View Full Version : Battle of France - Part I has now been released!

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March 30th, 2017, 02:03
Good morning,

Since I finished Sedan last night, I thought I'd post pics of the town and a few other places.

April 2nd, 2017, 03:11
Good morning,

Here are a couple of shots for the eventual auto-installer...

April 3rd, 2017, 13:22
They look nice.

April 5th, 2017, 10:50
They look nice.

merci pour vous intéresser à la bataille de France un peu négligée sur CFS2 . Mais je pense qu'il devait y avoir des avions français en France ? Ou sont-ils ?
Je vous envoie quelques exemples , mais mes missions ne passent que sur mon ordinateur , quelqu'un pourrait les adapter , Rami l'a fait avec Dakar , mais c'est un gros travail


April 5th, 2017, 10:59
They look nice.

merci pour vous intéresser à la la bataille de France qui est un peu négligée par CGS2 , mais ou sont les avions français ,il devait y en avoir quelques uns ?
Il a bien quelques vielles missions de CFS1 reprises sur CFS2 mais depuis rien .
Je me suis bien sur intéressé à la question ,mais mes missions ont besoin d'une mise au point pour tourner sur une installation standard . Est ce possible?


April 5th, 2017, 11:04
suite http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=48887&stc=1http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=48888&stc=1http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=48889&stc=1http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=48890&stc=1

April 7th, 2017, 04:11
Awesome selection of screengrabs Dombral :applause::encouragement:

April 9th, 2017, 11:36
:bump: just giving this a

April 12th, 2017, 07:48
Here's an unusual pair...

April 12th, 2017, 08:24
From Dombral...(translated)

Thank you for your interest in the battle of France which is somewhat overlooked by CFS2, but where are the French planes, there had to be some?

He has a few old missions of CFS1 taken on CFS2 but since nothing.

I got quite interested in the question, but my missions need a focus to turn on a standard installation. Is this possible?


I have your missions for the south, and am building missions for the French as well as for the British, Belgians, Italians, and Dutch. This is going to take a while, but fortunately, we have most of the scenery we need already.

I also converted about sixty-five CFS1 missions for this so far to give me a head start.


J'ai vos missions pour le sud, et je suis en train de créer des missions aussi bien pour les Français que pour les Britanniques, les Belges, les Italiens et les Néerlandais. Cela prendra un certain temps, mais heureusement, nous avons déjà la plupart des paysages dont nous avons besoin.

J'ai également converti environ soixante-cinq missions CFS1 pour cela jusqu'à présent pour me donner une longueur d'avance.

April 12th, 2017, 09:00
From Dombral...

Merci pour vous intéresser à la bataille de France un peu négligée sur CFS2 . Mais je pense qu'il devait y avoir des avions français en France? Ou sont-ils?

Je vous envoie quelques exemples, mais mes missions ne passent que sur mon ordinateur, quelqu'un pourrait les adapter, Rami l'a fait avec Dakar, mais c'est un gros travail.

From Dombral...(translated)


Thank you for your interest in the battle of France a little overlooked on CFS2. But I think there had to be French planes in France? Where are they?

I am sending you a few examples, but my missions only pass on my computer, someone could adapt them, Rami did it with Dakar, but it's a big job.


Ne crains pas, mon ami. Les Français ne sont pas et ne seront pas oubliés. Ce projet est à la hauteur de la bataille de la Grande-Bretagne, peut-être plus grande ... le secteur nord (la Bataille de France-Nord) aura des missions impliquant les Hollandais, les Belges, le Français, le BEF et les Allemands.

Hewman100 m'a envoyé près de cinquante pages de notes sur le BEF seul.

J'ai déjà fait des missions pour les Français.

Le secteur sud (Bataille de France-Sud) impliquera vos trente-quatre missions, ainsi que leurs réflexions italiennes. Je travaillerai sur ce projet pendant un long moment, je ne m'attends pas à ce que cela se fasse avant 2018.

Je prévois éventuellement deux cent plus de missions au moment où la poussière s'installe l'année prochaine.


Fear not, my friend. The French are not and will not be forgotten. This project is on a par with the Battle of Britain, perhaps larger...the northern sector (Battle of France - North) alone will have missions involving the Dutch, Belgians, French, the BEF, and the Germans.

Hewman100 sent me almost fifty pages of notes on the BEF alone.

I have done some missions for the French already.

The southern sector (Battle of France - South) will involve your thirty-four missions, as well as their Italian reflections. I will be working on this project for a good long while, I don't expect this to be done prior to 2018.

I anticipate possibly another two-hundred plus missions by the time the dust settles sometime next year.

April 14th, 2017, 04:18
merci pour ces nouvelles . J'attends vos productions avec impatience . Je joins quelques captures d'écran sur le sujet


April 23rd, 2017, 15:33
Good evening,

Here is some more of UncleTgt's handiwork...

April 25th, 2017, 03:14
bombardement de Casablanca


April 25th, 2017, 15:17

Have those missions as well....now that we have Wolfi's Avenger, the process will be easier, especially if I need a break from France from time to time.

Meanwhile, here are Battles reforming after an attack on German Panzer columns in Luxembourg.

May 1st, 2017, 14:05
Good evening,

Here are some more teasers as the work continues...

May 2nd, 2017, 01:04
Cher Dombral

Bon Jour

Quel avion c'est ?


Merci beaucoup


May 2nd, 2017, 17:02
Looks like a great project, Thank u!

May 2nd, 2017, 18:07
Certainly shaping up to be an exciting and valuable addition to the CFS2 repertoire. Well done so far, and thanks to our hard working band of experten.

May 3rd, 2017, 01:41
Cher Dombral

Bon Jour

Quel avion c'est ?


Merci beaucoup


c'est un Martin 167A du Groupe de reconnaissance GRI/61 Je l'ai utilisé pour représenter dans mes missions de la guerre franco-italienne de juin 1940 les 6 martin A167 qui ont attaqué la base aéronavale de Cagliari et ont détruit une dizaine d'hydravions italiens . On doit pouvoir le trouver dans la warbird library de SOH


May 4th, 2017, 06:37

Merci Beaucoup



PS: any idea where to get the repaint?

May 4th, 2017, 15:16
Good evening,

Courtesy of UncleTgt...RAF 73 Squadron "Paddy III," flown by Edgar James "Cobber" Kain.

May 4th, 2017, 15:43
Hello again,

Putting this new skin to good use!

May 4th, 2017, 15:54
Nothing like a good Stuka hunt!

May 6th, 2017, 05:26
Good morning,

Making steady progress...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - "Flying Spades" around Lille
"summary_string"=Scramble! A large formation of He-111s have been spotted near Lille, and have been loitering in this same sector looking for targets to bomb! Get over the city quickly, tear into the krauts, bloody their nose, and drive them away from the area and back to Germany!
"objective_string"=On the evening of 10 May 1940, some twenty-plus He-111s were sighted near Lille, part of the larger force belonging to III/KG 54, whom had attacked rail targets in the Antwerp-Brussels-Ghent sector. Four Hurricanes from 3 Squadron scrambled from Merville and attacked, claiming two destroyed and two damaged. At various points, 607 Squadron, 87 Squadron, and 85 Squadron all ran into elements of this same formation, and between them claimed another seven destroyed and two damaged. Actual losses are not known.
"intelligence_string"=Once in the air, climb to Angels 8 by the time you reach Lille. The formation of Heinkels is reported to be at a height of 2,000 meters. It is likely that other RAF fighter Squadrons will still be engaging as well, so be sure to attack the bombers and not other fighters. No reports of an escort have been received, but that does not mean German fighters might not be nearby. When you are finished or out of ammo, break off and return to Merville.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Search the Ardennes Forest
"summary_string"=To your fighters! You have been tasked to escort a formation of Fairey Battles on a sweep over the Ardennes as they prowl for German columns. They will attack whatever they find, and you must keep them safe. Another flight of Hurricanes will assist your efforts. Make sure you fend off any German attacks, and get them back home!
"objective_string"=This mission is an amalgam of two raids by Fairey Battles on 11 May. The first one saw eight Battles of 88 and 218 Squadrons attack the town of Wiltz in Luxembourg, escorted by six Hurricanes of 73 Squadron. A formation of Dornier 17Zs were seen near Vouziers, but left alone, and only one Battle returned to base. The latter Fairey raid saw five Hurricanes of 1 Squadron accompany Battles to an area northeast of Rethel, France. Over the target, three Bf-110s of II/ZG 1 were engaged, and two were brought down. This mission combines the two events.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, your task is to rendezvous with the Battles and escort them during this sweep over the Ardennes. Another section of Hurricanes from 73 Squadron will provide high cover. The Battles will find & attack any armor in their sector. When they finish, you will bring them back toward the Reims area before returning to Berry-au-Bac. Above all else, make sure they can do their work unmolested when they attack!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 1 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Berry-au-Bac

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Hurricane mêlée over Vraux
"summary_string"=Scramble! German bombers have been spotted near Moulmelon! These bombers are likely going to raid the airfields at either Vraux or Athis, so you must climb hard & then pounce on them before they can reach the airfields! Tear into the enemy formation and bring down as many as you can!
"objective_string"=73 Squadron's Hurricanes saw major action in the afternoon once a formation of thirty He-111s from II/KG 53, escorted by Bf-110s of I/ZG 1, neared the airfield at Vraux. Soon after the lead British fighters engaged, they were joined by seven more Hurricanes of 73 Squadron & yet another six from 501 Squadron. During this confused engagement, a total of ten Zerstörers were claimed as damaged, probable kills, or destroyed, while three Heinkels were claimed as destroyed & another as damaged. Actual losses on either side are not known.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll climb hard up to an altitude of Angels 18; we hope this will allow you to bounce the Germans from superior height. When attacking the formation, focus on engaging enemy bombers, and utilize your superior agility to evade the escort, especially if they are Bf-110s. Be sure to stay in this fight as long as you can, but try to avoid getting your fighter mauled, it is not easy to secure replacements!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 73 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Reims

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Stuka hunting over Brussels
"summary_string"=To your Hurricanes! The Luftwaffe has been quite active all over the front today, so you are going to patrol over the city of Brussels, watching for any enemy air activity. With Allied forces under heavy pressure on all fronts, we must do all that we can to hold back the German onslaught!
"objective_string"=During the afternoon of 11 May, six Hurricanes of 87 Squadron on patrol over Brussels ran into sixty unescorted Stukas (likely from elements of StG 2) attacking various points of the city. 87 Sqaudron pilots tore into these Stukas, claiming six with no loss. The losses should have been a clear warning to the Luftwaffe about the Stuka's vulnerability; she was virtually a sitting duck to enemy fighters.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, climb up to an altitude of Angels 15 as you head for Brussels. Over the city, look for any signs of enemy air activity. If you do encounter the Germans, you're cleared to engage. But choose your targets carefully; with these six Hurricanes, you'll be outnumbered, perhaps quite heavily, against any large formation. Make sure to get your crate back in one piece; we must have all resources available to combat these krauts!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 87 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Interdiction over Waalhaven
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! This "Phoney War" is now in the past; the Germans have begun moving into Holland, Belgium, and France, and are using their transport aircraft to secure airfields in Holland well ahead of their ground forces! You will fly to Waalhaven & with bomber assistance, take out the transports on the ground!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of two RAF attacks during the afternoon of 10 May, 1940. The first one saw six Blenheim Ifs of 600 Sqn strafe Waalhaven, where they ran into troop-laden Ju-52s from ZG 1. These Blenheims pounced, and took down several before being mauled by Bf-110 escorts. Only one Blenheim survived. The second blow was by nine unescorted Blenheims, who pounced hard in the early evening. Despite flak damage, all these Blenheims returned, & they took out at least a dozen Ju-52 transports!
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will fly east-northeast toward the Rotterdam area. Blenheim bombers will meet you en route. Over Holland, lend cover to the bombers, & if no enemy aircraft are nearby, make strafing runs on any transport planes, fuel stores, or ammo crates. If you see enemy aircraft, engage any transports and keep the enemy busy until the Blenheims finish. Once you exhaust all your ammo, break off and return to Manston. Be sure to come back intact, we don't want to bleed out resources during such a crucial time!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Blenheim Mk1f 600 Sqn
"airfield_string"=England - Ramsgate

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Heavy losses at Luxembourg
"summary_string"=Listen up, chaps! We won't let German forces run for the French border, despite the French refusal to take any action! You'll spearhead this force of Fairey Battles that we'll send to blunt the German advance! Take out as many of them as you can, and then get back in one piece, we'll need to maintain our numbers to have any chance of repelling their invasion!
"objective_string"=The afternoon & evening of 10 May, 1940 saw Air Minister Barrett take matters in his own hands to blunt the German advances after Gamelin refused to move. Battles from RAF 12, 103, 105, 142, 150, 218, and 226 Squadrons attacked German units in Luxembourg, trying to blunt their advance. Of the forty-eight Fairey Battles sent in two waves that afternoon, twenty-two failed to return at all, with another four badly damaged. Any impact they had on the German forces is unknown.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll form up with other Battles from nearby airfields and fly to Luxembourg. Two columns of enemy vehicles & tanks are moving west rapidly through the country toward the Belgian & French borders. The enemy vehicles are reported to be just west of Luxembourg City. You will go in low with your bombs and try to halt their advance or destroy as many vehicles as you can. Make sure you watch out for heavy flak; flying this low you will not have a lot of time to react if you are hit!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Battle Mk1
"airfield_string"=France - Reims

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Wellingtons over Waalhaven
"summary_string"=Listen up! The German Fallschirmjäger have seized airfields in Holland to support their invasion, and took Waalhaven earlier this evening! We will raid the aerodrome overnight to support the Dutch, who will follow our attack with a ground offensive and recapture the base to keep it out of enemy hands. Let's lend these Dutch forces our support!
"objective_string"=During the overnight of 10-11 May 1940, the Royal Air Force tried to assist the Dutch in recapturing Waalhaven aerodrome, which had been overrun by German paratroopers. Thirty-six Wellingtons of 9, 37, 75 NZ, 99, 115, and 149 Squadrons raided the base overnight, with the first aircraft being used to drop flares. Impact of the raid was debatable; one RAF flight missed & hit part of the Dutch-held section of Rotterdam. Worse, the Dutch failed to follow up with their ground counteroffensive, and so the raid ultimatelty proved pointless.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will assemble with the other squadrons from East Anglia & Sussex before crossing the North Sea. You will attack Waalhaven from the southwest, then egress northwest & head back out to sea to minimize the time over Holland. Under cover of night, the accuracy of enemy flak should be reduced. Make sure to come back intact; we'll need to fly additional raids to try and slow or halt German advances in the area!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Vickers Wellington Mk Ic
"airfield_string"=England - Marham

May 6th, 2017, 05:28
Good morning,

Making steady progress...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - German troops at Maastricht
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! We will not stand by & allow the Germans to advance through Maastricht without a fight! You'll begin the effort by attacking bridges over the Albert Canal the Germans have captured. We will be supported by 110 Squadron; they'll hit Wehrmacht columns advancing into Belgium. Let's put in a good show and hit our targets hard to set things off on the right foot!
"objective_string"=Beginning the afternoon of 11 May 1940, the Royal Air Force made a concerted effort thru 12 May to halt the Germans from pushing beyond Maastricht. During the late afternoon, eleven bombers of 110 Squadron, followed soon after by twelve bombers of 21 Squadron, raided Maastricht from altitude. Very heavy flak was encountered, and it appears a total of two Blenheims from these two raids were shot down; eight others were damaged. Some info from this raid is unclear; it appears 110 Squadron raided the bridges over the Albert Canal while 21 Squadron flew into Belgium to raid the advancing German columns. This whole effort caused little to no damage.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will climb up to Angels 15; we believe that this height will keep you above heavy enemy flak. As you approach Maastricht, the squadron will separate into flights of four to raid the bridges at Veldwezel, Vroenhoven, and Kanne. After you release your bombs, clear the city & the Albert Canal by flying west, then cross the North Sea to reach England. Make sure not to linger over the target; we will need all of our assets available to maintain heavy pressure against the Germans!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Blenheim Mk4-1 139 Sqn
"airfield_string"=England - Bodney

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Their bravery unquestioned
"summary_string"=Listen, chaps! Our determined effort to knock out the bridges has not borne out yet, so 12 Squadron will seize this opportunity and succeed where the other squadrons have not. Your Battles will target the intact bridges at Vroenhoven and Veldwezel; let's destroy these bridges and put an end to this madness!
"objective_string"=This mission is an amalgam of three raids flown by the RAF the evening of 11 May and the morning of 12 May. The Blenheim strike at altitude represents the effort of 139 Squadron, which suffered heavy loss without any escort when Bf-109s intercepted, while the Battles include three from 88 Squadron, flown on 11 May with four Hurricanes for escort from 607 Squadron, as well as three Battles from 103 Squadron & six Battles from 12 Squadron. Of the twelve Battles, five were shot down, one was forced to abort, & the others had varying amounts of damage. In addition, seven of 139 Squadron's Blenheims also failed to return.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will head northeast toward the Albert Canal. En route, a flight of Hurricanes will provide escort. To split defensive fire, Blenheims will attack from altitude. Target the main span of these bridges for maximum effect, but be wary of enemy interception; raids in this area are close to Germany. Once you release, clear out and get back to base; let's hope the Hurricanes can provide you effecitve cover!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Battle Mk1
"airfield_string"=France - Juvincourt

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Last chapter over Maastricht
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! This will be our final attempt at destroying bridges over the Albert Canal, because Bomber Command wants to be ready to strike when German forces make their move into France. Let's be sure to succeed on this final attempt, because we will surely need to knock out bridges again to prevent further German advances!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 12 May, a total of twenty-four Blenheim bombers from 15 and 107 Squadrons left England to raid the bridges over the Albert Canal at altitude, close to the time the Battles attacked the same area at low level. They were supposed to link up with Hurricanes from 85 and 87 Squadron, but the fighters were intercepted over Liège. The Blenheims didn't run into any fighters due to this, but ten of twenty-four Blenheims failed to return due to flak damage. Though the Blenheims dropped nearly one hundred bombs, not a single one hit the bridges. After the two morning strikes, the British took no further action.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will climb to Angels 18 & head to the Flemish coast. This will position you to attack from the west, whilst 15 Squadron raids from the northwest. You'll cross over the bridges at different altitudes; this should help to split the flak. Once finished, you will head northwest while 15 Squadron clears out to the west. Make sure you return home intact; the Germans are getting closer to our BEF forces in France, and we will surely be needed there soon!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Blenheim Mk4-1 139 Sqn
"airfield_string"=England - Boxted

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Attack on Wallhaven airfield
"summary_string"=Listen up! German troops have captured the Dutch airfield at Waalhaven, so we wil attack and try to dislodge them while their grip on the field is still tenuous. Over Holland, you will rendezvous with a force of Swordfish biplanes, and inflict as much damage as you can on the enemy!
"objective_string"=The evening of 12 May 1940 saw six Beauforts of RAF 22 Squadron raid the German-held airfield at Waalhaven. They were accompanied by nine Fairey Swordfish of FAA 815 Sqn, based out of Bircham Newton. They were able to successfully attack the airfield and return to England just prior to 23:00 hours. However, during the attack, one Swordfish was shot down by flak. The overall impact of this raid is not known.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly east-southeast over The Wash and East Anglia. If you have any engine trouble, you can land at Coltishall, near Norfolk. If all is well, head across the North Sea to attack Waalhaven airfield. Swordfish biplanes will meet you near the aerodrome, & you'll attack together. Concentrate on fuel stores, ammo crates, and any exposed transports. Once finished, fly back over the North Sea for home. The Swordfish will break off while over East Anglia. You may land there if chewed up, or continue back to Kirton-in-Lindsay. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Beaufort Mk I Bomber
"airfield_string"=England - Kirton-in-Lindsay

I'll do the French, Belgians, and Germans when I return...

Shadow Wolf 07
May 6th, 2017, 06:40
Nice work man. Looks good. :jump:

May 6th, 2017, 10:23
Hi Greg,

Thanks for the attaboy! Here is the last batch...

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Zerstörer escort to Reims
"summary_string"=Aufpassen Männer! Luftwaffe units are continuing their efforts against airbases in France & the Low Countries. Your task this evening will be to escort this force of Dornier Do-17s to Reims, where they will raid the main aerodrome. Fend off any British fighter interference and make sure these bombers get home!
"objective_string"=During the early evening of 11 May, a formation of thirty Do-17s from III/KG 76, with about fifteen escorting Bf-110s of I/ZG 76, attacked the Reims area. Four Hurricanes from 1 Squadron scrambled to intercept & attacked this formation from above & astern. The Hurricanes tore into their formation & shot down by ten Zerstörers by their estimation, but only two of the Zerstörers actually failed to return to base. Any Dornier losses are not known.
"intelligence_string"=After takeoff, you'll rendezvous with the bomber formation just west of Cologne. The bombers will strike Reims airfield from a height of about 5,000 meters to keep clear of heavy flak. Enemy fighters have been heavily engaged & are often patrolling, looking for enemy formations, so be ready to fend off attacks. Once these bombers release, get them safely back to German skies, with as little loss as possible. Hals und Beinbruch!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Koln-Ostheim

"title_string"=BoF Jagsgeschwader - Freie Jagd over Belgium
"summary_string"=Zuhören, Besatzungen! We've heard over the radio that the Belgians are sending out a raid to attack the Maastricht bridges! You will hunt for them and hack them out of the sky before they can even get close. Once you find them, tear into the formation and make sure they do not reach the Canal bridges intact!
"objective_string"=At dawn on 11 May 1940, eight Bf-109s of I/JG 1 left Germany for a Freie Jagd over Belgium. They were searching for a force of Belgian Gladiators and Battles that has departed their bases & found them just southeast of Tongeren. Three Gladiators were shot down in moments, all others were badly shredded & forced either to head back to base or force-land. The remaining Battles were decimated by anti-aircraft fire over Maastricht.
"intelligence_string"=After takeoff, you'll fly west toward the Belgian bases northwest of Ghent. Radio traffic indicated the enemy formation was assembling there. If they have departed follow them toward Maastricht, and once you locate them, tear into the formation. The Battles are extremely vulnerable to flak, so what you don't get, our AA gunners will. Once finished, return to Monchengladbach.
"airfield_string"=Germany - Monchengladbach

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschader - Dorniers lead the charge
"summary_string"=Kamerad, herhören! Our conquest of France starts this morning; we're going to set right our mistakes from the Great War! You will help lead the attack as one of the first units to see action. You'll raid the airfield at Etain-Rouvres, and hopefully catch the British and the French completely off-balance! Let's show the enemy the "Phoney War" is no more!
"objective_string"=German forces began the attack on France and the Low Countries by bombing & then strafing French, Dutch, and Belgian airfields literally beginning at or just prior to first light. Your Dorniers of 4/KG 2 will be one of the first to attack; your target is the French field at Etain-Rouvres. During the raid, the Dorniers were attacked by elements of 73 and 87 Squadron. The RAF claimed several destroyed, but only one could be verified. The Bf-110 escort during this mission is fictional.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will climb up to 3,125 meters. Along the way, your escort of Bf-110s will meet you near Frankfurt and bring you to & from the aerodrome. As you approach Etain-Rouvres, be ready for RAF or French intercepts. We know they have fighters stationed pretty close to the German border, & we will be hitting them as they prepare for their dawn patrols. When finished, fly back to Gelnhausen. Viel Glück!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
"airfield_string"=Germany - Gelnhausen

"title_string"=Belgian Air Force - Albert Canal assault
"summary_string"=The Wehrmacht is attempting to cross the bridges over the Albert Canal after neutralizing Fort Eben Emael yesterday! We must stop their advances, so you'll escort Battles being sent out to destroy the bridges! Make sure they come back, we'll need all available resources to counter this threat! (Enemy resistance in this mission is muted for playability; during the real sortie the Battles were massacred, with nearly all Battles suffering horrific damage or being destroyed entirely)
"objective_string"=Just before 07:00 hours on the morning of 11 May 1940, a force of nine RBAF Battles, along with six Gladiator biplanes for escort, flew in sections of three Battles each to attack the Veldwezel, Kanne, & Vroenhoven bridges over the Albert Canal in the hope of destroying them and thereby blocking the advance of German troops. During the actual raid, the Battles were intercepted by German Dorniers, and encountered heavy flak over the bridges. Five of the nine Battles were shot down, & five airmen were killed. These men were Captain André Glorie, Adj. Franz J.C. Delvigne, Sgt. Alexandre Moens, 1 Sgt. Rolin Hymans, and Adj. Gustave Timmermans. Several others airmen were wounded.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will meet up with the Battles & escort them to the Maastricht area. The bridges are just west of Maastricht over the Albert Canal. Be sure that the Battles can make their attacks in the clear. When finished, bring them back to their base, & then land at Maldegem. This will likely not be your only action today, so make sure you return intact!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gladiator Mk1, RBAF
"airfield_string"=Belgium - Maldegem

May 6th, 2017, 10:49
Hi Wolfgang!

I hope all is well on your end. As you're surely aware, I'm working on the Battle of France project with Kdriver, UncleTgt, Hewman100, Captain Kurt, and a few others. I'm getting into 12 May, and there are missions that require significant French involvement. I remembered all of a sudden that you had done a fantastic (if under-appreciated) campaign for the Battle of France, focused on the Hawk 75.

Some of the missions I may be doing from this point forward could infringe on your "turf" with this campaign. Based on my own sense of ethics and fair play, I am deliberately trying to avoid using the FDG P-36 as a player aircraft when building French missions if it mirrors a mission you are doing. There may be situations that crop up where I'm left without an alternative, especially after the Dunkirk evacuation.

It's a difficult balance because I promised Dombral that I would get the French involved as much as possible; this also will include some work in the Mediterranean, but only through the end of June; it would not infringe on your Vichy work.

If anything, I hope that this effort may draw attention TO your work rather than the opposite. That being said, if you would like me to completely avoid any "crossing of the swords," I can do other missions that will not infringe on your work in the least.

Please let me know how you would like me to handle this, my friend.


Hallo Wolfgang!

Ich hoffe, alles ist gut am Ende. Wie Sie sicher wissen, arbeite ich an der Schlacht von Frankreich Projekt mit Kdriver, UncleTgt, Hewman100, Kapitän Kurt, und ein paar andere. Ich komme in den 12. Mai, und es gibt Missionen, die ein bedeutendes französisches Engagement erfordern. Ich erinnerte mich plötzlich, dass Sie eine fantastische (wenn auch unterschätzte) Kampagne für die Schlacht von Frankreich gemacht hatten, die sich auf den Falken 75 konzentrierte.


Einige der Missionen, die ich von diesem Punkt an tun kann, könnten mit dieser Kampagne auf Ihren "Rasen" verstoßen. Basierend auf meinem eigenen Sinn für Ethik und Fairplay, versuche ich bewusst zu vermeiden, die FDG P-36 als Spieler Flugzeug beim Bau Französisch Missionen, wenn es spiegelt eine Mission, die Sie tun. Es kann Situationen geben, die auftauchen, wo ich ohne Alternative gelassen werde, besonders nach der Dunkirk-Evakuierung.

Es ist eine schwierige Balance, weil ich Dombral versprochen habe, dass ich die Franzosen so viel wie möglich machen würde; Dazu gehört auch eine Arbeit im Mittelmeer, aber nur bis Ende Juni; Es würde nicht gegen deine Vichy-Arbeit verstoßen.

Wenn überhaupt, hoffe ich, dass diese Anstrengung die Aufmerksamkeit auf Ihre Arbeit und nicht auf das Gegenteil legen kann. Wenn du es willst, wenn du mich gern irgendwelche "Kreuzung der Schwerter" vermeiden willst, kann ich andere Missionen tun, die deine Arbeit nicht im geringsten verletzen werden.

Bitte lassen Sie mich wissen, wie Sie möchten, dass ich damit umgeht, mein Freund.


Shadow Wolf 07
May 6th, 2017, 17:29
Have you done anything with the assault/raid on Eben Emael in this campaign? :ernaehrung004:

May 6th, 2017, 18:11

I built Eben Emael with the tools I had available, but...(Stuart277 and our team will be discussing it in the next couple of days)

1) The landclass and rivers are all wrong, so it makes it extremely difficult to build it correctly in the proper location. Redoing the landclass for this area would be a major overhaul, and frankly, given that I'm basically having to build each mission from scratch, I'm inclined not to make even more work for myself, because then we're talking about a redo for every Maastricht mission already completed.

2) There are no appropriate gliders to do the job.

3) However, theoretically, it could be done with Ju-52 paratroopers with an area drop zone.

I chose to focus instead on the struggle for Maastricht and the bridges over the Albert Canal. There are a total of five mission covering a span of two days, (May 11th and 12th)

The way this project is shaping up, I'm expecting to be close to 200 missions once it's all said and done.

May 7th, 2017, 00:05
Hi Andrew!

Yes, everything is fine here, although real life keeps me very busy, which is the reason why you don´t hear much from me right now.

But I´m still interested in CFS2, and also working on a new project, which should be finished in the near future (I hope).

About the possible "conflicts" between your missions and mine, don´t worry about these!

I do not feel that I "own" any events, just because I covered them in my campaigns. So please go ahead and create your campaign in just the way you want it! I will certainly not take any offence if some missions mirror those in my campaign! The same goes for campaigns in other theaters where I was active!



May 7th, 2017, 02:46
Good morning,

Hot off the press...

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Cut the British off at Liège
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! British forces are making every effort to destroy important bridges over the Albert Canal, so this morning your staffel will be patrolling the Liège-Maastricht sector, looking for any British bomber formations or fighter cover. If you find the Brits, you have permission to engage. Let's show them that we won't relinquish what our forces have fought to secure!
"objective_string"=On 12 May 1940, Stab and I/JG 27 were in action over Belgium & engaged Hurricanes of 1 Squadron, & possibly both 85 & 87 Squadrons. Some sources claim that as many as forty Bf-109s were involved, including Adolf Galland. The engagement at Liège prevented the Brits from reaching the Blenheims & Battles they were tasked to protect at Maastricht. Apparently, a formation of Heinkels and an escort became involved in the fray, along with Ju-87s. In the mêlée, a total of seven Heinkels were claimed along with six Bf-109s. The Germans claimed four Hurricanes shot down and three damaged.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll head toward Liège and climb up to 5,000 meters. Look for any British fighters or bombers in the sector between Liège & Maastricht. You are cleared to engage all British aircraft in the area. When the sky is clear or you exhaust your ammunition, break off and return to Monchengladbach. Remember; Messerschmitts are faster than Hurricanes, but not as maneuverable. Use your speed to initiate and break contact. Viel Glück!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Monchengladbach

May 7th, 2017, 02:57
Have you done anything with the assault/raid on Eben Emael in this campaign? :ernaehrung004:


Apparently I was wrong. Kevin is working on the land and water masking as we speak. Stuart277 sent out this question a couple of days ago...

"Hi Andrew,

I hope things are going well with your leg problems. Love the BOF work.

Re: Eben Emael. I looked at trying to do a Ju52 paradrop mission a while ago, but gave it up as the terrain did not match the fort. I was thinking about this after your recent efforts. I think that land shapes can be done, but I do not know (and I have not looked into) how to do it.

1. Is the terrain ok?

2. If not, can we (I) build a Gmax Fort, a bit like a ship.

3. Will paratroops land on a 'ship.'

Take care,


Kevin (Kdriver) sent this screenshot this morning...along with this reply..."Hi Stuart & BoF Crew,I'm working on it. Kevin."

...to which I responded...


Do you need me to make any GSL adjustments to the bridges? I hope not, because then five missions have to be tweaked. But if we can get Eben Emael correctly positioned, we can collaborate on building it better. Then the tough part is writing a mission scenario.

Maybe we'll let Stuart do this, since you Aussies are the ones who let this Genie out of the bottle...lol.


May 7th, 2017, 03:03

Many thanks. I had the same hesitation with the Dutch East Indies overhaul because of the work you did there, and with the 20th Fighter Group campaign, since that covered some territory that Captain Kurt's 354th Fighter Group campaign dealt with.

Okay then...back to the grindstone. :wavey:

May 7th, 2017, 17:53
Good evening,

From today's batch; I only had time for one...

"title_string"=Battle of France - Tangling with Kampfgeschwader 53
"summary_string"=To your Hawks! German bombers are bearing down on our airfields near Reims, and your fighters will meet the formation & engage, hopefully disrupting their efforts in the process! Once you locate this German formation, tear into them, and bring down as many of the bombers as possible!
"objective_string"=A bit after dawn on 12 May, I, II, and III/KG 53 attacked the French base at Mourmelon, southeast of Reims. This formation was escorted by Bf-110s from ZG I and ZG 52. The French scrambled Hawk 75s to intercept them, and when II/KG 53 strayed too close to 501 Squadron's base, four Hurricanes rose to intercept. During this battle, four He-111s were claimed destroyed, but any French / British losses are not known. It's also unknown how much of KG 53 was actually involved, but if it was the whole unit, more than one hundred Heinkels alone could have been involved in this attack.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, climb to 16,000 feet. This should place you very close to the height that the Germans seem to prefer for their attacks. If they are escorted by Bf-110s, use your maneuverability to initiate & break contact. With British squadrons in the area, be sure to look twice before shooting; we mustn't shoot down our brothers-in-arms! Once finished, break off & return to Vraux. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Vraux

May 7th, 2017, 19:25

I built Eben Emael with the tools I had available, but...(Stuart277 and our team will be discussing it in the next couple of days)

1) The landclass and rivers are all wrong, so it makes it extremely difficult to build it correctly in the proper location. Redoing the landclass for this area would be a major overhaul, and frankly, given that I'm basically having to build each mission from scratch, I'm inclined not to make even more work for myself, because then we're talking about a redo for every Maastricht mission already completed.

2) There are no appropriate gliders to do the job.

3) However, theoretically, it could be done with Ju-52 paratroopers with an area drop zone.

I chose to focus instead on the struggle for Maastricht and the bridges over the Albert Canal. There are a total of five mission covering a span of two days, (May 11th and 12th)

The way this project is shaping up, I'm expecting to be close to 200 missions once it's all said and done.

Hi Rami,

There are some gliders here at SOH.


Apparently, they do not have panels.

They have a HS126-1 set as the 'payload'. They need to be towed by JU52's.

I do not know how to set this out, but I am sure someone does.



May 11th, 2017, 09:13
Good afternoon,

Here are two additional missions completed...

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Supporting the 12th Army
"summary_string"=Piloten der Luftflotte! The 12th Army is making its move toward France, & we will support the effort by pummeling cities and towns ahead of their path that may be used to blunt the advance of Panzers. KG 55 will attack Rethel, while other units strike different towns in this sector. Let's make sure we strike accurately, the German battle plan requires precision for it to be a success!
"objective_string"=During the afternoon of 12 May, Luftwaffe planes were out in force in support of 12th Army's thrust toward France. During this mission, Heinkels from II/KG 55 raided the small town of Rethel, France. They were escorted by Bf-110s. During this sortie, there is little indication they were intercepted by fighters, & no Luftwaffe losses were recorded of He-111s from II/KG 55 or Zerstörer groups during the mission.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, hold a west-northwesterly course & begin climbing to 4,000 meters. The rest of the formation will stagger at altitudes above & below you. Your escort will meet you over the Rhine, and accompany you to the target & back. Rethel lies to the northeast of Reims, and both French & British bases lie nearby, so be ready at your guns. There are friendly bomber units attacking targets in this area, so hopefully they will keep the enemy busy. Once your run is complete, turn around and return to Leipheim.
"airfield_string"=Germany - Leipheim

"title_string"=Battle of France - Intercept Dorniers above Vouziers
"summary_string"=Get airborne quickly! Luftwaffe planes have been appearing all along the frontline, and a formation of Do-17s has been seen approaching the town of Vouziers. Yours will be one of several flights sent to intercept and turn back the enemy menace. Tear into them, and then return to Vassincourt to refuel and rearm!
"objective_string"=During the afternoon of 12 May, Luftwaffe planes were out in force in support of 12th Army's thrust toward France. In this sortie, French Moranes and Hawks of GC I/5, GC II/2, & GC III/7, together with 501 Squadron Hurricanes, intercepted Do-17 bombers of I & II/KG 3 who were raiding targets near Vouziers, France. They were accompanied by Bf-110s. Total Luftwaffe losses are unknown, but at least one Bf-110 & at least some bombers were shot down from this German formation.
"intelligence_string"=Enemy bombers are reported to be headed toward the Vouziers area. After takeoff, climb to 15,000 feet and head toward the town and intercept any enemy aircraft nearby. Other French and possibly British fighters will be in the area, so be sure you are shooting at the enemy. Focus on shooting down bombers; let other fighters tangle with any German fighters. When finished, break off and head back to Vassincourt. With the Germans out in force, we need every plane to come back!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Vassincourt

Shadow Wolf 07
May 11th, 2017, 09:27
Looks good Rami. How many acft involved in these? :wiggle:

May 11th, 2017, 09:48

The morning French intercept, 82. (Some are set up only as random chance elements, the same applies for others)

The afternoon French intercept, 70.

The first German bomber mission, 46.

The second bomber mission I'm working on now will also be 46.

After that, I have two other missions for 12 May. One is already built which I will modify to make it quasi-historical, (It's a British bomber intercept mission) and I have another Stuka hunt mission where Hurricanes were able to jump them because the escort didn't engage. That one will be interesting, because I'll have to set German escorts up as a low-percentage random chance element.

May 11th, 2017, 10:12
Hello again,

Okay, so I didn't go to the ends of the earth to write something new this time...

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - "Flying Spades" at Sedan
"summary_string"=Piloten der Luftflotte! The 12th Army is making its move toward France, & we will support the effort by pummeling cities and towns ahead of their path that may be used to blunt the advance of Panzers. KG 53 will attack Sedan, while other units strike different towns in this sector. Let's make sure we strike accurately, the German battle plan requires precision for it to be a success!
"objective_string"=During the afternoon of 12 May, Luftwaffe planes were out in force in support of 12th Army's thrust toward France. During this mission, Heinkels from I/KG 53 raided the small town of Sedan, France. They were escorted by Bf-110s. Within two days, the town of Sedan became the spot where Panzers pushed into France and began to envelop the BEF & other forces inside a pocket. During this sortie, there is little indication they were intercepted by fighters, & no Luftwaffe losses were recorded of bombers from I/KG 53 or escort groups during the mission.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, maintain a westerly course to reach the town of Sedan. There are French air & ground units nearby, so expect flak & be ready on your guns in case enemy fighters appear. You'll hold a height of 4,500 meters, and the formation will stagger 'round you. Make sure to avoid hitting bridges, we don't want to make life more difficult for our troops as they prepare to cross the Meuse. Once your assault is finished, return to Germany. Try to be sure you come back intact; it is critical that we maintain our strength to provide air cover for our advance into France!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Illesheim

May 11th, 2017, 16:26
Good evening,

Here are some French screenshots...

