenge at present.
Off to see how it goes in P3D.

June 25th, 2017, 19:59
Bought it and had a quick look at the texture files. It will be a bit of a challenge at present.
Off to see how it goes in P3D.

i'd be interested on how it goes in P3D hopefully your talking about v4

and any chance of some in game images and image of a texture dds of the main fuse, I would like to see what the raw texture file looks like

June 27th, 2017, 10:41
Well, It shows up in P3Dv3.4, however haven't been able to fly it . Some animations work - exit, spoilers, some switch animations. Tried a number of ways to start engines, even followed the directions. The exterior looks good, needs a bunch of detailing texture wise.
FSX - It's another story. Every time I selected the 450 - CTD.

It looks promising after all this is supposed to be 'beta'. We will see what becomes of the updates.
I can't complain. I've spent more on a bottle of undrinkable, highly touted tequila. LOL:biggrin-new:

June 27th, 2017, 11:27
I have the 450 in FSX and flying.
To get it started I watched the two videos on YouTube.
The "Gust Lock" which locks column and all control surfaces had me, needed
to find small button under handle to release.

July 2nd, 2017, 10:26
Revised and new videos on YouTube.


July 12th, 2017, 14:28
External Lights in progress and "Gust Lock" operational.


Pat Mussotte
July 13th, 2017, 06:27
Hi guys!
I have it too. It works fine in P3D V3.4 and FS-SE. Very far from being completed if it is one day. Not even beta IMHO. No copilot PFD, APU not working...But very promising indeed as systems are very well modeled. The guy, I suspect there is only one guy behind Triton Simulation, seems to be close to this bird in real life. It's almost impossible to contact him via the Triton Simulation site or even youtube as comments have been disabled. I hope he will finish it as it is a raw jewel.



July 14th, 2017, 15:47
Important project information on the Facebook homepage.
I think this is an exciting venture and wish all the best for the future.



July 15th, 2017, 06:27
Can't read without being logged in.

Pat Mussotte
July 15th, 2017, 07:54
Can't read without being logged in.
Same here, don't want a facebook account:banghead:



July 15th, 2017, 09:34
For those without a Facebook account this is what was posted.

To our followers,
The 450 was meant to be a courtesy to those who would rather have systems they can learn now in preparation to the release of the 550.
It is not a beta model, a pay as you go as the king 350 is model, an unstable 7x model, it was a courtesy request from a fan that convinced me to release it to the public. The in depth 550 has a time-frame of 1.5 to 2 years of further development. We never planned on offering the legacy 450 model with VC as it was a spare the moment decision.
It offered the opportunity to fly a 450 (0 exists otherwise) with ample system modeling and performance.
This forum post explains why certain Flight Sim personalities never responded to any of our messages in regard to their thoughts on the 450. I can say that I tried to offer what many are afraid or hesitant too bother modeling.
To our current customers, support and updates will still be issued. We are closing up on cabin temp changes when certain doors are open, brake temps monitoring, FLCH mode, user caused failures, not to mention exterior night lighting and pilot reported bug fixes, fun stuff. Also possibly synthetic vision in the upcoming months (fingers crossed ! ).
With that being said the 450 will be removed for sale on our site on Monday 17th July 2017. My team foresaw this and for that I apologized to them for the distraction this caused to our main project.
Anyone interested thereafter can request via PM and if you meet the criteria required in our disclaimer we will provide the link upon private purchase.
Jim Brown will continue to post videos on the work done on the 450 for the current captains to have a visual on what to expect in the next build.


Pat Mussotte
July 15th, 2017, 11:07
Thank you so much Joe, really appreciate!

Best regards


July 15th, 2017, 14:41
I don't quite get what the Facebook post is supposed to say. Was that too little interest or too much criticism for the 450? And why don't they realize that aircraft from this particular manufacturer are and will always be kind of a red flag for hobbyist simulations?

And simply pulling it off sale is just, well...

July 15th, 2017, 15:20
There were wrongful attacks based on incorrect or no information.

July 16th, 2017, 03:16
Personally I don't see what all the hub-bub is all about. If someone wants to make a model in the confines of freeware there is nothing to stop it. Name it a Gulfscream or Golfstream and post it. There is nothing that can be done about it. Any protestations would have the burden of proof as a requirement.

If I were so inclined, I would not hesitate to build the model. Of course I would never consider something so pedestrian. :untroubled:

I believe they would also have to prove damages as well. However there is the cost of legal defense and the time and resources involved to defend oneself from even a frivolous lawsuit, which can be threat enough to deter people.

July 17th, 2017, 14:10
From what I understand a paint kit is in the works with a future release date.
Being a cut, paste and fill kind of guy I gave a go at seeing what textures could be reworked.
(For me that's like giving me a new car and a can of spray paint).

Anyway I thought blue might be a good start.

