View Full Version : Get Six..................

February 10th, 2009, 07:42

From 1962 to 1975, Air America inserted and extracted U.S. personnel, provided logistical support to the Royal Lao Army, Hmong army under command of Royal Lao Army Major General Vang Pao, and combatant Thai "volunteer" forces, transported refugees, and flew photo reconnaissance missions that provided valuable intelligence on NLF activities. Its civilian-marked craft were frequently used, under the control of the Seventh/Thirteenth Air Force to launch search and rescue missions for U.S. pilots downed throughout Southeast Asia. Air America pilots were the only known private U.S. corporate employees to operate non-Federal Aviation Administration-certified military aircraft in a combat role, although many of them were actually military personnel who had been transferred to the airline.


" Yeah, Iīll see you there on the 4th by the tarmac., donīt bring too much baggage, we are going to be there only for a few hours".
Major General Arthur Bangburst hanged the phone. At 63, he was eager to fly into Laos as he had done back in 65 when he was 22 flying the pack of planes AA had provided him and the others that were going with him. Six of his budies had been shot down as they departed the Loa-An airfield in a DC-3 back in 67. Now it was time to get them back home.........
The mission had been planned by Art and Donald in 2004, but due to bad luck in getting a DC-3 for it, it had to be postponed. Now Donald had gotten hold of an ancient Curtiss C-46 in fair condition. He found it at______________Thailand while vacationing with his wife Anna. After some haggling with the owner he had bought the old plane for some Thai bahts. He rented a hangar and mothballed it as best he could, he knew the "group" would soon come and use it. He quietly went back to his home in Pattaya and began making calls.
Art, Donald, Bart and Huey met and hugged laughing as they had done at Ban-Thou Air Base in 1966. They had at least seen each other every two years in the AA annual meeting in Buffalo. Now they were finally ready to accomplish the "promise" they had vowed back in 1975 when they were given their last pay check by AA and sent home from the jungles of Laos and VietNam.---The Airline had been closed.

The Mission.....

1) Get the C-46 and fly to______________for final check.
2) Fly to_______________LOW!!!!!! no higher than_________ft AGL in order to avoid all radar traces.
3) Land and meet Tuo-Ping who will take them to the old cemetery.
4) Get the SIX guys into the plane
5) Get the hell out of there and return to_______________
6) Transport them back to the US and deliver them to their families....
7) Say good by and go home.......

As simple as that!!!!!!.................

"A Proud Mission done by a group who never forgot their buddies!!!!!!"

Soon in a Sim Near You..................................

February 10th, 2009, 08:06
Got the 46!!!!!

February 10th, 2009, 08:20
Got the 46!!!!!

Where to get the C-46? Is it a native FSX bird with DVC?

Mission sounds like fun!

February 10th, 2009, 09:22
Not native, but maybe this one:


February 10th, 2009, 09:37
I'm onboard for this one!

February 10th, 2009, 10:45
This is the C-46...at Flightsim.com

<center>FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Propliners </center> <center>FS2004/FSX Curtiss C-46 Commando
</center> <center> [ Download (http://www.flightsim.com/kdl.php?fid=110131) | View (http://www.flightsim.com/zview.php?cm=list&fid=110131) ] </center>
Name: c46ga.zip (http://www.flightsim.com/kdl.php?fid=110131) Size: 26,768,596 Date: 03-23-2007 Downloads: 3,959
http://www.flightsim.com/m/c46ga.gif http://www.flightsim.com/wbicons/fcq1.gif http://www.flightsim.com/wbicons/fbq1.gif FS2004/FSX Curtiss C-46 Commando. Gmax version 1. Liveries include Flying Tiger, Aerocondor, Aeronotre, Everts Air Fule and USAAF. Also includes bare metal livery to allow for repaints. Includes multiple 2D panel bitmaps and choice of VC with pilot, copilot or no crew. By Libardo Guzman, Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson. (See also C46GAFIX.ZIP (http://www.flightsim.com/file.php?cm=SEARCH1&fsec=0&fname=C46GAFIX.ZIP))

The bare metal model was bought by the guys.....................:wavey:

May I suggest you fly it some, it is a tricky aircraft like the real one.........you loose an engine and itīs a gonner!!!......Short take offs are sweetsour.......

chinookmark (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/member.php?u=71444) is correct on Simviation............

Please Note:...................This is a TWO (2) episode Mission, you get both in the same zip:

Episode 1:............The guys take a Jet in Thailand and fly to_______________where the C-46 is
You will need also for this plane for this episode. ( you can "jump" it if you so desire).

<center>FSX - FSX Business Jets </center> <center>FSX Gulfstream One EX
</center> <center> [ Download (http://www.flightsim.com/kdl.php?fid=128973) | View (http://www.flightsim.com/zview.php?cm=list&fid=128973) ] </center>
Name: g1ex.zip (http://www.flightsim.com/kdl.php?fid=128973) Size: 22,178,419 Date: 11-15-2008 Downloads: 950
http://www.flightsim.com/n/g1ex.gif http://www.flightsim.com/wbicons/fcq1.gif FSX Gulfstream One EX. This is the Peter Brun/Lider Designs Gulfstream 100 modified for Flight Simulator X. This business jet is the smallest of the Gulfstreams. This G1 sports a red and gold paint scheme with new effects and new flight dynamics. Updates by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft.

Episode 2:-------The C-46 flight below--------ft to the grave site and back.