May 11th, 2017, 16:35
Hello again,

And some German ones!

May 12th, 2017, 06:57
Good morning,

Here is the newest mission....events for 12 May have been concluded.

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - 3 Squadron patrols Belgium
"summary_string"=To your fighters! With enemy formations swarming over France and the Low Countries, we'll continue our aggressive patrols. 3 Squadron's assignment is to sweep above Belgium between Diest and Leuven. You are free to engage any enemy planes that you encounter. When finished, fly back to base. Let's show the Germans they will not claim the skies for themselves!
"objective_string"=During the afternoon of 12 May, six Hurricanes of 3 Squadron on patrol between Diest & Leuven ran into forty Stukas (probably from elements of StG 2) with an escort of approximately twenty 109s. 3 Squadron pilots tore into the Stukas, claiming five with no loss. For some reason, the Stuka's escort fighters failed to engage the Hurricanes, so these Hurricanes were able to attack the enemy without intervention.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, your patrol will begin at Diest and then continue to Leuven. The height for this patrol is Angels 15. If you do encounter Stukas, you are clear to engage. But choose all targets carefully; with these six Hurricanes, you'll be outnumbered, perhaps quite heavily, against any large formation. Given 87 Squadron's success yesterday, carefully look for enemy escorts before jumping Stukas; the Germans won't make the same mistake twice. Once the patrol is finished, head back to Merville. Make sure to get your crate back in one piece; we must have all resources available to combat the krauts!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Provide cover for the convoy
"summary_string"=Attention! A British truck convoy is moving north toward Charleville-Mézières, northeast of Sedan, to help supply our forces and counter any German breakthrough north of the Maginot line. Your job is to protect the truck convoy from aerial attacks. The Germans have been active in the area, so stay alert!
"objective_string"=This is a quasi-historical mission. On 12 May 1940, Do-17 bombers of III/KG 2 struck Allied convoys just west of Sedan. This was a small piece of the support Luftwaffe aircraft gave for 12th Army's thrust to the River Meuse. There are no records of damage on either side. This mission provides Royal Air Force fighter protection and the possibility of German fighter involvement over the convoy, along with French fighter opposition. Everything except the Dornier attack is fictional.
"intelligence_string"=The British truck convoy is some fifty miles to the north-northeast. Thus far, they have not reported any action, but they are getting close to the front. You should be ready for either bombers or fighter strafing attacks. If enemy fighters make strafing attacks, try to draw them into combat & take them down. Remember, you can handle Bf-110s, but try to lure Bf-109s into a turning fight where you will have the advantage.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 607 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Vraux

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Spitfire patrol over Holland
"summary_string"=Listen up! Your orders this morning are to execute a mid-level fighter sweep above The Netherlands. You're looking for any signs of enemy air activity. You are cleared to engage whatever you find, and when finished, you will return to your airfield at Coltishall. We do not know if this will be our only sortie of the day, so let's make this one a success!
"objective_string"=On 13 May 1940, the British flew one of their last sweeps above Holland. A single flight of Spitfires from 66 Squadron joined with a flight of Defiants from 264 Squadron to patrol above The Hague and Rotterdam. The original prey were parked Ju-52s just north of The Hague. Further on, they ran into Ju-87s diving near Streefkerk. Four Stukas were claimed before the escort from JG 26 intervened. Once the escort engaged, five Defiants were shot down, along with one Spitfire. The actual number of aircraft involved are unknown.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, head east-southeast over the North Sea to cross the Dutch coastline near The Hague. Over the Netherlands, look for any enemy fighters or bombers which may be roaming the countryside. If you engage enemy planes, make sure to look for escorts before engaging; German pilots developed a tactic of lurking above, & waiting for the right moment to pounce. Also, try to keep an eye on the Defiants; these lack forward-firing guns and are vulnerable to German fighters. Once your sweep is complete, fly back across the North Sea and head to Coltishall. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Spitfire_MK1A 54 Sqn Deere
"airfield_string"=England - Coltishall

May 12th, 2017, 15:41
Good evening,

Here are some new screenshots from 12 May and 13 May...

May 12th, 2017, 21:46
Hi Rami,

There are some gliders here at SOH.


Apparently, they do not have panels.

They have a HS126-1 set as the 'payload'. They need to be towed by JU52's.

I do not know how to set this out, but I am sure someone does.



il y a quelques années j'avais créé pour mon usage personnel la mission de la prise du fort d'Eben Emael elle n'était pas parfaite car en effet il est difficile de reconstituer le fort à son emplacement historique mais le résultat était satisfaisant . Hélas la mission a disparue de mon ordinateur mais je pourrais la refaire .
Pour le planeur : aucun probléme . Le DFS230 existe et est utilisable .il est facile de l'accrocher à un JU52 et lorsque l'on est en vue de la cible on change de monture en passant du pilotage du Ju52 , à celui du DFS230 ; (la vallée de la Meuse est un ancien scenery pour FS2002)


May 13th, 2017, 07:54
Hi Stuart

Seeing your question about the glider in this thread - the package in the Library should include a payload in the dp making a Ju52 the towing aircraft ( you must have that particular a/c in the Aircraft folder as well ) - actually you can make any aircraft the towing tug as long as you have that aircraft file in the aircraft folder and you have a payload entry in the dp - this gives you the glider as a flyable aircraft - drop the tug as if it were a bomb and glide down and open dragchute just before landing

or you can make the tug the flyable a/c by putting the glider as a payload in the tug's dp

hope this helps


May 13th, 2017, 23:51
Hi Stuart

Seeing your question about the glider in this thread - the package in the Library should include a payload in the dp making a Ju52 the towing aircraft ( you must have that particular a/c in the Aircraft folder as well ) - actually you can make any aircraft the towing tug as long as you have that aircraft file in the aircraft folder and you have a payload entry in the dp - this gives you the glider as a flyable aircraft - drop the tug as if it were a bomb and glide down and open dragchute just before landing

or you can make the tug the flyable a/c by putting the glider as a payload in the tug's dp

hope this helps


merci pour ces précisiopns à prpos des des planeurs de la mission Eben Emael
Personnellement je préfère la solution :Ju52 avion piloté et DFS230 tracté . En plus il est possible d'utiliser le trolley séparable
voiia ce que ça donne sur mon ordinateur décollage du couple Ju52 + DFS230 à Bonn survol de la vallée de la Meuse séparation du DFS230 et atterrissage du DFS 230 sur le plateau du fort à coté de la tourelle d'artillerie


May 14th, 2017, 00:03
un autre planeur avec son tracteur , impressionnanthttp://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=50047&stc=1http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=50046&stc=1http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=50048&stc=1http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/attachment.php?attachmentid=50049&stc=1

HE 111Z et Me 321 : décollage de Istres survol de Marseille et atterrissage à Bizerte

May 14th, 2017, 01:11
This glider is also available in the library on page 6 of my stuff along with the Me 323. (Mind you they are old, I made them about ten years ago -which is why such things as wheel dolly and launch car are in 'aircraft' form - I didn't know how to make airdrop weapon bgls then.)


May 14th, 2017, 10:02
Hi Rami,

There are some gliders here at SOH.


Apparently, they do not have panels.

They have a HS126-1 set as the 'payload'. They need to be towed by JU52's.

I do not know how to set this out, but I am sure someone does.



Il y a quelques années j'avais créé pour mon usage personnel la mission de la prise du fort d'Eben Emael elle n'était pas parfaite car en effet il est difficile de reconstituer le fort à son emplacement historique mais le résultat était satisfaisant. Hélas la mission a disparue de mon ordinateur mais je pourrais la refaire.

Pour le planeur: aucun probléme. Le DFS230 existe et est utilisable. Il est facile de l'accrocher à un JU52 et lorsque l'on est en vue de la cible on change de monture en passant du pilotage du Ju52, à celui du DFS230; (La vallée de la Meuse est un ancien scenery pour FS2002)

A few years ago I had created for my personal use the mission of taking the fort of Eben Emael it was not perfect because indeed it is difficult to reconstitute the fort to its historical location but the result was satisfactory. Alas the mission disappeared from my computer but I could do it again.

For the glide: No problem. The DFS230 is available and can be used. It is easy to hang it on a JU52 and when you are in sight of the target, you change your mounting from the pilot of the Ju52 to the DFS230; (The valley of the Meuse is a former scenery for FS2002)

Dombral and Baldy,

I really appreciate all of the work that you and Baldy have done (along with UncleTgt) to modify these original aircraft for the purposes of what we want to do. It will be nice to bring this to fruition.
Dombral et Baldy,

J'apprécie tout le travail que vous et Baldy ont fait (avec UncleTgt) pour modifier ces avions originaux aux fins de ce que nous voulons faire.
Ce sera bien de faire avancer.

May 14th, 2017, 10:05
From Dombral,

Merci pour ces précisiopns à prpos des des planeurs de la mission Eben Emael.

Personnellement je préfère la solution :Ju52 avion piloté et DFS230 tracté . En plus il est possible d'utiliser le trolley séparable.

Voiia ce que ça donne sur mon ordinateur décollage du couple Ju52 + DFS230 à Bonn survol de la vallée de la Meuse séparation du DFS230 et atterrissage du DFS 230 sur le plateau du fort à coté de la tourelle d'artillerie.
Thank you for these precisions to the gliders of the mission Eben Emael.

Personally I prefer the solution: Ju52 airplane driven and DFS230 towed. In addition it is possible to use the separable trolley?

See what it gives on my computer take-off of the couple Ju52 + DFS230 in Bonn overfly of the valley of the Meuse separation of the DFS230
and landing of the DFS 230 on the plateau of the fort next to the artillery turret.

May 14th, 2017, 16:20
Good evening,

Here are some more completed missions...

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Hurricanes provide Greif
"summary_string"=Kamerad, herhören! Our forces have now reached the Meuse River, & all bombers have been tasked to raid towns along the expected lines of advance after they break through French defensive lines. Your unit will assault the town of Vouziers, while other units will raid at different points along the frontline. Let's show Allied units that they cannot continue to hold up our advance!
"objective_string"=At dawn on 13 May, thirty Heinkels of KG 55 took off from Leipheim & then headed for the town of Vouziers. Southeast of the town, they encountered five Hurricanes from 1 Squadron, based nearby at Berry-au-Bac. British pilots engaged the formation and claimed four Heinkels and two escorting 110s, but this claim cannot be independently confirmed through German records.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, keep a west-northwesterly course until you approach Vouziers. You will meet your escort over the Rhine. The British have been aggressive in defending their sector lately, so be ready at your guns, even when the fighter escort engages them. We hope that our ground forces can capture airfields for our 109s to use; the Bf-110 is having trouble engaging the single-seat British and French fighters. Once your attack is finished, return to Leipheim.
"airfield_string"=Germany - Leipheim

"title_string"=Battle of France - Desperation begins over the Meuse
"summary_string"=To your fighters! We must seize every attempt to prevent the Germans from breaking out of Sedan, so we're sending our ancient Amiot bombers out in daylight to raid the Sedan bridges! These bombers will be extremely vulnerable to German fighters, so you must stick close by 'em & ensure they make it back to fight another day! We mustn't allow the Germans to advance further into our country!
"objective_string"=On 14 May 1940, the French ordered their ancient Amiot 143 bombers out during daylight to raid the bridges over the Meuse at Sedan, in order to stop any further German reinforcements from crossing. Despite an escort of MS 406 fighters & nine LeO 45 bombers, the lumbering Amiots were decimated. Of the ten Amiots from GB I/II 34 and II/GB 38, all nine of the Amiot bombers that reached Sedan were either shot down or damaged.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you must fly close escort for our Amiot 143 bombers to give 'em a chance of coming back. If you see any Luftwaffe fighters at Sedan, let the other flight of Moranes engage first, then only attack if the Amiots are under direct threat. Be careful not to get ambitious and chase rabbits! When finished, get 'em back to safety. If half of these Amiot bombers make it back, we'll consider the mission a success.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Cambrai-Forenville

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Finding the other white meat
"summary_string"=Listen up, airmen! We will continue our aggressive offensive patrols over Belgium. Your flight of six will patrol between Wavre & Louvain. You are free to engage any German aircraft you run into, but as custom, be wary of fighter escorts. Let's continue to show the German forces we will fight them for every inch!
"objective_string"=A bit before noon on 13 May, six Hurricanes left Merville on another patrol above Belgium. Between Wavre & Louvain, they saw eight Henschel Hs-123s of II (S)/LG 2 flying below them at low level. The Hurricanes broke to intercept, and shot down one of the Henschels. There is no evidence to suggest that the Henschels had fighter cover, nor is there any indication of British losses.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, fly just north of due east to reach your patrol zone between Wavre and Louvain. Your flight for this hop will be Angels 12. In the sector keep an eye out for enemy flights, including those which try to sneak below you. As always, be aware of possible fighter interception, & keep your head on a swivel. Once the patrol is finished, return to Merville until needed again. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

"title_string"=Battle of France - Reprise patrol over Pas-de-Calais
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! The patrol flown this morning by Escadrille T2 failed to locate German armor near Boulogne, but they bombed & strafed anti-aircraft batteries near Samer. This time, you'll patrol from Boulogne down to Abbeville, near the mouth of the Somme, continuing to look for German columns. If you find them, attack them and prevent them from wrecking any more havoc!
"objective_string"=On 23 May 1940, the Latécoère 298 saw its first and only major actions in Northern France. During the day, aircraft from T2 and T3 escadrille were engaged in the area between Boulgone & the mouth of the River Somme, prowling for German Panzers. On this patrol, the flight was mauled by Bf-109s; three of four planes were shot down. This mission also consolidates the two later patrols flown that day; the attacks on the Noyelles Bridge and on the Fort de la Crèche. Neither attack was successful, but no losses were suffered.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll fly ashore near Boulogne and patrol southeast from there along the road to Samer, then south to Montreuil & Abbeville, as you look for enemy columns or anti-aircraft positions. If none are found, you may use your bombs on any targets of choice that you see before returning to Cherbourg. Watch out for German fighters during the patrol, we know that they're now providing air cover for the Panzer columns. Above all else, make sure that you return safely!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Latecoere 298 T2 MAY40
"airfield_string"=France - Cherbourg (Seaplane)

"title_string"=Battle of France - Latécoeres over the Pas-de-Calais
"summary_string"=Attention! German Panzers have broken through to the coast, and just have captured the port city of Boulogne! All our air assets must be used to try & blunt the advance, so your flight will patrol near Boulogne and attack and German forces there with your bombs. Get hits, then head back to Cherbourg to refuel and reload!
"objective_string"=On 23 May 1940, the Latécoère 298 saw its first and only major actions in Northern France. During the day, aircraft from T2 and T3 escadrille were engaged in the area between Boulgone & the mouth of the River Somme, prowling for German Panzers. On this patrol, one aircraft strafed anti-aircraft positions between Samer and Montreuil after the flight lead was forced to ditch, and the two other sections bombed the Noyelles rail bridge over the Somme, failing to strike it, before flying back to Cherbourg.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll fly ashore near Boulogne and patrol southeast from there along the road to Samer, looking for any German Panzer columns or anti-aircraft positions. If none are found, you'll strike your secondary target instead; the Noyelles rail bridge, before returning to Cherbourg. Watch out for Luftwaffe fighters during your patrol, we know they are now providing air cover for German ground forces. Above all else, make sure that you return safely!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Latecoere 298 T2 MAY40
"airfield_string"=France - Cherbourg (Seaplane)

May 14th, 2017, 16:49
This looks like turning into a real magnum opus, Andrew.

May 17th, 2017, 01:48
Good morning,

The work continues...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Halting the German panzers
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! Today, we'll fly high cover for a massed formation of Fairey Battles who will strike a German Panzer unit near Sedan. The Battles will hit the Panzers from medium altitude with a flight of Hurricanes flying very close escort. Your task is to fly at Angels 15 and engage any Germans who try to bounce them from above. Good luck to you!
"objective_string"=On 14 May 1940 a formation of twenty-nine Fairey Battles raided enemy Panzers near Sedan, France, accompanied by twelve Hurricanes of 3 Squadron. Northwest of Sedan, they ran into a formation of Stukas, escorted by Bf-109s of JG 54. A total of eight Stukas were lost, but in the fray, additional Bf-109s from JG 52 and JG 53 got through to the Battles and fourteen were lost during the mission.
"intelligence_string"=We're increasingly aware that Fairey Battles are extraordinarily vulnerable to attacks from either flak or fighters, so make sure to keep a close eye on them and do your best to see that as many come back as possible. If German aircraft appear, use your position flying high cover to engage them and try to keep them from diving on the Battles below. The second Hurricane flight will stay with them & only break to engage the Luftwaffe if they attack the Battles directly. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Berry-au-Bac

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - It is your turn for escort duty
"summary_string"=To your fighters! A mixed formation of Blenheims and Battles has assembled over Cambrai, and it is our turn to escort! You will help bring this force up to Sedan, where they will pound a vehicle and supply depot commandeered by the Germans. Make sure as many of the bombers get back as possible!
"objective_string"=On 14 May, Hurricanes of 1 Squadron were sent to escort a mixed force of twenty-eight Battles and Blenheims to Sedan. En route near Le Chesne, they ran into Stukas awaiting their escorts. Before the Bf-109s arrived, five Stukas were lost. However, during the mission, eleven of the Battles and four Blenheims were lost due to flak, German fighters, & other problems. This level of attrition couldn't be sustained.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll maintain an altitude of Angels 12 & stay with the formation the entire way. The second flight of Hurricanes will provide top cover, & handle any Jerries which try to crash the party. Your task is to guard the bombers. Only break to engage if German fighters try and attack the bombers directly. Again, try to keep losses to a minimum. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 1 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Berry-au-Bac

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Wever's gruppe is mauled
"summary_string"=Zuhören, Besatzungen! With our Kampfgeschwader units in intense action all along the front, we have been asked to escort our bombers who will attack the airfields near Lille. Your task is to make sure that the Heinkels can strike the airfields without being harrassed by fighters. Show the British and French that their continuing efforts to resist our offensive are futile!
"objective_string"=On 13 May 1940, Heinkels from II/KG 4, together with their escort of Zerstörers, were intercepted by Moranes of GC II/2, along with Hurricanes of 85 Squadron near the city of Lille. Allied fighters engaged immediately when they were within range. According to Allied records, twelve bombers were claimed, though only three are known to have been destroyed. The vulnerability of Bf-110 Zerstörers to modern, single-seat fighters was becoming ever clearer.
"intelligence_string"=The Heinkel bombers are only a few minutes from your base, so after taking off, turn northwest and climb at max rate to rendezvous with the bombers. Escorts are a bit thin today, so only one flight of Zerstörers are available for each formation, along with one 'roving' flight between the two of them. Over Lille, one formation will attack the base just south of Lille, while the other raids the base just north of Lille. Remain with the formation until you return to Köln, only engage enemy fighters if the Heinkels are threatened directly.
"airfield_string"=Germany - Koln-Ostheim

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Support the AASF squadrons
"summary_string"=Listen up, men! AASF units have been in action all afternoon, along with support from the French Air Force this morning. The Germans have crossed the Meuse River, and your task is to bomb depots they have seized on the opposite bank to build up their forces. Knocking out their buildup of supplies and vehicles will help us to halt their offensive before it begins!
"objective_string"=In addition to attacks by both Battles & Blenheims of the AASF on 14 May, twenty-eight Blenheims of 21, 107, and 110 Squadrons attacked Sedan during the early evening. This raid was to be escorted by Hurricanes of 1 and 73 Sqdns, but due to earlier losses, five Hurricanes of 79 Squadron were sent. The French sent some thirty Blochs, Moranes, and Dewoitines to assist them, but German fighters of III/JG 2, I/JG 53, and II/ZG 26 broke through and shot down five Blenheims.
"intelligence_string"=After takeoff, you will head southeast & climb to 16,000 feet. Because of earlier losses, Hurricanes from 79 Squadron will rendezvous near Lille, and the French have committed to having fighters over Sedan to cover your strike. Once you attack, clear the area rapidly & let French and British fighters cover your withdrawal. Make sure that you hit the target accurately; failure to do so may jeopardize the ability of our forces to hold back any German breakout!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Blenheim Mk4-1 105 Sqn RAF Hughie Edwards
"airfield_string"=England - Bodney

May 19th, 2017, 15:17
Good evening,

While the charcoal gets going...I had been thinking for about a week on how to pull this mission off...it works pretty good, but hitting those bastages and actually destroying them is mighty tough...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Jump the Junkers at Le Havre
"summary_string"=Get to your planes, men! The Germans have landed Ju-52 transports on the beaches at Le Havre; they may be trying to secure the harbor! You have been tasked with flying to Le Havre to find and destroy the exposed transports that are just sitting on the beaches! Let's head there and surprise the enemy, & leave their troops stranded without any support!
"objective_string"=During the morning of 10 May 1940, German troops landed Ju-52 transports directly onto the beaches at Le Havre in their attempt to capture the city. In the evening, twelve Blenheim IVs of 110 Squadron, with their escort of six 604 Squadron Blenheim IF fighters, bombed & strafed the parked Ju-52s on the French beaches, destroying four. All evidence suggests that the Germans did not succeed in their initial attempt to take the city.
"intelligence_string"=After takeoff, you will form up with the other ten Blenheim bombers. The formation will then spread out slightly to prevent collisions, because you will all be flying at the same altitude. When you reach Le Havre you will remain low and find the Ju-52s, parked near the harbor entrance. Use your bombs to take them out, as the Blenheim fighters strafe. After releasing both your bombs, clear out to the west-northwest, & then fly back to England. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Blenheim Mk4-1 139 Sqn
"airfield_string"=England - Boxted

"title_string"=Battle of France - Help the Royal Air Force at Sedan
"summary_string"=Attention! RAF fighters were heavily engaged over Sedan earlier today, & more of their bombers will be attacking soon. They've requested some fighter cover, and we will come to their aid. You will have our newest fighters, the Dewoitine D-520, for this mission, so you should be able to engage all enemy fighters on an equal basis. Let's show the Germans what these planes can do!
"objective_string"=In addition to attacks by both Battles & Blenheims of the AASF on 14 May, twenty-eight Blenheims of 21, 107, and 110 Squadrons attacked Sedan during the early evening. This raid was to be escorted by Hurricanes of 1 and 73 Sqdns, but due to earlier losses, five Hurricanes of 79 Squadron were sent. The French sent some thirty Blochs, Moranes, and Dewoitines to assist them, but German fighters of III/JG 2, I/JG 53, and II/ZG 26 broke through and shot down five Blenheims.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will fly just north of due east to reach Sedan, and along the way, you will climb to 5,500 meters. This should put you in a position to engage any German fighters from a position of strength. When you engage the enemy, try to draw them away from the bombers so that they can make an escape. You'll have help from the single flight of escorts the British had available, so be careful what you shoot at. Once you use up all your ammo, return to Beauvais. You have our newest fighters at your disposal, so please try to bring them back intact!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dewoitine D520 Mai 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Beauvais

May 21st, 2017, 05:14
Good morning,

Almost done with 14 May. Events getting more chaotic for the British.

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Eventful patrol over Belgium
"summary_string"=To your fighters! Some squadrons took very heavy losses this morning over Belgium, so we need fresh units to continue patrolling, looking for any enemy activity nearby. Your flight will patrol the sector from Leuven to Antwerp, and a volunteer from 87 Squadron will fly with you to show you the ropes. Let's rise up and show these German pilots that we are not easily frightened!
"objective_string"=On 14 May 1940, 504 Squadron was active all over the Belgian frontline, & this mission is an amalgam of some engagements that day. During one patrol, they ran into Blenheims returning from a raid near Breda, Holland. The Hurricane pilots escorted the Blenheims to the coast, then resumed their patrol. A second flight engaged six Heinkels of III/LG 1 and their escort of Bf-109s. The section from 504 that intercepted them were all brought down, only claiming one Heinkel & one Bf-109. The target of the Heinkels was not specified, so some liberties are taken during this mission.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll patrol at an altitude of 15,000ft over Belgium. Your patrol zone will be between Leuven & Antwerp. Heavy action was seen in that area just a few hours ago, so be prepared for anything. If you find German formations, you are cleared to engage, but try to bring your crate back intact; we've seen some heavy losses already today. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille (Marcq-En-Baroeul)

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Over these trucks once again
"summary_string"=Attention, chaps! We're a bit short on fighters, so we hope you can handle double duty. Battles from 103 Squadron are airborne, and you'll escort them as they head out to eliminate bridges just south of Sedan and halt further movement of Panzers. Once they finish you'll fly north & patrol between Givet & Namur, protecting a convoy headed north before returning to Reims. Let's show German forces that we will remain unbowed!
"objective_string"=On 14 May 1940, 73 Squadron pilots were engaged in the morning 'round Sedan; this is an amalgam of two missions. In the first, six Hurricanes escorted Fairey Battles of 103 Squadron; these hit bridges at Remilly-Allincourt. Records indicate one Battle was hit. During withdrawal they saw five Dorniers of III/KG 76. The Hurricanes attacked, and these Do-17s fled. In their next sortie, five Hurricanes engaged Bf-109s strafing a convoy between Givet and Namur. These were four Bf-109s of I/JG 76. Two fighters were claimed, however it is unclear if they were British or German.
"intelligence_string"=You will meet up with the Fairey Battles southeast of Reims. You will stay with them until they attack bridges at Remilly-Allicourt, & then stay with them during withdrawal. After they turn toward Vraux, you will turn north and patrol between Givet and Namur, to find and protect a vehicle convoy. When you reach Namur, you may then fly back to Reims. Another flight of Hurricanes will also be with you to assist your efforts. Stay safe up there!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 73 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Reims

May 22nd, 2017, 13:29
... Our defensive patrols continue. We must be ready to repel the aggressor. Baldy's Leo45 redrawn & with "Phoney War" period textures.

May 23rd, 2017, 16:18
John et al,

These are mostly for JG 26, but there is a JG 53 "Molders" skin in the mix. One is from Psullykeys, two from RobH / Klausreiss, one is UncleTgt's, and the other two are Morton's.

Any preferences?

Shadow Wolf 07
May 23rd, 2017, 16:36
I like #3 best of all. :jump:

May 24th, 2017, 02:22
For clarity, my "Knuppel" skin is just Morton's Galland skin with different markings. :running:

May 24th, 2017, 07:27

check your email


May 25th, 2017, 17:23
Good evening,

Finally got around to installing some BoF Team updates and mods, AND finished the last four missions for 14 May...

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Cripple Belgian transport
"summary_string"=Männer, herhören! Our Henschel dive bombers will be raiding the city of Leuven, & our job is to bait British fighters by feinting toward Leuven before we continue to Ghent. Over the city, we will target the rail yard & factories before turning back for Germany. Both raids will have heavy escort, so do your job and hope that the British take the bait so we can hack them out of the sky!
"objective_string"=During the period from 11 May 'til the breakout at Sedan, German bomber units raided railyards and other transportation centers throughout Belgium, Holland, & France. In Belgium alone, the cities of Ghent, Antwerp, Brussels, and Leuven were raided heavily. On 14 May, the Germans sent Heinkels and Henschels to Leuven, & these were intercepted by elements of four Hurricane Squadrons from Lille. However, due to heavy German escort, only three Heinkels were shot down, with a fourth damaged. This mission alters history slightly by having their arrival at Leuven be a feint before turning toward Ghent.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will assemble and then climb to 5,000 meters before you meet the escort. The escort will remain ahead of your formation to ward off any frontal attacks. Over Ghent, you will release over the rail yard, then turn northeast for Germany as the escorts tangle with any fighters. Our bombers have been heavily involved with raids on Antwerp, Brussels, and Leuven recently, and we believe we're grinding down the enemy. Make sure your raid echoes that success!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Rotenburg

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Make a path for Henschels
"summary_string"=Achtung, kamerad! You have been assigned to help our Henschels hit rail targets in Leuven by flying out ahead of these dive bombers and engaging any enemy fighters that attempt to break up their raid. Escorts remaining close to the HS-123s will chase away any fighters that get close. Once the raiders finish, you may fly back to Limburg airfield. 'Plow the road' for the attackers & make sure the skies are safe!
"objective_string"=During the period from 11 May 'til the breakout at Sedan, German bomber units raided railyards and other transportation centers throughout Belgium, Holland, & France. In Belgium alone, the cities of Ghent, Antwerp, Brussels, and Leuven were raided heavily. On 14 May, the Germans sent Heinkels and Henschels to Leuven, & these were intercepted by elements of four Hurricane Squadrons from Lille. Because of their effective fighter cover, only two Henschels were lost, but there is no record of any damaged. Four Hurricanes were shot down during this part of the mission.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will form up and head for the airfield at Asch; this is now being used as a forward base. Here you will meet the Henschels. Your task is to fly ahead of the Henschels & their escort, & engage enemy fighters to keep 'em busy. The Messerschmitt escort can also lend assistance if the Hurricanes get too close to the Henschels. Once the raiders finish, you can break off & head back to Limburg airfield.
"airfield_string"=Germany - Limburg

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Scrambled mess over Ghent
"summary_string"=Scramble, RAF pilots! Our Belgian observers have sighted enemy bombers heading toward the city of Leuven! You're being sent to intercept any German aircraft you see within the Leuven-Brussels-Ghent sector and tear into these raiders. Make sure that you make every effort to disrupt and harass their bombers; we can't afford to lose any more ground in Belgium!
"objective_string"=By the 14th of May, heavy attrition has caused the original fighter groups to be reinforced with more fighters from Britain. During this raid, Hurricanes of four Lille-based squadrons intercepted a large Luftwaffe raid on Leuven. This mission covers the "high" part of the German formation; He-111s from KG 27 covered by 109s of JG 2. Due to the heavy enemy escort, only three Heinkels were shot down, with a fourth damaged. This mission alters history slightly by having the arrival at Leuven be a feint before turning toward Ghent.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will climb to Angels 18 and fly northeast toward the city of Leuven. Pay attention to your radio; if the raid on Leuven is a feint, you will be notified en route and redirected. Once you intercept the German formation, focus on shooting down bombers & take out as many as you can while only engaging 109s if threatened. Once you finish or the raiders flee, break off and return to Lille. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Covering the Leuven sector
"summary_string"=Scramble, RAF pilots! Our Belgian observers have sighted enemy bombers heading toward the city of Leuven! You're being sent to intercept any German aircraft you see within the Leuven-Brussels-Ghent sector and tear into these raiders. Make sure that you make every effort to disrupt and harass their bombers; we can't afford to lose any more ground in Belgium!
"objective_string"=By the 14th of May, heavy attrition has caused the original fighter groups to be reinforced with more fighters from Britain. During this raid, Hurricanes of four Lille-based squadrons intercepted a large Luftwaffe raid on Leuven. This mission covers the "low" part of the German formation; He-123s from II(S)/LG 2 covered by 109s from JG 2. Due to the effective fighter cover, only two Henschels were lost, but there is no record of any damaged. Four Hurricanes were shot down during this part of the mission.
"intelligence_string"=Our observers indicate that the formation sighted had bombers at altitude and other flights at lower level. Accordingly, your Hurricanes will attack the lower formation. If the Germans turn from Leuven, you'll be notified en route. Your task is to engage bombers, but at lower altitude you'll also be able to tangle with 109s if threatened. Once finished, head back to Vitry-en-Artois; this may not be your only action today. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 607 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Vitry-en-Artois

May 28th, 2017, 00:50

Finally putting the ol' girl to use in the Battle of France...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Monchengladbach is raided
"summary_string"=Okay chaps, let's do our part! Bomber Command is going to step up & attack key targets in Germany, Holland, & Belgium this evening in order to wreck havoc behind the frontline and disrupt the enemy offensive. Your target will be the German airfield at Monchengladbach, as Wellingtons & Hampdens raid targets elsewhere. We believe this is a major fighter base, so if we can inflict heavy damage, it may reduce the amount of fighters our Hurricanes are facing in France!
"objective_string"=The night of 14 May saw Bomber Command step up the pace of raids, sending bombers to hit targets in Holland, Belgium, & Germany. During this night, twelve Armstrong-Whitworth Whitleys peppered the aerodrome at Monchengladbach, while British Hampdens and Wellingtons raided road junctions, marshalling yards, & railway stations in Aachen & Maastricht. In total, some forty-three aircraft of Bomber Command were involved in their attacks on this night; however their impact is unknown, as are any losses.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will form up with the other bombers and head for the Humber Estuary, then cross the North Sea & over Holland to reach Germany. Your altitude for this raid will be 6,000 feet. The formation will be broken up into smaller elements to help split up any flak. You will have to navigate to the airfield and back in darkness; this will help to prevent enemy interception. Following your drop, turn northwest and return to Dishforth. Upon your return, spotlights will help guide you to the airfield. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AW Whitley MkV 58 Sqn Bomber Command
"airfield_string"=England - Dishforth

Shadow Wolf 07
May 28th, 2017, 02:25
It looks to be a good mission, but that is a great screenshot. :applause:

May 28th, 2017, 03:16
Great stuff Andrew!

Good to see her being used.



P.S. Hint..hint..all we need now is some Battle of the Atlantic...Coastal Command missions...;)

May 30th, 2017, 17:10
Good evening,

Before signing off for the evening, I'm continuing to work on Rotterdam's layout for GSL. This is, aside from the missions themselves, the most challenging piece of the entire project to create harbors and piers out of these coastlines. I've already done the complete pier map, now I'm filling it in.

Here is Rotterdam East...

May 30th, 2017, 17:12
Hello again,

And here is Rotterdam West...I'm only filling in the "cuts" away from the main channel in an effort to keep the FPS up. Not the easiest thing in the world.

June 1st, 2017, 03:13
Good morning,

Just a couple of quick screenies before I head off to the coal mines...

June 1st, 2017, 03:19
Hello again,

Here are a couple more.

June 1st, 2017, 06:58
BOTH the Battle for the Netherlands AND France - this is one huge undertaking. Fantastic job. :applause:


June 1st, 2017, 11:49

When you dig into the guts of this project, you can't really do the Battle of France without including Belgium, Luxembourg, and The Netherlands in it. Rotterdam was one of those parts I was dreading. Still some work to do, but it's a major step forward.

Still, I wouldn't expect anything but screenshots before 2018.

June 1st, 2017, 14:51
Good evening,

And we now have Fort Eben-Emael! :wavey:

Shadow Wolf 07
June 1st, 2017, 15:36
Beautiful work... just beautiful. :applause:

June 3rd, 2017, 15:13
New breakwaters? Why not...

June 5th, 2017, 00:10
I n an attempt to encourage those doing this project I have tidied up the DFS 230 glider - new 2d panel, vc panel and correcting a few modeling errors ( probably not all ). The wheeldolly is now a bgl ( so it doesn't need a aircraft folder entry ) and UncleTgt has done a new skin . Just a few tweaks and it will soon be ready.

A few pics


June 7th, 2017, 23:49
Good morning,

Been busy doing research for a few days after Rotterdam; Hewman100 sent me some loss reports from May 10-13, 1940. From these notes, I've been able to do two French missions so far, with more on the way...and I built the French city of Orleans as well.

"title_string"=Battle of France - Early sweep above the Loire River
"summary_string"=Allons nous déplacer! German formations are now swarming all across France, and we will be in the air, ready to fight back! Your task is to patrol the Loire River from Orleans down toward the Massif Central, looking for any German bombers trying to raid airfields in Central France. You are ordered to attack whatever you encounter, and take down as many as you can! Let's show the enemy we will not cower under pressure!
"objective_string"=The morning of 11 May saw many French squadrons in action all over France. On this sortie, a total of nine Morane fighters from GC III/6 and GC III/7 intercepted Heinkels of I/KG 51 en route to bomb Chateauroux airfield. (Bourges aerodrome is being used for this mission.) One Heinkel was shot down and another damaged by the French pilots. French losses are not stated, & there is no record of any escorts with the German bombers.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll fly toward the city of Orleans, where you will patrol from there east along the Loire River, flying down to a point past the town of Gien, looking for any German raiders who may strike airfields in this sector of France. You have authority to engage any German bombers or fighters you see. Try to disrupt any attacks on airfields, then disengage and return to base when you exhaust all of your ammo. Try to return in one piece; we must maintain all our available strength to keep resisting the Luftwaffe!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Juvaincourt

"title_string"=Battle of France - Catch Kampgeschwader 51 at Dijon
"summary_string"=Accédez à vos combattants! Enemy bombers raided the airfield at Lyon-Bron and are headed this way! You will intercept them before they can escape to Germany & hack as many of them out of the sky as possible. Let's show the Luftwaffe that we will be ready to engage them wherever they might be!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 11 May, French Morane fighters of GC II/7 engaged Heinkel He-111s of III/KG 51 between Dijon & Gray, shooting down one of them and damaging another, a poor showing considering sixteen Ms-406s engaged the He-111s. The German bombers were returning from a raid on Lyon-Bron airfield. Any French losses are unknown, and it is also not known if the German raid had any fighter escort.
"intelligence_string"=Once in the air, your flight of Moranes will climb to a height of 5,000 meters to intercept, while the second flight climbs to 5,500 meters. The Germans were heading slightly east of north leaving Lyon, so if this report holds true, you should catch them between Dijon & Gray. The flight positioned above will be looking for any German fighters, so if they pounce on the bombers, this should signal that no Luftwaffe fighters are present. Once you expend all your ammo, break off & return to Juvaincourt!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Juvaincourt

June 10th, 2017, 02:37
Good morning,

Been doing a little scenery building so we have some landmarks to help you navigate. Pictured are Orleans, Namur, Dinant, Givet, Givonne, Bouillon, and La Chense. Some of these locales have required or will require flattens.

Shadow Wolf 07
June 10th, 2017, 03:15
3:49 in the morning and 6:37... You are an early bird, aren't you Rami? Nice work partner!

June 10th, 2017, 06:23
Really beautiful and suggestive landscapes.

Congrats Rami, my friend.

If you have a request about these and/or other buildings please let me know.

P.S. I'm going to send to Kevin the damage models for these so they can be used as targets.

June 10th, 2017, 09:28

Some of these towns are not being attacked; they're being used more along the lines of navigational references.