Navy Chief
July 17th, 2017, 17:40
From what I understand a paint kit is in the works with a future release date.
Being a cut, paste and fill kind of guy I gave a go at seeing what textures could be reworked.
(For me that's like giving me a new car and a can of spray paint).

Anyway I thought blue might be a good start.

Whoo hoo! NICE!!!!!!!!! :adoration::encouragement::very_drunk: NC

July 17th, 2017, 22:39
Have to say, from the images heretofore, now that is a good looking model!

July 18th, 2017, 09:48
Sorry Chief you were upgraded...

July 20th, 2017, 15:24
With the help of the Triton team identifying textures here is a revised version
of the Secretary Of The Navy's plane....

Pat Mussotte
July 21st, 2017, 05:03
With the help of the Triton team identifying textures here is a revised version
of the Secretary Of The Navy's plane....
Wow gorgeous:love_heart:

July 21st, 2017, 07:16
With the help of the Triton team identifying textures here is a revised version
of the Secretary Of The Navy's plane....

would you share?


Navy Chief
July 21st, 2017, 11:11
Sorry Chief you were upgraded...

Whoa! SO nice! By "upgraded", you mean because it is for the SECNAV? Heck, I wouldn't mind being a Plane Capt. for that as a CPO! Er, as long as I could go on cross countrys! NC:encouragement:

July 21st, 2017, 13:20
Some have asked about sharing and to be honest up-close these repaints need professional work
where a paint kit is really needed. I'd be willing to help ID textures for other artists who want to give it a go.

Another variation...

July 21st, 2017, 14:12
With some small changes a NASA variation.

July 23rd, 2017, 09:54
High end...

July 27th, 2017, 13:13
G450 4.3D upgrade
- External lights, WIP.
- CAS Messages changes.
- New aircraft texture.

Pat Mussotte
July 29th, 2017, 22:56
These guys are really talented


look the other vids



July 30th, 2017, 10:45
These guys are really talented


Seeing the Synthetic Vision working on a night flight, good stuff..:applause:
Liking the pulsing taxi light effect.

August 1st, 2017, 02:50
A second night flight showing Synthetic Vision, messaging, route following, external light effect, very enjoyable.


Pat Mussotte
August 1st, 2017, 02:57
I'm already definitively addicted to these vids:applause:

August 3rd, 2017, 12:26
Some have asked about sharing and to be honest up-close these repaints need professional work
where a paint kit is really needed. I'd be willing to help ID textures for other artists who want to give it a go.

Change of mind. Please remember they are free....:mixed-smiley-010:

Repaints here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_6l7fioU_PRbjlyRHBSazJqTG8


Pat Mussotte
August 4th, 2017, 03:54
Thank you so much for sharing Seahawk:ernaehrung004:



August 8th, 2017, 10:25
Executive charter...

August 8th, 2017, 10:41
The videos are super choppy - is that due to the recording software or are the fps that low in the actual product?

August 8th, 2017, 10:43
The videos are super choppy - is that due to the recording software or are the fps that low in the actual product?

recording software...

August 14th, 2017, 08:20
An external look at the G550...


August 19th, 2017, 17:39
Two more available for download.

Navy Chief
August 20th, 2017, 10:28
Two more available for download.

Thank you so much for the link to your textures. I see a screenshot of the USN paint, but which file is the texture? Thanks, Chief

gray eagle
August 20th, 2017, 10:34
Anyone know if this G450 is P3D V3.4 Compatible?

Can't seem to fine a contact button on the homepage so that I can ask the author
& I don't do FaceBook....

Edit: From the looks of things, the home page lists FSX or Steam compat. Maybe I'll have to pass if this is not meant
for P3D V3.

gray eagle
August 20th, 2017, 10:40
Personally I don't see what all the hub-bub is all about. If someone wants to make a model in the confines of freeware there is nothing to stop it. Name it a Gulfscream or Golfstream and post it. There is nothing that can be done about it. Any protestations would have the burden of proof as a requirement.

If I were so inclined, I would not hesitate to build the model. Of course I would never consider something so pedestrian. :untroubled:

Pedestrian? as in the adjective = dull?

August 20th, 2017, 10:52
Thank you so much for the link to your textures. I see a screenshot of the USN paint, but which file is the texture? Thanks, Chief

Hi Chief,
Please take a look now....

August 20th, 2017, 10:54
Anyone know if this G450 is P3D V3.4 Compatible?

Can't seem to fine a contact button on the homepage so that I can ask the author
& I don't do FaceBook....

Edit: From the looks of things, the home page lists on FSX or Steam compat. Maybe I'll have to pass if this is not meant
for P3D V3.

Check post #34 in this thread, seems to be a thumbs up...

Navy Chief
August 20th, 2017, 10:55
Hi Chief,
Please take a look now....

Awesome. Now it's time to get the aircraft! Thanks!!! :encouragement::very_drunk: Chief

August 20th, 2017, 11:06
Awesome. Now it's time to get the aircraft! Thanks!!! :encouragement::very_drunk: Chief

If you get the aircraft, I can take a look at doing a paint scheme based on your original photo.

gray eagle
August 20th, 2017, 11:10
For those without a Facebook account this is what was posted.