That being said, I do have some suggestions.

1) Would you consider doing a medieval tower?

2) Would you also consider doing a walled town?

June 10th, 2017, 14:45

Some of these towns are not being attacked; they're being used more along the lines of navigational references.

That being said, I do have some suggestions.

1) Would you consider doing a medieval tower?

2) Would you also consider doing a walled town?

Okay Rami, i'll do such objects, let me only some day...

June 10th, 2017, 18:38
Good evening,

Before going to bed this evening, I did the towns of Diest and Wavre, both in Belgium. Screenshots will follow in the morning.

See Greg, I can work late. :p87: :a1310: :costumed-smiley-034

June 11th, 2017, 13:56
Good evening,

Here are three new locales in Belgium...Diest, Wavre, and because I couldn't read a map properly last night, Tienen. Tienen, ironically is my favorite based on how it turned out.

I apologize once again for the flatten issues.

June 11th, 2017, 15:08
Good evening,

UncleTgt's work is nothing short of awesome. Here is a before and after pic of the Breguet 693. What's old is new again! :encouragement:

June 12th, 2017, 16:35
Good evening,

Here are a few shots of the city of Dijon, and the towns of Arc-Les-Gray and Gray, France. Hopefully, my work is good enough to cut the mustard. :costumed-smiley-034

June 18th, 2017, 04:16
I n an attempt to encourage those doing this project I have tidied up the DFS 230 glider - new 2d panel, vc panel and correcting a few modeling errors ( probably not all ). The wheeldolly is now a bgl ( so it doesn't need a aircraft folder entry ) and UncleTgt has done a new skin . Just a few tweaks and it will soon be ready.

A few pics


excellent le nouveau DFS230 . Le Me 321 tracté par le He111Z est vraiment spectaculaire


June 18th, 2017, 05:36
Hi Dombral

you're making my stuff look good with your screenies - I'm working on something else you might like but it's not ready yet


June 18th, 2017, 05:44
Hmmmm...how do you get an AI glider to land on open ground w/o the effort of creating an invisible airstrip at the LZ? Without that capability, its just eye-candy and cannon fodder.

June 18th, 2017, 06:23
You've hit on a problem there - gliders AI or wep_gliders tend not to fly but fall like bombs - don't think the game makers had gliders in mind when they thought up the game.


June 19th, 2017, 00:54
Hi all,

I am sure everyone on the project is onto this, so

As far as I can see:

- the gliders need to be set as aircraft

- the Ju52's need to be set as weapons

- there needs to be a 'friendly' landing zone on top of Eben Emael

I looked at this a few years ago, but gave up. I did not (and still do not) have the expertise to do this one.



June 19th, 2017, 03:43

I've been tweaking some scenery for several days, but will be returning to MB this week.

June 19th, 2017, 03:50
As far as I can see:

- the gliders need to be set as aircraft

- the Ju52's need to be set as weapons

- there needs to be a 'friendly' landing zone on top of Eben Emael

I looked at this a few years ago, but gave up. I did not (and still do not) have the expertise to do this one.


My thoughts were similar. The best way I could come up with is to...

1) Do an airstart mission, positioning the Ju-52s in front of the gliders (but not so close as to trigger the collision bubble) with the gliders pointed toward Eben Emael.

2) The Ju-52s would turn away at a nearby waypoint to the first, and as you stated, create a friendly landing zone on top of Eben Emael itself. (There is room for it)

June 19th, 2017, 14:58
Love the screenies!

What are your frame rates with all of that beautiful eye candy?

June 19th, 2017, 15:56

For the most part, high. It helps that most attacks on populated areas like these are not being done on the deck.

June 26th, 2017, 03:43
Good morning,

Back on the horse...two so far.

"title_string"=Battle of France - Reconnaissance above the Scheldt
"summary_string"=Voici vos commandes, les aviateurs! German planes have been seen over the Scheldt Estuary, mapping the harbor area. You will patrol along the Scheldt down to the city and port of Antwerp, destroying any enemy recce aircraft you may encounter. Make sure the message gets through that we will defend every inch of Belgium and the Low Countries as if it were France itself!
"objective_string"=During the late afternoon of 11 May 1940, a total of five French Hawk 75s from GC I/4 were badly damaged by Bf-109s of III/JG 26 near Antwerp, Belgium. The French fighters were in pursuit of a Heinkel He-111 recce plane of KGr 126. Given the damage report, it can be surmized that the German fighters jumped these French fighters from above and possibly behind while they were in pursuit of the German recce bomber. Despite this, two 109s & one He-111 were also lost. This mission is based on the events described above, with some random chance elements and other modifications.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off & assembling, you'll head north, almost to the mouth of the Scheldt before turning southeast for Antwerp. You will fly at an altitude of 3,500 meters, while the other flight will climb up to and maintain 4,500 meters. If you sight any German recce aircraft, they're the first priority. However, watch out for any fighters assigned to guard these planes. Once your patrol is complete, return to Vraux.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Vraux

"title_string"=Battle of France - Breguet debut in combat goes awry
"summary_string"=Pilotes, accédez à vos avions! Mechanized German columns are advancing near the town of Tongeren, Belgium. The Breguet light bombers have just been loaded with bombs, & you will fly to Tongeren and attack the columns, preventing their advance! This mission is critical, because we have to spread our forces out thinly to strike all the swarms of enemy forces engaging Allied forces along the front!
"objective_string"=On 12 May 1940, Breguet Br-693 light bombers of GBA I/54 and II/54 set out to attack mechanized columns near the town of Tongeren, Belgium. Ten of them were shot down by heavy flak. A total of eighteen Breguets participated in this attack, and only eight of their number were able to return to France, several of them damaged. In this mission, the escort & the chance of interception is entirely fictional.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll fly northeast into Belgium and reach the initial point some kilometers west of Tongeren. As you approach, look for a road on the northeast side. The mechanized columns will likely be on this road. Be sure to keep your speed high & stay very low; this will make you a smaller target for enemy flak. Over the columns, use your bombs to destroy as many vehicles as possible, and then clear the town. After this, return to your airfield at Dammartin-en-Goele.
"airfield_string"=France - Dammartin-en-Goele

June 28th, 2017, 15:14
Good evening,

Another one completed...

"title_string"=Battle of France - Rommel's Panzers reach the Meuse
"summary_string"=À vos bombardiers! Le temps est essentiel! Before daylight fades, we will hit German Panzer columns assembling around Dinant. If they cross the Meuse here or at Sedan, it will have a grievous impact on our ability to defend France! Make sure that their efforts to cross the Meuse are futile; your nation is depending on you!
"objective_string"=The evening of 13 May saw an unknown number of LeO 45 bombers from GB I/12 & GB II/12 attempt to destroy bridges over the Meuse River at Dinant, where the 7th Panzer Division had arrived and was attempting a crossing. The LeO 45s were escorted by Bloch 152s of GC I/1. Six of the bombers were damaged by flak, together with one of the escort fighters. It is interesting to point out that the 7th Panzer Division commander was Erwin Rommel, who during the following two years would execute his exploits in North Africa which made him a legend.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll head east-northeast toward the town of Dinant. A second flight of LeO bombers are coming along to strike the bridge just to the south of Dinant. If you see German columns, they're just as critical of a target as the bridges. Our forces are holding the near bank and will try to hold their fire. Once you complete your attack, clear out to the southwest and then make your way back to Boissy-le-Bois. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=LeO 45 GBI 31 May 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Boissy-le-bois

June 29th, 2017, 02:44
And this morning's new addition...

"title_string"=Battle of France - A pleasant way to end the evening
"summary_string"=Tonight, it is your turn to patrol over Zeeland and the Scheldt. The time after dawn and before dusk are when German pilots like to fly reconnaissance and raid shipping in the waters near the mouth of the Scheldt Estuary. If you do identify any enemy bombers, it is your job to attack before they have the chance to raid any ships. Make sure you return home before the light fades. Bonne chance!
"objective_string"=The evening of 12 May 1940 saw a group of seven Morane-Saulnier fighters from GC III/3 patrol a sector from South Beveland across to the Scheldt Estuary. During their sweep, they encountered two He-111s of 3/KGr126 doing armed reconnaissance, looking for enemy shipping or other targets. These French fighters shot down both Heinkels with no loss or damage to their own. There is no indication that any sort of escort was sent for protection.
"intelligence_string"=After departing Beauvais, you will fly toward the coast, then sweep over South Beveland & down the Scheldt Estuary to Antwerp, looking for any signs of enemy reconnaissance. Once finished, return to Beauvais. If you do see any German planes you're free to engage, but just be sure to look twice for any fighters that may be lying in wait before you attack. Yesterday's patrol ended up being mauled by escorts that they didn't see. Be sure you don't make the same mistake!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Beauvais

June 29th, 2017, 03:07
A couple of pics to wet your whistle...

July 4th, 2017, 03:40
Good morning,

Continuing to work my way through...

"title_string"=Battle of France - Breguets give you a fighting chance
"summary_string"=C'est à notre tour de se battre! Your Breguets will go into the fray at Sedan, destroying bridges that are being used by the Germans to cross the Meuse! Other flights will hit any German vehicles. Be sure you attack accurately; we need to hold back these Germans to prevent a breakthrough!
"objective_string"=Near midday on 14 May 1940, the French launched two separate attacks on the Sedan area. The first was by nine Breguet 693s of GBA I/54 and II/54, escorted by eleven Bloch 152 fighters of GC I/8. The second raid was by five LeO 45 bombers from GB I/12 and II/12. The latter strike was attacked by Bf-110s. During the two raids, one LeO bomber was lost to heavy flak, while all the other LeO 45s returned damaged, possibly from the intercepting German fighters.
"intelligence_string"=After getting into the air, you will quickly form up with the other Breguets & head to Sedan. A flight of LeO bombers and the Bloch fighter escorts will rendezvous with you on the way. Over Sedan, your Breguets will strike the bridges while the LeO 45s will hit any enemy columns in the area. The escort fighters should be able to provide you protection. Once finished, return to Dammartin-en-Goele; this will likely not be your only action today!
"airfield_string"=France - Dammartin-en-Goele

"title_string"=Battle of France - Desperation begins over the Meuse
"summary_string"=Pilotes, accédez à vos avions! We must seize every opportunity to prevent the Germans from breaking out of Sedan, so we're sending your ancient Amiot bombers out in daylight to raid the Sedan bridges! Your Amiots will be extraordinarily vulnerable to German fighters, so this escort will stick close by, ensuring that you can make it back to Juvaincourt & fight another day! We must not allow the enemy to advance further into our country!
"objective_string"=On 14 May 1940, the French ordered their ancient Amiot 143 bombers out during daylight to raid the bridges over the Meuse at Sedan, in order to stop any further German reinforcements from crossing. Despite the escort of fourteen Bloch 152 fighters & other MS 406 fighters providing high cover, the lumbering Amiots were decimated. Of the eighteen Amiots from GB I/II 34 & II/GB 38, all twelve of the Amiot bombers that reached Sedan (six failed to rendezvous with the fighter escort) were either shot down or damaged.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll climb to 1,000 meters on the way to Sedan. This low altitude means you'll have to watch out for flak over the target area, but it should make it easier to raid the bridges. Because your bombers are slow and lumbering, you'll have heavy escort and other fighters covering at higher altitudes over Sedan. This will allow you to strike & then clear out. We may have to use these Amiots later in the day, so try to make it back safely!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Amiot 143 38th BG
"airfield_string"=France - Juvaincourt

"title_string"=Battle of France - Dewoitines lend suport over Sedan
"summary_string"=Pilotes, accédez à vos combattants! We must seize every opportunity to prevent German forces from breaking out of Sedan, so even our ancient Amiot bombers are being sent out in daylight to raid the Sedan bridges! These bombers are extraordinarily vulnerable to Messerschmitts, so in addition to the escorts, we are providing top cover to ensure they make it back to fight again! We must not allow the Germans to advance further into our country!
"objective_string"=On 14 May 1940, the French ordered their ancient Amiot 143 bombers out during daylight to raid the bridges over the Meuse at Sedan, in order to stop any further German reinforcements from crossing. Despite the escort of fourteen Bloch 152 fighters & other MS 406 fighters providing high cover, the lumbering Amiots were decimated. Of the eighteen Amiots from GB I/II 34 & II/GB 38, all twelve of the Amiot bombers that reached Sedan (six failed to rendezvous with the fighter escort) were either shot down or damaged.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will head for Sedan and be at station before the bombers arrive. The bombers will have their own fighter escort, but your job is to try and prevent German fighters from pouncing on the bombers and to assist the escort if they get overwhelmed. Once the Amiots & their escort clear Sedan, you may break off from any engagement & return to your base at Vraux.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dewoitine D520 Mai 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Athis

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Blowing bridges after dawn
"summary_string"=Let's get moving! We must seize every opportunity today to prevent the Germans from expanding any footholds across the River Meuse, and your flight will knock out bridges just south of Sedan, while other raids will focus on Sedan and other targets. Make sure that you achieve your objective so we can then turn our complete attention toward other bridges. Good luck!
"objective_string"=During the morning of 14 May 1940 one of the two main strikes by Fairey Battles occurred, targeting specific bridges in the Sedan sector. The morning attack was by 103 and 150 Squadron, and only one Battle was damaged, forced to make an emergency landing. Additional planes from the mid-afternoon raids are included to ensure that all Battle crews involved on that day have now been represented in the missions occurring on 14 May.
"intelligence_string"=Once in the air, you will fly northeast toward the tiny town of Remilly-Allincourt. Each Battle flight is assigned to destroy a specific bridge; yours is a stone bridge located just before the two rivers intersect. Once you complete your attack, you will break off to the southwest & clear any heavy flak. Once you have cleared the town, you will return to Vraux. Make every effort to bring your crate back intact; this will not be your only action today!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Battle Mk1
"airfield_string"=France - Vraux

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - 17 Squadron's Dutch patrol
"summary_string"=To your fighters! The Dutch are doing all they can to throw back the German invasion, & you'll assist these efforts by patrolling above two of their key cities to keep them safe. Having effective fighter cover is absolutely essential for the Dutch ground forces to defend themselves against the Germans, so let's do our part to help maintain control of the skies! Be careful up there!
"objective_string"=During the late afternoon of 11 May 1940, twelve Hurricanes of 17 Squadron left Martlesham Heath to patrol the Dutch coast. As they approached The Hague, 'A' flight turned to the southeast, heading for Rotterdam whilst the remaining aircraft in the squadron climbed toward The Hague. At this point, they were jumped from above & behind by Bf-109s of I/JG 51. Four Hurricanes were lost during this fight, while 17 Squadron claimed three Bf-109s & another Bf-109 damaged. Given the circumstances of this attack, British claims appear questionable.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll form up & fly directly east to reach the Dutch coastline. Near The Hague, one flight will turn southeast and head for Rotterdam while the rest will patrol above The Hague. While over Holland, Make sure to remain fully aware of your surroundings; the Germans showed yesterday that they will use all of the Luftwaffe's available resources to secure total victory in Holland. When finished, head back across the North Sea to reach your base at Martlesham. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 32 Sqn
"airfield_string"=England - Martlesham

July 4th, 2017, 08:51
Good afternoon,

Before I leave for the evening's festivities, the Eben Emael mission is underway. I'll also do a mission at UncleTgt's request, "just for fun." :biggrin-new:

July 5th, 2017, 04:38
Good morning,

For the mission to land at Fort Eben Emael, I set the mission start time for 05:30. When the mission loads, the glider points sharply down and is buffeted by strong winds and some AA fire, even though there is none within fifteen miles of your position, and the aircraft in front of you (the glider tugs) are friendly. The dynamic elements are also messed up.

Change the time to 05:45, and the mission runs like a top with no issues whatsoever.

Two questions...

1) Ever hear of anything like this?

2) Why would changing the time make an iota of difference? :dizzy:

July 5th, 2017, 08:55
French troops have their breakfast at 05:40. You know how important food is for us. :wavey:

July 5th, 2017, 15:59
Never heard of such a thing Rami...the old persistent and ever-lurking gremlins i guess...lol

I honestly can't imagine how time of day would factor into this. You mean you're actually getting flak burst around the glider with no enemy guns within 15 miles?!?!

July 5th, 2017, 16:25
Never heard of such a thing Rami...the old persistent and ever-lurking gremlins i guess...lol

I honestly can't imagine how time of day would factor into this. You mean you're actually getting flak burst around the glider with no enemy guns within 15 miles?!?!

Yes. I went back into the mission and checked...nothing around for miles. :dizzy:

July 5th, 2017, 18:43
Good evening,

Just finished...:wiggle:

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Gliders fly to Eben Emael
"summary_string"=Kamerad, unser Erfolg liegt in Ihren Händen! You will be one of the glider pilots this morning flying our Fallschirmjäger to Eben Emael, so that we can capture the fort! Other glider formations will land near the Kanne, Vroenhoven, & Veldwezelt bridges along the Albert Canal to help secure our advance. Your assignment is to reach Eben Emael safely so our troops can do their job!
"objective_string"=Around dawn on the morning of 10 May 1940, the Germans used Fallschirmjäger in Belgium to secure Fort Eben Emael along with the Veldwezelt, Kanne, and Vroenhoven bridges. The Germans used a total of forty-two gliders, carrying some four hundred and ninety-three Fallschirmjäger. Several German gliders landing at the bridges either landed in the wrong area or were forced down by flak, and one glider stalled out near the landing area. All three bridges and Fort Eben Emael were secured by the German troops.
"intelligence_string"=When your mission loads, you will start in the air, positioned behind the Junkers transports. You will hold your heading until just before landing, where you'll make a sharp turn to the north & then land on any grass surface directly on top of Fort Eben Emael. The glider you are flying will lose altitude slowly, so you should have enough height to reach the fort. On final approach, use the "spoiler" key to deploy your spoilers and parachute, but ensure you are committed to land & be prepared for the sharp downward lurch. Landing safely at the fort completes the mission.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=DFS230 May 1940

"title_string"=Belgian Air Force - Fallschirmjäger "Fox Hunt"
"summary_string"=Listen up, men! We're confident that the Germans are launching their attack today, so a Renard R-31 reconnaissance aircraft is being sent out to sweep above the German border. Your Falcos will be one half of the fighter cover. Gladiators will compose the other half. You will protect the recce plane on its sweep, and be on guard for anything which you might encounter!
"objective_string"=This mission is entirely fictitious, & just for fun. To be sure, there were certainly recce planes sent out by the Belgians during the morning of 10 May 1940, and some likely did have fighter protection. So while this premise is historically plausible, no German gliders landing in Belgium on that morning were ever shot at by any Allied fighters. However, had that occurred, these gliders would have been easy meat, even for biplanes!
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, the Cr-42 flight will hold position above the Renard recce plane, whilst the Gladiator flight will take the position below. Your task is to protect this recce plane during its patrol. If you encounter enemy planes, the Renard will turn back to base, and your job is to keep the enemy busy so that the Renard can escape. Once the recce plane leaves, you may break away from any combat and head for Maastricht before returning home. Make sure to return in one piece; if this is the German invasion, we'll need every asset we have to resist!
"airfield_string"=Belgium - Ursel

July 13th, 2017, 17:34
Good evening,

Here are some more missions finished...

"title_string"=Battle of France - Bloch fighter patrol above Belgium
"summary_string"=Pilotes, accédez à vos avions! Luftwaffe bombers have been spotted over Belgium, & may be raiding Brussels. You must fly there as quickly as possible to intercept them before they can escape back to Germany. If you are able to catch them, hopefully near Charleroi, tear into these bombers and bring down as many as you can. With Sedan now lost, it is ever more imperative that we make the Germans pay for every inch!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of two French patrols flown on 14 & 15 May. On the evening of 14 May, six Bloch 152s of GC III/10 were brought down by escorts of I/JG 2 while engaging Do-17s just southeast of Charleroi. The next day, five MS 406 fighters of GC III/7 were lost in the same sector to Bf-109s from I/JG 3. This sortie combines the two events. It is unknown exactly how many aircraft engaged; the mission assumes that additional aircraft were involved aside from those lost.
"intelligence_string"=One airborne, you will fly east-northeast to reach the patrol zone just southwest of Charleroi. If the Germans are returning from Brussels, they'll want to fly home over friendly territory, so Charleroi is the likely intercept point. When attacking, let the first wave of fighters draw off their escort, then engage the bombers just after they fly underneath you. Bring down as many bombers as you can, then when you exhaust your ammo, clear out and return to Le Havre. Try to make it back intact; our heavy losses are quickly sapping our reserve planes and pilots!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Bloch MB.152
"airfield_string"=France - Le Havre

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Evening Zerstörer sweep
"summary_string"=Kamerad, herhören! It is our turn this evening for patrol duty. We will sweep across Belgium over to the French border, then back across Belgium again to Namur, hoping to jump on any French or British fighters wishing to interfere with our operations. The more fighters that we destroy, the weaker the opposition becomes!
"objective_string"=This sortie is an amalgam of two separate missions flown on 14 May 1940. During the first encounter, Hurricanes of 79 Squadron engaged some fifteen Bf-110s of ZG 26 near the town of Leuze, Belgium. Later that evening, six French Bloch 152 fighters were lost & yet another damaged by Zerstörers of this same gruppe. However, ZG 26 also lost three of their own in the process, and another Zerstörer from ZG 1 was lost in the mêlée.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll fly a patrol over Belgium to the French border. If you encounter no action there, you will head southeast toward Dinant. The Dinant-Namur area has seen a heavy concentration of action, & if you do run into enemy fighters, we believe it might be in this area. Once you fend off any attacks, you will turn northeast and return to Monchengladbach.
"airfield_string"=Germany - Monchengladbach

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Exploiting the Sedan Gap
"summary_string"=Piloten der Luftflotte! Your task today is to strike aerodromes in the Reims sector, where our ground forces are close to breaking through. Much of the air resistance in this sector has come from these airbases, so if we can force the Allies to abandon them, we can continue our thrust into the heart of France. Your target is Berry-au-Bac; let's put this airbase out of action!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 15 May, a German formation of forty Dornier Do-17Zs from KG 3 approached the airbase at Berry-au-Bac with Zerstorers of ZG 26 providing escort. Before reaching the aerodrome, they were intercepted by six Hurricanes of 1 Sqn, and records also suggest the formation could have also been intercepted by two flights of Dewoitine fighters, although KG 2 was operating nearby. The attack was blunted, but some bombers got through and struck the airbase. Five Zerstorers apparently were lost, possibly as many as six, along with one Dornier bomber.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, form up with the other Do-17s and fly west-southwest to reach the airfield northeast of Reims. Escort fighters will catch up just before leaving Germany. Along the way, climb up to 4,750 meters, and the other Dornier flights will stagger around you. As you approach Reims, the chance of intercept is high, so be on alert even though you'll have heavy escort. After you release bombs, turn northeast, then east-northeast to clear the target. Make sure to put your bombs on target; our ground forces are close to pushing the French out of this area, so let's do what we can to help!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
"airfield_string"=Germany - Gelnhausen

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - One down and two to go!
"summary_string"=Piloten der Luftflotte! With other bomber flights in action further south, our task this afternoon is to strike the airfields at Lille, diverting the enemy attention away from the Sedan breakthrough, and hopefully putting the airfields out of action! Let's show the French that if they won't surrender like the Dutch did, we will pound them into submission!
"objective_string"=On 15 May, the Heinkels of KG 53 and KG 54 were met by Hurricanes of 85 Squadron over Lille. The Heinkels were raiding the airfields there, and the entire RAF Squadron rose to meet 'em. There's no indication that the Heinkels had escort, but given what was available, it is likely the Bf-110 handled this duty. In any case, four Heinkels were claimed destroyed, & another Heinkel damaged. No British losses were recorded during this mission, & there were also no records of any escort fighters lost.
"intelligence_string"=After getting into the air, you'll form up with the other bombers, then turn southwest to reach Lille. Bombers from KG 53 will also be in the area in an effort to split their defenses, so it important you maintain height to avoid collisions. Over the target area watch out for fighters and flak, and be sure to put the bombs directly on target; we don't want to waste our effort with our bombers in action all over France!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Varrelbusch

July 21st, 2017, 10:16
Good afternoon,

Just about done with 15 May.

"title_string"=Battle of France - Busy times along the Meuse River
"summary_string"=Pilotes, c'est à vous de patrouiller! Your flight of P-36 Hawks will sweep along the Meuse River with other French flights from Charleville up to Dinant, looking for any German flights in the area. If you find Luftwaffe fighters or bombers, engage them, & bring down as many as you can! The Luftwaffe seem to be concentrating their forces in the area, and we will be ready to meet them!
"objective_string"=During the period from 13 to 15 May 1940, French Air Force pilots took heavy losses during patrols & intercept missions along the Meuse River between Sedan and Namur. Dinant saw the heaviest action, and in this sector, nearly a dozen French fighters were badly damaged or shot down by Bf-109s and Bf-110s, during interceptions of Do-17Z bombers, or from flak. However, during these missions they did damage or shoot down several enemy bombers, as well as several fighters.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, your patrol zone will take you north on the Meuse from Charleville-Mézières up to Dinant, Belgium. You will sweep for any sign of enemy activity in the area. You've permission to engage whatever you see, but be sure to watch out for signs of enemy fighters lurking nearby before you commit any attack. With our forces suffering heavy daily attrition, we must attempt to conserve our strength to keep fighting back!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Vraux

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Catch Heinkels out on patrol
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! The area around Reims has been a hotbed of activity the last few days, so we are continuing patrols of this sector, looking for any sign of German raiders. You are cleared to engage what you encounter, but be careful that you don't get pounced on by lurking Messerschmitt Bf-109s. With our thinning numbers, we must conserve our remaining strength to fight on!
"objective_string"=On 15 May, 87 Squadron flew a total of fourteen patrols during the day without any action. On this last patrol, they ran into He-111s of 9/KG 51. The Hurricanes claimed two Heinkels. This mission has been combined with other action that occurred on 14 & 15 May. Hurricanes from 73 and 1 Squadrons also engaged Dorniers of 6/KG 3, Bf-110s of I/ZG 52, & He-111s of I/KG 55 either over or south of Reims. Several bombers were damaged and at least one was lost, but four Hurricanes were shot down in these engagements.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will head south & then south-southeast to patrol the aerodromes near and south of Reims. Your height for the sweep will be Angels 18, while other flights will stack in 2,000 foot intervals below you. If you do run into enemy formations, focus on bringing down bombers first, then engage any escorts if they interfere with the efforts to take down bombers. Once finished, you will fly northwest & then return to the airfield at Marcq-en-Baroeul to rearm and reload.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 87 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille (Marcq-En-Baroeul)

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Look for trouble near Reims
"summary_string"=Listen up, airmen! Today, it is your turn for patrol duty. You'll take off & fly east toward Vouziers, climbing up Angels 14. You will be joined by other fighters from 73 & 501 squadrons. Your task is to look for any Luftwaffe formations & engage them, thereby stopping them from reaching the airfields. The Germans are presently making a concentrated thrust in this area after getting across the Meuse; make them pay for every inch!
"objective_string"=Between 13 & 15 May, RAF squadrons in the Reims area flew frequent fighter sweeps between Reims, Rethel, & Vouziers. Their goal was to look for any incoming German raids and catch them before they could attack the airfields there. This mission is an amalgam of three separate engagements by 73 and 501 Squadrons with Bf-110s of II and III/ZG 26 during fighter sweeps, as well as Dornier bombers of KG 2 during their mission to attack Montcornet airfield; this was also escorted by Zerstorers of ZG 26 and ZG 2.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will head east & begin climbing. German bombers attacking aerodromes in this sector have generally been coming in from the east-northeast, & this is the sector you will patrol. If you spot German bombers nearby, engage them first before attacking escort fighters. Once your ammunition is exhausted, break off and return to Reims. If the bombers make it to the airfield, you will land at Berry-au-Bac until the base at Reims is operational again.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 73 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Reims

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - A show of force before dusk
"summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! Before we retire for the evening, we're up to fly one last patrol over the front from Louvain to Diest, looking for any German bombers making their last attacks before dusk. Hurricanes from several nearby squadrons will come along for this sweep, so hopefully we will find & be able to engage the enemy on favorable terms. When you're finished, return to base for the night. Good luck!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of two missions. On the evening of 15 May, Hurricanes from 87 Squadron with 504 lending cover intercepted a formation of Do-17Zs escorted by Bf-110s. During this engagement, two Dorniers were damaged & one Hurricane was lost. This has been combined with an earlier mission by Hurricanes of 85 & 607 Squadrons, who engaged Bf-109s of 8/JG 3 near Diest. Two Bf-109s were shot down, but one Hurricane from 85 Squadron was lost, & one of 607 Squadron's was damaged.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will form up with the other Hurricanes and head east-northeast into Belgium. Your patrol zone is between Louvain and Diest. If you find enemy raiders, attack their bombers first & only tangle with 109s if you're under immediate threat. While over Belgium, all Hurricane sections will hold different altitudes to allow for greater visability whilst sweeping for German formations. Once you finish this patrol, return to Lille-Marcq and get some rest; tomorrow will be another long day!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 87 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille (Marcq-En-Baroeul)

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Caught their escort napping
"summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! Blenheim bombers took a beating over a Meuse a short while ago, so your task is to sweep through this area and try to chase away any prowling German aircraft in the area. If you find any activity, your three sections have clearance to engage, just be sure that you try to conserve your strength, every day we are taking heavy losses!
"objective_string"=Late in the morning on 15 May 1940, sections of 3 Sqn flew patrols over the Dinant-Namur area. The skies in that area were clear, but on their return they ran into seven Do-17Zs of 8/KG 76, escorted by Bf-109s of III/JG 26. The British Hurricanes were able to take down three bombers before the escort could react, but also ended up losing three of their own in the process.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will fly east-southeast into Belgium and climb up to Angels 14. The other two sections will cover above & below your flight. You will sweep from Dinant up to Namur along the Meuse River, looking any signs of German activity. If none is found, you'll return to Merville. Heavy action took place here just a short time ago, so be ready for anything!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Heavy action around Dinant
"summary_string"=Get to your fighters! A formation of Blenheims has taken off, & is heading over from England to raid the bridges over the Meuse at Dinant. You'll meet this formation at the French coast & protect them as they hit the bridges, then get them back to the coastline. This area has been a hotbed of activity lately, so your best effort will be required today to keep the Luftwaffe at bay. Good luck!
"objective_string"=Even into 15 May, the area along the Meuse River remained a hotbed of activity for German, French, & British air forces. During the morning, Blenheim bombers of 15 & 40 Squadrons raiding the bridges at Dinant were accompanied by eleven Hurricanes of 607 & 615 Squadrons. Over the target, some of 15 Squadron's bombers were lost to flak, while 40 Squadron lost two Blenheims near Charleroi, along with one Hurricane to 3/ZG 76. The French were also active in the area, and on 14 May, four Bloch 152s were lost to Bf-109s & 110s while escorting a Potez 63.11 recce plane. This mission combines the two events.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will fly north & climb hard up to Angels 11 to rendezvous with Blenheims coming over from England. You will escort them to Dinant, where they will attack the bridges. When they are finished, they'll turn around & head for the coast. Once they clear the coast, you will turn south and head back to Vitry-en-Artois. It is critical that we keep these bombers safe; we need every available resource to hold back the Germans!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 607 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Vitry-en-Artois

July 23rd, 2017, 17:08
Good evening,

Here are the last missions for 15 May not involving Belgian and Dutch Air Forces...

"title_string"=Battle of France - Protect our retreating ground forces
"summary_string"=Nos forces ont besoin de votre aide! Forces trying to escape the enemy advance are now on the move, & you'll help by flying sweeps near Sedan, looking for any recce aircraft and dive-bombers. You are cleared to attack whatever you encounter, but use caution, we just can't afford to sustain the heavy losses we've been seeing!
"objective_string"=On 15 May, French fighter squadrons were active in the Sedan area protecting retreating forces and attacking German reconnaissance planes, fighters, and dive-bombers. French P-36 Hawks shot down a Henschel Hs-126 southeast of Sedan, and later in the morning, Bloch 152s shot down two Ju-87s and damaged two others southwest of Sedan. This was followed up by Bf-110s who engaged Bloch 152s & Hurricanes of 615 Squadron just south of Revin, France. In this final engagement, three Bf-110s of 2/ZG 26 were shot down.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll proceed northeast to a point just southeast of Sedan, and head west-northwest & then northwest to beyond Charleville-Mezieres, looking for any sign of Luftwaffe recce planes or dive-bombers. All of our retreating forces need to be protected. Once your patrol is complete, return to Vraux to rearm and reload.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Vraux

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Lucky over the Belgian front
"summary_string"=Listen up! Towns along the Belgian frontline have seen heavy attacks, so you will fly a CAP along the front, looking for any German planes. If you find any bombers, these are your first targets. You are cleared to engage whatever you encounter, but be careful up there...there will likely be other action up there today!
"objective_string"=During the morning of 15 May, Hurricanes from 85 Squadron on patrol along the Belgian frontline ran into a formation of Ju-87 Stukas from II/StG 2 & Henschel Hs-126s of II(S)/LG 2, with their escort of Bf-109s. These British Hurricanes were able to claim two Stukas & damage a Henschel before the escort could intervene. The British also apparently shot down two Bf-109s without suffering any loss themselves.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will climb to Angels 10 heading into Belgium. Another flight of Hurricanes will fly 2,000 feet above. The patrol zone will be along the frontline from Wavre down to Gembloux. You'll look for all German planes attacking towns and vehicle columns. Concentrate on shooting down any dive-bombers first, & then attack any escorts, but be careful you watch your six! When finished, return to Lille.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille (Marcq-En-Baroeul)

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Escort Dorniers to Rethel
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Our Dornier bombers are raiding Rethel this morning, which is still holding out against our ground advance. Because Rethel is within the effective range of a Bf-109, you'll fly escort. Bf-110s have been taking heavy losses and are proving they are very vulnerable to single-seat British and French fighters!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 15 May 1940, French Dewoitine D-520 fighters engaged Dornier Do-17s northwest of Sedan. During the engagements, one Dewoitine fighter was destroyed, but two Dornier Do-17s of 5/KG 77 were also damaged. Dorniers of 5/KG 76 were also involved in this attack. All other aspects of the mission are guesswork, but Rethel would be likely target given its location near the front, and Bf-109s would have had the required range to fly escort, especially considering the vulnerability of the Bf-110.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off you will form up with these other fighters and fly southwest to rendezvous with the Dornier bombers. The bombers will strike the town of Rethel, which is still holding strong against our forces. Being this close to Reims, be alert & ready for either British or French fighters. Because this target is within your aircraft's range, you will be flying Bf-109s, but be sure to keep an eye on your fuel. Be sure the bombers are kept safe, Dornier bombers have taken heavy losses in these opening days!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Monchengladbach

July 27th, 2017, 05:32
Good morning,

About halfway done with 16 May...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Solo defense of Vitry airfield
"summary_string"=Scramble! The ground crews have just fixed your Hurricane that failed to start, and your wingmen are airborne! Take off and head directly east to intercept Dorniers that are bearing down on your airbase! Try to take down as many as you can, and then land either at your home base or at Merville, the home of 3 Squadron. Show the krauts we will not bow to the pressure!
"objective_string"=607 Squadron had a lite morning on 16 May 1940, but during the afternoon, the Squadron scrambled twice to engage a total of fifteen Do-17 bombers. The attacks were largely inconclusive; both sides suffered damage, but do not appear to have taken any losses. The two missions have been combined, and this low-level scenario is likely fictional, but certainly possible.
"intelligence_string"=After failing to start, this Hurricane's engine was quickly fixed, & your squadron mates are already airborne. Fly due east in order to intercept these Dorniers, & try to take them down before they can reach your airfield. If they reach Vitry-en-Artois, then after you finish your attack on the bombers, land at Merville airfield, located to the northwest of Vitry, until your airfield can be repaired. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 607 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Vitry-en-Artois

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Hurricane Scramble at Lille!
"summary_string"=Scramble! Enemy planes are bearing down on Lille from the north-northeast! Climb into your fighter & get airborne to confront them! Claw for altitude & get into a position to shoot down as many as you can, getting them to abort before they reach your airfield! Show the enemy that we will resist every attempt to overwhelm us!
"objective_string"=During the afternoon of 16 May, a large formation of Heinkels from III/LG 1 nearing the aerodromes at Lille triggered a full scramble of 85 & 87 Sqns to confront them. The Heinkels had Bf-109 escorts from JG 2 and JG 27. 87 Squadron claimed three 111s, but only one was confirmed. Two Hurricanes were lost, a single Bf-109 was shot down, and the pilot was captured. Four fighters of 85 Sqdn were lost, with another possible forced landing. Two additional Bf-109s were also shot down during the engagement.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, head north-northeast on a heading of 25 degrees, and climb hard to Angels 18. Take down as many German bombers as you can, & only engage the escort fighters if threatened directly. Try and get the Heinkels to abort before Lille. If the He-111s bomb the airfield, land at Lille-Marcq until your airfield can be repaired. Fight until the bombers depart, or you exhaust your ammo. If you get into trouble, landing safely will complete this mission.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Sweeping the Belgian sky
"summary_string"=Männer, herhören! Your Zerstorers are requested over the frontline to protect the cities of Wavre & Leuven, which our forces have captured. Your task will be to fly a CAP over the area, looking for any British or French intruders. Bf-109s will be in the air with you, & together you'll execute the patrol. Once you complete your sweep of the area, return home; tomorrow will be another busy day!
"objective_string"=During the evening of 16 May, Bf-109s from JG 27 and Bf-110s of I/ZG 1 ran into RAF Hurricanes of 3 & 615 Sqns while patrolling between Wavre and Louvain, Belgium. According to combat reports, the British claimed one Bf-110 and two Bf-109s, while the 'Emil' pilots claimed two Hurricanes from 615 Sqn, and Bf-110 pilots claimed one Hurricane of 3 Squadron.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will head southwest & meet up with the Bf-109s after you cross the Rhine. You'll fly a joint patrol along the frontline, looking for British or French fighters. The Bf-109s will assist in combat to help handle their more maneuverable Hurricanes. Use your firepower and make slashing attacks to keep the advantage, & avoid any turning fights. Once finished, head northeast to return to Germany and your base at Plantluune.
"airfield_string"=Germany - Plantlunne

July 27th, 2017, 07:52
Here is a WIP screenshot of the walled town i'm making for Rami:


Robert John
July 27th, 2017, 08:05
Nice work Gius,

Is it based on a real town.