To our followers,

the 450 will be removed for sale on our site on Monday 17th July 2017.

I tried to just now checkout via paypal and it looks like one can still buy it.

To our current customers, support and updates will still be issued. Joe

How will the changes be disseminated? via email account or ????

Gotta make sure of all this before I plunk down $25.00

August 20th, 2017, 11:14
I tried to just now checkout via paypal and it looks like one can still buy it.

How will the changes be disseminated? via email account or ????

Gotta make sure of all this before I plunk down $25.00

Change notices are sent via email with a download link.
Be advised this is a work in progress and updates are not on a set schedule.

Navy Chief
August 20th, 2017, 11:18
If you get the aircraft, I can take a look at doing a paint scheme based on your original photo.

Done!!! Thanks. Chief

gray eagle
August 20th, 2017, 11:18
Change notices are sent via email with a download link.
Be advised this is a work in progress and updates are not on a set schedule.

Thanks for the info.

Navy Chief
August 20th, 2017, 13:07
Still trying to figure out how to start it. The detailed tutorial is clear enough; I just have not cold-started a jet in SO long, I am getting frustrated.:banghead: At my age, 64, I have a less patience than I used to... NC

Navy Chief
August 20th, 2017, 14:19
If you get the aircraft, I can take a look at doing a paint scheme based on your original photo.

Installed the USN texture easy enough, but aircraft display is still all white. Must be something I did wrong. Not finding fix yet. Chief

Navy Chief
August 20th, 2017, 14:30
Getting close. Working on getting it started.


August 20th, 2017, 18:02
Still trying to figure out how to start it. The detailed tutorial is clear enough; I just have not cold-started a jet in SO long, I am getting frustrated.:banghead: At my age, 64, I have a less patience than I used to... NC

Do you have attached text...? Not sure what you mean by "detailed tutorial".

Navy Chief
August 20th, 2017, 18:22
Do you have attached text...? Not sure what you mean by "detailed tutorial".

Yes, that is the text. I need to adjust my cockpit view of the overhead panel. Difficult to see the switches at a angle, using the pan view. I will get things figured out. Neck/back problems keep me from spending much time simming lately.

Getting old sucks, but NOT getting old would be worse! NC

August 20th, 2017, 18:28
Yes, that is the text. I need to adjust my cockpit view of the overhead panel. Difficult to see the switches at a angle, using the pan view. I will get things figured out. Neck/back problems keep me from spending much time simming lately.

Getting old sucks, but NOT getting old would be worse! NC

Same for me. I made up these camera views...


// Spot Camera Views External

Title = "Tail"
Guid = {5c1df273-034b-4e7f-953a-9d5e26f1646c}
Description = Looking forward from behind the aircraft
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = .70
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = 0, 6, -35.0
InitialPbh = 8, 0, 0
XyzAdjust = TRUE

Title = "Right Wing"
Guid = {C690EAFD-223A-42d0-99E0-681ADF93BB59}
Description = View from the right wing tip looking at the cockpit
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.45
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = 25.8, 1.6, 0.0
InitialPbh = 6, 0, 266
XyzAdjust = TRUE
MomentumEffect = FALSE

Title = "Cockpit Right View"
Guid = {41f9cfc1-75c3-499a-bf96-105355ffc254}
Description = View from outside left aircraft towards pilot
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.4
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = 5.00, 3.1, 16.5
InitialPbh = 10, 0, -145
XyzAdjust = TRUE
MomentumEffect = No

Title = "Nose"
Guid = {3D31E848-6F6F-45d4-8E43-6290708756E3}
Description =Looking back from the nose toward the cockpit
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = .30
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = 0, 2.0, 14.0
InitialPbh = -0.5, 0, 180
XyzAdjust = TRUE

Title = "Nose Gear"
Guid = {5517F522-6C47-40da-BE66-3D7E10520D75}
Description =Looking back from the nose gear
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = .6
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = 0, -1.0, 14.0
InitialPbh = -4, 0, 180
XyzAdjust = TRUE

Title = "Cockpit Left View"
Guid = {dd42965e-23e8-48c4-b1b5-3d9267a4e3f2}
Description = View from outside left aircraft towards pilot
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.4
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = -5.0, 3.1, 16.5
InitialPbh = 10, 0, 145
XyzAdjust = TRUE
MomentumEffect = No

Title = "Cabin Door"
Guid = {04a7b57d-8cb6-4a58-a94b-3af2dbe29439}
Description = View of the Cabin Door
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = .7
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = -8, 1.5, 11.75
InitialPbh = 12, 0, 120
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category= Aircraft
MomentumEffect= TRUE

Title = "Left Wing"
Guid = {f25dfa2e-fd2e-4b89-81e2-0575cbcb60de}
Description = View from the left wing tip looking at the cockpit
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.45
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = -25.8, 1.6, 0.0
InitialPbh = 6, 0, 94
XyzAdjust = TRUE
MomentumEffect = No