July 27th, 2017, 08:13

Fabulous! As it happens, I'll have to build several French towns for the next 16 May missions I'm doing, so these are also timely!

July 27th, 2017, 12:24
Thank you guys,

RJ: yes, it's based on the city of Carcassonne in France...


No Dice
July 28th, 2017, 12:36
This entire project is just overwhelming, great job to all involved !!
two thumbs up

:encouragement: :encouragement:


July 29th, 2017, 14:19
Good evening,

Here's a mission style I don't get to use too often...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Pick a card mate, any card!
"summary_string"=To your fighters! Your section has been picked to fly 87 Sqn's morning patrol east of Lille. You will fly with a section of 504 Squadron. Over Belgium, you are tasked with engaging any German aircraft, then returning to base once you ammo is spent. Try to keep your Hurricanes intact on this one, getting replacements and spare parts is tough!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 16 May, a section of Hurricanes from 87 Sqn and another from 504 Sqn took off to patrol east of Lille. The two sections lost sight of each other after takeoff, then 87 Sqn sighted German bombers flying over Belgium and moved to intercept. The Dorniers were engaged near Mons, & the British claimed four with one damaged, but one Hurricane was lost. The other section engaged Ju-88s of I/KG 30. Two were claimed destroyed & another damaged. No Hurricane losses from that section were recorded.
"intelligence_string"=This is a 50/50 mission. After departing Lille, you will either fly 87 Squadron's intercept of Do-17s near Mons or 504 Sqn's Ju-88 intercept. In either case, your task is simple: engage and take down as many German planes as possible, then head west to return to your airfield at Lille. Be sure to use the map feature to plot your return course. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 87 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille (Marcq-En-Baroeul)

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Orders to sweep the border
"summary_string"=To youe fighters! Both 87 and 504 Squadrons have been ordered in the air to sweep the Luxembourg border. Your section will fly lead. Head east into Belgium & then southeast to reach the Luxembourg border, where the two squadrons will fly a sweep from north to south, then return to Lille-Marcq. It is imperative that we maintain our aerial presence over the front to prevent the enemy from thinking that we're weak!
"objective_string"=During the early evening of 16 May 1940, 60 Wing was ordered to put 504 and 87 Squadrons into the air to fly a patrol on the Luxembourg border. Just after taking off they were bounced by Bf-109s of 9/JG 26 above Belgium and lost three Hurricanes, although they did down one Bf-109. Northwest of Brussels, they engaged Bf-110s from I/ZG 1. This time they did better, claiming four, although only two could be confirmed. This Zerstorer intercept is historical, but the Bf-109 ambush shortly after takeoff cannot be historically verified.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, the two squadrons will assemble & fly east into Belgium, then southeast across the country to reach the Luxembourg border. You will sweep the border from north to south, looking for any enemy air or ground activity. Once this patrol is finished, return to Lille. Because the flight path will be over what is now enemy-held territory, the chance is high you'll encounter Bf-109s & Bf-110s, so remain alert & try to gain the advantage during any enemy engagement!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 87 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille (Marcq-En-Baroeul)

Shadow Wolf 07
July 30th, 2017, 07:30
Nice setup. I see you are using MB to the max on this on... :applause:

July 30th, 2017, 07:33
Here is shot of the completed work...


July 30th, 2017, 12:59
Another screen, this time in the middle of Abbeville airfield, for testing purposes...


July 30th, 2017, 15:21
Nice setup. I see you are using MB to the max on this on... :applause:

"title_string"=Battle of France - Resisting by any methods available
"summary_string"=Écoutez, nous avons des commandes urgentes! The defenses near Reims are collapsing, and we need every available fast bomber to hit German columns passing through the towns & villages northwest of Rethel before they reach the Cathedral city! Your LeO 45s will be part of the attacking force. Find these German columns & destroy them, before our defense in the area falls apart!
"objective_string"=During the morning of 16 May, French commanders were throwing every resource they had against the German thrust toward Reims. LeO 45 light bombers were raiding vehicle columns, together with other aircraft throughout this sector to blunt the enemy advance. Often, this was being done by individual bombers, but occasionally French formations were larger. Nearly all the bombers came from GB I/12 and GB II/12.
"intelligence_string"=Following takeoff, you will form up with the other flights of LeO 45 bombers & head for the combat sector northeast of Reims. Once there, each flight will seek out their own column; you're assigned to assault a column spotted between Montcornet and Rozoy. After your attack is complete, you'll clear out to the southeast & return to Le Bourget as the other bombers follow suit during and after these raids. French fighter cover will be in the vicinity, they should protect you from any German fighters. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=LeO 45 GBI 31 May 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Le Bourget

"title_string"=Battle of France - Halt the enemy thrust toward Reims
"summary_string"=Écoutez, nous avons des commandes urgentes! The defenses near Reims are collapsing, and we need every available fast bomber to hit German columns passing through the towns & villages northwest of Rethel before they reach the Cathedral city! Your Breguets will be part of the attacking force. Find these German columns & destroy them, before our defense in the area falls apart!
"objective_string"=On the afternoon of 16 May 1940, Breguet Br-693 light bombers from GBA I/54 and GBA II/54 were part of this overall effort to slow German ground advances in the Reims sector by raiding any enemy columns they could find. These Breguets suffered during their raids on the enemy columns; two were shot down by flak & another was badly damaged, although one did manage to shoot down a Henschel Hs-126 flying reconnaissance during this mission.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll rendezvous with the other flight of Breguets and fly northeast. One German column was last seen just east of Montcornet, and the second was sighted northwest of Rethel. When you reach the area, your two flights will split, and your flight will strike the column near Montcornet. Once your raid is finished, you will head back to Dammartin-en-Goele to refuel and reload.
"airfield_string"=France - Dammartin-en-Goele

"title_string"=Battle of France - Low-level recon northeast of Reims
"summary_string"=Attention, votre tâche est importante! Villages and towns northeast of Reims are about to be overrun as German armoured columns are breaking through our defenses. Your task is to fly a reconnaissance sweep over the area between Liesse & Montcornet, looking for any German columns nearby. If you do find any, you are to report what you see, and then bombers will sweep in to attack. Do not risk your fighters with low-level strafing; we must preserve them for future battles!
"objective_string"=During the day of 16 May, French planes were out in force to seek out and attack both German troop & vehicle columns near Reims, where the Germans were rapidly closing in on the city itself. Morane fighters were flying low-level recce sweeps above towns like Lappion, Montcornet, Dizy-le-Gros, and Liese Notre-Dame. On the reconnaissance sweeps, several fighters were damaged by enemy fire, but none were lost. Near Dizy-le-Gros, they shot down a German Henschel flying its own reconnaissance. French aircraft involved were from the following units: GC II/6, GC III/6, and GC II/2.
"intelligence_string"=After takeoff, you will rendezvous with two other units on the way to the patrol sector. Because you will be at low level, you must watch out for flak. If you get hit, do not try to complete the mission; turn around & try to get back to your base rather than crash in German-held territory. Keeping your speed high & flying low will be your best defense. You will fly from Liesse to Lappion, and then over to Dizy-le-Gros & Montcornet before you complete the patrol. After this, head back to Juvaincourt to refuel and reload.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Juvaincourt

July 30th, 2017, 19:11
Another screen, this time in the middle of Abbeville airfield, for testing purposes...


Wow Gius, that's beautiful! :icon_eek:

July 31st, 2017, 02:22
Thanks DV,

i have other objects too ready for BoF...

Thanks for your beautiful addons, when the Constellation will be ready?



August 2nd, 2017, 02:22
Good morning,

Here's some samplings from the work of 17 May...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Cobber Kain's evening stroll
"summary_string"=Listen up! The town of Montcornet is under attack by the Germans, and you will fly a patrol over this area before dusk, looking for any attempts by the Luftwaffe to assist their efforts to take the town! Once finished, return to Athis airfield; tomorrow will certainly be another busy day!
"objective_string"=The evening of 17 May saw 'Cobber' Kain lead two sections of 73 Squadron. While out on patrol, they ran into some fifteen Dornier Do-17Zs of II/KG 3. Led by 'Cobber' Kain, the six Hurricanes claimed two of the Do-17s as probables before the Bf-109 escorts could intervene. Once they did, one of the Bf-109s were claimed as well. There is no record of any Hurricane losses during this mission.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll fly northwest toward the city of Saint-Quentin, where you will then patrol east-southeast into enemy-held territory just a bit north of Montcornet. The Germans have been in a struggle all day for this strategic town, and it has seen several raids today. If any Luftwaffe planes approach, your job is to engage & fend them off. When finished, return to Athis for the night. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 73 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Athis

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Pound the marshalling yards
"summary_string"=Bomber Command has selected your squadron for tonight's mission. Your Wellingtons will attack the city of Namur, striking the marshalling yard and a factory complex. This large marshalling yard was commandeered just days ago by the Germans, who are now utilizing it in order to support their own offensive. Deny it to the Germans by putting it out of action!
"objective_string"=During the night of 17 May 1940, a mixed force of Wellingtons & Hampdens left England to strike the city of Namur, along with the towns of Gembloux & Dinant. A total of twenty Wellingtons attacked Namur, whilst twelve continued to Dinant, and six Hampdens raided Gembloux. There are no records of the damage they caused, but one of the British Wellingtons may have been hit and forced-landed behind German lines. All other bombers appear to have made it back to their bases.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will form up with the Namur force & fly over the North Sea. The other flights striking Dinant & Gembloux will make their way to their own targets, and you'll assemble during your withdrawal to the coast. Over Namur, your target is the eastern marshalling yard, as another flight strikes the western yard and the last flight hits a factory complex. Expect moderate flak above the target, and then on the way home, keep an eye out for the raiders returning from their targets. Get back over the North Sea, then land at Martlesham. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Vickers Wellington Mk Ic
"airfield_string"=England - Martlesham

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Dawn patrol over Belgium
"summary_string"=Guten Morgen, kamerad! We have been ordered to fly an early morning patrol over Belgium. You will patrol from Brussels continuing southwest down to Mons, sweeping for any British or French fighters covering the same area. Let's show the enemy that there will be no letup in our pressure to push them to the sea!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 17 May 1940, Messerschmitts of I/JG 3, possibly out on morning patrol, ran across twelve unescorted Blenheims of 82 Squadron. The bombers were due to pick up their escort over the target of Gembloux, Belgium, but they never made it. As they neared Nivelles, the Bf-109s tore into them, shooting down ten Blenheims & damaging the remaining two. Only one of the RAF bombers made it to Watton. 87 Squadron's Hurricanes did reach Gembloux on schedule, but these Blenheims hadn't made it through.
"intelligence_string"=After takeoff, you will head west toward the city of Brussels, where you will then fly southwest to Mons. Your height during the patrol will be 4,000 meters. A second flight will stay 250m below you. You're cleared to take down any British or French planes you encounter, then fly back to Bonn; with our ground forces continuing their thrust, you will likely see more action today!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Bait the enemy into a fight
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Our Stuka units have been taking heavy losses in the past few days, so today we are trying something new. Your Zerstorers will be used as "bait" to lure the British & French into the air and keep them away from the Sedan area, where Stukas will be mopping up enemy resistance. Be ready to engage the enemy, & use your superior firepower and speed to take them down!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 17 May 1940, a large formation of Zerstorers from V (Z)/LG I were bounced from above by six Hurricanes from 1 Sqn. British pilots were investigating reports of Allied ground forces being dive-bombed near Sedan. When these British pilots saw the German Zerstorers above, they kept climbing up to 18,000 feet & got into position for the attack. The British claimed five kills with two probables, but only three were conformed lost by LG 1.
"intelligence_string"=Following takeoff, you'll head west-southwest and climb to 5,000 meters. After passing Sedan, you'll continue to Vouziers, where you will circle in the hopes of luring the British or French into combat, keeping them away from the Stukas. If the enemy takes the bait, avoid the turning fight at all costs; use your superior speed and firepower to initiate and break combat. Once the enemy is eliminated or flees, reform the flight and return to Germany.
"airfield_string"=Germany - Wiesbaden

August 3rd, 2017, 04:17
Good morning,

The work continues...

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Schnellbombers of KG 30
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! As the Panzers continue the push into France, we must assist their efforts by pounding airfields and towns along the axis of advance. To this end, we'll assault Saint-Quentin; this city has an important rail yard being used by the enemy. You will be part of this bomber force, so place your bombs on target and destroy the rail yard, denying it to the French and British!
"objective_string"=During the afternoon of 17 May a mixed formation of He-111s, Ju-88s, & Do-17s, escorted by twelve Bf-109s, were intercepted near Le Cateau, France by a section of Hurricanes from 213 Sqn, and five more from 73 Squadron. One Bf-109 was claimed, another damaged, and a Do-17 may have suffered damage. The mission supposes Saint Quentin as the likely target. The inclusion of French fighters are based on intercepts that occurred in the area near the time of the attack.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll fly west-southwest & climb to 5,000 meters. If all goes to plan, you'll rendezvous with the other bombers and the escort fighters near Antwerp, then continue into France to reach Saint-Quentin. The small French town of Le Cateau marks the start of the bomb run. British & French fighters have been active in the area, so stay on alert even though you have fighter escorts for protection. Your target will be the rail depot, while others assault the ammo dump and munitions plant. When finished, return to Schiphol.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=KM_JU88_A-4 I/KG 30
"airfield_string"=Holland - Schiphol

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Easy pickings over Flanders
"summary_string"=Get to your fighters! Several reports have come in about Do-17 bombers raiding vehicles on the road between Bapume and Cambrai. You will head to the area, find these bombers and shoot them down, so our forces don't have to worry about being hunted from above. Let's show the enemy that we remain unbowed!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of two similar missions flown by 56 and 607 Squadrons during the morning and afternoon of 17 May. In the first sortie, five 607 Squadron Hurricanes intercepted several Dorniers from KG 76 that bombed vehicles between Cambrai and Bapaume. The British claimed three, and four more were damaged. French Moranes of GC III/2 may also have been involved. In the second sortie, six Hurricanes of 56 Sqn bounced seven He-111s from I/KG 54. Without escort, four Heinkels were claimed, with two probable & one damaged. KG 54 only recorded three losses. One Hurricane had to force-land from heavy damage, but no other losses were recorded.
"intelligence_string"=The enemy bombers were reported to be between Bapume and Cambrai. After takeoff, you will head south to see if you can find 'em. Before engaging, be sure to look for any escorts. If you have ammo left after this, continue on an east-northeasterly course into Belgium & sweep for any other activity before returning to Lille-Seclin. Again, be careful to look for any roving escorts before committing; Dowding has made it very clear we must not bleed ourselves dry over France!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Messerschmitt Vs Hurricane
"summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! The Germans seem to be throwing everything into the air; earlier engagements today are showing their fighters are omnipresent. You'll fly an evening patrol above this sector, hopefully finding and bloodying the nose of these intruders. Good luck, and good hunting!
"objective_string"=17 May 1940 saw numerous aerial clashes between the Hurricane and the Messerschmitt. This mission is an amalgam of three separate engagements. The first clash saw two sections of 85 Squadron take on Bf-109s of JG 3 & II/JG 26. One 85 Squadron Hurricane was brought down west of Douai, & two 109s were lost. The second clash saw two sections of 245 Squadron jump Messerschimtts of 8/JG 26 between the town of Ath & Brussels, Belgium. Each side claimed one. The final clash took place near Cambrai, where a RAF section met seven Bf-109s of 2/JG 76. One Bf-109 was claimed by PO Willie McKnight.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will fly east-northeast into Belgium, and then turn west-southwest toward the immediate area around Cambrai. These are the two primary areas where fighters have been seen. If you run into any German fighters, engage them at will if conditions are favorable. If your search is fruitless, retire through Douai along your way back to Lille, where you'll take some much-needed rest.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille

Robert John
August 6th, 2017, 13:08
Looks fantastic.


August 8th, 2017, 12:16
Good afternoon,

Here are three more...the last for 17 May.

"title_string"=Battle of France - French fighter sweep over Zeeland
"summary_string"=Vos combattants sont prêts et en attente! Your job this afternoon is to fly a patrol over Zeeland and then down the full western border of Luxembourg, looking for any German fighters or reconnaissance aircraft. It is imperative that we continue to show the Luftwaffe that we will never back down from defending our skies!
"objective_string"=During the late afternoon of 17 May 1940, a total of nine French P-36 Hawks from GC I/4 on patrol over Zeeland ran into Messerschmitts of I/JG 20 over the Island of Walcheren. In this tussle, two Hawks were lost & another damaged, in return for two Bf-109s. This mission has been combined with a patrol during 16 May where a group of five P-36 Hawks from GC II/5 shot down a Henschel Hs-126 over Mondercange, Luxembourg. No French Hawks were lost in this event.
"intelligence_string"=After takeoff, you will climb to 3,000 meters and head for the Dutch coastline. You will patrol near Flushing above the island of Walcheren, then turn southwest to fly across Belgium & sweep along the Luxembourg border before heading back to Vraux. You have clearance to engage any German aircraft you run into, just be sure that you get your crates back home intact!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Vraux

"title_string"=Battle of France - Catching the exposed Panzer force
"summary_string"=Attention! Votre escadron a été sélectionné pour une mission importante. German Panzers have been seen near the Franco-Belgian border, and seem to have concentrated near the villages of Trelon and Chimay. Your mission is to locate them and attack, then relay results & their location so that we can launch further assaults. Flying at low level means you'll be exposed to heavy flak, so be careful up there!
"objective_string"=During the morning of 17 May, the French sent out Potez 631 and 633 light bombers to attack German Panzers between the towns of Trelon & Chimay on the border of France & Belgium. There is no clear record of whether their attacks were successful, but two Potez bombers from ECN 4/13 were badly damaged by flak, while four Potez from ECN 2/13 were shot down, together with another Potez from ECN 3/13.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll fly northeast to the border between France & Belgium. These Panzer columns were last reported to be near the towns of Trelon & Chimay. Your task is to locate & inflict as much damage as possible on the German columns & then report back to base; this information will be used to direct additional strikes. Our experiences have taught us that you will likely face intense flak, so keep your speed high & stay low to have your best chance at success, Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Potez 633
"airfield_string"=France - Dammartin-en-Goele

"title_string"=Battle of France - Mop-up the morning Panzer attack
"summary_string"=German Panzers were attacked this morning along the Franco-Belgian border by several Potez light bombers, and were cut to ribbons. These Panzers remain a threat to both ourselves and the British, & must be eliminated before they can wreck even more havoc behind our lines. Nous avons besoin de pilotes courageux pour cette mission, pouvez-vous faire un pas en avant?
"objective_string"=During the afternoon of 17 May 1940, the French sent out LeO 45 medium bombers to attack German Panzers between the towns of Trelon & Chimay on the border of France & Belgium. There is no clear record of whether their attacks were successful, but one LeO 45 of GB II/12 has its tail blown off by flak, three more LeO 45s of GB I/31 were lost to German 109s of II/JG 2, & eight more bombers from GB II/12 returned to base with flak damage. The escort in this mission is entirely fictional.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll fly northeast to the border between France & Belgium. These Panzer columns were last reported to be near the towns of Trelon & Chimay. Your task is to locate & inflict as much damage as possible on the German columns & then report back to base; this information will be used to direct additional strikes. Our experiences have taught us that you will likely face intense flak, so keep your speed high & stay low to have your best chance at success, Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=LeO 45 GBI 31 May 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Boissy-le-bois

August 13th, 2017, 17:15
Good evening,

I finally finished all of the missions for 17 May.

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - KG 3 hits Merville airfield
"summary_string"=Piloten der Luftflotte! This evening, your unit will raid the airfield at Merville, which the British are using as a fighter base. With our Panzer units now thrusting toward the coast, the bases around Lille could serve to disrupt our ground offensive. It is imperative that we make every effort to put these bases out of commission and deny their use to the British and French!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of two separate missions flown on 17 May. In the evening, two Hurricanes from 3 Squadron were shot down in combat with Bf-109s of I/JG 3; the Messerschmitts were escorting the Do-17Zs to Merville, and it's presumed they were attacking the base there. About two hours prior to that, two sections of Hurricanes engaged Bf-109s of JG3. German pilots reported being attacked by "thirty Spitfires," but this is unlikely. During this earlier engagement, three Bf-109s were destroyed for the loss of two Hurricanes from 85 Squadron.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne & assembling, you will head just south of due west toward the area near Lille. Bf-109 escorts will meet you just before reaching Brussels. Once you reach Lille, your unit will raid the airbase at Merville. The Messerschmitt escort should keep fighters off your tails, but expect to be intercepted; the British have several squadrons in the Lille area. After you release, clear out and let the 109s keep their fighters busy. The Dornier units have taken a heavy beating over France, so it would be nice if everyone got back today!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
"airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

"title_string"=Battle of France - Running into trouble west of Reims
"summary_string"=Ecoutez, les pilotes! Today, your flight will patrol just west & northwest of Reims, looking for roving enemy fighters! It's your job to bloody their nose, and show them that will not surrender our skies to this threat. Accédez à vos combattants, aviateurs. Ils sont réchauffés et attendent!
"objective_string"=Around noon on 17 May, a total of seven Bloch 152 fighters of GC 10 were destroyed in combat with Bf-109s from JG 3 and Bf-110s of ZG 76 between the French towns of Chauny & Roye. Other data is not readily available, however it can be surmised that the German fighters must have attacked from an advantageous position. There is also no record of how many fighters were involved in this fight; so the remainder of the mission data is essentially guesswork.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will patrol to the west & northwest of Reims, scanning the skies carefully for any signs of roving German fighter or bomber formations. Your target height for this sortie will be 4,000 meters, while the second flight will keep 500 meters above. If you locate the Germans, take down as many as you can. You have the advantage over Bf-110s, but if you run into Bf-109s, you will be outclassed in practically all aspects of combat, so pick your battles carefully!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Bloch MB.152
"airfield_string"=France - Rouen (Boos)

August 20th, 2017, 13:08
By way of a bump -

Not just Rami mission building, there's a bunch of us chipping in as best we can. Sander's old photoreal Texel scenery has had a makeover, it's less bright green now...

August 22nd, 2017, 17:57
Good evening,

Continuing to work my way through 18 May and include some Stuka missions along the way...

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Soften the Maastricht area
"summary_string"=Meine Herren! Our Fallschirmjäger have been able to land on Eben Emael and are holding firm. We'll support their success by striking the nearby town of Vise, and leveling a railyard that could be used to shuttle Allied reinforcements to this area. It is imperative that we prevent this, so make sure that you place your bombs on target, so we do not have to return to the area. Viel Glück!
"objective_string"=On 11 May, Stuka units focused on raiding targets across Belgium in support of the ground offensive. This included striking positions in the Maastricht sector. Stukas of StG 2 bombed the town of Vise, just south of Eben Emael, as a part of this effort. Over the target, these Stukas were intercepted by Hurricanes of 607 Squadron, but thanks to cloud cover, only one Stuka was lost. The Bf-110 escort in this mission is entirely fictional.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, your escort of 110s will meet up with you before leaving Germany. As you approach the Belgian town of Vise, identify the railyard as your target, then make your assault as the escort keeps watch. Don't try to engage fighters in your Stuka; this will only lead to serious trouble. When finished, return to Bonn-Hangelar.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Clearing the roads ahead
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! With our Panzers pushing for the coast, you must fly a patrol along the axis of advance and eliminate any bombers or fighters being used to harass our forces! The Luftwaffe is planning a major attack in this area today, so any softening of their defenses from our efforts will be a big help!
"objective_string"=This mission represents an amalgam of about three different sorties that were flown on 18 May 1940 over the area betwen Cambrai, Avesnes-Sur-Helpe, and Le Cateau. Between the two morning missions and one evening mission, a total of four Blenheims were damaged on either recce or low-level attacks on German columns. In addition, a total of twelve Hurricanes from 85, 87, and 242/A Sqns engaged German Bf-110s from both I/ZG26 & I/ZG 76 over Le Cateau and Cambrai. During these missions, five Hurricanes were lost, including the section from 242 Sqn. For this, the British claimed two Bf-110s destroyed & two damaged/probable. Actual losses are somewhat questionable.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll fly directly west and climb to 3,000m. You will begin your patrol at Avesnes, then continue along to Le Cateau & finally over to Cambrai, looking for any British bombers on recce or hitting our Panzers. If you run into Hurricanes, use your speed to initiate and break contact, and avoid a turning fight at all costs. If all else fails, use your superior speed to just break away from combat. Once you complete your patrol, return to Wiesbaden to refuel and reload; there will likely be more action today.
"airfield_string"=Germany - Wiesbaden

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Low-level Dornier intercept
"summary_string"=Get to your Hurricanes! Enemy bombers have been spotted near the city of Arras. You must catch up to the German Dorniers before they can get out of range. The Do-17s were reported to be flying low, so you'll remain below 5,000ft during your patrol. Locate the German bombers & then show them that we refuse to give into their efforts to break us!
"objective_string"=Early on the morning of 18 May 1940, a section of Hurricanes from 3 Sqn, together with two more of 601-A Sqn intercepted a formation of nine Do-17z flying at 2,000 feet. Action reports of where this actually occurred are sketchy; they engaged south of Douai, France and apparently pursued them to a point east of Saint-Quentin. One of the Luftwaffe bombers were shot down and two more were badly damaged. Two 3 Sqn Hurricanes were also brought down in the process.
"intelligence_string"=Take off quickly! The German Dorniers should be retreating from the target by the time you will be able to intercept 'em. Observers report that these German bombers were flying low. When you locate them, watch closely for any escort before tearing into the enemy bombers. Take down as many as you can, then break away and return to Merville. Make sure that you get back in one piece, you will likely be busy today!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Mid-level Dornier intercept
"summary_string"=To your fighters! Your section has been chosen to fly a defensive patrol over this immediate area to look for any signs of German fighters or bombers. If you choose to attack them, make sure to inflict maximum damage; we must take every opportunity to bloody the enemy's nose and show them we will not be overrun without a major fight!
"objective_string"=Later in the morning on 18 May 1940, two sections of Hurricanes from 79 and 213-B Sqn flew out of Merville on patrol. Near Arras, the British ran into a flight of seven Do-17 bombers of 5/KG 76. Four Dorniers were damaged by the British Hurricanes, and another Do-17 brought down, for an exchange of one damaged Hurricane from 79 Sqn which was damaged from return fire. No loss is reported, so it can be assumed the fighter landed safely.
"intelligence_string"=After leaving Merville, you'll head east & fly over Roubaix, Valenciennes, Cambrai, and Arras in that order before returning to Merville. It is important that we hold the line in this sector to prevent our forces from being pushed back to the sea. You are clear to engage whatever you encounter, but make sure to avoid damage if possible; replacements are tougher to come by, & this is likely not your only action of the day!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

August 23rd, 2017, 17:33
Good evening,

Here are a couple more...

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Focus our fire on Brussels
"summary_string"=Kamerad, herhören! With our forces taking control of Maastricht & the Albert Canal, we must now fly out ahead of the Panzer columns & do what we can to soften up the enemy defenses. Your assignment is to raid the city of Brussels as part of a massed formation tasked to inflict maximum damage. Hals und Beinbruch!
"objective_string"=After their morning run, StG 2 was in action later in the afternoon on 11 May, 1940. This time, they were part of a gaggle of sixty Stukas which were caught without escort over the city of Brussels by Hurricanes of 87 Squadron. These six Hurricanes had a field day; destroying six Stukas without any loss to themselves. These losses foretold the rate of loss that would force them out of the Battle of Britain months later. Your Bf-110 escort provided in this mission is entirely fictional.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll hold formation with the Stukas and head toward Brussels. Your target is a sprawling factory complex right in the middle of the city. The other Stuka flights will raid their assigned targets across the city. In order for this Blitzkrieg to succeed, you must attack accurately so that we will not have to continue focusing on a single area of the front. Let's show the enemy the might of the Luftwaffe!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Chievres in the crosshairs
"summary_string"=Besatzungen, aufgepasst! The orders are to assist the offensive on the ground by raiding the Belgian aerodrome at Chievres. You're to destroy hangars, fuel stores, & anything else of consequence at the airfield. The more of these aerodromes we can put out of action, the tougher it will be for the enemy to get their aircraft into the air!
"objective_string"=This is a semi-historical mission. On 12 May 1940, Hurricanes of 87 Squadron engaged both Bf-109s & Ju-87s just west of Liege, Belgium. These RAF fighters were tasked to escort Blenheims along to Maastricht, but the encounter prevented that. In a confused scramble, the Hurricanes shot down two Ju-87 Stukas and one Bf-109, exchanged for two RAF fighters shot down. The German fighter cover was led by Hauptmann Adolf Galland. This mission supposes an attack on Chievres aerodrome, and the Bf-110 high cover is fictional.
"intelligence_string"=Chievres airfield is being used by both the British and Belgians as a fighter base. Once airborne, you will stay in formation with the other Stuka flights & head for the aerodrome. Once there, all Stukas will attack hangars, fuel stores, and other targets to inflict maximum damage. Once completed, clear out & make your way back toward Germany. There are more sorties expected today in support of the Panzers, so make sure to return intact!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

August 26th, 2017, 03:14
And a couple more...

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Assist the Dutch campaign
"summary_string"=Männer, herhören! Dutch ground units are putting up incredible resistance, & our forces are having trouble making any headway. Your Stuka gruppe is being sent to attack any towns along the frontline, and Streefkerk has a big munitions factory that is helping to supply the Dutch units with ammunition. We'll destroy this factory and make it harder for the Dutch to resist!
"objective_string"=In the early morning of 13 May 1940, Stukas left their bases in Germany to raid Dutch towns along the axis of advance. Stukas from the unit pounded a large munitions plant in the town of Streefkerk. As they attacked, British Defiants attacked them, with Spitfires trailing behind. This mission brings the escort far closer to the action to provide some protection; during the actual mission the Spitfires & Defiants jumped the Stukas before the Bf-109s could fend them off.
"intelligence_string"=The Dutch town of Streefkerk lies a bit northwest of Koln. After taking off, you'll head up that way, meeting the escort between Koln-Ostheim and the Dutch border. Once you enter Holland, be on your guard for any Allied fighters. The Bf-109 fighter escort should offer protection, but we've learned the Stuka is very vulnerable if being attacked by fighters. Over the Dutch munitions complex, focus on raiding the warehouses first; knocking out the targets will make it hard for the Dutch to continue making new weapons to resist our efforts!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=Germany - Koln-Ostheim

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Fully exposed over Sedan
"summary_string"=Zuhören, Besatzungen! German forces are nearing the Meuse at Sedan and Dinant, & your Stukas are needed to attack targets along the far side of the Meuse in order to soften the enemy defenses. This will make it easier to get our forces across. Let's show our commanders that we are more than ready for this important task!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 12 May 1940, Stukas sent out to attack targets in the Sedan area ran into six P-36 Hawks of GC I/5. In what French pilots described as a "pigeon shoot," they claimed eleven of twelve unescorted Stukas. According to German records, only six of these French claims can be confirmed. The Bf-110 escort given for this sortie is entirely fictional, and only there for your protection.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will head southwest to reach Sedan. The town will be a major apex of the action for the next two days. Your target today is a factory complex at the southwestern edge of the town. As you near the factory, your height will be 3,500 meters before making your dive. Be sure to watch out for enemy fighters over the target area, and make sure to put your bombs on target; we do not want to jeopardize the chances of our forces getting across the Meuse!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Stukas in action at Leuven
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Your orders are to assist the offensive on the ground by striking cities and towns all along the entire axis of advance. To this end, StG 1 will attack selected targets in the city of Leuven. This city is a gateway to Brussels, and with StG 2 attacking that city, hopefully this will split the enemy defenses. Let's make sure to show the enemy our mettle today!
"objective_string"=Around the same time that StG 2 was caught over Brussels on the morning of 13 May, StG 1 was also in the air, bearing down on the city of Leuven. As the Stukas were about to make their attacks, they were caught by a flight of Hurricanes. The Bf-109 escorts didn't see the Hurricanes, and five Stukas were lost. This mission differs from the historical record by increasing both the number of escorts and intercepting fighters, and also providing some escort protection to allow for higher survivability.
"intelligence_string"=After getting into the air, you'll assemble with the other Stuka flights & then head west into Belgium. Once you reach Leuven, you'll focus on hitting the railyard as the other Stukas raid selected targets throughout the city. Focus on hitting buildings and sections of track, Once the run is complete, clear out to the southeast before returning to Germany. Make sure to keep your Stuka intact; we have a lot of work left to do, & we need to avoid losing high numbers of aircraft!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=Germany - Koln-Ostheim

August 26th, 2017, 12:57
Looking forward to this one Rami. Thanks for all your efforts.


August 27th, 2017, 06:20
Looking forward to this one Rami. Thanks for all your efforts.



Thank you! Here's a couple more off the presses this morning,

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Another unlucky encounter
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Panzer units are breaking through at Sedan, & we'll support their push into France by attacking towns and other targets along the axis of advance! To this end, your Stukas will strike British tanks who have taken position in the town of Rethel. This town is a gateway to the city of Reims, and we mustn't allow the Allies to block this important path forward & thereby impede our progress!
"objective_string"=During the afternoon of 14 May 1940, Stukas from I(St)/TrGr187 were intercepted just northwest of Sedan by 3 Squadron Hurricanes as they escorted a mixed force of Battles and Blenheims away from Sedan. Despite escort from JG 54, the Hurricanes pounced & claimed eleven total Stukas shot down, when only eight were actually lost. As more German fighters arrived, these tables turned and fourteen of the Battles were lost to German fighters, along with two Hurricanes. The French town of Rethel has also been chosen as a target, but I can't verify if this is historically accurate.
"intelligence_string"=Following takeoff, you will form up with the other Stukas & head southwest into France. Your target is the town of Rethel, which lies in the path of our advance. The Bf-109s should rendezvous with you before leaving Germany. Over the town, make sure to try and avoid collateral damage, focus only on hitting the tanks & destroying them so our forces can capture this town intact; Rethel is a strategic position and capturing it will allow us to cut off any retreating forces in the area! Once finished, do not loiter over the town, break off and return to Germany.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=Germany - Koln-Ostheim

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Jumped above Le Chesne
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Panzer units are breaking through at Sedan, & we'll support their push into France by attacking towns and other targets along the axis of advance! To this end, your Stukas will raid the town of Vouziers, where the French have fuel depots. It is important that we hit this target accurately; the Allies must not utilize this facility for their own tanks to delay our advance!
"objective_string"=During the afternoon of 14 May 1940, Stukas from StG 77 ran into Hurricanes of 1 Squadron over Le Chesne as the British were heading toward Sedan. With the Bf-109s being late to the rendezvous, the Hurricanes broke from the escort to attack these Stukas, claiming five. For this mission, a flight of Bf-110s has been added to lend you some measure of protection until the Bf-109s arrive. The French town of Vouziers has also been chosen as a target, but I can't verify if this is historically accurate.
"intelligence_string"=Following takeoff, you will form up with the other Stukas & head southwest into France. Your target is the town of Vouziers, which lies in the path of our advance. The Bf-109s should meet you before leaving Germany. Over this French town, focus on hitting the fuel depots, then clear out and return to Germany. Don't loiter over the target after you attack, we must not put our Stukas at further risk; we need to maintain our strength!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

Typhoon Willy
August 27th, 2017, 09:22
Hi Rami,

Have you created a separate install exclusively for your BOF campaign? If so, do are you using UIRES found on the net, or have you created your own? Also, could you post a list of aircraft you are using for your campaign?

Thanks in advance,


August 27th, 2017, 10:02
Hi Rami,

Have you created a separate install exclusively for your BOF campaign? If so, do are you using UIRES found on the net, or have you created your own? Also, could you post a list of aircraft you are using for your campaign?

Thanks in advance,


I'm not in right now, but if you leave your name, number, and a brief message, I will answer when I leave my home away from home...

Typhoon Willy
August 27th, 2017, 10:40
Hehe!, No problem, enjoy your vacation!


August 27th, 2017, 13:40
Hello again,

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Splitting the British fighters
"summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! To support this advance into Belgium, Luftwaffe staffeln must raid the enemy's transport network. You will spearhead this effort today by striking two railyards, one in Wavre and the second at Gembloux. Henschels will handle the southern target, while your Stukas will assault the northern. Show the enemy that further resistance will be very costly!
"objective_string"=During the morning of 15 May, a raid by Stukas of 2/StG 2 & Henschel Hs-123s were intercepted by Hurricanes of 85 and 87 Sqns between Wavre and Gembloux. The Bf-109 escorts were late getting to the scene & within that time, two Stukas had been shot down & a Henschel was badly damaged. This sortie differs from the historical record by using these towns as the intended targets, and splits up the formation prior to being attacked to allow for greater survivability.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll rendezvous with the Henschels & continue into Belgium. As you begin to approach Brussels, the formation will break. Your flight will swing northwest to raid the railyard at Wavre, while the Henschels will turn southwest to raid another railyard at Gembloux. You will have plenty of cover from Bf-109s during your attack, so focus on inflicting maximum damage. Once you complete your attack, don't loiter over the target, clear out and return to Germany. We must minimize attrition to sustain our rapid advance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=Germany - Koln-Ostheim

Typhoon Willy - I will respond as soon as I complete this mission.

August 27th, 2017, 15:55
Hi Rami,

Have you created a separate install exclusively for your BOF campaign? If so, do are you using UIRES found on the net, or have you created your own? Also, could you post a list of aircraft you are using for your campaign?

Thanks in advance,


Typhoon Willy,

1) Yes.

2) Captain Kurt made these, which we're using: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=173&id=19528

3) The final question is more difficult, because it is in a state of constant flux. It's been fairly stable the last couple of months, but there are a couple of aircraft that are going to be removed because they are not needed/historically accurate, and others that we are using are not released yet, but will be included as part of the package when released.

If you want to fly these missions, I can include you as a beta tester. UncleTgt is working on scenery and aircraft mods, Kdriver is working on scenery, including new Dutch bases, and Hewman100 is providing historical documentation. We really don't have a mission tester other than me, and I am building them, so it would be nice to have someone to fly them without having to build them.

If you are interested, you can become the primary mission tester. As usual, the packages I send you will be auto-installers, and it includes all the aircraft, scenery, and other items. You will just have to keep pace with any updates I and others send along.

However, I don't want to break my rhythm right now. I'm almost done getting the Stuka missions in line with the rest of the campaigns as far as getting caught up to 18 May, and then I have a lot of missions still to do for 18 May to complete the day. As such, it will probably be another week or so before I will be able to complete this day's events and move on to 19 May. When that happens, I can update the auto-installers and send them to you.

August 28th, 2017, 10:10
Good afternoon,

The Stuka side of this package is now caught up to 18 May with these last two.

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Fox hunt over Valenciennes
"summary_string"=Listen up! Now that we are in France, let's get to work! Your nine Hurricanes will fly a brief patrol over Lille and Valenciennes, looking for any signs of German air activity. It's important we fend off any incursion in this sector of France; if we can't hold back the enemy, we could be pushed into the sea. Let's show the Germans we'll meet this threat head on!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 17 May, 151 Squadron, based in Abbeville for the day, departed for a patrol from Lille down to Valenciennes. Nearing Valenciennes, one of the Hurricane sections spotted two Stukas of II/StG 51, and soon discovered another twenty about to attack targets over the city. Lacking any escort, the Stukas were left to the mercy of these Hurricanes, who claimed six Stukas destroyed and four probable. Luftwaffe records indicate StG 51 lost seven aircraft.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will head northeast toward Lille and fly over the city, looking for any sign of enemy activity. If the skies are clear in this area, you will then turn southeast toward Valenciennes. If you run into any enemy aircraft in this sector, engage at will, but make sure to sweep for escort fighters before committing to avoid being jumped. Once your patrol is complete, return to Lille, this won't be our only action today!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 73 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Abbeville

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Cutting their line of retreat
"summary_string"=Achtung, kameraden! Our forces are closing in on Brussels, & we are tasked with attacking the town of Ninove. This town west of Brussels on the main road between that city & areas to the west. If we can destroy this town, it will virtually cut off the line of retreat for any enemy force trying to flee Brussels. Let's make the job easier for our ground forces and eliminate this stronghold!
"objective_string"=As Stukas of IV (St)/LG 1 were heading in to raid targets in the town of Ninove on the afternoon of 17 May, they were jumped by eleven Hurricanes of 17 Squadron. Despite having a substantial escort, these Hurricane pilots made quick work of several Stukas, claiming five with one probable & another damaged. The Bf-109s did manage to shoot down two of the Hurricanes. Based on conflicting notes, there is some dispute about how many Stukas were actually lost.
"intelligence_string"=Ninove lies on an important road between Brussels & western Belgium. If the Allies continue to hold this town, it could stall our offensive in the area. After taking off and forming up, all Stuka fights will strike military targets in the town. Your flight will hit a large munitions factory. Unlike previous missions, your flight will be at the bottom of the formation, maintaining 3,000m until you reach the target, whilst the other flights stack above you. When finished, don't loiter over the target; head back to your base in Germany.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=Germany - Koln-Ostheim

Typhoon Willy
August 28th, 2017, 13:56
Hi Rami,

Thank you very much for the offer to be included as a beta tester, however, I don't believe my current rig has the right stuff to handle present scenery/aircraft loads. Perhaps Christmas will bring a new laptop allowing me to participate in some "reindeer games." Until then, I watch intently from the sidelines.


August 28th, 2017, 15:05
Hey guys,

For an upcoming mission, there's one that has six Hurricanes taking on about sixty Bf-109s between Antwerp and Brussels. The British threw caution to the wind and dove into the fray. Any opinions on which side you'd want to fly it from?

August 28th, 2017, 22:36
Is there a way to answer "both" ?

If not, I would answer German, since there are only a few German-side missions/campaigns around there.

Killer Svend
August 28th, 2017, 22:40
I will not fly any german or japanese missions or campaigns at all.

Killer Svend

August 29th, 2017, 01:02
I will not fly any german or japanese missions or campaigns at all.

Killer Svend

Killer Svend,

I completely understand. Not to worry, there's plenty of Allied action too.

August 29th, 2017, 01:11
Is there a way to answer "both"?

If not, I would answer German, since there are only a few German-side missions/campaigns around there.


I understand your sentiment, but I'm facing a premium on time now that school is back in session, and I have a ton of work still to do on this. I only have time to do one side.

Shadow Wolf 07
August 29th, 2017, 06:13
I will not fly any german or japanese missions or campaigns at all.

Killer Svend

I can, but generally don't fly German and Italian missions, but not Japanese. I refuse to fly them at all. Rami, you know why. :wavey:

August 29th, 2017, 06:34
Not Japanese. I refuse to fly them at all. Rami, you know why. :wavey:

Yeup, I understand why that idea nips at you.:costumed-smiley-034

August 30th, 2017, 03:37
Hey guys,

For an upcoming mission, there's one that has six Hurricanes taking on about sixty Bf-109s between Antwerp and Brussels. The British threw caution to the wind and dove into the fray. Any opinions on which side you'd want to fly it from?

Well the obvious challenge is to fly from the Brit side, but who knows, with the way the AI performs, you may win just by watching the 60 German AI collide with each other :costumed-smiley-034

August 30th, 2017, 07:44
Rami if you can make for both side that would be awesome..well i've to choose german as we only have few mission for german side

August 30th, 2017, 09:33
Personally, I like to fly both sides of a mission, but if I had to choose, I'd choose British for the challenge.

August 31st, 2017, 23:32
Hey guys.

I really appreciate the feedback on this....I shall do both. I've actually already done the German side, so doing the British side should not be difficult. I can just "flip" the mission.

August 31st, 2017, 23:34
Well the obvious challenge is to fly from the Brit side, but who knows, with the way the AI performs, you may win just by watching the 60 German AI collide with each other :costumed-smiley-034


Actually, the first time I flew it from the German side, two British Hurricanes collided with one another, dropping the AI targets from six down to four. Go figure. :jump:

September 1st, 2017, 14:29
Good evening,

Finally making some traction again after being sick!

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Raiding Panzers at Cambrai
"summary_string"=Get to your bombers! Panzer columns have reached the town of Cambrai. Your bombers are being sent out to take them out, & prevent them from pushing further toward the coast! If the German succeed, we may be forced back to the sea! Let's show the Germans that we will not be pushed out of France!
"objective_string"=This sortie is an amalgam of two or three Blenheim missions flown by 18 Squadron on 18 May. During both missions, Panzers columns near Cambrai were the intended target. In one mission, the formation, with escorts from 85 & 87 Squadron were jumped by Bf-109s over Mons from above, and on another, 504 Sqn engaged Bf-109s from I/JG 3 southeast of Valenciennes. The initial mid-afternoon assault appears to have run into no resistance. During the other two, four Hurricanes were lost, exchanged for two Bf-109s shot down and another damaged.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll fly north toward the city of Mons, Belgium. You'll pick up your escort near the city. You will then head southeast into France and approach Cambrai from the east. You will focus on the northern Panzer column. When complete, pivot south and return to Juvincourt, your bombers will likely be used again before the day is through!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Blenheim Mk4-1 105 Sqn RAF Hughie Edwards
"airfield_string"=France - Juvincourt

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Stuka escort to Lille-Marcq
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Stukas are being sent out to attack the airfield at Lille-Marcq, this is being used by the British as a fighter base. Your job is to escort the Stukas to the enemy airbase, stay in orbit over the area until they finish their run, and then get them home. Let's show the British that we know where they are concentrating their forces!
"objective_string"=Just before noon on 18 May, 87 Sqn intercepted a gaggle of Stukas, escorted by Bf-109s, somewhere to the east of Brussels, Belgium. These Hurricanes were largely ineffective, only one Ju-87 was shot down & another damaged. Some Ju-87s likely came from 4/StG 2, which did have a Stuka get mauled. There's no record of damage to any Hurricanes or Bf-109s. This mission supposes the German Stukas were attacking an airfield in northeastern France; Lille-Marcq is the intended target for this mission.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will form up with the Stukas and head toward the airfield at Lille. Your flight will be responsible for the 'Knoblauch' and 'Stammbuch' flights, other Bf-109s will guard the rest of the formation. As the Stukas go into their dives, stay in orbit over the field until the Stukas finish their run, them bring them back to Germany. If you get jumped by British fighters, draw them away from the bombers & keep them busy so these Stukas can escape.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_BF109ECFS2_JG26_H ornung
"airfield_string"=Germany - Monchengladbach

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Protect the Cambrai airfields
"summary_string"=To your fighters! With German Panzers thrusting toward the coast, one of their columns has pushed into Cambrai, & the airfields in that sector are in grave danger of being captured by the Luftwaffe! You'll fly a patrol over the Cambrai sector and try to prevent attacks on these airfields. We must not allow the enemy to grab airfields in our backyard!
"objective_string"=Late in the morning on 18 May 1940, a patrol from 3 Squadron broke up a formation of about twenty Ju-87s near Cambrai. Only one Stuka was claimed, but no RAF losses were recorded. Two Henschel Hs-126 recce aircraft were also shot down in the same area, one by a section of 111 Sqn & another by 253 Sqn. This mission includes a few liberties; the targets chosen are the airfields just north and south of the town, and so the Stuka force is split. It is not known if this is historically accurate.
"intelligence_string"=Your task for this mission is to protect Forenville airfield, just south of Cambrai. 111 and 253 Sqns are tasked with protecting Hayencourt aerodrome. After taking off, climb to Angels 12 and try to cut off any German raids on this airfield. Take down as many enemy aircraft as you can, then return to Merville to refuel & reload. It's been a busy day so far, we expect this to continue!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Can't wish for better odds
"summary_string"=Männer, herhören! Our forces in Belgium have just taken the cities of Antwerp and Brussels, and now we must protect our gains! Your fighters will fly a patrol between these two cities, turning aside any Allied effort to take them back or destroy targets that we could use to help our offensive. Show the Allies they will not take our hard-fought gains!
"objective_string"=Late in the morning on 18 May 1940, as fighters of JG 2 were flying a sweep over the newly-captured cities of Antwerp & Brussels, they were jumped by just two sections of RAF Hurricanes of 56 & 229 Sqns; a grand total of six fighters. Despite being surprised, the German Bf-109s already posessing a 10-1 advantage in numbers recovered quickly and shot down two of these Hurricanes for the loss of one Bf-109.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll assemble the Bf-109 flights prior to leaving Germany. After you reach Brussels, you will fly just east of north until you reach Antwerp. When you engage the Hurricanes, the mission is set up so even if you get just one or none, there is no failure report if the AI bag them first or you get hits but no kills, just because the numbers are so favorable. Use this as a challenge to see how many you can get before your wingmen and the other flights do! Once finished with this fight, you will either continue to Antwerp or head back to Monchengladbach. Either way, you should have an easy ride here.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_BF109ECFS2_JG26_H ornung
"airfield_string"=Germany - Monchengladbach

September 2nd, 2017, 09:35
Good afternoon,

Not having much luck hitting Panzer columns from 18,000ft, but it's certainly fun to try...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Cut off the German Panzers
"summary_string"=Get to your Blenheims! Panzer columns are pushing through the towns of Le Cateau and Avesnes as yet another thrust attempts to push toward the coast. Your bombers are being sent out to take them out, & prevent them from advancing any further! If the German forces succeed, we may be forced back to the sea! Let's show the Germans that we won't be pushed out of France!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of two other Blenheim missions that were flown on the afternoon of 18 May. The British bombers struck enemy columns in the towns of Le Cateau & Avesnes-sur-Helpe. Apparently the mission was flown at high altitude to remain above anti-aircraft fire, so results must have been poor. Nevertheless, AA gunners did chew up at least one bomber near Le Cateau, and in the latter raid the formation was intercepted by Bf-109s of I/JG 2. These Bf-109s brought down three and damaged a fourth. Escort was provided by Hurricanes of 79 and 213/B Squadrons.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will head northwest to meet up with the Hurricane escort over Douai. From there, turn southwest & head to Le Cateau, where a part of the formation will raid German columns in that area. You will then continue east with the rest of the formation and strike Wehrmacht columns near Avesnes-sur-Helpe. The provided escort should be able to fend off any fighters, but be prepared in case you are intercepted. Once finished, return to Juvincourt. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Blenheim Mk4-1 139 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Juvincourt

September 3rd, 2017, 16:47
Good evening,

Some new actions today...

"title_string"=Battle of France - Bouncing the He-111s near Fismes
"summary_string"=Accédez à vos combattants! Citizens around Reims have heard the drone of bombers in the area, and the Germans could be heading for towns along the railline to Soissons, trying to cut off this critical asset that keeps airfields in the area operational! You must try to prevent the enemy from pounding these towns because if they succeed, our airbases nearby will be virtually usless!
"objective_string"=In mid-afternoon on 18 May 1940, French Hawks from GC I/5 and GC II/4 engaged Heinkel 111s of II/KG 55 a bit north of the town of Fismes. These Hawks did not have an easy time; three were lost from GC I/4 alone, but between these two fighter squadrons, they did shoot down five Heinkels and damage another three. The mission assumes Fismes is the target. There's no record of an escort with the bombers, so none have been included.
"intelligence_string"=Your goal is to intercept the bombers north of the suspected target of Fismes, and then engage them aggressively, trying to get as many of the bombers as you can to abort before they raid Fismes. After taking off, meet up with the Hawks from Athis and begin climbing hard. You must get to about 4,500m before intercepting the enemy, this will put you in a good position to attack. Make sure you scan for any escorts before attacking. After expending all your ammo or all the bombers abort, break off & return to Vraux to refuel & reload. Bonne chance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Vraux

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Jump the exposed Heinkels
"summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! While sections have already been sent to mop up after the Vitry attack, two sections of fighters from 145 and 601 squadrons are being sent out to sweep the Brussels sector, looking for any enemy planes returning to Germany from raids over France. Let's hope that you get lucky & find enemy formations without escorts; our forces have taken a heavy beating today, and we can't afford further losses!
"objective_string"=Just after the massed assault on Vitry, Hurricanes of 145 and 601 were sent to patrol over Brussels. Near the city, they encountered twelve unescorted He-111s of II/KG 4. Seizing the opportunity, these six Hurricanes tore into the exposed & vulnerable bombers, claiming five destroyed, three probable, & two damaged. In the process, one Hurricane of 145 Squadron was shot down. However, only three Heinkels are confirmed destroyed through German records and another damaged.
"intelligence_string"=After leaving Merville, you will fly east-northeast & climb up to Angels 15 before reaching Brussels. Between Brussels and Leuven, look for retreating formations and be sure to look for escorts before attacking; sometimes the Germans lurk high in the clouds, waiting for enemy planes to engage before pouncing on them. Take down as many as you can, and then return to Merville. Hopefully this will be our last action of the day, it's been a long one!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Douai is in the crosshairs
"summary_string"=Piloten der Luftflotte! As Panzer units continue to push toward the sea, bomber units are ordered to attack cities and towns in the corridor near Arras to lessen resistance in the area and prevent Allied units from using these cities as places to organize counterattacks. Your bombers are tasked to attack Douai, while another raid will attack Valenciennes about the same time to scatter the enemy defense. Let's show the Allies that our progress will not be slowed!
"objective_string"=On the afternoon of 18 May, Hurricanes of 111/A & 253/B Sqns trying to find their assigned escort ran into a massed formation of He-111s from I and II/KG 54, along with two staffeln of Do-17s from II/KG 76. They were escorted by Bf-110s from I and II/ZG 76. According to all available records, four Dorniers were claimed with two other Do-17s badly damaged, & four Bf-110s were claimed with three others badly damaged. Two Hurricanes were shot up, but no losses cited. This mission splits the bomber force in two; the Heinkels raid Douai and the Dorniers strike Valenciennes.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, the bomber formation will head southwest toward the River Rhine, where you will rendezvous with an escort from ZG 26. As you approach Douai, your release height will be 5,000 meters. Over the target, expect both heavy flak & possible interception by fighters. As you begin the withdrawal, the two staffeln of Do-17s with their escort will raid Valenciennes, and then turn away. Once the attack is finished, fly back to Germany; rumor has it that we are being sent right back out for the biggest raid of the day!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Achmer

September 10th, 2017, 18:09
Good evening,

Just keep a rollin'-a-long...

"title_string"=Battle of France - Looking for the German eagle eyes
"summary_string"=Pilotes, c'est à vous de patrouiller! Your fighters will patrol above the French and Belgian cities of Mauberge, Mons, and Namur, looking for any sign of enemy recce aircraft, bombers, or fighters. If we can eliminate these planes that are looking for any of our isolated units that are trapped behind the frontlines, this will allow them the protection they require to escape. Let's show our commanders were are up to the task!
"objective_string"=During the evening of 18 May 1940, fighters from GC III/3 were involved in an attack that damaged a Henschel Hs-126 near Mauberge. The rest of the mission is an amalgam of British & German activity in this sector between Mauberge, Mons, & Namur. During these missions, two Bf-109s were lost, two Hs-126 recce planes were damaged, one Hurricane was shot down, and two Heinkels were destroyed. D-520s did partially equip the French squadron at this point, however their use during this mission is wholly speculative.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will head northeast to patrol an area between Mauberge, Mons, & Namur. This has been an area that has seen a lot of recce activity, as German units are looking to mop up all enemy resistance behind the front. You'll have the best French fighters for this sortie, the Dewoitine D-520. You may run into British Hurricanes while patrolling, so be careful what you're shooting at. Focus on German recce aircraft & bombers before engaging any fighters. After finishing this patrol, return to Beauvais. Try to bring the fighters back intact, they are by far your best weapons against the Germans!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dewoitine D520 Mai 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Beauvais

"title_string"=Battle of France - Sweep below the Marne & Somme
"summary_string"=Vos combattants sont réchauffés et attendent! You will fly a patrol just south of the Marne & Somme rivers, across an area where German Panzers have been pushing hard toward the sea. Your job is to destroy any enemy aircraft in the area, especially bombers, and prevent them from hitting cities and towns that might be used as strongpoints to blunt their advance! Let's show the Germans we will not cower despite their aggression!
"objective_string"=Throughout the day of 18 May, French pilots flew several fighter sweeps over the area northeast of Paris between Roye & Rethel. In the engagements, they ran into German fighters of JG 76, as well as Heinkel and Dornier bombers. In addition to that, one French squadron shot down a Henschel Hs-126 recce plane. French fighter squadrons involved in combat in this sector were from GC I/4, GC II/2. GC II/4, GC III/2, GC III/6, GC 3/10, & GC 6/I. French squadrons seem to have lost three Ms-406 fighters, one Curtiss H-75, and one Bloch Mb-152. Another H-75 was also damaged. The Germans lost three Bf-109s from I/JG 76 and one Do-17.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will fly east, sweeping above a sector between Villequier-Aumont, Rethel, Montcornet, and Roye. During the sweep, bombers will be your primary targets, but you may also run into enemy fighters. If this happens, use caution: German fighters have superior performance to our own. Patrol this area until you exhaust all of your ammunition, then return to base. It is important to keep your Blochs intact if at all possible, we can't afford to lose more fighters!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Bloch MB.152
"airfield_string"=France - Le Havre

"title_string"=Battle of France - Mopping up following the Vitry raid
"summary_string"=Déplacez-vous maintenant! Luftwaffe planes have been sighted again in the area between Douai and Vitry. You will fly a patrol over the area to locate & attack them, and show the Germans that despite their efforts today, we will continue to resist!
"objective_string"=This mission is a rough amalgam of several attacks by the French on German raids and fighter sweeps between Saint Quentin, Vitry, & Douai throughout the day on 18 May. The most concentrated of the attacks occurred in the evening, when Dorniers of III/KG 76 hit Vitry at low level after the massed raid three hours earlier. As the Do-17s withdrew, Hurricanes from 56 & 79 Squadrons pounced, but Bf-110s kept them off the bombers. Three Bf-110s were lost, for one Hurricane & another damaged. MS-406s of GC I/6 shot down other Do-17s from KG 2 in the same area. Further combat by GC I/6 took place near Saint Quentin, where one Ms-406 was lost & two damaged as the French continued to chase the bombers back to Germany.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly northwest to patrol an area between Douai, Vitry, and Saint Quentin, looking for any enemy bombers or fighters. If you find any bombers, they're the main target. Attack them until you exhaust your ammo, then break off and return home. Today was a brutal day for both ourselves and the British, and we must save all the fighters we have left!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Bloch MB.152
"airfield_string"=France - Juvaincourt

September 12th, 2017, 06:54
Good morning,

Two more, while I have a break between classes...

"title_string"=Battle of France - Hawks patrol the skies above Metz
"summary_string"=Écoutez, pilotes! Citizens in Metz hear the drone of German aircraft, so your Hawks will patrol the area, looking for any sign of German aircraft. You will patrol the sector between Metz & Bouzonville, engaging any German aircraft you encounter, and then return to base. This has been a heavy day of loss for both ourselves and the British, let's make sure we don't add to the carnage!
"objective_string"=While heavy combat took place over Vitry, French P-36s from GC II/5 were involved in action in far northeastern France, engaging German Bf-109s of 8/JG 52 southeast of Metz, and then Heinkels of 4/KG 27 near the border town of Bouzonville. The Hawks got the better of their opponents, damaging one Bf-109s and shooting down one Heinkel for no loss to themselves. The number of bomber aircraft for this mission have been increased somewhat to make the mission more dynamic.
"intelligence_string"=Both Metz & Bouzonville lie to the north-northeast of Juvaincourt. As you reach Metz, you'll hold an altitude of 3,500 meters. A second flight will hold 4,000 meters. In your patrol zone between Metz & Bouzonville, pounce on every bomber and fighter, and destroy as many as possible before returning to Juvaincourt. With the front about to collapse in the west, it's critical that we keep our strength so we can assist the British if called. Bonne chance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Juvaincourt

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Jerry uses a bait and switch
"summary_string"=To your fighters! Blenheims are crossing Kent on their way to Dunkirk, and you will meet them there & bring 'em into Belgium, where they'll target the city of Charleroi. Make sure that these Blenheims attack without getting jumped, and then return to Vitry. Let's send a clear message to Jerry that we are still committed to defending France from their forces!
"objective_string"=This is a 50/50 mission. One side is top cover for a Blenheim raid. (The city of Charleroi, Belgium is targeted, but any details on the raid are unknown) This was about to be flown by sections of 111, 56, and 253 Sqns when the Germans began their large assault on Vitry. The other side is historical, when three He-111s overflew Vitry aerodrome and eight Hurricanes of 56/B and 151 Sqns got airborne to intercept. Claiming two He-111s, they then engaged twelve Bf-110s, flying at 6,000ft. Two Heinkels & four Bf-110s were claimed by the Hurricanes. On the top cover mission, a Hurricane of 111 Sqn was lost south of Mons to fighters of II/JG 26.
"intelligence_string"=If Hurricanes are spawned as this mission starts, this is the low-level intercept. Attack the He-111s first, and then engage the Bf-110s that dive from above once these 111s are eliminated. Shoot down as many as possible and then land safely; this will complete the mission. If no fighters are spawned, this is a bomber escort. Meet up with the bombers over Dunkirk, & then escort them until they break for England, defending them from any 109s. After the bombers escape, return to Vitry when the sky is clear or you exhaust your ammo. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 607 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Vitry-en-Artois

September 18th, 2017, 10:12

Some more for you...

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - KG 76 hits Vitry-en-Artois
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Both KG 54 & KG 1 are on their way to raid targets in France, including the airfield at Vitry-en-Artois. Your Dorniers will hit the aerodrome directly; we hope that the previous strikes will have sufficiently scattered the enemy fighters so that your Do-17Z bombers can inflict maximum damage. Let's show the British that their days in France are numbered!
"objective_string"=At 1630 hours, Vitry-en-Artois airfield was struck by three staffeln of Dorniers from III/KG 76. It seems from all available records that these Do-17s sneaked through and plastered the enemy airfield. Perhaps as many as six Hurricanes were destroyed on the ground, while Gladiators & Blenheims were also damaged or destroyed during the raid. There is no record of this formation being intercepted, nor are there any records of these bombers having an escort. No losses of any Dornier bombers were recorded.
"intelligence_string"=This strike on Vitry-en-Artois will be flown at low level to help lower your risk of being intercepted by enemy fighters attacking previous raids. After taking off, you will head west-southwest to reach Vitry-en-Artois. Over the field, focus on hangars, fuel stores, ammo crates, & parked aircraft. Once your attack is complete, clear out to the east and then fly back toward Germany. No escort fighters will be sent to cover you, but perhaps some of the escort fighters sent on raids around the area will find you. Because of this, keep your eyes open for any enemy fighters!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
"airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Distracting the Hurricanes
"summary_string"=Männer, herhören! Several Kampfgeschwader units will be hitting Vitry and the surrounding airfields, & your squadron among them. You'll attack targets in the city of Arras in an effort to split the force of any enemy fighters dispatched to intercept you. Several flights of Bf-110s will provide escort for your bombers, & you must strike your targets over the city with precision, as our Panzers are closing on the city, and we must do what we can to soften their defenses. Let's do our part!
"objective_string"=This sortie represents a part of the bomber force that attacked Vitry & the surrounding area on the afternoon on 18 May, 1940. The bombers are from II/KG 1, who were attached by Hurricanes of 56, 111, 151, and 253 Sqns somewhere to the south of Vitry. The He-111s were escorted by Zerstorers of II/ZG 26. It seems that on this raid four Heinkels were lost with another damaged, while one Bf-110 was lost with another damaged, though depending on sources, several more Bf-110s could have been lost. It's unclear whether the Luftwaffe raid was specifically targeting Vitry-en-Artois, so the city of Arras has been chosen instead. Whether this is historically accurate is unclear.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will form up with the other Heinkels and head west-southwest, where you will meet the Bf-110s from Asch. After you rendezvous with escorts from ZG 26, the formation will head into France, and turn toward the target over Saint Quentin. Just south of Arras, you'll make a final turn and attack the city from the south, then head northwest during the withdrawal before returning through Belgium to Germany. You'll likely run into British fighters, so be ready on your guns in case the enemy breaks through the fighter screen. Your target is a sprawling factory complex. Hit it hard, & then get home, we may be sending you out again!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Ailertchen

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Splitting the British fighters
"summary_string"=Achtung, kamerad! Kampfgeschwader 54 is already airborne, & you will be part of the fighter cover. You are not flying direct escort; your job is to be a 'freie schwarm;' focused on attacking all enemy fighters. Make sure that you keep the British busy as these bombers break toward their targets; that way these bombers can do maximum damage to the enemy airfields!
"objective_string"=This mission is quasi-historical. As the main focus of the German raid was on Vitry airfield, bombers from I/KG 54 and possibly II/KG 54 attacked the aerodrome at Amiens-Gilsy, where new Hurricanes & Blenheims were being received to replace losses over the front. On this mission, these two gruppen will hit the airfields nearest to Amiens; Abbeville and Beauvais. British fighters intercepting on this mission were likely from 32, 56/B, 111, 151, & 253 Sqns, but some of this is guesswork; the action is very chaotic and confused.
"intelligence_string"=After getting into the air, you'll rendezvous with the bomber flights before reaching Brussels. Once you're in formation, you'll head southwest toward France. At Saint Quentin, the formation will split; half of the formation will head northwest to raid Abbeville, whilst the other half will turn south to strike Beauvais. You will engage any fighters that try to intercept, then stay with the Beauvais force as another freie schwarm will do the same for the Abbeville force. If you have ammo left after you engage the enemy, catch up to the Beauvais force and help get them home. If not, return to Asch.
"airfield_string"=Belgium - Asch

September 21st, 2017, 03:37
Good morning,

Before work begins, I wanted to pass along that 18 May is finally complete.

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Tangle with the Hun at Vitry
"summary_string"=Scramble! The airfield at Vitry has been pounded by waves of Luftwaffe bombers and fighters, and they are now under fire again. You must fly to the airfield & break up any raids that are in progress, taking down as many enemy fighters & bombers as possible. Show these German pilots that we'll not abandon our airfields in the face of pressure!
"objective_string"=Sometime after 16:00 hours, news about the raids on Vitry reached Merville. At that point, sections of 79 and 213/B scrambled and flew to Vitry. It's unclear which attack they intercepted, but combat logs indicate they engaged Bf-110s near the field. This mission assumes the Hurricanes encountered the Bf-109s and Bf-110s attacking Vitry. When the Bf-109s and Bf-110s strafed Vitry, Hurricanes of 56/B, 229/B, 253, & 607 engaged them to defend the field, & possibly from 151 Squadron. Several Bf-110s were lost along with at least one Bf-109, but it's difficult to confirm this as all the action is very confused.
"intelligence_string"=The German fighters are coming in at low level, so when you head toward Vitry, only climb to Angels Six so that you can spot any German planes below you. Once you see them, bounce them from above, and take down as many as you can. Make sure you check six if Bf-109s are involved, but you should be able to handle Bf-110s. Once you exhaust your ammo or the skies are clear, break off and return to Merville. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - No hesitation above Amiens
"summary_string"=To your Hurricanes! A large German formation was spotted approaching the city of Amiens, and you'll intercept this formation & wreck as much havoc on it as you can! Three additional Hurricane sections will join you, & together you'll locate & tear into the enemy, showing them we will meet every attack and not bow to their will!
"objective_string"=This mission is quasi-historical, & drawn from two accounts. The first is the bomber raid by I/KG 54 & possibly II/KG 54 on Amiens-Gilsy, the airfield where new Hurricanes & Blenheims were received to replace lost planes. The other is an account of German Bf-110s and He-111s being attacked 'south of Vitry.' On this mission, the two gruppen hit the airfields nearest to Amiens; Abbeville & Beauvais. Several Bf-110s & at least one Heinkel were lost. British fighters intercepting the German bombers were probably from 32, 56/B, 111, 151, and 253 Sqns, but some of this is guesswork; the action is very chaotic and confused.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, head southwest and climb hard. You'll attempt to intercept this German formation over Amiens. When you locate the enemy, focus on shooting down the bombers, & keep your eyes open for the fighters. If Zerstorers are escorting this formation, utilize your superior maneuverability to evade them, & be careful to not let one get behind you & shred your fighter with their nose-mounted ammo. Once the skies over Amiens are clear or you are out of ammo, return to Lille-Seclin. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille

October 10th, 2017, 01:10
Good morning,

Been doing some retrofitting...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - CAPping the German frontier
"summary_string"=Scramble! Enemy planes have been sighted raiding Metz, a city only a short hop from Senon airfield. You must get airborne & fly a patrol over the city, looking for any German raiders in the area. If you find them, attack and shoot them down. Reports of German bomber raids are being recorded all along the entire front; it seems the offensive has begun!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of a large German raid by KG 2 on Thionville and Metz just after dawn on 10 May 1940, combined with further skirmishes by French fighters that occurred over the same general area throughout the day. This mission also includes the low-level attack by Dornier bombers on Senon, but switches the historical scenario so that it happens during takeoff & not when the fighters return. In these two historical raids, the Germans lost four Dorniers and another was claimed as a probable. No British losses were recorded by 87 Squadron.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly southeast and climb at maximum rate to reach the city of Metz, where you will fly a patrol high above the city. Look for and engage any German bombers that try to attack Metz. Your goal is to shoot down as many bombers as possible if the Luftwaffe does appear. Be sure to sweep for escort fighters before committing to an attack. Once finished, break off and return to Senon to refuel & reload for another sortie. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 87 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Senon

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - "Cobber" Kain's day at Metz
"summary_string"=Scramble! Enemy planes have been sighted raiding Metz, a city only a short hop from Etain-Rouvers. You must get airborne & fly a patrol over the city, looking for any German raiders in the area. If you find them, attack and shoot them down. Reports of German bomber raids are being recorded all along the entire front; it seems the offensive has begun!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of about four missions flown in defense of Metz from dawn until noon on 10 May. In that time, five Hurricanes from 1 Sqn, 'Cobber' Kain, & four Hurricanes of 87 Squadron engaged a total of nineteen Do-17s and He-111s of 7/KG 3, 9/KG 3, and KG 53. The Germans lost two He-111s with another two damaged, and at least one Do-17 was also lost. The only confirmed British loss was a single Hurricane of 87 Squadron. No escort was recorded. You will fly alone as "Cobber" Kain.
"intelligence_string"=The city of Metz is located east-southeast of your airfield at Rouvers. Once in the air, climb hard to reach an altitude of 20,000ft; this will allow you to spot any raiders below you, and build up speed for your attack. If you spot enemy formations, be careful to look for any escorts before committing to the attack. Once finished, return to Rouvers to refuel and reload, we'll probably be needed again soon!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 73 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Etain (Rouvres)

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Hopping back toward Reims
"summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! The aerodromes along the border with Germany are now in danger of being overrun, so we'll relocate to the sector near Reims in order to be better placed to take on the German menace from a more central position. En route, we may run into enemy formations, so let's show these German intruders that our ability to fight back and inflict heavy damage has not changed!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of missions flown by 73 and 87 Squadrons, who both transferred from bases near the German border to bases near Reims during the afternoon of 10 May, 1940. Elements of 85 & 501 Sqn's actions are also mixed in. When 'A' and 'B' flights of 73 Sqn evacuated, they ran into enemy bomber formations on the way to Reims. A total of four German bombers were shot down and another three damaged during the raids. The Dorniers over Mezieres are representative of action engaged in by 87 Squadron. No British losses were recorded.
"intelligence_string"=This is a 50/50 mission. Today, you will fly either as a pilot from 87/501 Squadron and transfer to Reims-Champagne, or as 73 Squadron and transfer to Berry-au-Bac. On the way, you will sweep above Charleville-Mezires or Vouziers, looking for signs of Luftwaffe formations. If you find them, you'll engage & take down as many as you can, and then continue to your new aerodromes around Reims. It is important that you reach your new bases intact, because we will need all available forces to keep resisting at maximum strength!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 73 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Etain (Rouvres)

"title_string"=Battle of France - Chew up the enemy above Belgium
"summary_string"=Attenton, pilotes! Your fighter squadron will fly a patrol across Belgium this evening, looking for any signs of German aircraft. The Luftwaffe has been overflying Belgium all day to attack airfields and other targets there and in France, and perhaps we can catch 'em on their returns once their fighters have departed. Nous défendrons nos cieux à tout prix!
"objective_string"=The mission is an amalgam of several bomber raids and intercepts by RAF and French fighters against KG 1 & 27 during their travels across Belgium. The intercepts took place over Ath, Leuze-en-Hainaut, Oudenaarde, & east of Ghent. In these intercepts, around thirty-five He-111s were engaged by both French & British fighters; eleven of the Heinkels were claimed with another probable & two others damaged. The British & French losses include two Ms-406s lost & another damaged. Two Hurricanes of 607 Squadron were also lost. For this mission, you will fly as GC 6/1.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly north-northwest into Belgium & look for German formations during your defensive patrol. You're clear to engage, but make sure to look for escort fighters before committing to an attack. Try to take down as many bombers as you possibly can, and then fly back to Vassincourt to refuel and reload; we may need you to head out again before nightfall!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Vassincourt

"title_string"=Battle of France - Evening scuffles with the Luftwaffe
"summary_string"=Accédez à vos combattants! German bombers have been attacking aerodromes & other targets in the area around Cambrai & St. Quentin. This evening, you'll fly a patrol over Bapaume & Saint Quentin, ready to engage and destroy German bombers that try to raid targets in these areas. You'll likely run into British fighters during your patrol, so be very careful whom you shoot at! Show the Germans that we will not let them have France!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of missions flown by GC III/2 and 85/607 Sqns in the vicinity of Saint Quentin and Bapaume during 10 May, 1940, flown from the perspective of GC III/2. This squadron lost three Ms-406s to Heinkels from 5/KG 1 over Bapaume in exchange for one shot down, but did get another probable on a bomber they made force-land after attacking Cambrai. 85 and 607 Sqns fared better near Saint Quentin, destroying six of the He-111s & claiming two others as probables for no loss to themselves.
"intelligence_string"=After getting into the air, you will fly over to the town of Bapaume, & sweep the sector for German formations. If none are sighted, you will continue down to Saint Quentin & sweep that area for any enemy activity. If you do run into German bombers at either location, you are cleared to engage, but be sure to look closely for escort fighters before engaging. In addition, British fighters could be in the area, so be careful to identify targets before shooting.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Cambrai-Forenville

October 23rd, 2017, 16:45
Good evening,

Here are a couple more completed...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - "Ginger" Lacey's active day
"summary_string"=Attention, chaps! This afternoon, you'll fly as RAF pilot 'Ginger' Lacey on his patrols over the Sedan and Ardennes sectors of the frontline on 13 May, 1940. During this mission, you will sweep for any signs of German bombers or fighters, taking down as many as you can. When your patrol is finished, head back to Reims to refuel and reload. Show the Luftwaffe what kinds of 'Aces' the RAF has up its sleeves!
"objective_string"=This is a quasi-historical account and an amalgam of RAF pilot 'Ginger' Lacey's missions on 13 May, 1940. During his first flight, he became separated from his section and ran into a small formation of Heinkel 111s, escorted by Bf-109s. Attacking them alone, he pounced & shot down one of each. Later on, his section ran into a staffel of Bf-110s above La Chesne, claiming one with no loss, & then later in the patrol, his section ran into more Zerstörers near Maubeuge, claiming another two with no loss.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will head east & begin climbing. We have learned that the Germans like to attack from a height of 5,000 meters or higher, so you'll maintain Angels 18 during this sortie. You'll patrol from southeast of Sedan back to the west & northwest, covering along the Ardennes Forest up to Maubeuge, just south of Mons. You are clear to engage whatever you see, but make sure to attack whenever your odds are favorable if possible, we are taking heavy losses from attrition. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 73 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Reims

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Bypassing Swiss airspace
"summary_string"=Kamerad, herhören! Kampfgeschwader 51 has been tasked today with attacking the city of Lyon & its airfield. The bomber group will raid in two waves; your formation will hit the aerodrome just east of the city while the other formation attacks the city itself. French pilots have shown a strong stomach for the fight thus far, so be ready for resistance. Let's show the French that the Luftwaffe will not be stopped!
"objective_string"=During 10 & 11 May 1940, Heinkels of KG 51 made a concerted effort to knock out the aerodrome at Lyon-Bron, which is being used by French fighters to defend areas southeast of the Marne valley. On 11 May, the bombers were intercepted during their return flight by sixteen Ms-406s of GC II/7. This has been added with an attack by Bloch 152s from GC III/9 on 10 May. Several French fighters were lost during the two days, traded for two bombers lost and four damaged. The escort in this mission is fictional, and the Ms-406s make their intercept in this mission over the city of Lyon.
"intelligence_string"=In order to avoid crossing over Switzerland, you will fly directly west after takeoff and fly to the French border prior to pivoting southwest. At this point, you will pick up the escort fighters. As you near Lyon-Bron airfield, the formation will attack from the east while a second formation strikes the city; this might help to scatter the enemy fighters above the target. Once your raid is complete, turn northeast and return to the German border before continuing east. If you fly over Switzerland, you risk being shot down and held captive for the rest of the war!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Memmingen

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Distracting Luftwaffe fighters
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! A large group of fighters from 1, 85, & 87 Squadrons are on their way into Belgium to escort a mixed gaggle of Blenheims and Battles to Maastricht, & you will lend support by trailing their lead by several minutes & then engaging any German units trying to intercept the escort force. Try to keep these Germans occupied, & then head back to Merville to refuel and reload!
"objective_string"=During the morning of 12 May 1940, a triad of 615 Sqn Hurricanes rendezvoused with six Hurricanes from 607 Squadron to patrol over Belgium. As they approached Maastricht, they were intercepted by a staffel of Bf-109s from I (J)/LG 2. These were only a small portion of a larger German force that engaged Hurricanes over Liège that were on their way to escort Blenheims and Battles to Maastricht. During this engagement, the Hurricanes shot down one Bf-109, but they lost three of their own in the process.
"intelligence_string"=After getting in the air, you'll fly east-northeast into Belgium, meeting fighters from 615 Squadron on the way. As you approach Maastricht, be ready to fight; the Germans kept a heavy air presence in the sector yesterday, and they're likely to do this again today. When you see enemy fighters, engage them and take down as many as possible. Once the Germans retreat or you exhaust your ammo, break off and return to Merville. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Scramble after the Germans!
"summary_string"=Scramble! German Zerstorers are passing over our airfield at an estimated height of Angels 15. Your flight of six Hurricanes will get airborne & chase after them in pursuit. If you can catch up to them before they depart France, you will tear into them and take down as many of them as you can. Let's show the Luftwaffe that we won't let them assume control of the French skies while we still maintain a strong presence in France!
"objective_string"=During the morning of 14 May, six RAF fighters at Berry-au-Bac scrambled in hot pursuit of a massed formation of Zerstorers that overflew the base at 0745. The British were able to catch them due to turns made by the enemy formation that kept them in the area long enough to be intercepted. Despite this, 1 Squadron lost three Hurricanes in the fight despite jumping them from higher altitude. German losses are not known.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, turn onto a heading of due east & climb at maximum rate in pursuit. After you pass Rethel, turn northeast and continue pursuing the Bf-110s as they head toward Belgium. (If you lose them in the climb, use the map key and follow the course given at full throttle, you'll catch up to them) Before bouncing the enemy formation, try to reach Angels 18 so you can make a slashing attack. With luck, you'll catch the by them time you reach Charleville-Mézières. After exhausting your ammo, break off and fly back to Berry-au-Bac to refuel and reload. Good luck, and happy hunting!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 1 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Berry-au-Bac

October 24th, 2017, 01:23
Looks like it's going to be a great project Rami. Looking forward to it when it's ready.