Title = "Landing Gear"
Guid = {96873AAD-621B-4C45-8A58-DEF7B7FCB051}
Description = View of the landing gear and left wing inboard flaps
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = .52
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = -2.2, -1.4, -7
InitialPbh = 0, 0, 21
XyzAdjust = TRUE

Title = "Aft Fuselage View"
Guid = {6b9017cc-53e5-4f23-81c7-17507e22e60a}
Description = Looking forward from above the aft fuselage
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = .60
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = -8, 5.4, -25.6
InitialPbh = 12, 0, 10
XyzAdjust = TRUE


]] Spot Camera Views Internal

Title = "VC Left Seat"
Guid = {09e8f00d-9c90-44b6-92a5-f432ca2986a0}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = YES
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.35
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
ShowLensFlare= FALSE
Category = Cockpit
PitchPanRate= 20
HeadingPanRate = 60
InitialXyz= 0.0, 0.00, 0.0
InitialPbh= 11, 0, 0

Title = "VC Left Seat - Slanted"
Guid = {97001c8a-394f-47fd-83f5-193d6fffd533}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = YES
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.60
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
ShowLensFlare= FALSE
Category = Cockpit
PitchPanRate= 20
HeadingPanRate = 60
InitialXyz= 0.0, 0.00, 0.0
InitialPbh= 27, 0, 15

Title = "VC Left Seat - Wideview"
Guid = {c33ba446-2c0b-4994-bb7a-dfb9131b6507}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = YES
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.40
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
ShowLensFlare= FALSE
Category = Cockpit
PitchPanRate= 20
HeadingPanRate = 60
InitialXyz= 0.0, 0.00, 0.0
InitialPbh= 22, 0, 22

Title = "Right Seat"
Guid = {8ff6c134-098d-409f-baec-caba3f683f98}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = YES
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.30
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz= 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
InitialPbh= 12, 0, 0

Title = "Engine Controls"
Guid = {a5741a54-ea6d-4580-9709-c99161e38a83}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.65
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz= 0.5, 0.0, 0.0
InitialPbh= 65, 0, 0

Title = "Center Console"
Guid = {195EAB58-9E4A-2E2A-A34C-A8D9D948F078}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.70
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz= 0.5, 0.0, -0.22
InitialPbh= 85, 0, 0

Title = "Gust Lock"
Guid = {4124b7fc-129b-4fa5-8202-595948077605}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 1.50
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz= 0.5, -0.5, -0.8
InitialPbh= 14, 0, 0

Title = "Lower Overhead Panel"
Guid = {195EAB58-9E4A-1E2A-A34C-A8D9D948F078}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.30
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.15
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz= .5, 0.0, 0
InitialPbh= -70, 0, 0

Title = "Upper Overhead Panel"
Guid = {4ca337db-ae88-4c5f-96ea-ddebbd2a86fe}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.30
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.15
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz= .5, 0.0, -0.1
InitialPbh= -77, 0, 0


Navy Chief
August 20th, 2017, 19:15

Btw, I read thru all the various views......is the inside cabin modeled yet? NC

Same for me. I made up these camera views...


// Spot Camera Views External

Title = "Tail"
Guid = {5c1df273-034b-4e7f-953a-9d5e26f1646c}
Description = Looking forward from behind the aircraft
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = .70
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = 0, 6, -35.0
InitialPbh = 8, 0, 0
XyzAdjust = TRUE

Title = "Right Wing"
Guid = {C690EAFD-223A-42d0-99E0-681ADF93BB59}
Description = View from the right wing tip looking at the cockpit
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.45
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = 25.8, 1.6, 0.0
InitialPbh = 6, 0, 266
XyzAdjust = TRUE
MomentumEffect = FALSE

Title = "Cockpit Right View"
Guid = {41f9cfc1-75c3-499a-bf96-105355ffc254}
Description = View from outside left aircraft towards pilot
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.4
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = 5.00, 3.1, 16.5
InitialPbh = 10, 0, -145
XyzAdjust = TRUE
MomentumEffect = No

Title = "Nose"
Guid = {3D31E848-6F6F-45d4-8E43-6290708756E3}
Description =Looking back from the nose toward the cockpit
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = .30
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = 0, 2.0, 14.0
InitialPbh = -0.5, 0, 180
XyzAdjust = TRUE

Title = "Nose Gear"
Guid = {5517F522-6C47-40da-BE66-3D7E10520D75}
Description =Looking back from the nose gear
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = .6
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = 0, -1.0, 14.0
InitialPbh = -4, 0, 180
XyzAdjust = TRUE

Title = "Cockpit Left View"
Guid = {dd42965e-23e8-48c4-b1b5-3d9267a4e3f2}
Description = View from outside left aircraft towards pilot
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.4
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = -5.0, 3.1, 16.5
InitialPbh = 10, 0, 145
XyzAdjust = TRUE
MomentumEffect = No

Title = "Cabin Door"
Guid = {04a7b57d-8cb6-4a58-a94b-3af2dbe29439}
Description = View of the Cabin Door
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = .7
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = -8, 1.5, 11.75
InitialPbh = 12, 0, 120
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category= Aircraft
MomentumEffect= TRUE

Title = "Left Wing"
Guid = {f25dfa2e-fd2e-4b89-81e2-0575cbcb60de}
Description = View from the left wing tip looking at the cockpit
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.45
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = -25.8, 1.6, 0.0
InitialPbh = 6, 0, 94
XyzAdjust = TRUE
MomentumEffect = No

Title = "Landing Gear"
Guid = {96873AAD-621B-4C45-8A58-DEF7B7FCB051}
Description = View of the landing gear and left wing inboard flaps
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = .52
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = -2.2, -1.4, -7
InitialPbh = 0, 0, 21
XyzAdjust = TRUE

Title = "Aft Fuselage View"
Guid = {6b9017cc-53e5-4f23-81c7-17507e22e60a}
Description = Looking forward from above the aft fuselage
Origin = Center
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = .60
ShowWeather = Yes
InitialXyz = -8, 5.4, -25.6
InitialPbh = 12, 0, 10
XyzAdjust = TRUE


]] Spot Camera Views Internal

Title = "VC Left Seat"
Guid = {09e8f00d-9c90-44b6-92a5-f432ca2986a0}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = YES
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.35
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
ShowLensFlare= FALSE
Category = Cockpit
PitchPanRate= 20
HeadingPanRate = 60
InitialXyz= 0.0, 0.00, 0.0
InitialPbh= 11, 0, 0

Title = "VC Left Seat - Slanted"
Guid = {97001c8a-394f-47fd-83f5-193d6fffd533}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = FALSE
Track = None
ShowAxis = YES
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.60
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
ShowLensFlare= FALSE
Category = Cockpit
PitchPanRate= 20
HeadingPanRate = 60
InitialXyz= 0.0, 0.00, 0.0
InitialPbh= 27, 0, 15

Title = "VC Left Seat - Wideview"
Guid = {c33ba446-2c0b-4994-bb7a-dfb9131b6507}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = YES
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.40
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
ShowLensFlare= FALSE
Category = Cockpit
PitchPanRate= 20
HeadingPanRate = 60
InitialXyz= 0.0, 0.00, 0.0
InitialPbh= 22, 0, 22

Title = "Right Seat"
Guid = {8ff6c134-098d-409f-baec-caba3f683f98}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = YES
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.30
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz= 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
InitialPbh= 12, 0, 0

Title = "Engine Controls"
Guid = {a5741a54-ea6d-4580-9709-c99161e38a83}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.65
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz= 0.5, 0.0, 0.0
InitialPbh= 65, 0, 0

Title = "Center Console"
Guid = {195EAB58-9E4A-2E2A-A34C-A8D9D948F078}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.70
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz= 0.5, 0.0, -0.22
InitialPbh= 85, 0, 0

Title = "Gust Lock"
Guid = {4124b7fc-129b-4fa5-8202-595948077605}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 1.50
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz= 0.5, -0.5, -0.8
InitialPbh= 14, 0, 0

Title = "Lower Overhead Panel"
Guid = {195EAB58-9E4A-1E2A-A34C-A8D9D948F078}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.30
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.15
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz= .5, 0.0, 0
InitialPbh= -70, 0, 0

Title = "Upper Overhead Panel"
Guid = {4ca337db-ae88-4c5f-96ea-ddebbd2a86fe}
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect = No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = FALSE
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.30
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.15
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz= .5, 0.0, -0.1
InitialPbh= -77, 0, 0


August 20th, 2017, 22:10
Yes, that is the text. I need to adjust my cockpit view of the overhead panel. Difficult to see the switches at a angle, using the pan view. I will get things figured out. Neck/back problems keep me from spending much time simming lately.

Getting old sucks, but NOT getting old would be worse! NC

Nah!.......60 is the new 40.

August 21st, 2017, 04:03

Btw, I read thru all the various views......is the inside cabin modeled yet? NC

Not yet to the inside cabin...

gray eagle
August 21st, 2017, 12:34
Not yet to the inside cabin...

Thanks for the paints seahawk. :encouragement:



Navy Chief
August 21st, 2017, 17:09
Well, I finally got the jet started, taxied to a runway and took off. After a few times of going through the checklist, I won't have any problems. But it has been a long time since I began a flight with a cold/dark cockpit.

This is indeed a beautiful model. The designers are dedicated to customer service, btw. They are truly going the extra mile to create a quality product. Thank you! NC:encouragement:

August 21st, 2017, 17:12
This looks so nice!

Would be a great addition to FSX!


I'm not sure what color the stripes are....red\black\red..?