October 24th, 2017, 03:34
Msfossey and others,

I'm beginning to think it might be more fortuitous to release this in stages - 10 May to 25 May and then 26 May to 25 June.

The reason for this is that the Dunkirk missions are going to have to have a lot of discussions between myself, Ian, and Kevin as to what we want to cover vis-à-vis the evacuation and air battles, and then the final few weeks of the French campaign are less intense than the initial intense thrust and mad dash.

Right now, I'm at 132 missions (soon to be 134) and I'm just getting into 19 May.

So far my count is...

44 British fighter missions, 15 British bomber missions.
2 Belgian fighter missions.
16 German fighter missions, 14 German bomber missions, 10 Stuka missions.
23 French fighter missions, 11 French bomber missions.

I'm still waiting to hear back from Kevin (I'll reach out today or tomorrow) regarding the Dutch airfields, and then the Dutch missions (and German missions) will need to be done, and I'm also debating about asking Captain Kurt whether or not he could do a few Belgian bases for me so I can add in some more Belgian missions.

There's also an amazing amount of GSL scenery, including some new objects!

November 4th, 2017, 04:08
Good morning,

I am continuing the work, and getting back into this again...

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Blunt the counteroffensive
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! With our Panzers pushing toward the coast, we are being sent out along the axis of advance to look for any Allied vehicles or tanks that are trying to block the progress of our ground forces. Your sweep will be over the city of Valenciennes; it is your job to destroy any enemy vehicles that you find. Let's continue our march to the sea!
"objective_string"=During the morning of 19 May, Dornier bombers of III/KG 76 were in action around Valenciennes. In a raid from altitude just after dawn, seven Do-17s were intercepted west of Valenciennes by a single Hurricane of 85 Sqn. Two hours later, two Do-17s were shot down by 85 Sqn in this same sector by more fighters of 85 Sqn. The Dorniers on this raid were attacking troop and vehicle columns over the town. Other than the two confirmed bombers, any other British losses are not known. Your Zerstörer escort that has been provided is entirely fictional.
"intelligence_string"=Once you're in the air, you will stay relatively low at 1,000m while the other Dornier flight climbs to altitude. Above Belgium, you will meet up with the escorts. When you reach Valenciennes, the plan is to attack from the northwest to allow you to head directly home after this attack is complete. While over the target area, we hope the higher formation will draw the attention of enemy fighters so that you can just focus on hitting the vehicle columns. When finished, return to Bonn-Hangelar.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
"airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Getting lucky at Roubaix
"summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! Fighter & bomber units have been in heavy action over Lille this morning, & our goal is to force the Brits to evacuate Lille, where they have concentrated their resistance. You will raid the railyard at Roubaix, which has been used to bring in additional equipment and troops. If we can decimate this railyard, it will hurt the ability of the British and French to continue resisting!
"objective_string"=Just after noon on 19 May, Dorniers from I/KG 76 were the recipients of excellent timing, & struck their targets without any interference. Hurricanes based near Lille had landed; these were refueling and rearming as the Dorniers struck. As such, they were able to strike & clear the area without being intercepted. For this mission, the selected target is a railyard east-northeast of Marcq-en-Baroeul; this was chosen because it seems that no airfields were attacked. There's also little evidence of any Dorniers lost or damaged.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly west-southwest and climb to 3,750m before reaching France. Over the Lille-Roubaix area, you'll raid the target from the southwest to allow you to clear the target quickly & decrease your chances of being intercepted. Be sure to aim carefully, you can still inflict massive damage attacking railcars, especially if you strike a fuel car. Be sure to watch out for flak over the target, and when finished, fly back to Germany to refuel and reload, the day is not over yet!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
"airfield_string"=Germany - Köln-Ostheim

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Stragglers hit Lille-Marcq
"summary_string"=Besatzungen der Luftflotte, aufgepasst! KG 54 as well as other units have been hitting the airfields around Lille all day long, and your flight will keep up the pressure. We hope we can force the British to evacuate and push them further toward the sea. French resistance is collapsing, and we have also heard rumors that the British may evacuate if they can't halt our advance. Let's show the British and French that further resistance is futile!
"objective_string"=After the main bomber pulse by Kampfgeschwader 54 around 15:00 hours, stragglers and other units continued raids until dusk. Your mission combines two of these raids; three stragglers just after the main raid and a dozen sent an hour later. The 111s had Bf-109s as fighter cover, and the British sent Hurricanes from 56, 85, & 213 Sqns to intercept. Both 56 & 213 were likely still airborne after the main raid over Lille departed. The British claimed two bombers destroyed and several more damaged, while losing one Bf-109. One Hurricane of 85 Sqn was also shot down.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will climb to 3,750 meters and head southwest toward Holland and Belgium. Your escort of 109s will meet up with you near the city of Antwerp. As you close in on Marcq-en-Baroeul, keep your eye out for any British fighters still in the air, alerted from the previous raids. Hopefully your escorts can fend them off. Over the airfield, target hangars, fuel drums, ammo crates, & parked aircraft. Aim well and make your bombs count! As soon as you release, pivot northeast and clear the area. Hopefully, we'll be able to use aerodromes in Belgium soon, our flights are getting longer and longer!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Varrelbusch

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Move along to Melsbroeck
"summary_string"=Besatzungen, aufgepasst! Kampfgeschwader units have forced the British to evacuate airfields near Lille, & we will fly a sweep above the area before dusk to show the British we now rule the skies in the area. You will engage any fighters that oppose you, and then land at a new airfield closer to the frontline, so we can push the British into the sea!
"objective_string"=By the evening of 19 May 1940, the Luftwaffe had pushed the RAF out of Lille and were establishing themselves over the area. Before dusk, fighters of III/JG 26 flew an evening patrol from Asch over Le Cateau & the Lille area. They were intercepted near Coutrai, Belgium by fighters of 615 Sqn. Two Bf-109s were claimed as probables, with another damaged, in exchange for two RAF fighters. This mission also combines an earlier exhange between JG 26 and 32 Sqn, when one Hurricane was shot down, traded for a Bf-109 shot down and another damaged. III/JG 26 relocated to an airbase near Brussels by the end of the day.
"intelligence_string"=Aftr taking off, you will fly southwest toward Le Cateau, and then sweep north-northwest and north along the Frano-Belgian border until you reach the city of Coutrai, Belgium. The goal is to locate and shoot down British and French fighters. We have forced the enemy from Lille, & now we must keep the pressure on. After your mission is completed, you will land at a new airfield; Melsbroeck. This airfield is just outside Brussels, and will extend your range for future operations.
"airfield_string"=Belgium - Asch

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Uneventful morning no more!
"summary_string"=To your fighters! The area around Lille has seen a lot of reconnaissance activity this morning, and we suspect that enemy raids will follow close behind. Get into the air and climb to Angels 18, and sweep the area around Lille looking for any signs of the German bombers. If you see them, pounce on them, and show the Germans that we will not be disloged from this area without inflicting heavy losses!
"objective_string"=On 19 May 1940, the Luftwaffe focused its might on airbases being used by BEF fighter Squadrons near Lille, France. This focus was so intense that all fighter units using these bases were forced to evacuate to Merville by the end of the day. Action for Merville-based Squadrons was quiet until just before noon when eight Hurricanes of 3 Squadron and three more from 213/A Squadron intercepted eighteen 111s from KG 54 five miles south of Lille. Lille-Seclin aerodrome is the assumed target. Five Heinkels were claimed, but it's unknown how many actually fell to the British fighters. No RAF losses are recorded.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll angle east-northeast to overfly Lille before heading southeast toward the airfields. Make sure to climb hard; your height for the sweep will be Angels 18, and with Merville being close to Lille, you will not have much time to claw for altitude. If you intercept any Luftwaffe formations, tear into them and bring down as many as you can! After the raiders leave or you exhaust your ammo, return to Merville, but be careful you are not followed! Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Hit Maubeuge before dusk
"summary_string"=Zuhören, Besatzungen! Before daylight fades, our Stukas will strike a factory complex at Maubeuge, France. The complex is a major depot for vehicles and tanks, and the city has held out so far against our ground assaults. Hopefully, this raid will help break the deadlock. We have struck hard today, & the British have fled Lille. Let's keep the pressure on and push them into the sea!
"objective_string"=During the evening of 19 May, Stukas of II/StG 2 seem to have raided the city of Maubeuge, France. While over Maubeuge or somewhere nearby, these Stukas were intercepted by RAF Hurricanes from 213 Squadron. According to British records, they shot down one of the Stukas after earlier combat elsewhere, but they lost a total of three fighters. No Stukas were lost according to German records, but one returned with engine damage from combat over Maubeuge, while another Ju-87 was damaged by enemy fighters near Phillippeville, Belgium. The intended target is not known, and their Zerstörer escort is fictional, but provided for a measure of protection.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly west-southwest and climb to 4,500 meters. As you head to the French border, the escort should meet you near Brussels. As you near Maubeuge, your schwarm will lead the attack. The target is a sprawling factory complex on the northern side of the city. Your objective is to hit the northern warehouse cluster, while other Stukas raid their specific targets. When finished, clear out and head back to Bonn-Hangelar. If you do encounter fighters, let the Bf-110s handle them & use this cover to clear out. Hals-und Beinbruch!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

November 4th, 2017, 09:19
Hi Andrew,

I'm slowly getting there. Valkenburg, Ruigenhoek, De Zilk, Ockenburg, Bergen, Middenmeer and Buiksloot are done. I'm still working on the GSL scenery for Schiphol and Ypenburg. I would like to do some GSL scenery for the city and port of Amsterdam but finding the time has been a factor of late. I've also made a start on the Texel air bases of De Vlijt and De Mok.


November 8th, 2017, 05:02
Good morning,

Making steady progress again...

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - A long haul from Bavaria
"summary_string"=Achtung, kamaraden! Your Ju-88s are needed this afternoon to hit the city of Amiens; this is one of the last obstacles to our Panzers reaching the sea. Your bombers will raid with long-range tanks from Bavaria. If we can keep this level of intensity, we can cut the BEF completely off from the French & then throw them back across the Channel! Let's do our part to support our ground units!
"objective_string"=Prior to the masse attack by Kampfgeschwader 54, Ju-88s from KG 51 with an escort of Bf-110s from V/(Z)/LG 1 got intercepted in the early afternoon by Hurricanes from 213/A Sqn and possibly 111/B Sqn. Four Ju-88s were claimed by British fighters & one Bf-110, possibly between Douai & St Amand, but this can't be verified by German records. This sortie supposes an escort by Zerstörers of ZG 26, (One was damaged by 111 Squadron over Amiens) & that Amiens was the intended target. This can't be verified historically.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will fly northwest and keep west of the Rhine to pick up the escorts near Cologne. Along the way, you'll climb up to 5,000m. From there, you will head west into France. After passing Douai, you will turn southwest for Amiens. The Bf-110 escort should keep fighters away, but be ready on your guns. Once you complete the run, head east toward the Rhine, and then southeast to return to Bavaria. Make sure you strike the target accurately; the city of Amiens is one of the final lines of defense between our Panzers and the sea!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=KM_JU88_A-4 I/KG 30
"airfield_string"=Germany - Muenchen (Riem)

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Blunt the counteroffensive
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! With our Panzers pushing toward the coast, we are being sent out along the axis of advance to look for any Allied vehicles or tanks that are trying to block the progress of our ground forces. Your sweep will be over the city of Valenciennes; it is your job to destroy any enemy vehicles that you find. Let's continue our march to the sea!
"objective_string"=During the morning of 19 May, Dornier bombers of III/KG 76 were in action around Valenciennes. In a raid from altitude just after dawn, seven Do-17s were intercepted west of Valenciennes by a single Hurricane of 85 Sqn. Two hours later, two Do-17s were shot down by 85 Sqn in this same sector by more fighters of 85 Sqn. The Dorniers on this raid were attacking troop and vehicle columns over the town. Other than the two confirmed bombers, any other British losses are not known. Your Zerstörer escort that has been provided is entirely fictional.
"intelligence_string"=Once you're in the air, you will stay relatively low at 1,000m while the other Dornier flight climbs to altitude. Above Belgium, you will meet up with the escorts. When you reach Valenciennes, the plan is to attack from the northwest to allow you to head directly home after this attack is complete. While over the target area, we hope the higher formation will draw the attention of enemy fighters so that you can just focus on hitting the vehicle columns. When finished, return to Bonn-Hangelar.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
"airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - A short route from Holland
"summary_string"=Meine Herren! Do-17z bombers have just taken off from bases along the Rhine, & your fighter gruppe will provide an escort. Rendezvous with the Do-17s over Belgium, & keep 'em free from enemy attacks as they pummel Lille-Seclin. Additional raids will follow behind yours, and we will force the British to abandon the airfields around Lille! Und passen Sie auf sich auf!
"objective_string"=Just a handful of minutes before KG 54 pummeled the same field, some twenty-four Dornier Do-17Zs from III/KG 76 pounded Lille-Seclin, escorted by 109s. This formation was intercepted about 15:00 hours above Tournai, Belgium by Hurricanes of 87 Squadron. The ensuing engagement saw the British claim two Do-17s and one Bf-109 destroyed, with a second Bf-109 damaged. Any RAF fighter losses are unknown. This has been combined with another raid when three additional Dorniers were sighted by Hurricanes of 111/253 Sqns, though no claims were made by the British.
"intelligence_string"=The Dornier bombers will be coming in from bases along the Rhine. After taking off, you'll fly south to meet the bombers just inside Belgium, near Fort Eben-Emael. You will then escort them into France. Near the enemy airfield, keep any British fighters from attacking the Do-17s, & then get them safely back to the German border before flying back to Gilze-Rijen. Remember to protect the bombers and not chase after limeys, we must keep our losses to a minimum!
"airfield_string"=Holland - Gilze-Rijen

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Opening up a can of worms
"summary_string"=Kameraden herhören! Our bombers will be raiding the airfields near Lille repeatedly today, so your fighters are being sent our before these raids to draw their fighters up and shoot them down. The more fighters we can take down this morning, the less our bombers and their escorts will face this afternoon! Let's prove that we are up to the task!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 19 May 1940, Bf-109s of JG 26 & JG 3 mixed it up with Hurricanes of 85, 87, and 253/B Sqn near Lille-Seclin. The mess began with Hurricanes scrambling from Lille-Marcq to engage the Bf-109s that shot down two Lizzies of 4 Sqn, who were practicing landings. A section of 85 Sqn Hurricanes already airborne engaged immediately. Soon after, Hurricanes of 504 Squadron engaged, along with another section of 87 Sqn that engaged five Bf-109s at 12,000ft. A flight of 109s got the drop on 253/B Sqn, still clawing for altitude, and bagged three of them. During the confused action, the British claimed eight destroyed with six more probable, but only four JG 26 machines failed to return. Aside from the three by JG 3, any German claims are unclear.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will form up with the other Bf-109s and head west-southwest toward the Lille area. Once inside France, sweep from Lille-Seclin airfield up to Marcq-en-Baroeul. We hope to coax Hurricanes at these bases into a fight & take them down. You are cleared to engage what you find, & then head back to Asch when these skies are clear or you exhaust your ammo. Make sure to come back intact, you'll likely be in the air again later today and we will need all of our fighter gruppen!
"airfield_string"=Belgium - Asch

November 15th, 2017, 11:55
Good afternoon,

More work in the can...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Bagging turkeys near Rethel
"summary_string"=Scramble! One of our recce Blenheims has spotted a small formation of 111s heading west-northwest, and if they do not change course, will pass by the town of Rethel in about fifteen minutes. Get there in a hurry & see if you can catch them. If you can, knock them out of the sky and show the enemy that we will not relent and allow them to just throw us out of France!
"objective_string"=Unlike the Lille-Cambrai airfield sector, the area just south of the Marne River were far less active. However, late in the morning, Hurricanes of 1 Sqn engaged twelve He-111s northeast of Rethel. This mission supposes that Saint Quentin is the target. Jumping the Heinkels which lacked any escort, the British fighters shredded the Luftwaffe bombers, claiming two destroyed, three probables, and four damaged, with no losses to themselves.
"intelligence_string"=One of our recce Blenheims spotted these bombers on a course that will put them northeast of Rethel in about fifteen minutes. You will take off quickly & head in this direction, hopefully catching them in this area. If you find them, watch for an escort before attacking. If they are alone, take down as many as you can, then clear the area and return to Athis. Your height over the intercept area will be Angels fifteen. If the other flight joins you, their altitude will be Angels eighteen. With the Germans pressuring RAF squadrons around Lille & Cambrai, our time in France may be growing short.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 1 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Athis

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Guarding Denain aerodrome
"summary_string"=Scramble! Luftwaffe bombers are heading for the bases around Cambrai, which is now under siege & about to fall into enemy hands. You must reach the airfields before they do and confront 'em, taking down as many bombers as possible. If we lose the Cambrai & Lille airfields, our last line of defense will be the airfields near the English Channel. We might have to flee France altogether!
"objective_string"=On 19 May 1940, the Luftwaffe focused its might on airbases being used by BEF fighter Squadrons near Cambrai and Lille, France. This focus was so intense that all fighter units using these airfields evacuated to Merville by the end of the day. That afternoon, 111s of KG 54, escorted by Bf-110s & 109s attacked airfields in the Lille-Douai-Cambrai sector, and were intercepted by Hurricanes from at least six squadrons. Claims are very confused & likely include overclaiming. Records show the RAF claimed four 111s, one probable and one damaged, whilst one Bf-109 was lost, one probable, and one damaged. One Bf-110 was damaged. The Germans claimed as many as seven Hurricanes destroyed & ten more damaged. Total losses aren't known. This is a pseudo-historical version of this mission.
"intelligence_string"=After leaving Lille-Marcq, you'll fly southeast and climb to Angels 18 before reaching Cambrai. Your fighters will defend Denain. Once the enemy gets within range, go after the bombers and take down as many as you can before these Heinkels release, and then keep after 'em until you exhaust all your ammunition. Once this happens or you get shot up, break away and head back to Marcq-en-Baroeul to refuel and reload. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 87 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille (Marcq-En-Baroeul)

"title_string"=Battle of France - Keeping Cambrai from the Luftwaffe
"summary_string"=Piloten der Luftflotte! Attacks on airfields around Lille have caused massive damage today, and your bombers will raid the aerodromes around Cambrai. In doing so, we hope to drive British fighters out of these areas where they have continued to resist our lightning thrust to the Channel. If we can keep the pressure on, we can force them to flee France altogether!
"objective_string"=The afternoon of 19 May saw continued pressure on airfields near Lille and Cambrai. Between 1500 & 1600 hours, He-111s of KG 54, escorted by 110s of II/ZG 26 & Bf-109s of III/JG 3 and I/JG 27 hit airfields and cities in the Lille-Douai-Cambrai sector, and were intercepted by Hurricanes from 87, 111/B, 145/A, 213, 601/A, 601/B, & 615 Sqns. This is a pseudo-historical version of the mission, and supposes French fighter involvement. There is no record of planes shot down by French fighters during this assault, but given the confused action during this period, it is not impossible that French squadrons could have been involved.
"intelligence_string"=After departing Vraux, you will fly northwest and climb hard to 4,625 meters by the time you reach Cambrai. You will defend Cambrai-Hayencourt. As you approach the formation, climb up to 5,500m so you can turn around & dive on the enemy bombers. Focus on shooting them down before engaging any fighters. Once this attack is completed, break off and return to Vraux to refuel and reload.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Vraux

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Swatting flies over France
"summary_string"=Aufpassen Männer! KG 54 is sending almost all of their bombers out to attack the Cambrai airfields, & your Bf-109s will take the lead in defending the bombers. Fend off enemy fighters as the bombers release, & then get them safely on their way home. Let's show the Allied forces we will not stop until we push them into the sea!
"objective_string"=The afternoon of 19 May saw continued pressure on airfields near Lille and Cambrai. Between 1500 & 1600 hours, He-111s of KG 54, escorted by 110s of II/ZG 26 & Bf-109s of III/JG 3 and I/JG 27 hit airfields and cities in the Lille-Douai-Cambrai sector, and were intercepted by Hurricanes from 87, 111/B, 145/A, 213, 601/A, 601/B, & 615 Sqns. Claims are very confused & likely include double or overclaiming. Records show the British claimed four Heinkels, another as a probable and another damaged, while one Bf-109 was lost, another as a probable, & a third damaged. One Bf-110 was also damaged. German pilots claimed as many as seven Hurricanes destroyed & ten more damaged. Actual losses are not known. This is a pseudo-historical version of this mission.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will fly northwest and climb to meet the bomber formations northwest of Antwerp. You'll defend the bombers as they strike Denain. Bf-110s will assist you in defending them, but they can have trouble with fighters. Once the Heinkels release on Denain airfield, get them into Belgium before turning toward Asch. The Bf-110s will get them to the Rhine. Good luck!
"airfield_string"=Belgium - Asch

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Keeping the enemy at bay
"summary_string"=Kamerad, herhören! KG 54 is sending almost all of their bombers out to attack the Cambrai airfields, & your Zerstörers will help with this escort. Make sure that the Heinkels can raid the target without being harassed by fighters. Show the British that we will not relent until we push them into the sea!
"objective_string"=The afternoon of 19 May saw continued pressure on airfields near Lille and Cambrai. Between 1500 & 1600 hours, He-111s of KG 54, escorted by 110s of II/ZG 26 & Bf-109s of III/JG 3 and I/JG 27 hit airfields and cities in the Lille-Douai-Cambrai sector, and were intercepted by Hurricanes from 87, 111/B, 145/A, 213, 601/A, 601/B, & 615 Sqns. Claims are very confused & likely include double or overclaiming. Records show the British claimed four Heinkels, another as a probable and another damaged, while one Bf-109 was lost, another as a probable, & a third damaged. One Bf-110 was also damaged. German pilots claimed as many as seven Hurricanes destroyed & ten more damaged. Actual losses are not known. This is a pseudo-historical version of this mission.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll fly north-northwest and climb to 5,000m to meet the bombers over the Rhine. Once in Belgium, 109s will meet up with you & take the lead fending off fighters if attacked. Your task is to help this effort. Once the bombers release on Cambrai-Hayencourt, you'll escort them out of the area. When they cross the Rhine, break off & return to Koln-Ostheim. Und passen Sie auf sich auf!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Köln-Ostheim

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Maintaining our grip on Lille
"summary_string"=Scramble! Luftwaffe bombers are heading for the bases around Cambrai, which is now under siege & about to fall into enemy hands. You must reach the airfields before they do and confront 'em, taking down as many bombers as possible. If we lose the Cambrai & Lille airfields, our last line of defense will be the airfields near the English Channel. We might have to flee France altogether!
"objective_string"=On 19 May 1940, the Luftwaffe focused its might on airbases being used by BEF fighter Squadrons near Cambrai and Lille, France. This focus was so intense that all fighter units using these airfields evacuated to Merville by the end of the day. That afternoon, 111s of KG 54, escorted by Bf-110s & 109s attacked airfields in the Lille-Douai-Cambrai sector, and were intercepted by Hurricanes from at least six squadrons. Claims are very confused & likely include overclaiming. Records show the RAF claimed four 111s, one probable and one damaged, whilst one Bf-109 was lost, one probable, and one damaged. One Bf-110 was damaged. The Germans claimed as many as seven Hurricanes destroyed & ten more damaged. Total losses aren't known. This is a pseudo-historical version of this mission.
"intelligence_string"=After leaving Merville, you will fly southeast and climb to Angels 18 before reaching Cambrai. Your fighters will defend Cambrai-Forenville. Once the enemy gets within range, go after the bombers and take down as many as you can before the Heinkels release, then keep after them until you exhaust all your ammunition. Once this occurs or you get shot up, break off and return to Merville to refuel and reload. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Massed raid on Cambrai
"summary_string"=Piloten der Luftflotte! Attacks on airfields around Lille have caused massive damage today, and your bombers will raid the aerodromes around Cambrai. In doing so, we hope to drive British fighters out of these areas where they have continued to resist our lightning thrust to the Channel. If we can keep the pressure on, we can force them to flee France altogether!
"objective_string"=The afternoon of 19 May saw continued pressure on airfields near Lille and Cambrai. Between 1500 & 1600 hours, He-111s of KG 54, escorted by 110s of II/ZG 26 & Bf-109s of III/JG 3 and I/JG 27 hit airfields and cities in the Lille-Douai-Cambrai sector, and were intercepted by Hurricanes from 87, 111/B, 145/A, 213, 601/A, 601/B, & 615 Sqns. Claims are very confused & likely include double or overclaiming. Records show the British claimed four Heinkels, another as a probable and another damaged, while one Bf-109 was lost, another as a probable, & a third damaged. One Bf-110 was also damaged. German pilots claimed as many as seven Hurricanes destroyed & ten more damaged. Actual losses are not known. This is a pseudo-historical version of this mission.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, the formation will assemble into three units. Your unit will raid Cambrai-Forenville. You will release from an altitude of 5,000 meters. The Bf-110s will meet up with you near the Rhine, the Bf-109s will meet you over Belgium. The other two units will strike Denain and Hayencourt. When finished, turn east and clear out, the escorts will keep any fighters busy. After leaving France, turn northeast & return to Achmer.
"airfield_string"=Germany - Achmer

November 15th, 2017, 13:25
Good evening,

Here is another mission complete...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Pilot's hunch proves correct
"summary_string"=Scramble! A Do-17Z is flying reconnaissance near Lille, and after our airfields have been pummeled, we cannot allow them a repeat performance! Catch up to this enemy plane and shoot it down before it has a chance to escape to Germany!
"objective_string"=After the bombers from KG 54 departed, a Do-17z was seen between the two towns of Lille & Seclin. A section of 85 Sqn approached, but seeing only a Do-17, sensed a trap. Climbing into the sun, seven Bf-109s of JG 77 were sighted. As these fighters tangled, one Meerschmitt was shot down, and one Hurricane was lost. The fate of the Dornier is not known. This has been combined with another event nearby when a second Hurricane was shot down to fighters of JG 77.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, fly toward the Lille area and be on the lookout for the German recce airfield. Your task is to shoot down this plane before it escapes. No enemy fighters were sighted, but this does not mean they're not there. If enemy fighters do show up, engage them, and then return to Lille-Seclin to refuel and reload. Hopefully the raids will cease; we are in need of rest after this intense action!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille

November 15th, 2017, 19:43
Looking forward to this project when it's done Rami; thank you for all your efforts.


November 16th, 2017, 03:55

Thank you. When I really started this in March, one of the most interesting things for me is gaining a better understanding of what really happened, especially with regard to the British efforts in Belgium, the breach at Sedan, and the gallantry of the French Air Force. I also didn't realize the high level of damage and losses the Luftwaffe suffered during this campaign, primarily because the focus is on the wider view and the swiftness of the German victory.

It's getting to the point now that the British are being forced out of Lille, back to the "last line" of French airfields near the coast. Another thing I find fascinating doing this is pilot testimonials. Pilots during the period from 20-25 May discuss evacuation and fighting across the Channel trying to buy time for the retreat, coming back to airfields near London and being dumbstruck by people living their lives shopping and enjoying life as normal, seemingly oblivious to the carnage in France and having the RAF being nearly bled white during those six weeks, less then one hundred miles from their city.

So far I've done 153 missions, and only a few have been overhauls of previous material; nearly all have been done from scratch. I'm averaging about 15-20 missions a month.

December 7th, 2017, 11:55
Good afternoon,

More missions completed...:applause:

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Patrolling Hauts-de-France
"summary_string"=To your fighters! 85 Squadron's task is to fly the evening patrol before we transfer to Merville. The environment here has become much too dangerous. You'll patrol the Arras-Cambrai-Valenciennes area & engage any 109s that you see. Once finished you will refuel & fly to Merville, where we'll continue the fight.
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of several fighter engagements between Lille-based RAF Squadrons & Bf-109s of Jagdgeschwader 2, 3, & 26. 85 Sqn engaged 109s of JG 3 and JG 26 near Lille and Roubaix, whilst 17 Squadron engaged JG 2 near Cambrai. Further combat took place with 615 Sqn, who clashed with JG 3 between Arras and Cambrai. All combat took place between 1550 & 1815 hours, with four RAF fighters lost and another damaged, exchanged for one Bf-109 shot down and another forced to land.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly a patrol over Arras, Cambrai, & Valenciennes. Expect to engage enemy fighters at or near any one of these places. Your patrol height for the hop will be Angels twelve. If fighters are near Lille, they might try to jump you as you get into the air, so make sure to watch for any roving flights during takeoff. Once this patrol is complete or you exhaust your ammo, break away from any combat and return to Lille to refuel and then transfer to Merville.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Hit the fuel and ammo dumps
"summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! Your bombers are needed tonight to hit German ammo and fuel dumps located behind enemy lines. Your bombers will raid an ammo dump near the town of Bouillon, Belgium. Let's show the Germans that they cannot leave these vital assets unprotected, maybe this will help slow down their offensive!
"objective_string"=The overnight of 19 May 1940 saw Wellingtons hit fuel and ammo dumps located in captured towns on the Franco-Belgian border, together with roads & railways near the town of Gembloux and numerous bridges over the Brussels-Charleroi canal. Fifteen Wellingtons were sent out to strike towns near the Franco-Belgian border; this is the scenario chosen for the mission. The total number of bombers used to attack the other targets is unknown, as well as any losses.
"intelligence_string"=After leaving Marham, your Welllingtons will head southeast, crossing East Anglia and the North Sea, coming ashore near Belgium. Your flight will hit an ammo dump in the town of Bouillon, just northeast of Sedan. Though these flights are staggered, you could run into the other bombers near your target. Once your raid is finished, turn northwest and fly back to Marham. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Vickers Wellington Mk Ic
"airfield_string"=England - Marham

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Final hurrah for the Battles
"summary_string"=Listen up! German vehicles have been seen by our recce flights between Neufchatel and Montcornet. All remaining airworthy Battles will raid all areas where enemy vehicles have been seen. Hurricanes will provide escort for every flight of Battles, so they should be able to keep enemy fighters at bay. Show the Germans that we still have the ability to fight back!
"objective_string"=The morning of 19 May 1940 saw some thirty-three Fairey Battles (All those which remained in AASF Squadrons) and twenty-six Hurricanes of 67 Wing raid targets in the area near Rethel and northeast of Reims. German Panzers had been seen along the roads near Reims and Rethel. At least two Battles wre shot down, with several more damaged. JG 51 accounted for one Battle lost & another damaged. Any action reports on the Hurricanes are unknown. This mission differs from the historical record by having these Battles and Hurricanes form up as a unified force before separating.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will rendezvous with the other Battles and the Hurricane escorts & head north to the area just northwest of Rethel. As you continue toward your targets, some of the flights will leave the formation to attack their own assignments. You will sweep for any signs of German vehicles on the Neufchatel-Montcornet road; this means yours will be amongst the last flights to turn. Over the road, keep your speed up to avoid damage from ground fire. Once completed, return to base; we may need your efforts again later today.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Battle Mk1
"airfield_string"=France - Athis

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - The Luftwaffe creeps closer
"summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! Our fighter airfields at Lille are becoming too dangerous, so the fighter squadrons are in the process of packing up and moving closer to the coast. Your task will be to fly a patrol near Lille-Seclin, guarding that field from any attacks by the Germans. Let's make sure our boys have the support they need to clear out!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of three sorties that took place late in the afternoon on 19 May. The main combat was with 3 Sqn & 253/A Sqn, who engaged twelve He-111s at 9,000 feet over Renoix, ten miles south of Lille. Despite an escort by I/JG 77, Hurricanes claimed four 111s for the loss of one of their own. The other two sorties involved clashes with JG 77 in the same area, including a scrap with 607 Sqn. This mission supposes the Heinkels were heading for Merville; this cannot be verified historically.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, fly east-southeast to patrol the area near Lille-Seclin and while the personnel and planes prepare for an evacuation. If you find any German bombers nearby, engage them immediately and make sure you fend them off before they can wreck more havoc. If escorts are with them, fend off the fighters and concentrate on the bombers. If you aim well, you may be able to get the 111s to abort. Once you exhaust your ammo, break off and return to St. Omer. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 607 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - St. Omer

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Under threat from two sides
"summary_string"=Scramble! German bombers are approaching Lille, and you must get airborne and claw for altitude, catching them before they begin their bomb runs! We cannot remain at these airbases if we're being hit constantly, so if we can't fend them off, we'll have to evacuate! Let's show these krauts we're up to the task of defending ourselves!
"objective_string"=While some Hurricanes were still dealing with the morning fighter attack, others from 85 & 87 Sqns left to attack Heinkels of KG 28 who were closing from the south-southeast. The Hurricanes caught them near Orchies, but claimed only one, with two damaged. Soon after, other fighters from 85 Sqn with help from 242/A Squadron intercepted more Heinkels from KG 54, taking down three more. No Hurricane losses were recorded on this mission, & any Bf-110 escort is entirely fictional.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll either intercept Heinkels of KG 28 over the town of Orchies or KG 54 over the city of Mons & prevent them from hitting Lille. Along your way, you will climb hard to Angels 16. Once you intercept these Heinkels, your task is to tear into them and take down as many as you can. At each intercept location, there is a small chance you will be intercepted by enemy fighters. After exhausting your ammunition, you will complete the patrol & then set down at Merville, where we will continue our fight against the Germans. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 87 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille (Marcq-En-Baroeul)

December 14th, 2017, 04:20
Good morning,

We needed a bridge from Walcheren to South Beveland...so now we have one near Vlissingen airfield.

Shadow Wolf 07
December 14th, 2017, 08:34
Thank you Rami, it looks great! Is it in the Warbirds CFS2, Scenery Add-ons library yet?



December 14th, 2017, 09:02
Hehe. Yes. That is INDEED a bridge! Very nice.



December 14th, 2017, 12:30
Thank you Rami, it looks great! Is it in the Warbirds CFS2, Scenery Add-ons library yet?




Not yet...it will be included in the Battle of France. I also built the small Zeeland town of Hansweert with its seaport for these missions around Walcheren. :very_drunk:

I will make sure to hit it squarely with zee bombs! :santahat:

December 14th, 2017, 12:39
Hello again,


December 17th, 2017, 10:52
Good afternoon,

Here are some new missions that are completed...