Navy Chief
August 21st, 2017, 17:34
I'm not sure what color the stripes are....red\black\red..?


Am not 100% certain, but the stripes should be dark navy blue and gold.

Really IS a beautiful aircraft, isn't it?


August 21st, 2017, 17:44
Am not 100% certain, but the stripes should be dark navy blue and gold. NC

Ok, we'll go with that.
Another problem is the way the stripes curve down toward the nose.
I'm just not good with that, they come out looking more like lightning bolts, lol.
Let me try the blue and gold and we'll see.

Navy Chief
August 21st, 2017, 18:03
This is one gorgeous aircraft too!:encouragement:


August 21st, 2017, 18:05
Am not 100% certain, but the stripes should be dark navy blue and gold.

Really IS a beautiful aircraft, isn't it?


Do me a favor, interpret how you see the stripes.
It almost looks like a thick blue stripe with a thin white then thin gold stripe..?

And choose the blue and gold...is this close..?

August 21st, 2017, 18:16

gray eagle
August 22nd, 2017, 03:37
Some close up pics to maybe help with paint details.



August 22nd, 2017, 03:49
Some close up pics to maybe help with paint details.

Thanks, that works..!

Navy Chief
August 22nd, 2017, 04:32
Looks real close. The gold on the aircraft looks to be a shade lighter than the example you showed, Seahawk.
I guess reproducing the actual gold color is a challenge! NC

August 22nd, 2017, 08:21
Looks real close. The gold on the aircraft looks to be a shade lighter than the example you showed, Seahawk.
I guess reproducing the actual gold color is a challenge! NC

Getting close...

gray eagle
August 22nd, 2017, 08:59
Getting close...

Looking good :encouragement:

August 22nd, 2017, 10:50
Getting close...

I uploaded this repaint.
Please feel free to critique and give feed back on what to change....

Navy Chief
August 22nd, 2017, 11:11
Looks amazing! I just got in from a couple hours of lawn work. Will try to fire up FSX and look at it later, but SO nice! Now off to take a muscle relaxant (unfortunately NOT beer)...... NC:encouragement:

August 22nd, 2017, 13:38
Working on this as well....

Navy Chief
August 22nd, 2017, 13:54
Working on this as well....

YES!!! Thanks! NC:encouragement::very_drunk:

gray eagle
August 23rd, 2017, 06:20
I uploaded this repaint.
Please feel free to critique and give feed back on what to change....

Nice paint, haven't seen this one posted yet.

Navy Chief
August 23rd, 2017, 07:24
Nice paint, haven't seen this one posted yet.

GE, check the link about halfway down the 3rd page of this thread:encouragement:. NC

gray eagle
August 23rd, 2017, 08:32
GE, check the link about halfway down the 3rd page of this thread:encouragement:. NC

AH...Got it! It was added to "the collection".

Thanks Pete. :encouragement:

gray eagle
August 23rd, 2017, 10:04
Anyone figure out how to make a GPS Nav popup for this bird? There are no Windows screen popups mapped at all. Rather surprised there isn't any. :disillusionment:

August 23rd, 2017, 11:08
Anyone figure out how to make a GPS Nav popup for this bird? There are no Windows screen popups mapped at all. Rather surprised there isn't any. :disillusionment:

I tried a popup but for some reason it would CTD. Same with FMC.
Let me know if you have better results.
I did add some other equipment...


window_size= 0.500, 1.000
window_pos= 0.000, 0.000

gauge00=fs9gps!gps_500, 0,0

window_size= 0.230, 0.320
window_pos= 0.760, 0.010

gauge00=Bombardier_CRJ_700!popup_radio, 3,3,225,320

window_size= 0.330, 0.520
window_pos= 0.660, 0.460

gauge00=HoneywellFMC!fmc, 0,8,325,512

window_size= 0.500, 0.100
window_pos= 0.010, 0.590

gauge00=B737_800!autopilot, 16,4,463,90

Navy Chief
August 23rd, 2017, 11:10
Anyone figure out how to make a GPS Nav popup for this bird? There are no Windows screen popups mapped at all. Rather surprised there isn't any. :disillusionment:

I would be surprised if it wasn't created eventually. These guys are really dedicated to their project! NC:encouragement:

August 23rd, 2017, 11:11
AH...Got it! It was added to "the collection".

Thanks Pete. :encouragement:

This USA repaint is still in the works..
There is a NASA variation in the collection.
Working on other repaints gives me time to think and rework any projects..

Also on the drawing board...

gray eagle
August 23rd, 2017, 13:16
I would be surprised if it wasn't created eventually. These guys are really dedicated to their project! NC:encouragement:

I asked them about that and they told me they won't be doing 2d panels at this time and recommended http://www.flight1.com/products.asp?product=f1gtn

flight 1 GPN. $65 :jawdrop: C-H-I-N-G.....

So, maybe there is another way to map a GPS from another aircraft into this. It would take adding some entries into the pane.cfg and adding
entries like:
[Window Titles]
Window00=Main Panel
Window01=Fuel and Payload
Window02=Control Panel
Window10=Monitor Help

Then find the gauges or panels to make it happen.

Navy Chief
August 23rd, 2017, 13:24
I asked them about that and they told me they won't be doing 2d panels at this time and recommended http://www.flight1.com/products.asp?product=f1gtn

flight 1 GPN. $65 :jawdrop: C-H-I-N-G.....

So, maybe there is another way to map a GPS from another aircraft into this. It would take adding some entries into the pane.cfg and adding
entries like:
[Window Titles]
Window00=Main Panel
Window01=Fuel and Payload
Window02=Control Panel
Window10=Monitor Help

Then find the gauges or panels to make it happen.

Many years ago, I had bought a payware GPS from Abacus, but am sure it wouldn't work with FSX. Not even sure I could find the file now. NC

gray eagle
August 23rd, 2017, 13:43
I put a little more polish on this one


This one taken at dusk - wanted to show all the lights on it.

gray eagle
August 23rd, 2017, 13:55
I'd asked the Triton folks about 2d panels and this is there responsse:

We did 2D panels at the beginning but ran into issues with communication between the 2D and 3D so we decided to stay with 3D only.

About lack of cockpit sounds in P3D:

As of right now the cockpit sounds does not work for P3D from what I've been told and that is an issue with the developer of the gauge.

I sent them a pic and asked them about one of the glass screens in the VC being dark and wanted to know how to turn it on:


DU4 is inop due to an xml limitation we ran into. This was noted in the readme notes.

August 23rd, 2017, 15:52
I'd asked the Triton folks about 2d panels and this is there responsse:

I sent them a pic and asked them about one of the glass screens in the VC being dark and wanted to know how to turn it on:

DU4 is inop due to an xml limitation we ran into. This was noted in the readme notes.

I hadn't seen that, what read-me notes did you guys get..?

gray eagle
August 24th, 2017, 05:01
I hadn't seen that, what read-me notes did you guys get..?

On first page of the Quick Tutorial:

August 24th, 2017, 05:48
On first page of the Quick Tutorial:

Can you send me a copy..? I've not seen the "Quick Tutorial".

August 24th, 2017, 05:51
NSF repaint....WIP

gray eagle
August 24th, 2017, 06:13
Can you send me a copy..? I've not seen the "Quick Tutorial".

The file was in a rar format so when you unpacked it, a folder called tutorial was created - look there for quick tutorial.

Also, a readme install.rtf was listed in the root director where you unzipped the file, this DU4 inop was mentioned there as well.

August 24th, 2017, 06:21
The file was in a rar format so when you unpacked it, a folder called tutorial was created - look there for quick tutorial.

Also, a readme install.rtf was listed in the root director where you unzipped the file, this DU4 inop was mentioned there as well.

In was thinking that your tutorials might be newer then the information I have..

gray eagle
August 24th, 2017, 10:36
I was informed by Triton simulation that further sales is temporary halted until a much clearer web site has been reconstructed.


Edit: They are back up now.

August 24th, 2017, 16:58
I was informed by Triton simulation that further sales is temporary halted until a much clearer web site has been reconstructed.


Edit: They are back up now.

Thanks. Do you have stair lights..?

gray eagle
August 25th, 2017, 03:39
QUOTE=Seahawk72s;1099016]Thanks. Do you have stair lights..?[/QUOTE]


August 25th, 2017, 06:03
QUOTE=Seahawk72s;1099016]Thanks. Do you have stair lights..?


Can you tell me what switch you use to turn them on..?
What are the dates on your mdl files..? I think I'm behind..

August 26th, 2017, 06:17
Four new repaints available for download.

August 26th, 2017, 06:36
Has anyone pushed the envelope on this beauty and tried it in P3D_V4?

August 26th, 2017, 07:07
Has anyone pushed the envelope on this beauty and tried it in P3D_V4?

Apparently its been tried and thumbs up.
See #34 this thread.

The Triton site says they will not support the 450 for P3D.
Realize the 550 in development, is the major push.

August 31st, 2017, 10:50
work in progress

gray eagle
August 31st, 2017, 11:14
Hey Seahawk,

Have you done this one?


Or this one?


August 31st, 2017, 13:46
Hey Seahawk,

Have you done this one?

Or this one?

Sorry, I don't think so....

September 12th, 2017, 06:45
Interesting and complex....
I'm still configuring so no report on function.
The panel graphics are simplistic but the displays are a different story...

EDIT: Some of the display controller has broken functionality with the displays themselves
missing screens or not displaying.

September 14th, 2017, 01:54

thanks for the HU. This is now also on flightsim under the following as
along with a small update from yesterday named g550sound.zip

Kind regards,


September 16th, 2017, 16:21
Thanks to Ray Marshall for this repaint idea...

September 16th, 2017, 16:27
I put a little more polish on this one


Sorry I missed your comment.
What did you do to polish her up...?