"title_string"=Battle of France - Surprising enemy columns at dawn
"summary_string"=Aviateurs, le temps est essentiel! Your Vindicators will join up with Loire-Nieuports of AB 2 to attack enemy columns on Zuid-Beveland. We must halt the advance before they reach the causeway that will allow them to cross & occupy Walcheren! If they do this, the Germans will control much of the river access into Central Europe! We must not allow this to happen!
"objective_string"=Just after dawn on 17 May 1940, ten Vindicators from AB 1 & eight Loire-Nieuport 401s from AB 2 struck German armoured columns on Zuid-Beveland that were heading for Walcheren. Combat records that are available indicate they encountered heavy flak, but no Loire-Nieuports and possibly only one Vindicator were lost in the attack. This mission is a psuedo-historical version; Morane fighters have been substituted for Potez 631s, & the possibility of enemy interception didn't exist on this mission.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will fly northeast, but remain at relatively low level as you head for the eastern end of Walcheren. On the way, you'll pick up the escorts. After reaching Zuid-Beveland, look for German armoured columns along the main road, & attack them. Once the attack is complete, break out to the southwest over the estuary & head back over Belgium toward France. Good luck to you!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=V-156F Vindicator
"airfield_string"=France - Etaples

"title_string"=Battle of France - Stop the German forces in Zeeland
"summary_string"=Attention, aviateurs. C'est une mission importante! The Germans have overtaken Zuid-Beveland & are threatening the island of Walcheren. Today we're going to destroy the road bridges across the canal near Hansweert, & attack factories in the town to prevent their capture by the Germans! If they can control the islands, they control the River Escaut! We cannot let that happen!
"objective_string"=This mission is pseudo-historical. On 16 May 1940, French Navale Squadrons AB 1 and AB 2 bombed a railroad bridge and the road sluices near the town of Hansweert on the island of Zuid-Beveland. Both Sqns were escorted by Potez 631 fighters. Despite using vulnerable aircraft, only one Vindicator was lost during three days of action, whilst AB 2 lost no Loire-Nieuports. For this mission, an escort of Bloch 152s are included to increase survivability, and your chance of interception is also fictional. Due to the limits of this sim, AB 2 will hit the rail bridge, whilst AB 1 will attack two small factory complexes in Hansweert.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will fly northeast, but stay at low level as you head to the estuary of the Escaut. Along the way, you will pick up the escort fighters. Over Hansweert, hit the factory complex in the southwest part of the town whilst the other flights raid their assigned targets. When finished, break out to the west and then recross the estuary to return to France. Hopefully, these escorts will mop up any fighters in the area. Good luck to you!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=V-156F Vindicator
"airfield_string"=France - Etaples

"title_string"=Battle of France - Loire-Nieuports above the Sambre
"summary_string"=Aviateurs, nous avons besoin de votre aide! Enemy tanks are about to cross the Sambre River, & they are concentrated at the town of Berlaimont. Your two squadrons will fly to the town and pound them while they are massed for the crossing. If we can catch them napping here, we may be able to totally annihilate them!
"objective_string"=At 1830 hours on 19 May, some twenty LN 401/411 dive-bombers of AB 2 and 4 left Berck airfield to raid German Panzers at Berlaimont. Remaining low, they inflicted tremendous damage on the exposed forces of Rommel's 7th Panzer Division, including four hundred casualties. This slowed the German advance for two days. However, the cost was high; twelve of the twenty Loire-Nieuports were lost to flak, most of the other bombers returned damaged from flak & bomb fragments, the latter caused by French airmen releasing their bombs too low. This mission is quasi-historical; I added the Hurricanes which were supposed to protect the bombers from enemy fighters. A few bombers were engaged by Bf-109s.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly southeast to Amiens, where we'll rendezvous with the RAF Hurricanes that are escorting us. When you reach Berlaimont, watch out for flak & any gunfire from the German columns. The escort should be able to keep enemy fighters away. Once you make the attack, continue west-southwest to clear the area, heading back to Amiens before swinging northwest toward Etaples. We must prevent the Germans from finding where we are flying from!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Loire Nieuport 401
"airfield_string"=France - Etaples

"title_string"=Battle of France - Who shot down the enemy bomber?
"summary_string"=Pilotes, nous avons besoin de votre expertise! We need you to fly between Cambrai & Valenciennes, looking for any German fighters or bombers. It is critical that we maintain control of the air in this area, failure to do this will allow them to push us to the sea. Show the Germans we cannot be forced from the Cambrai area!
"objective_string"=Late in the afternoon on 19 May, a solo Do-17p on reconnaissance was badly damaged, despite being escorted by Bf-109s. However, credit for this kill is disputed; it may have been south of Cambrai by 17 & 607 Squadrons of the RAF, or by GC III/3, west of Valenciennes. Three Bf-109s were claimed by the RAF, but two fighters of 17 Squadron were shot down. There are no records of French losses.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will head northeast and then patrol from a bit south of Cambrai to just west of Valenciennes at 3,000m. You're searching for any German recce planes or bombers. If you choose to engage, watch out for Luftwaffe fighters, and be aware of any British planes in the area. We cannot afford to lose any aircraft to friendly fire. Once the enemy leaves or you exhaust your ammo, return to Beauvais for the evening. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Beauvais

"title_string"=Battle of France - GC III/3 intercept Dornier bombers
"summary_string"=Aviateurs, prenez l'air rapidement! If we're going to slow down the enemy offensive, we must patrol near the front to intercept any intruders. You will patrol the area just southeast of your airfield, & make sure enemy planes don't try to sneak through and raid your base! Show the Germans they cannot force us to retreat further!
"objective_string"=Late in the morning on 19 May, Ms-406 fighters of GC III/3 intercepted Dornier Do-17Zs of II/KG 3 near the town of Estees Saint-Denis. Two bombers were heavily damaged and one was shot down, but the French also had two Ms-406 get mauled by the Dornier gunners. One pilot was forced to bail out, another had to force-land. The actual numbers of aircraft involved are unknown.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, head southeast toward the town of Estees Saint-Denis & begin climbing hard. Your altitude for this patrol will be 4,000m. If you run into enemy bombers, make sure to look out for any fighters before you engage 'em. Our fighter units have suffered heavy losses, & we must do all that we can to preserve all of the planes we have left, if we can't, the Germans will trample us!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Beauvais

December 26th, 2017, 19:54
Very interested in the progress of this work Andrew. I do wonder what resources there are for French ground forces, whether you fly for the Luftwaffe or for the French Air Force. We don't seem to have any French tanks, armoured cars or trucks for armoured columns. The only Renault tank I can recall was WW1 vintage.

December 28th, 2017, 02:27
Very interested in the progress of this work Andrew. I do wonder what resources there are for French ground forces, whether you fly for the Luftwaffe or for the French Air Force. We don't seem to have any French tanks, armoured cars or trucks for armoured columns. The only Renault tank I can recall was WW1 vintage.


We really don't, but if someone would be willing to do it, perhaps Wolfi, Robert John, or someone else could take up the task of repainting Wolfi's vehicles or Robert John's vehicles.

Another option could potentially be repainting some of the Polish vehicles from the September 1939 package in French colors as a quick work-around.

This would also involve some .dp modifications.

December 28th, 2017, 02:30
Good morning,

As John said, "ze progress" continues...

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Bait the French squadrons
"summary_string"=Achtung, Meine Herren! Whilst other bomber units will continue the support of the Panzer offensive, your bombers will attack targets closer to Paris to try and split the enemy defenses! Your flights will target the city of Creil, and raid a major aircraft plant there. Hopefully, French squadrons will take this bait and draw themselves away from the main area of attack!
"objective_string"=In the early morning of 20 May 1940, Dorniers of II/KG 2 attacked targets between Montdidler and Criel, France. One of the Dorniers reported being hit by flak. In addition, these Dorniers were also intercepted by French fighters from GC II/10 and GC III/10. There are no reports of further Do-17 losses, nor any records of the number of aircraft involved. This mission does make two significant changes to history: The first is the target chosen, and the second is the inclusion of a Bf-110 escort to offer a measure of protection.
"intelligence_string"=After leaving Wiesbaden-Erbenheim, you will form up and head west-southwest to reach Creil, which is north of Paris. You will meet the escort fighters in eastern France and attack targets at Creil from a height of 4,000 meters. Your flight will target a large aircraft factory. The escorts should prevent you from getting jumped, but remain on guard and watch out for thick flak. When finished, return to Wiesbaden; this will likely not be your only action today!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
"airfield_string"=Germany - Wiesbaden-Erbenheim

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - French pilots blow through
"summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! Panzer columns are ready to cross the Oise Canal at the French town of Noyon, but before they can cross, a French vehicle depot and railyard must be neutralized. The Panzer units report intense flak and shelling coming from these two positions. Your Stukas will be used to destroy both locations & clear the road for their crossing!
"objective_string"=Just after noon on 20 May, a Stuka from 8/StG 1 was shot down just north of Noyon, a town on the Oise Canal. The Stukas were escorted by Bf-109s of I/JG 51, who shot down a Bloch 152 fighter of GC I/8, which intercepted this German formation. This mission assumes a Stuka attack upon the town of Noyon, whose bridges and road junctions were key to the advance of German Panzer columns over the Oise Canal. The number of French and German aircraft actually involved are unknown.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will form up and climb to a altitude of 4,000m, where you'll meet up with the 109s. As you approach the town of Noyon, two of the Stuka flights (including yours) will raid the railyard while the other two flights will strike the vehicle depot. When you complete the attack, turn northeast to clear out, and head back to Chievres whilst your escorts mop up any enemy fighters. Be sure to watch out for heavy flak over the target!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=Belgium - Chievres

"title_string"=Battle of France - Slaughtered over the Sambre River
"summary_string"=Écoutez, nous avons besoin de pilotes courageux pour cette mission! A bridge across the Sambre is being used by enemy forces to get their armoured columns over the Sambre River! If we can destroy this bridge, it will cut the Germans off and delay any further incursions into France. Let's show the Germans that we'll make every effort to halt their progress!
"objective_string"=Around noon on 20 May 1940, the three remaining Loire-Nieuports, along with eleven Vindicators of AB 1, set out to hit a bridge over the Sambre River at Origny-Sainte-Benoîte. Contrasting the previous raids, the French pilots saw their luck run out as they were attacked by German Bf-109s of I/JG 2. Five of the Vindicators were shot down, as well as a Loire-Nieuport dive bomber. The Hurricanes who were supposed to fly escort never showed up. This is a psuedo-historical version of this mission, with the Hurricane escort included to help defend you against enemy fighters.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne you'll fly southeast toward the Sambre River. This bridge over the Sambre at Origny-Sainte-Benoîte is being used by the enemy to get armoured convoys across. You must destory this bridge to cut off the enemy forces! Use your bomb to destroy the bridge or any enemy vehicles in the town. When finished, clear out to the west & head back to Etaples aerodrome, where we will reload and refuel. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Loire Nieuport 401
"airfield_string"=France - Etaples

December 30th, 2017, 10:30
Good afternoon,

More work in the can...

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Ju-88 Sturzkampfflugzeug
"summary_string"=Achtung, Meine Herren! Whilst other bomber units will continue the support of the Panzer offensive, your bombers will attack targets closer to Paris to try and split the enemy defenses! Your flights will raid Compiegne, & use the Ju-88s as dive-bombers to hit strategic targets across the city. Hopefully, French squadrons will take this bait again & draw themselves away from the main area of attack!
"objective_string"=During the morning of 20 May, Ju-88s of I/KG 51 were intercepted while dive-bombing targets over Compiegne, France by Bloch 152s from GC I/1 and Moranes from GC III/1. According to records, one Junkers 88 was shot down. The actual numbers of aircraft involved on this mission are unknown, but the number of Ju-88s available were still small in proportion to He-111s and Do-17s, so your mission reflects this. Unlike the actual mission, an escort of Zerstorers has been provided to lend a measure of protection for you.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, fly west-northwest and climb up to 4,500m on your way to the target. You should pick up an escort over Eastern France. When you reach Compiegne, allow your wingmen to lead and follow them in the descent as they loop around to hit the target from the west. Make sure to look for heavy flak over the target, and hope that the escorts can ward off any fighters. Once your run is complete, clear out to the east and return to Memmingen. If possible, get your crate back in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=KM_JU88_A-4 I/KG 30
"airfield_string"=Germany - Memmingen

"title_string"=Battle of France - Sauerkraut is served for Hawk 75s
"summary_string"=Les pilotes, vos combattants sont prêts! A Dornier Do-17 reconnaissance bomber has been seen near the town of Commercy, & you are being sent out to investigate this, and reports of a larger formation of Luftwaffe bombers & fighters near the city of Chalons-Sur-Marne. If you find the recce bomber and the formation, you will engage them and show these German pilots that the French Air Force will not wilt under the pressure!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of two missions on 20 May. The first mission saw five Hawk 75s of GC II/5 shoot down a Dornier Do-17p of 1(F)/22, flying a recce sortie over Commercy, France. The second mission saw He-111s of I/KG 55 get attacked by Hawk 75s of GC II/4 over Betheniville after their attack on Chalons-sur-Marne. This mission proposes a force of several Heinkel flights, together with a mixed escort of Bf-109s and 110s. The actual number of aircraft involved are unknown, along with the fact that the only verified damage was that of a single He-111 at the hands of GC II/4.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, fly northwest to reach the town of Commercy, where a Dornier Do-17 bomber was seen flying reconnaissiance. If you can locate this plane and destroy it, continue northwest until you reach Betheniville, where you will then turn south and sweep along to Chalons-sur-Marne. A sizable German formation was reported to be in this area, and if you identify it, focus on shooting down any bombers before engaging fighters. Fighters from GC II/4 are aloft in the same area, and hopefully they'll assist your efforts. When finished, return to Juvaincourt. Bonne chance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Juvaincourt

January 2nd, 2018, 04:43
More missions finished...

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Bf-109s patrol the Somme
"summary_string"=Willkommen in Frankreich! The amazing success of our ground forces has cleared the Ardennes & the Meuse, allowing your fighters & Stukas to operate from French soil. Your Jagdgeschwader has taken Etain-Rouvers airfield, and you'll patrol from this new base along the Somme Valley, looking for any French or British fighters. Let's show 'em that we can now chase them all the way to the sea!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of three separate engagements by Jagdgeschwader 2, 21, and 27 during the late afternoon of 20 May. I/JG 21 battled Moranes of GC I/6 above Villers-Bretonneux, taking down two & damaging another one. Hawk 75s from GC II/4 engaged Bf-109s of I/JG 2 above Peronne, losing one, and a MS-406 of GC I/2 was badly damaged by Messerschmitts from I/JG 27 near the city of Reims. No German fighters seem to have been lost in these engagements.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, sweep west-northwest along the Somme Valley from your base to the area between Peronne & Villers-Bretonneux, just east of Amiens. If the sky is clear, you'll return to Etain-Rouvers via Reims, once again looking closely for any signs of enemy fighters. Your height for this patrol will be 4,500m; this should give you the chance to dive on your enemy. Fighters from JG 2 and JG 21 will also be along, staggered at different altitudes to assist you. On this mission, attempt to shoot down as many fighters as you can, then return to base.
"airfield_string"=France - Etain (Rouvres)

"title_string"=Battle of France - Luck holds along the Somme River
"summary_string"=Aviateurs, vos Moranes sont réchauffés et prêts! Your squadron will fly a short patrol between the towns of Peronne and Ham, looking for any enemy formations passing through the Somme River Valley to hit either Abbeville or Amiens. You are cleared to shoot whatever you see, but choose your spots carefully, as we cannot afford further losses due to recklessness!
"objective_string"=Prior to midday on 20 May, a Ms-406 of GC III/2 was shot down by return fire from Heinkel 111s of I/KG 53 whilst patrolling between Peronne & Ham. The German bombers were attacking road and rail between Amiens & Abbeville. During the historical mission, one German bomber was lost to AA, one to GC III/2, & yet another to GC III/3. There is no indication of any escorts. Your mission makes one minor change; to simply the mission structure, the Germans raid a railyard at Amiens. Unfortunately, the total number of aircraft actually involved are not known.
"intelligence_string"=Once you are airborne, fly east-northeast & climb to 4,500m to reach your patrol altitude. Once you reach the town of Peronne, you'll head from there south-southeast to the village of Ham, looking for all Luftwaffe formations. Fighters from GC III/3 will be there to assist, and all flights will stagger in altitude. If the skies are clear, you'll return to Beauvais, and save the fight for another time. We cannot afford to lose fighters to pilots who chase after rabbits! Bonne chance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Beauvais

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Fierce fight over Beauvais
"summary_string"=Aufpassen Männer! Beauvais airfield is being used by the French as a major fighter base, & Heinkels of KG 53 have been tasked with attacking it. Your Bf-110s will handle the escort, as your elite skills are required. This is a very tough assignment that needs your best efforts; the French will certainly defend this airbase fiercely. Show the French we will not wilt, and further resistance is futile!
"objective_string"=As evening neared on 20 May, Heinkel 111s raided the aerodrome at Beauvais, escorted by Bf-110s of III/ZG 26. Near the field, they were intercepted by Bloch 152s and MS-406s from four squadrons: GC III/2, GC III/10, & possibly GC III/3. As the French and Germans tangled, two Moranes and one Bloch fighter were claimed by the German escorts, but they lost two of their own in the process. It's also possible that a Bf-110 claimed another Bloch 152 fighter, but this is difficult to confirm. There are no recorded losses of German bombers on this mission.
"intelligence_string"=After takeoff, fly southwest and start climbing up to 5,000 meters. After your rendezvous in Eastern France, you will escort 'em to Beauvais, where the Heinkels will raid the airfield. As the 111s attack, fend off any French or British fighters that try to disrupt them. This is a major French fighter base, so you should anticipate a tough fight. Once these bombers complete their run, you'll lead them back into Eastern France before breaking away to land at Monchengladbach.
"airfield_string"=Germany - Monchengladbach

January 9th, 2018, 07:20
Good morning,

Additional missions finished...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Diversionary raid to Belgium
"summary_string"=Listen up! While other bombers hit bridges across Hauts-de-France, your Blenheim squadron will fly a diversionary raid, looking for all enemy columns moving behind enemy lines after dark. Your flight will sweep an area from Grammont to Oudenaarde, attacking any Panzer columns you find. Once your raid is complete, head back to England in case we make another raid tonight. Show the Germans that the cover of night provides no cover at all!
"objective_string"=Whilst bombers from airbases further north were raiding targets in France, some eighteen Blenheims departed East Anglia to hit German columns on the road from Grammont up to Oudenaarde in Belgium. Additional information about this raid is sketchy; there are no available reports of any RAF combat losses or Blenheims damaged, nor is there reliable information on successes these bombers achieved.
"intelligence_string"=After takeoff, you will meet up with the Blenheims passing overhead & fly east-southeast toward the coast. Upon reaching Belgium, continue inland and sweep the road between Grammont & Oudenaarde, looking for any columns around the area. Once you make your attack, clear out to the west-northwest & head for the coast. You want to keep your speed up over the target; the faster you fly, the shorter you will be under fire. Be sure to make the bombs count, holding back the enemy depends heavily on accurate results!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Blenheim Mk4-1 139 Sqn
"airfield_string"=England - Haverhill

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Destroying the vital bridges!
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! The Germans are using all intact bridges crossing the rivers in Northern France to advance the Panzers, & it's critical we knock them out to prevent reinforcements from strengthening their numbers. You'll raid bridges across the Oise this evening with a formation of Whitley bombers from RAF Driffield. Let's hit our targets and show the Germans that we will make them pay for every inch gained!
"objective_string"=The evening of 20 May, 1940 saw twenty Whitleys of RAF 77 and 102 Squadrons attack bridges over the Aisne & Oise Rivers, along with some eighteen Hampdens. RAF bombers focused on bridges near Ribemont, Origny Ste.-Benoite, & Cambrai. Two of these British bombers were hit by flak and forced down in France; one Whitley landed behind enemy lines. This mission omits the bombers which struck Cambrai; this mission focuses on the bombers that hit bridges along the Oise.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll form up with the rest of the formation & fly south-southeast toward the coast. Once there, make sure to check your course so you come ashore at Dunkirk. The Hampdens will target Origny Ste.-Benoite, while the Whitney force hits Ribemont, a few miles to the southwest. Once your attack is complete, turn north-northwest and head for Calais, where you will recross the North Sea to return home. Be sure to watch out for flak over the target; the Germans know that bridges are of paramount need for their continued advance. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hampden BMk.I P1333
"airfield_string"=England - Scampton

"title_string"=Battle of France - Slowing the advance of the Panzers
"summary_string"=Aujourd'hui, nous avons besoin de tous les pilotes courageux pour avancer! We must stop the advance of German units any way we can, so you've chosen to lead nine LeO bombers & attack Panzer columns near Arras. Show the Germans that we'll continue to fight until the last plane is lost!
"objective_string"=Desperate French bomber squadrons were involved in heavy action during 20 May. LeO 45s, Breguets, & Potez light bombers flew either solo or in small groups to hit enemy columns around Albert, Guise, Bapaume, Saint-Quentin, Arras, Cambrai, Peronne, and Amiens. The squadrons involved were GB I/12, GB II/12, GB I/31, GB II/31, and GB II/51. None of the sorties had escorts, and LeO bombers were intercepted by 109s; once east of Saint-Quentin by I/JG 2 and another by Galland of Stab/JG 27. Several LeOs, Breguets, and Potez bombers were shot down or damaged by flak. This is an amalgam of two of these missions that were intercepted by 109s. The Dewoitine escorts are fictional.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll head east-northeast to the sector between Saint-Quentin and Guise, sweeping for any German Panzer columns in the area. If you find them, use your bombs and ammo to take out as many as you can. Because you'll be operating near the frontline, Dewoitine D-520s of GC III/3 will provide escort. They should be able to keep enemy planes away. After your raid, fly south-southwest & return to Guyancourt to refuel & reload. Bonne chance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=LeO 45 GBI 31 May 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Boissy-le-bois

"title_string"=Battle of France - Keep Panzer columns from the sea
"summary_string"=Aujourd'hui, nous avons besoin de tous les pilotes courageux pour avancer! We must stop the advance of German units any way we can, so you've chosen to lead a force of twelve bombers & attack Panzer columns near Arras. Let's show the enemy that we will continue to fight until the last plane is lost!
"objective_string"=Desperate French bomber squadrons were involved in heavy action during 20 May. LeO 45s, Breguets, & Potez light bombers flew either solo or in small groups to hit enemy columns around Albert, Guise, Bapaume, Saint-Quentin, Arras, Cambrai, Peronne, and Amiens. The squadrons involved were GB I/12, GB II/12, GB I/31, GB II/31, and GB II/51. None of the sorties had escort fighters, & several LeOs, Breguets, & Potez bombers were either shot down or damaged by heavy flak. The Morane escorts on this mission are fictional, as are the the chance of interception by Bf-110s.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will head north-northeast to the sector between Arras and Bapaume, sweeping for any German Panzer columns in the area. If you find them, use your bombs and ammo to take out as many as you can. Because you'll be operating near the frontline, Moranes from GC III/3 will provide escort. They should be able to keep German planes at bay. After your attack, fly south-southwest and return to Guyancourt to refuel and reload. Bonne chance!
"airfield_string"=France - Guyancourt

January 9th, 2018, 09:07
Thank you Rami, looking forward to this one.


January 10th, 2018, 02:57
Shameless bump (not that this thread needs it :biggrin-new:)

January 10th, 2018, 05:41
Good morning,

As John said...nothing like a shameless plug. Wellingtons departing the English coast on an evening raid...

Shadow Wolf 07
January 10th, 2018, 05:42
Nice screenies! Thanks for the "bump." :applause:

January 10th, 2018, 05:52
Hello again,

The Hampdens depart next...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Night raids against Cambrai
"summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! The Germans have taken Cambrai, and are now working to get the airbases in shape for their use! We cannot let this happen without a fight, so your Wellingtons will join with a second squadron from Waddington & attack the airfields near Cambrai tonight, and thereby hopefully delay the enemy from using them! Show the Germans that every inch gained will be a struggle!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of sorties by Bomber Command on Cambrai by a total of thirty-two Wellingtons, as well as any of the Hampdens and Whitleys that did not attack bridges on the Rivers Aisne & Oise the night of 20 May. To simplify this mission, the bombers attack Forenville & Hayencourt airfields; both were captured by the Germans when Cambrai fell. They began using them on 21 May. There are no reports of any damage to the Wellingtons, nor are there any reports on damage that they caused by their attacks.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will meet the Wellingtons from Waddington and fly south-southeast to the English coast. After crossing the North Sea and reaching the French coast near Dunkirk, you will attack the airfield just south of Cambrai, whilst the bombers from Waddington will hit the airbase just north of Cambrai simultaneously. Once the raid is complete, reverse course and head north-northwest to return to your airfield at Marham. Make sure to put your bombs on target, perhaps with a little luck we can delay the Germans from using these bases!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Vickers Wellington Mk Ic
"airfield_string"=England - Marham

January 11th, 2018, 18:05
Good evening,

Now it's starting really turn for the worse...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Gladiators make their escape
"summary_string"=Attention! Due to the relentless pressure from the Luftwaffe, 61 Wing must evacuate this airfield at Norrent-Fontes. Your flight of Gladiators will join Hurricanes from three squadrons & then cross the Channel to England, where we'll continue the fight over France from our own shores. The environment here has simply become too dangerous. Let's hope we can reach the Channel unmolested, many of the Hurricanes are badly holed & in no shape to fight!
"objective_string"=This mission is an amalgam of some of the evening evacuations from French bases that took place on 20 May. The evacuations on the mission were of 61 Wing, based at Norrent-Fontes. (St. Omer is used) Four Hurricanes from 607, six from 504, and five more of 3 Squadron were flown to Croydon. When they reached Croydon, all four 607 machines were scrapped. Four 615 Squadron Gladiators were also evacuated independently. This combines them into one force for the sake of brevity. During the real mission, this evacuation was not intercepted.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll form up with the Hurricanes and fly northwest to reach the coast, near Calais. From there you'll cross to Dover and then head to the Thames Estuary. After you reach the Thames, pass over London before making the final turn for Croydon. Seeing our Hurricanes over London might help to lift morale. Because German fighters have been prowling over the French bases, make sure to check your six during takeoff. If you get jumped, engage & take them down, then make a brief pause at Merville to refuel and reload. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gladiator Mk II 615 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - St. Omer

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Lives depend on your skills
"summary_string"=Attention! Due to the relentless pressure from the Luftwaffe, 61 Wing must evacuate this airfield at Norrent-Fontes. A SABENA Sm-73 transport plane with airbase personnel is heading to England. Your four Hurricane flights will surround the transport and cross the Channel to reach England, where we will continue to assist French forces from our own soil. The environment here has simply become very dangerous. Let's hope that we reach the English Channel unmolested, many of these Hurricanes are badly holed & in no shape to fight!
"objective_string"=This mission is an amalgam of some of the evening evacuations from French bases that took place on 20 May. The evacuations on the mission were of 61 Wing, based at Norrent-Fontes. (St. Omer is used) On this mission, nine Hurricanes of 615 Squadron & four more from 607 escorted a SABENA Sm-73 transport with personnel from Norrent-Fontes to safety. During this period, three other Hurricanes returned to England independently. This combines them into a single force for the sake of brevity, & during the actual mission, this evacuation was not intercepted.
"intelligence_string"=Following takeoff, surround the Sm-73 transport and fly northwest to reach the coast, near Calais. From there you'll cross to Dover and then head to the Thames Estuary. After you reach the Thames, pass over London before making the final turn for Croydon. Seeing our Hurricanes over London might help to lift morale. Because German fighters have been prowling along the French coast, don't drop your guard until after you get across the Channel. If you get jumped, by German fighters, draw them away from the Sm-73 transport & take them down, then proceed to Croydon when this threat is over. Good luck, and keep that transport safe!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 607 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - St. Omer

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Escorting Blenheims to Arras
"summary_string"=Get to your fighters! Blenheim bombers from East Anglia are about to overfly our base, and you will escort them into France whilst they attack vehicle columns concentrated 'round Arras! The task over France is to keep all bombers safe from enemy air attacks, and then get them back to England! Let's show the Blenheims that we can handle the escorts into France from our own shores!
"objective_string"=As evening neared on 20 May, Hurricanes of RAF 32 Squadron took off to fly escort for Blenheims from 21 and 107 Squadrons sent to attack vehicle columns around the Cambrai-Arras-Peronne sector. As the bombers neared Arras, a single Hs-126 was spotted at 8,000ft & quickly shot down. No other air activity was reported, though one fighter was lost to this Henschel's return fire. The Hurricane crashed south of Arras, but otherwise the raiders continued unopposed, & all the bombers returned safely. However, there's no record of whether the Blenheim attack was successful.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, turn south-southeast & climb up to Angels eight to rendezvous with the Blenheims. As the bombers near Arras, every flight will look for any vehicle columns, then attack from altitude. Once all bombers drop, you'll turn west-northwest to clear the target snf then northwest to return to England. Just before reaching Dover, you'll break away from the bombers & return to Manston. Make sure to keep an eye on these bombers over France; we will need to maintain our numbers to delay the Germans as much as possible!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 32 Sqn
"airfield_string"=England - Ramsgate

January 15th, 2018, 07:57
Good morning,

Additional work completed...getting close to the end of 20 May.

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Pushing them into the sea
"summary_string"=Kameraden herhören! Our Panzer units have almost reached the French coast, & our concentration on airfields may force the British to abandon French airfields & retreat to their own shores. Let's keep the pressure on the British by raiding the airfield at Abbeville, and show the British and French that our victory is becoming inevitable!
"objective_string"=Late in the afternoon on 20 May, Dornier bombers of KG 77 were intercepted above Arras by 79 Sqn Hurricanes with a section from 213/B. The Do-17s had Bf-110 escorts from I/ZG 26. The RAF pilots claimed one fighter destroyed, one probable, and one damaged. One Do-17 bomber was also claimed destroyed & another damaged. The Bf-110s bagged two fighters. The real target isn't known, but was probably Abbeville or Amiens-Gilsy airfield; this would have placed them above Arras near the time they were intercepted. For this mission, Abbeville is used as the target.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will form up with the other Dorniers and fly east-southeast into France. Along the way to Abbeville, you will meet up with the escort over Belgium and climb to 5,000 meters. As you approach Abbville, the escorts will handle searching for fighters, so concentrate on placing these bombs on target. Once you release, clear out to the east before turning east-northeast for your return flight to Germany. Passen Sie auf sich auf!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
"airfield_string"=Germany - Monchengladbach

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Catch the British off-guard
"summary_string"=Meine Herren, zuhören! Morning recce flights over Merville and Saint Omer show the airfields are in disarray, they may be preparing to evacuate! Let's take advantage of this and raid these aerodromes while they are filled with planes & other materials strewn everywhere! If we can aim carefully & our escorts keep the fighters at bay, we could cripple their attempt to flee!
"objective_string"=The early afternoon of 20 May saw ten Ju-88s of III/LG 1 with an escort of Bf-110s from I/ZG 26 intercepted by a solo section of Hurricanes from 615 Squadron. The Hurricanes dove from 15,000ft and damaged one bomber, but an RAF fighter was lost in the process. The Ju-88s were likely raiding Saint Omer or Merville, but their precise target is unclear. For this mission, St. Omer is the intended target. No Bf-110s or Ju-88s appear to have been lost during this misison.
"intelligence_string"=After takeoff, you'll form up with the other flight of Ju-88s and fly west-southwest toward France. You'll rendezvous with the assigned escorts while over Belgium. Because this distance to St. Omer is relatively short, you'll be able to fly at a quicker pace during your mission, and thereby make you a tougher intercept. Over the airfield, focus on fuel stores, hangars, & parked aircraft. Once your raid is finished, reverse your course and head back to Monchengladbach to refuel & reload, this may not be your only action today!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=KM_JU88_A-4 I/KG 30
"airfield_string"=Germany - Monchengladbach

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - 61 Wing's last French patrol
"summary_string"=Attention! As 501 & 504 Sqns prepare to evacuate, your squadron is sending out a section of fighters for a final patrol in the Arras-Douai-Lens sector, to look for any incoming raiders. It is your job to make sure these skies are clear for our squadrons to escape safely to England. We must make every effort to avoid the prospect of being bombed with the airbase in frenzied chaos!
"objective_string"=The final patrol of 61 Wing before evacuating to England saw a section of 615 Squadron patrol the area from Arras-Douai-Lens. While on patrol, this section ran into a staffel of Heinkel 111s flying at 5,000 meters. The section of Hurricanes attacked, claiming two, but this can't be verified by German records. There is no indication these bombers had escorts, and there is also no information on which unit the Heinkels belonged to.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, head southeast and climb to Angels eighteen before reaching Arras. From there, you'll patrol east-northeast toward Douai, and then back west-northwest over to Lens before flying back to St. Omer. If you find German bombers in the area, engage them after checking for escort fighters, & hack 'em from the air, hopefully getting the enemy to abort before the target. Once the bombers flee or you exhaust your ammo, break away and return to Saint Omer, where we'll evacuate to England.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 607 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - St. Omer

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Escorting Blenheims to Arras
"summary_string"=Get to your fighters! Blenheim bombers from East Anglia are about to overfly our base, and you will escort them into France whilst they attack vehicle columns concentrated 'round Arras! The task over France is to keep all bombers safe from enemy air attacks, and then get them back to England! Let's show the Blenheims that we can handle the escorts into France from our own shores!
"objective_string"=As evening neared on 20 May, Hurricanes of RAF 32 Squadron took off to fly escort for Blenheims from 21 and 107 Squadrons sent to attack vehicle columns around the Cambrai-Arras-Peronne sector. As the bombers neared Arras, a single Hs-126 was spotted at 8,000ft & quickly shot down. No other air activity was reported, though one fighter was lost to this Henschel's return fire. The Hurricane crashed south of Arras, but otherwise the raiders continued unopposed, & all the bombers returned safely. However, there's no record of whether the Blenheim attack was successful.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, turn south-southeast & climb up to Angels eight to rendezvous with the Blenheims. As the bombers near Arras, every flight will look for any vehicle columns, then attack from altitude. Once all bombers drop, you'll turn west-northwest to clear the target snf then northwest to return to England. Just before reaching Dover, you'll break away from the bombers & return to Manston. Make sure to keep an eye on these bombers over France; we will need to maintain our numbers to delay the Germans as much as possible!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 32 Sqn
"airfield_string"=England - Ramsgate

January 24th, 2018, 03:53
But when the Army needs help, everything that flies it put to use. 806FAA Blackburn Roc (WIP paint) on patrol covering the Dunkirk evacuation.

January 24th, 2018, 06:39

Sorry...getting back into school has shut out CFS2 until I get my feet back underneath me. :dejection:

January 24th, 2018, 06:52

Sorry...getting back into school has shut out CFS2 until I get my feet back underneath me. :dejection:

No worries Andrew, I'm keeping myself busy :a1310:

btw used a hex editor to remove g_lightstates & crashcheck bytes from the model, so now it is QC & FreeFlight friendly :biggrin-new:

January 30th, 2018, 02:07
Good morning,

I actually finished all of the work for my classes ahead of schedule this week, so I'm going to try to get a little MB action in this evening. :very_drunk:

January 30th, 2018, 10:52
You have turned out many great projects Rami. This looks to be fantastic! Looking forward to it.


January 30th, 2018, 14:18
Good evening,

Well, here is at least one more done...