September 16th, 2017, 16:34
Based on a real aircraft....

September 30th, 2017, 15:03
The Triton Facebook page has animated landing gear, a 3D model rendition and a screen pic of a 650 in flight.


Another link to the 3D model.


October 2nd, 2017, 02:16
That 650 is going to be a must have. We have so few good ultra long range business jets in FS. Hope the VC is good quality.

November 10th, 2017, 08:44
The 450 model is being revised.
See pics with more and animations on Facebook page.



November 25th, 2017, 12:00
Visit Facebook page for more updates and pics.



gray eagle
November 25th, 2017, 12:57
The 450 model is being revised.
See pics with more and animations on Facebook page.



I don't have a facebook account nor do I desire one. So I guess I'm sol on the news eh?

November 25th, 2017, 16:53
I don't have a facebook account nor do I desire one. So I guess I'm sol on the news eh?

With a little ingenuity Facebook can provide you a key to a lot of information.
Nothing says you can't use Facebook as you desire and what works best for you....... And its free.

gray eagle
November 26th, 2017, 03:55
With a little ingenuity Facebook can provide you a key to a lot of information.
Nothing says you can't use Facebook as you desire and what works best for you....... And its free.

Jim Brown also sent me this link for Non FB users.


November 26th, 2017, 04:30
Jim Brown also sent me this link for Non FB users.


The product page doesn't have the WIP screen shots, animations or update information.

gray eagle
November 26th, 2017, 05:04
The product page doesn't have the WIP screen shots, animations or update information.

I signed up for a newsletter, that will work for me.

November 26th, 2017, 07:08
Funny how we can’t get an aircraft named Gulfstream in FSX/P3D. Yet there is a really decent Gulfstream IV freeware for XP 11.
Someone got it by Gulfstream! I think that thr G 650 is one of the most beautiful aircraft made and looking forward to it.

November 26th, 2017, 15:24
It's more likely that the manufacturer hasn't found out about that model yet. Fingers crossed that it never will.

December 21st, 2017, 16:35
Aircraft will have external access hatches for GPU plug and switches.

See Facebook page for current information and screen shots.



December 21st, 2017, 17:48
It's more likely that the manufacturer hasn't found out about that model yet. Fingers crossed that it never will.
Reckon they are just waiting for the finish to slap them down... but yeah, hope it doesn't happen.

December 22nd, 2017, 06:50
It's more likely that the manufacturer hasn't found out about that model yet. Fingers crossed that it never will.
It’s funny that there is a fantastic G IV freeware aircraft for X-Plane available on X-Plane org. It’s really a great looking model. Will try to get a screenie as soon as I figure out how. X-Plane is a neat program but hard to get the commands down straight. P3D is still my go to sim.

December 22nd, 2017, 07:23
I've seen the XPlane model.

Take a look at the YouTube videos and I think you'll be impressed with this aircraft's development.


December 31st, 2017, 05:09
Nice screen shots of the HUD which is still a work in progress. (Facebook page)



January 26th, 2018, 17:58
Nice screen shots of new paint on what I believe is a revised model.

More at the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Triton-Simulation-Fleet-powered-by-Paperscan-1102409483176457/posts/?ref=page_internal


January 31st, 2018, 14:47
A second repaint from GLCTextures.
More screen shots at the Triton Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Triton-Simulation-Fleet-powered-by-Paperscan-1102409483176457/posts/?ref=page_internal


January 31st, 2018, 16:17
I worked at Gulfstream for 4+ years. They are very serious about this. I went up to marketing many a time to show them what could be done. They were having none of it sadly. Lawyers suck. :banghead:

Navy Chief
January 31st, 2018, 18:36
I worked at Gulfstream for 4+ years. They are very serious about this. I went up to marketing many a time to show them what could be done. They were having none of it sadly. Lawyers suck. :banghead:

I think work continues on their model though. Hope so. I have a USN paint request that is supposed to be made for me! Pete

January 31st, 2018, 19:05
From what I can see on their Facebook page work is continuing.
Advances in modeling to meet the increases in systems, the corresponding animation and sound.

January 17th, 2021, 17:53
Sadly this project died a while back with almost no chance that we'll ever see a study level Gulfstream.
I happened to find the 3D model this project was based on for sale. Here's a chance to go down memory lane and
see what might have been....:crushed:



January 22nd, 2021, 05:29
I just did a Google and found two Gulfstream models at Flyaway Simulation for FSX. They obviously are not of this caliber but then again, they are available and they are free. They do show that a lot of work went into them and are claimed to have real flight dynamics by their designers. After I check them out I will start a new post here.

December 13th, 2023, 02:34
I was amazed to find this being developed for X-Plane. For all of us who dreamed it might happen for flight simulator.
They are discussing developing a 450, the 550, and 650 variants.


Go here for more info and video.


April 7th, 2024, 13:05
My reason for getting it...I have MSFS as well...