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Do-17s decoy to Abbeville
"summary_string"=Meine Herren, zuhören! Dornier Do-17s from KG 3 will be hitting Abbeville aerodrome today, and you have been tasked with the escort. Clearing out the aerodromes in front of our Panzer units is critical work, so expect to deal with enemy fighters trying to hang on to this critical base. Keep the bombers safe, & show the British their days in France are coming to an end!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 20 May, a formation of Dornier bombers of I/KG 3 escorted by Bf-110 Zerstorers of I/ZG 2 pounded the aerodrome at Abbeville. As they approached the French coast, Hurricanes of 85 Squadron caught up and intercepted them near Abbeville. According to RAF records, two bombers were claimed, three were damaged, and a Bf-110 was also shot down, exchanged for one Hurricane. Any damage to Abbeville airfield during this raid is unknown.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll meet up with the Doriners over France & escort them to the coastline, where they'll turn south for the target run to Abbeville. Your flight path over France will bring you close to enemy-held bases near Lille, so be on guard for fighters near the target. Once the Do-17s release, get 'em to safety in Eastern France before making your turn toward Melsbroeck. Keep a close eye on these Dorniers, their squadrons have suffered the heaviest losses in the campaign!
"airfield_string"=Belgium - Melsbroeck

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - 3 Sqn dawn patrol over Lille
"summary_string"=Get to your fighters! You lost the poker game last night, so you and your squadron mates must fly the first patrol this morning. During your dawn patrol, you will engage & shoot down any German flights flying reconnaissance or bombing missions. When the enemy departs, fly back to Merville to refuel and reload. Let's show the Luftwaffe that we will not cower in the face of their efforts to throw us out of France!
"objective_string"=Just before dawn on 20 May, Hurricanes of 3 Sqn flew a morning patrol across the Lille area. During the mission, the squadron attacked and damaged a Henschel Hs-126 near Renaix, Belgium, & later on ran into several Heinkel 111s of I/LG I over Lille, shooting down two. Another Heinkel from this unit in the same area might have been shot down by 79 Sqn. There's little evidence that these Hurricanes were damaged or lost during this engagement.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will climb up to Angels 10 and sweep the area between Lille & the Belgian border, looking for German reconnaissance flights or early-morning raids. You are cleared to engage whatever you find. After you shoot down all of of the German planes or once the skies are clear, you will return to Merville to refuel & reload. We have a long day ahead of us!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Never letting the Brits rest
"summary_string"=Aufpassen Männer! Recce flights this morning saw evidence of British-held bases near the Channel in chaos, they may be trying to evacuate! You'll help Ju-88s from KG 51 take advantage of the chaos as you will escort them to Merville, where they'll hit parked fighters, fuel stores, and ammo crates, & try to disrupt their efforts. Show the British that they cannot escape the eyes of the Luftwaffe!
"objective_string"=The morning of 20 May 1940 saw a small force of Ju-88s, along with their escort, get intercepted at 12,000 feet near the city of Arras. This may have been a diversion for/stragglers of the main force of I/KG 3 hitting Abbeville and Amiens-Gilsy. The section of Hurricanes from 87 Sqn shot down one Ju-88 & damaged two more, along with one fighter & damaging another. This mission assumes that the Ju-88s raided Merville, and proposes an escort of Bf-109s. The mission also includes an intercept by 85 Squadron in the hour before the primary pulse. Other information about these attacks is sketchy.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will fly northwest and climb to 3,750 meters. You should meet the Ju-88s near Sedan. As the bombers approach the airfield at Merville, make sure to keep your eyes open for any sign of enemy fighters. If the reconnaissance flights this morning were accurate, the Brits might be attempting to evacuate from these bases & get across the Channel, so they'll likely have fighters in the air to protect these bases. Once the Ju-88s release, remain with them and get them safely past Reims. From there, you can return to base, and the bombers will continue to Germany.
"airfield_string"=France - Etain (Rouvres)

February 20th, 2018, 06:26
Good morning,

Still plugging away...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Will the Blenheims show up?
"summary_string"=To your fighters! Blenheims are getting ready to cross the North Sea to bomb German vehicles near Cambrai, and you will be their escort! Your task is to keep them safe. If the bombers do not make the rendezvous point, you may branch out on your own initiative and look for vehicle columns near Arras. Either way, let's make sure these German columns pay a heavy price!
"objective_string"=This is a quasi-historical amalgam of two missions on 20 May. The morning mission saw Hurricanes of 3 & possibly 85 Sqns strafe German vehicles south of Arras, destroying four fuel & two ammo trucks, & shooting down a Hs-126 of 3(H)/41 nearby. The other mission has eleven Hurricanes from 79 and 213/A Sqns who strafed columns between Cambrai & Saint Quentin after failing to rendezvous with Blenheims from Marham. This mission supposes the Blenheims made it & the raid occurred as planned. In the two missions at least a dozen vehicles were destroyed but two Hurricanes were shot down and four more damaged.
"intelligence_string"=This is a 50/50 mission scenario. You'll either fly as 79 Sqn for the Blenheim escort to Cambrai or 3 Sqn's strafing runs south of Arras. If you fly the escort mission, your task is to protect the bombers and bring them back to safety before returning to base. If you fly the strafing mission, your task is to strafe the enemy vehicles and take out as many as you can, then fly back to Merville. Either way, make sure to come back intact, we cannot afford further losses!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 73 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Wiping out the Blenheims
"summary_string"=Achtung, Meine Herren! It's critical that we do as much as we can to prevent our ground forces from being attacked. We must sustain heavy pressure on enemy airbases, leveling out as many as we can to prevent the enemy from controlling the skies! Your Do-17s will strike Vraux, which is being used as a bomber base! Let's show these enemy forces that our determination is relentless!
"objective_string"=Around dawn on 11 May, Conde/Vraux airfield was hit by nine Dorniers of I/KG 2. The Do-17s caught the British air defenses by surprise, & six 114 Sqn Blenheim bombers were destroyed. Unfortunately, as the nine German bombers crossed over southern Luxembourg, four of these Dorniers were damaged by anti-aircraft fire, and one was lost during the mission. There is no evidence of British or French fighter intercepts on this mission.
"intelligence_string"=The airfield at Vraux is about 315 kilometers due west from Eutingen. After getting airborne, swing west-southwest and climb to 3,750 meters before reaching the German border. You will attack from the west-northwest, so as you release you will be turning away from this French base, back toward Germany. This should hopefully prevent you from being intercepted. Once you complete your strike, return to Germany. We have a busy day ahead!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
"airfield_string"=Germany - Eutingen

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Guard forces at Marquion
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! German columns are in the process of crossing the Canal du Nord, & they are being strafed repeatedly by British fighters! You must reach Marquion as quickly as possible & then chase off the Hurricanes, providing cover for the vehicle columns, so they can get across the Canal & continue their advance to the Channel! Show the British that their efforts to stem our advance will not succeed!
"objective_string"=This is a rough amalgam of two sorties by Bf-109s that occurred on the afternoon of 20 May around the same area where German columns were massed at Marquion, in the process of crossing the Canal du Nord. In this case, the results were mixed for the Bf-109s of II/JG 3; on one mission, they shot down three Hurricanes of 85 Squadron who were strafing these vehicle columns, exchanged for one Bf-109 lost and another one damaged. The second mission saw Hurricanes of 87 Squadron claim two Bf-109s and damage two more, but this cannot be verified by German records.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will head west and then turn southwest to reach France. Along the way climb to 2,000 meters. As you approach Marquion from the north, scan these skies for any Hurricanes making strafing runs and then engage them, trying to pull them away from the vehicle columns. Take down as many as you can, then after you exhaust all ammo, break off & return to Chievres while other flights fly in to replace you. Because you'll be down low, avoid a turning fight and use your superior speed to initiate and break contact. Good luck!
"airfield_string"=Belgium - Chievres

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Panzers advance on Arras
"summary_string"=Get to your fighters! German vehicle columns have been spotted along the road between Cambrai and Arras, pushing further along toward the coast. We cannot allow them to advance at this pace; they'll overrun us within days! You must get airborne and strafe the columns; we know that our rifle-caliber ammunition won't damage Panzers without careful aim, but we can wreck havoc upon vehicle columns! Let's show these Germans that we are not finished yet!
"objective_string"=Reacting to many reports of enemy vehicle columns speeding from Cambrai toward Arras, a composite formation of three Hurricane squadrons departed St. Omer airfield on the morning of 20 May, 1940 to strafe German vehicle columns along the roads from Cambrai to Arras, concentrating at Marquion where the German units were crosing the Canal du Nord. Though the British destroyed some vehicles and caused considerable chaos, three Hurricanes were brought down & several more damaged. This mission focuses on the combined attacks by 504, 601, and 607 Sqns, and adds the 3 Sqn raid later in the day.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will head southeast to reach the city of Arras. From there, you will follow the road east-southeast, looking for any enemy vehicle columns. Recce reports indicate the enemy columns were concentrating close to the town of Marquion, preparing to get across the Canal du Nord quickly. If we can catch them in the open here, we may be able to inflict heavy damage! Make sure to watch out for ground fire; we cannot afford to lose any more Hurricanes! Good luck to you!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 3 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - St. Omer

"title_string"=Battle of France - Surprising the Luftwaffe over Douai
"summary_string"=Les pilotes, arrivez à vos avions! German bombers with escorts have been seen near Douai and Arras, possibly headed for Amiens. Get airborne quickly, climb, and intercept the Germans before they have the chance to raid either the airfield there or the nearby railyard! Show the Germans that we won't abandon the defense of our nation!
"objective_string"=This misson is quasi-historical. As the Dorniers of KG 3 split approaching Abbeville, the second part of the formation, possibly with an escort, headed for Amiens-Gilsy to pound the airfield there. Over Amiens, Ms-406 fighters from GC I/6 intercepted them. In this attack, a Bf-110 was destroyed, but no other records are available. This raid has been combined with a flight of Junkers 88s which were intercepted by a single Hurricane of 85 Sqn, and possibly another from 87 Sqn between Douai and Arras. One Hurricane was damaged, & one of the bombers was claimed.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, head north-northeast & climb up to 5,000 meters along your flight to Douai. You will patrol from Douai over to Arras, and then down to Amiens before returning to Paris. If you spot any enemy bomber formations in the area, attack them, but be sure to watch out for any escort fighters. Once finished, break off and make your way back to Velizy-Villacoublay. Bonne chance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Velizy-Villacoublay

February 25th, 2018, 16:33
Good evening,

Just a-pedaling along...

"title_string"=Battle of France - P-36s settle a score with Germany
"summary_string"=Rends-toi vite à tes combattants, aviateurs! Enemy fighters have been flying cover over the frontline north of Reims, & we are going to patrol over this area to show Germany they do not own these skies after two days of heavy losses! Locate the enemy, and gain the advantage so we can hack them out of the sky. Let's show the enemy they won't force us to our knees so quickly!
"objective_string"=This mission is a amalgam of combat sorties flown by Escadrilles GC I/5, GC II/5, and GC II/6 over the frontline during 16-17 May, 1940. On 16 May, MS-406s of GC II/5 and GC II/6 suffered heavy losses, losing five fighters in combat near Hirson to Bf-110s of II/ZG 76. The following day, P-36 Hawks of GC I/5 turned the tables on Bf-109s of I/JG 76, damaging two and shooting down one for no loss to themselves. On this mission, you will fly as GC I/5.
"intelligence_string"=After takeoff, you will fly a northerly course and climb to 4,000 meters. The most active sectors of the front has been in the region near the towns of Montcornet and Hirson, so your fighter patrol will pass right over that area. Another flight of Hawks will form with you, and over the front you may run into other patrolling French or British fighters, so be careful whom you shoot! Once finished, return to Vraux to refuel and reload. Bonne chance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Vraux

"title_string"=Battle of France - Luftwaffe domination over Belgium
"summary_string"=Pour vos avions, il est temps de se venger! Fighters over Belgium have taken a heavy beating, and your escadrille is going to even the score. Get airborne and fly into Belgium, and shoot down any Germans you encounter! Let's show the Luftwaffe that they have a long road ahead of them as they try to push into France!
"objective_string"=This is a quasi-historical amalgam of missions over Ath, Mons, and Namur between 12 & 15 May, 1940. On 12 May, Bloch 152s of GC II/1 were shot down over Namur by Bf-109s from I/JG 21. On 14 May, two Morane 406s of GC II/6 were lost to Bf-109s near the city of Mons, & on 15 May, three 85 Sqn Hurricanes were also lost in combat with Bf-110s of II/ZG 26 during an offensive patrol between Ath and Namur. This mission combines these three events. The numbers of German fighters that were faced are unknown.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly northeast from your airfield and fly into Belgium, where you'll patrol from Mons-Ath-Namur. You will look for any signs of German fighters, and attack enemy formations. In order to maintain the advantage, you will fly at 5,000 meters, and hopefully, this height will allow you to 'bounce' enemy flights from high altltude. If you run into enemy flights, take down as many as you can, then once these skies are clear or you exhaust your ammo, return to Velizy-Villacoublay.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Bloch MB.152
"airfield_string"=France - Velizy-Villacoublay

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Blunt the German formations
"summary_string"=Scramble! Luftwaffe bombers have been seen over Belgium, and may be headed for Lille! You will get airborne quickly and fly toward Brussels, and try to get the bombers to abort before they can reach France. Let's show the Germans that they will not succeed in their effort to invade France!
"objective_string"=This is a quasi-historical amalgam of sorties flown by 85 and 87 Sqn on 11 May 1940, coupled with an additional sortie by 3 Sqn above the Lille area on 15 May. On 11 May, Lille-Seclin airfield was hit at 1220 hours. Patrolling aircraft failed to intercept the enemy. However, a later section did run into a formation of Do-17s, breaking them up & claiming two. In the afternoon, another section intercepted 111s from KG 27, claiming four. These sorties have been combined with a later patrol by 3 Sqn on 15 May, whom intercepted Bf-109s at 12,000ft above Lille, claiming two and a third as a probable. Any Hurricane losses are unknown.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly east-northeast into Belgium and try to intercept any incoming raiders over Brussels. If you do intercept any formations, tear into the enemy bombers first, but make sure to look for lurking fighters which may jump you if you fail to check six. Try to get the enemy planes to abort before they can reach the Lille area. If the bombers hit Lille-Seclin, land at Lille-Marcq, where you will operate while Lille-Seclin is being repaired.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille

March 6th, 2018, 02:04
Good morning,

Still plugging away...

"title_string"=Battle of France - The Luftwaffe assaults have begun!
"summary_string"=Rends-toi vite à tes combattants, aviateurs! Enemy bombers have been spotted heading for the French border, and you will patrol a sector northwest of Sedan, looking for any German intruders trying to raid airfields between Cambrai and Reims. Attack any bombers you find, and show them we will meet their raids with force!
"objective_string"=This mission is a pseudo-historical amalgam of two intercepts by French fighter escadrilles of enemy raids in the Laon area on 10 May, 1940. The dawn mission saw Moranes of GC II/2 intercept Do-17s of KG 76 attacking Laon airfield. They shot down two bombers and damaged a third. Later on, P-36s of GC I/4 intercepted German Do-17s of II/KG 2 between Rocroi & Flize, France, and had a similar result, shooting down two Dorniers & damaging a third, though one of their own was also damaged. No fighter escorts were recorded.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll fly north-northeast & patrol a sector northwest of Sedan, looking for any sign of German bombers. Once you spot this Luftwaffe formation, tear into 'em after checking for escort fighters, & try to get the bombers to abort before they reach their target; this may be the airfield at Laon. Take down as many bombers as you can, and once you exhaust your ammo, break away to refuel & reload; we will surely see a lot of action as the Germans try to overwhelm us!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Vraux

March 14th, 2018, 02:17
Good morning,

With the snow day yesterday, I made some more progress...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Stop the Sedan breakthrough
"summary_string"=Listen up, airmen! The Germans crossed the Meuse River in the area around Sedan, and we must take out bridges and other targets in this area to deny them a chance to advance any further! Your Battle flights will raid an ammo dump at Bouillon, while a second group will attack critical bridges over the Meuse River at Remilly-Aillicourt. Let's show these German forces that they won't push their way into France!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of several Battle missions that took place between 12 and 14 May, concentrating near the Sedan-Bouillon area. RAF Squadrons that were involved included 103, 105, 142, 150, & 218 Squadrons. Battles concentrated their assaults on bridges, German columns, & other targets along or near the Meuse. During these raids, seven Battles were shot down and three more were damaged. In a tragic error, four of the Battles were shot down by French Moranes of GC III/7.
"intelligence_string"=The Belgian town of Bouillon lies to the northeast of you, so after takeoff, you will fly northeast to reach the town. You'll keep an altitude of Angels 3, and target an ammo dump which has been taken over by the enemy. When you release, concentrate on hitting warehouses, fuel tanks, & any exposed ammunition. Once your attack run is complete, turn south-southwest back toward Sedan, and look for the second flight of Battles, hitting bridges in the French town of Remilly-Allincourt. Once you reach this town during your withdrawal, return to Athis airfield. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Battle Mk1
"airfield_string"=France - Athis

"title_string"=Battle of France - Wartime makes strange bedfellows
"summary_string"=Aujourd'hui, vous avez une tâche inhabituelle! The British are short on fighters, and we are going to help escort their bombers and our own to the area near Monthermé, & they will raid German columns along the Meuse. Let's show the British we are up to the task, and keep them safe from harm! (In the mission, the raid takes place about ten kilometers northwest of the actual location; here the Meuse River Valley between Fumay and Revin provides a more effective location for Panzer column raids)
"objective_string"=This mission is a semi-historical amalgam of raids by British and French bombers pummeling German columns along the Meuse near Monthermé between 15 and 16 May. The mission includes RAF Blenheim raids by RAF 82 and 139 Sqn on 15 May, escorted by French Bloch 152s, and French LeO bombers of GB II/12 who raided in the same area a short time later. Also included are a British strike on 16 May nearby. The escort on 15 May was intercepted by I/JG 53, and three Blochs were lost. In addition, three Blenheims were lost during the raids, while another Blenheim & two LeOs were also damaged. The Hurricane escorts in this mission is fictional, and just provided to assist.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll fly east-southeast & meet up with these bombers northeast of Cambrai. From there, all bombers will continue toward the Meuse and hit German columns hugging the river between the towns of Fumay and Revin, north-northwest of Sedan. It is your task to keep them safe, but the British have scraped together some Hurricanes to assist. Once the raid is finished, get the bombers to safety and return to Saint Omer. Make sure to fend off any fighters, & let's hope these bombers can hit their targets!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Bloch MB.152
"airfield_string"=France - St. Omer

"title_string"=Battle of France - Zerstorers tangle with the Moranes
"summary_string"=Aviateurs, vos combattants sont prêts à voler! You will lead a flight of Morane fighters and sweep a small sector from Avesnes-sur-Helpe, France along the Belgian border to Chimay, looking for any sign of German fighters or bombers. Other flights from nearby escadrilles will be airborne to assist you, so let's show the Germans they cannot bully us out of the fight!
"objective_string"=This is a semi-historical amalgam of sorties flown between 13 and 15 May by French Morane fighter pilots from GC II/2, GC II/6, and GC III/2, over southwestern Belgium and northeastern France. On 13 May, three Ms-406s of GC III/2 were damaged by 111s raiding Denain airfield, but the next day, the escadrille claimed revenge, shooting down one Heinkel of KG 1 & damaging two others. The same day, two Ms-406s of GC II/6 were lost & a third damaged by Do-17s from I/KG 76 near Maubeuge. Later on, there more Moranes were lost to Bf-110s of II/ZG 76 near Chimay, and the following day, three more 406s of GC II/2 were lost in combat to Bf-110s of II/ZG 26. In total, the French lost a total of seven Moranes and four were damaged, whilst the French claimed one enemy bomber and two damaged.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, your patrol sector will range from Avesnes-sur-Helpe to Chimay, where you'll sweep for any German bombers or fighters at 4,500m. If the skies are clear, fly back to Laon to refuel and reload. However if German bombers are sighted & you're in the area, you may be called to intercept. Be prepared for anything during your patrol, and watch your six. Bonne chance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Laon

March 14th, 2018, 09:45
Aviateurs, vos combattants sont prêts à voler!
You may have wanted to write: "Aviateurs, vos chasseurs sont prêts à voler!" (Airmen, your fighters are ready to fly!)

If you are referring to combat aircraft, the English word 'fighter' should be translated into the French word 'chasseur' (literally 'hunter').


March 14th, 2018, 12:46

Thanks, my French is really rusty; I haven't had to use it on this level for some time; but it works wonders with the wife. :jump:

I will make the necessary adjustments.

In case you're keeping track, I'm up to 198 missions now. In ten days. :wiggle:

April 6th, 2018, 02:18
Good morning,

Still plugging away. I've been focusing a lot on scenery building, and have gotten some new bases to incorporate, which required some mission modifications.

Among the new bases are Moorsele, Brustem, Beauvechain, Lure, Dijon, and Gaye.

Some new missions as well...

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Trouble above Thionville
"summary_string"=Zuhören, Besatzungen! With our Panzers breaking through near Sedan, we will assist their effort by raiding French towns to the south and north of the breakthrough. Your Heinkels will raid the town of Thionville, just a bit north of Metz, and hopefully bait their fighters into the air, so we can keep the enemy busy and allow the Panzers to move without being harassed by enemy bombers and fighters!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of two missions that took place on 14 and 15 May. On 14 May, French Hawks from GC II/5 shot down a pair of Bf-110s of I/ZG 52 over Thionville & damaged two more, whilst losing two of their own in the fight. A day later, He-111s from III/KG 55 shot down two P-36 Hawks above the village of Piennes, while avoiding any losses to themselves. The total number of aircraft involved in these missions is unknown.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, fly west-northwest and climb up to 4,000 meters. As you near the target, you will use the village of Piennes as the starting point for the bombing run and assault Thionville from the west, so that after you release, you will be headed back into Germany. Bf-110s will be your escorts on this flight, so make sure to keep an eye out for enemy fighters that evade them. Make sure to place your bombs on target, and get back safely. Good luck!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Eutingen

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Rendezvous on the Rhine
"summary_string"=Meine Herren, zuhören! Heinkel bombers have left bases in Bavaria and are raiding the key village of Vitry-le-Francois, where several key French roads converge. Your task is to meet them at the Rhine, escprt them to the target, and then make sure they return safely! Let's show enemy pilots a Zerstorer can still be a lethal machine when in the hands of the right pilot!
"objective_string"=During the morning of 15 May, the Luftwaffe kept up their efforts in the area east & south of Reims, hitting airfields and strategic towns that could be used to slow the Axis advance. Late in the morning Heinkels of III/KG 51 raided the French village of Vitry-le-Francois, and were intercepted by RAF Hurricanes of 85 Squadron, based at Lille-Seclin. The Hurricanes brought down three bombers. The Bf-110s escorts in the mission are fictional.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly south-southwest and climb to 5,000m prior to reaching the rendezvous point. Once you reach these bombers, stay in front of them over the target area, and draw any enemy fighters away from the formation to allow them to drop accurately. If engaging any enemy fighters, avoid turning fights and focus on using your speed to initiate and break contact. Once these bombers turn back, stay with them as they fly to Germany. After they reach the Rhine, turn north-northeast & return to Wiesbaden.
"airfield_string"=Germany - Wiesbaden

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Try to distract the French
"summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! In order to sustain pressure on the French Air Force, we must continue to raid their bases & force their fighters up into combat! To this end, your bombers will attack the airfield near Dijon, France. A squadron of enemy fighters are based here, & our raiding it will help distract the French from our major efforts further north. Let's show the French that we won't rest until we grind their Air Force into the ground!
"objective_string"=On 14 May 1940, Junkers Ju-88s of I/KG 51 were intercepted by Moranes of GC III/6 over Longvic, near Dijon. A French MS-406 fighter was lost in the attack, but they did manage to shoot down two of the Ju-88s. Though not explicitly stated, it can be assumed that Luftwaffe bombers had targeted Dijon airfield, where a French fighter escadrille was stationed. Bf-110 escorts that are included in the mission are purely fictional, but are included to provide protection.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, form up & climb to 5,000m as you fly west-southwest over the Rhine and into France. You will pick up the escort before leaving Germany. Once in France, be prepared for enemy fighters as you approach the airfield just in case the escorts can't deal with them. When you attack the aerodrome, focus on fuel stores, ammo crates, and aircraft hangars. Once your raid is complete, clear the airfield and the city, and then return to Germany. Make sure to place your bombs on target and return safely; we need to keep these bombers intact to support the offensive further north!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=KM_JU88_A-4 I/KG 30
"airfield_string"=Germany - Schongau

April 9th, 2018, 03:59
Good morning,

Here are some more new missions...

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Lending cover to Panzers
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Do-17 bombers are now on their way to hit bases northwest of Reims, and you will escort a part of this force as they attack the airfield at Laon. This is an important fighter base for the French, and forcing the enemy to evacuate these bases will reduce their interference against our ground advance!
"objective_string"=This is a semi-historical amalgam of sorties by 73 and 501 Sqns on 11 and 15 May, 1940 in the Reims area. In each case, fighters from these two Sqns tried to intercept Dornier bombers passing to the northwest, southwest, or southeast of the city on their way to or from targets. Four Dorniers were claimed. The target chosen for the mission is Laon airfield, northwest of Reims. My use of escorts in the mission, especially 109s, is entirely fictional, but done to give somewhat of a different twist in the mission than the usual Zerstorers which would escort the bombers.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll fly west-southwest and climb to meet up with the Do-17s before they reach France. As these Dornier bombers near Laon aerodrome, be ready for aggressive intercepts by either French or British fighters, and try to draw them away from the bombers. After these bombers release, stay with them as they clear the area and return to Germany. French forces are starting to collapse, and we do not want to lose resources at this crucial time, so keep the bombers safe!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Wiesbaden-Erbenheim

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - The offensive has begun!
"summary_string"=Männer, herhören! The great offensive in the west has begun, & you are part of the initial force that will raid airfields in France. Your Ju-88s will hit the airfield at Reims, & destroy aircraft hangars, fuel stores, ammunition crates, & parked aircraft, trying to keep the enemy on the ground. Let's show the British and French that they cannot resist our might!
"objective_string"=German forces began the attack on France and the Low Countries by bombing & then strafing French, Dutch, and Belgian airfields literally beginning at or just prior to first light. Your Junkers of KG 51 will be among the lead attack units; your target is the French aerodrome near Reims. During the raid, there were no reports of any intercepts by British or French fighters, nor airframe damage from any anti-aircraft fire. All the bombers appear to have returned safely. Any damage to the airfield is not known.
"intelligence_string"=After you depart Schongau, you'll climb to 3,000 meters, and head west-northwest into France. We hope you will be able to reach Reims near dawn in order to attack before the enemy sends out early morning fighter sweeps. At Reims airfield, focus on hitting aircraft hangars, fuel stores, and ammo crates, then reverse course & make your way back to Germany. It will be a busy day ahead, so make sure to get all your bombers back intact, we can't afford to lose our ability to overwhelm the enemy!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=KM_JU88_A-4 I/KG 30
"airfield_string"=Germany - Schongau

"title_string"=Battle of France - Hunt 'round Reims for the Luftwaffe
"summary_string"=Pour vos chasseurs! Enemy aircraft have been seen over the sector near Reims, and your fighters will patrol an area north and west of the city, looking for any Luftwaffe bombers or fighters. If you do find the Germans, engage 'em and show the enemy that we are not a defeated force; we have plenty of fight left & will take them on to the very end!
"objective_string"=This mission is an amalgam of two sorties flown by GC II/4 on the afternoon of 16 May. On the first patrol, the French ran into Dorniers of KG 2 north of Reims, damaging two. During the second patrol, they brought down two Bf-110s of III/ZG 26 just east of Fismes. For the initial patrol, the airfield of Berry-au-Bac is proposed to be the target, but this cannot be confirmed. No reports of damage to the French fighters can be found, so it's likely all fighters returned intact from the two encounters.
"intelligence_string"=Once in the air, head northwest & sweep the Reims area from just northeast to northwest of the city, looking for enemy bombers or fighters. If you run into either one, engage them if combat conditions are favorable. Your flight will patrol the sector at 4.500m. If another flight of Hawks are available, they'll patrol 500m below you. After you exhaust your ammo, break off and return to Vassincourt to refuel and reload. Bonne chance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2_P-36 Capt Jean Accart GC I 5 Pontarlier 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Vassincourt

April 11th, 2018, 04:14
I think we're gonna need some more GSL scenery... :p87:

April 11th, 2018, 04:19

You just love making a rotte-damn nuisance of yourself, huh? :wiggle:

April 15th, 2018, 04:05
Good morning,

Now that the semester is winding down, I have some more time to continue on this project...

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - KG 51 raids the railyards
"summary_string"=Kamerad, herhören! Kampfgeschwader 51 has been given the task of attacking rail targets in the area east of Reims. If we release all bombs accurately, this will slow the ability of the French and British to resupply their forces to the north & west. Let's show the enemy our resolve to push on to victory!
"objective_string"=During the afternoon of 14 May 1940, bombers of KG 51 fought off attacks by Dewoitine D-520s of GC I/3, heavily damaging two. Two Heinkels were damaged, and one was lost. A Ju-88 from this unit was also damaged. All bombers from this unit were assigned to pound rail targets at Aubreville, Metz, & Revigny. Aside from the bombers mentioned, it's assumed that all other bombers of KG 51 returned safely. All escorts in the mission are fictional, but provided for your protection.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll rendezvous with the other bombers and fly west-northwest toward the target area. At a point southwest of Metz, the formation will split; you'll hit Metz, while the other bomber flights will raid Aubreville and Revigny. After you release on Metz, you'll fly east-southeast toward Schongau, and the rest of the formation will catch up with you as you return to Germany. Your height for this bomb run will be 4,500 meters. Good luck!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Schongau

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Exposed above Auxonne
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! The village of Auxonne is a vitally important cog in French military weapons production, with factories & a railyard which have been supplying French forces with munitions. Our bombers will destroy these assets, and hamper the ability of these enemy forces to continue resisting our advance toward their borders!
"objective_string"=On the evening of 11 May, Heinkels of III/KG 55 got intercepted over the French town of Auxonne by Moranes of GC III/6. The French fighters shot down one bomber & damaged two more, whilst the French lost three fighters in the attack due to the aggression and accuracy of these German gunners. The town of Auxonne had a large railyard, and it is assumed that this was a target for the bombers, but this cannot be confirmed. The Heinkels didn't have an escort for this bombing mission.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will rendezvous with the other bombers and fly west-southwest into France. Your flight will maintain top cover at 5,000 meters. As you near Auxonne, you will strike the factories on the north side of the river, while the other flights strike the railyard. After releasing, turn due east to clear the area, then turn east-northeast to head for Germany. You will not have any escort for this mission, so be ready for enemy fighters if they do appear. Good luck!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Memmingen

"title_string"=Battle of France - Heinkels & D-520s over Beauvais
"summary_string"=Prenez l'air maintenant! We must catch the enemy before they can attack the aerodrome at Beauvais. You must intercept 'em, & be aggressive! Tear into 'em and take down as many of the bombers as you can, & show the French that with our best fighters we are a force to be reckoned with!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of two sorties flown by French pilots on 19 May 1940. In the first sortie, D-520s from GC I/3 shot down two He-111s of III/KG 27 south of Soissons. There are no records of combat losses for the French squadron. During the second mission, Ms-406s of GC I/2 shot down two German Bf-109s of JG 51 south of Laon. Again, there's no record of any French losses. For this mission, the two events are combined, & all of the bombers are given the task of raiding Beauvais airfield, whilst Bf-109s fly escort. This mission can't be verified historically.
"intelligence_string"=After getting into the air, fly north-northwest and climb up to 4,250 meters. Once you find the enemy bombers, tear into them and try to shoot down as many as you can. Make sure to look for any sign of escort fighters, especially 109s, before engaging the bombers. After you exhaust your ammo, break off and fly back to Dammartin-en-Goele to refuel and reload. Bonne chance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dewoitine D520 Mai 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Dammartin-en-Goele

April 16th, 2018, 16:54
Good evening,

Still plugging away...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Lending the Dutch assistance
"summary_string"=Attention! The Germans have been dropping troops behind Dutch lines, if you can comprehend such a thing. We have been asked to help, and in spite of being hard pressed ourselves, British Command has said yes. Your priority is to take out the transport aircraft that have just landed at Ypenburg, & try to prevent the enemy from capturing this airfield!
"objective_string"=On 10 May 1940, the uneasy stalemate in the west came to an abrupt end when German forces began their attack on Holland, Belgium, & France. Within three weeks, the Germans had overrun Belgium and Holland, and they successfully cut off the Allied Armies in Northeastern France from the remainder of the force to the southwest by smashing through the Ardennes and driving to the coast. On 11 May, some sixteen Hurricanes from 32 Sqn strafed the German-held field at Ypenburg, and found fifteen destroyed transports & one intact. All Hurricanes returned safely.
"intelligence_string"=After takeoff, head east-northeast over the North Sea to reach Holland & then strafe the Luftwaffe transports which just landed at Ypenburg airfield. A total of sixteen Hurricanes will be involved for this effort, split into four flights. Your task is to strafe and eliminate as many transport aircraft as possible, and see if you can ignite fuel stores and ammo crates. Once you finish your attacks, return to Biggin Hill before enemy fire chews you up!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 32 Sqn
"airfield_string"=England - Biggin Hill

"title_string"=Battle of France - Keeping pace with Schnellbombers
"summary_string"=Pour vos chasseurs, aviateurs! Your Moranes will patrol to the northeast of Lure, looking for enemy bombers coming over the mountains from Germany. Try to catch them as quickly as possible and deter them from their attack! We must show the Germans that we'll meet each penetration into our airspace, and that they will not overwhelm us!
"objective_string"=The morning of 11 May saw Ms-406s from GC II/7 intercept Ju-88s hitting Lure-Malbouhans airfield. The French pilots damaged three of these Ju-88s, who were from II/KG 51. There are no reports of any French losses during the attack. This was part of the initial "Blitz" by Luftwaffe bombers to try and disrupt as much of the enemy aerial capability as they could.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will climb to 5,000m and try to intercept the German bombers before they can approach Lure. Once you catch these Germans, you may have to stay at nearly full throttle in order to remain with them if they are Ju-88s. Tear into the enemy and take down as many bombers as you can, using all of your ammunition before breaking off. Once you exhaust your ammo, break off and head for Juvaincourt to recover until your airbase can be repaired, if you cannot force these Germans to abort.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Lure

No Dice
April 16th, 2018, 17:15

You are the best in the business...............

If only I had half of your knowledge on mission building................

April 17th, 2018, 00:39
No Dice,

My ability in mission builder is about the same as many other CFS2 mission builders over the years. I learned from Talon, Pen32Win, Devildog73, Ajax, Skylane, Cody Coyote, Captain Kurt, Shadow Wolf 07, and many others about how to construct missions.

I tend to make some missions more complicated than they need to be sometimes, because I like to provide higher target selection for the flyer.

That being said, I do have "the gift of gab" when it comes to writing mission descriptions, I will grant you that. :biggrin-new:

May 4th, 2018, 08:20
Good afternoon,

Getting my groove back, slowly but surely. :wiggle:

"title_string"=Battle of France - Aggressive response over Belgium
"summary_string"=Aviateurs, à vos chasseurs! The Germans have been very aggressive over Holland and Belgium, & we'll respond in kind! You will lead a patrol from Breda to Fourmies, & hunt for any Luftwaffe fighters or bombers. It's crucial that we score kills today; we must show them that we'll still respond with force as they close in on our borders! Let's bloody their nose and give them pause!
"objective_string"=This mission represents a semi-historical amalgam of several French fighter missions that took place between 11 and 16 May in the skies above southern Holland, Belgium, and northeastern France. French fighter groups involved included GC I/5, GC II/5, GC III/3, and GC III/5. GC II/6 could have also been involved. The German units involved included Bf-109 of I/JG 26 over Breda, II/ZG 76 between Sint-Truiden and Namur, as well as near Fourmies, France, & Dorniers of KG 76, also near Fourmies. The French lost six Ms-406 fighters, with another damaged, whilst downing two Bf-109s, one Do-17z, and damaging three other Dorniers.
"intelligence_string"=Once in the air, climb to 3,000m and fly northeast to Holland. Once you reach Breda, you'll fly south into Belgium, patrolling from Sint-Truiden down to Namur. Once there, you will continue to the village of Fourmies, where this patrol will end. The skies have been very active here, so you have clearence to engage German fighters or bombers. Be careful though, because other units will likely be in this area; we don't want to lose any planes to friendly fire! When you exhaust your ammo, break off and return to Saint-Omer to refuel and reload. Bonne chance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - St. Omer

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Protect the Panzer column
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Our Panzers in France are requesting assistance. One Panzer column between Le Cateau and Cambrai is being stalked by British bombers. They've been able to hold them off with ground fire, but they are running low & need help! You will come to their aid, & show the British that we won't allow them to interfere with our ground offensive!
"objective_string"=There is scant historical data for this mission. On 16 May, two Blenheim IVs of 18 Squadron got shot down by 110s as they were bombing enemy armour between Le Cateau & Cambrai. It is not known how many Zerstörers were involved, or which unit they were. They might have been from ZG 26 or ZG 76. These Blenheims did not have any escort, but their numbers are unknown. It's also unknown how many Blenheims were damaged by ground fire.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll stay at 1,000 meters and fly west-southwest toward France to reach the patrol area. The Panzer columns being harassed by enemy bombers are moving along the road from Le Cateau to Cambrai. After you locate the Panzers, you will protect them and pounce on any Allied bombers or fighters that try to attack 'em. Once the skies are clear, you may fly off & return to Bonn-Hangelar. Remember, our ground offensive depends on rapid movement, so if we lose our Panzers our offensive will be compromised!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Bonn-Hangelar

May 9th, 2018, 04:03
Good morning,

All other missions are completed. Moving on to 21 May...

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Will the He-111s show up?
"summary_string"=Kamerad, herhören! Our bombers will be attacking Nancy-Essay aerodrome, and your Zerstörers have been assigned as the escort. You'll meet them over Western Germany & then bring 'em to the airfield, keeping them safe as they attack, & then get them back to safety in Germany. Let's show the French that our eyes are not only fixed solely on Belgium and Northern France!
"objective_string"=This is a representation of two missions flown by Bf-110s of V(Z)/LG 1 on 11 May, 1940. During the morning mission, a Bf-110 and a He-111 of I/KG 53 was shot down, but the 110s responded by getting four French Mb-152s of GC I/8. In the afternoon mission, the Zerstörers also shot down two H-75s of GC II/4 over Lunéville. There are no reports of any Luftwaffe losses during the afternoon sortie. The actual number of aircraft involved during this mission are unknown.
"intelligence_string"=This is a 50/50 mission. Once airborne, you'll fly southwest & climb to 4,500m. If the bombers make the rendezvous, you'll escort them to Nancy-Essay aerodrome, & then bring them back to Germany. If the bombers don't make the rendezvous point, you will fly a fighter sweep over the city of Luneville instead, drawing enemy fighters into combat, and then taking them down. Once your fighter sweep is complete, you will return to Germany. Good luck!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Wiesbaden

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - The squadrons fly to France
"summary_string"=So, the war is officially here. We all knew that it was coming, and now it has arrived. At least we're ready for it this time. Our airfield ground element has already departed for the French aerodromes, so this morning we, and two other formations will follow them. We will see you all on the other side of the Channel. Good luck!
"objective_string"=On September 3rd, 1939, the German invasion of Poland launched a global conflict later known as World War II. Although France and Great Britain pledged their assistance, there was only sporadic activity between September 1939 and April 1940, when the Germans turned their attention north to Denmark and Norway before invading France and the Low Countries in Mid-May. This period of the war became known as the "Phoney War."
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, join up with the other Hurricane flight & head southeast toward the Channel. Along the way, a flight of Fairey Battles will join you & remain with you as part of this small initial force in France. After reaching the French coast, you'll continue flying southeast, then separate to land at Rouen aerodrome; this will be 87 Squadron's new home for the time being. While you're en route, be alert for possible enemy activity over the Channel, though this is deemed unlikely.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 87 Sqn
"airfield_string"=England - Debden North

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Protect the patrolling "Lizzie"
"summary_string"=Listen up, chaps! The Germans have gotten into the habit of taking a pop at our planes as they patrol the frontline. So today, we are going to supply an escort. Stay with the patrolling Lizzie, and don't get overexcited & start chasing Germans all over the countryside. Your only goal is to stay with the Lizzie and keep her safe!
"objective_string"=Following the rapid demise of Poland, this period between October 1939 and April 1940 was marked by relative inactivity. While some sporadic action did occur, these skirmishes were mainly limited to some artillery exchanges and minor aerial battles. This sortie is representative of the type of action that occurred during these months.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will meet up with the Lizzie over Belgium and remain with her as she scouts the Belgium-Luxembourg area, looking for any signs of German intrusion. Lizzies are not fighters, so only leave the Lysander if she's under direct attack by the enemy. After getting her back to safety, you'll return to Merville; this aerodrome puts you closer to the German border than you were at Rouen.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Merville

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Your turn along the frontline
"summary_string"=Listen up, gents! The Germans appear to be resting after their conquest of Poland, but the Luftwaffe remains active, flying patrols along & beyond the Eastern border, gathering intelligence and testing French defenses. Today you will return the favor, flying close to their border to see how they react. If you do find the Hun, show Jerry that he cannot fly over France and Belgium with impunity!
"objective_string"=Following the rapid demise of Poland, this period between October 1939 and April 1940 was marked by relative inactivity. While some sporadic action did occur, these skirmishes were mainly limited to some artillery exchanges and minor aerial battles. This sortie is representative of the type of action that occurred during these months.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, head southeast & patrol an area beginning northeast of Reims, and continue flying east-southeast until you arrive at the end of your patrol sector between Verdun and Metz. This will place you near the German border, so be prepared to encounter German fighters and bombers, likely doing the same patrol work you are about to do. If you encounter the Luftwaffe, you have permission to attack.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 1 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Vassincourt

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Merlin engine test after a refit
"summary_string"=Get moving, pilot! The maintenance chaps have just done an engine change on one of our Hurricanes & want someone to test it before nightfall. Take off and climb as you fly southwest, then come around toward Cambrai before heading back north to land safely at Lille-Seclin once more. Keep the throttle open, & see just how swiftly she will climb. Make sure she comes back in one piece!
"objective_string"=Following the rapid demise of Poland, this period between October 1939 and April 1940 was marked by relative inactivity. While some sporadic action did occur, these skirmishes were mainly limited to some artillery exchanges and minor aerial battles. However, this sortie is entirely fictional.
"intelligence_string"=Right from the start, commence climbing hard once you're airborne. If the engine is running well, you should be able to climb at better than 2,000ft per minute. Your mechanics would like to see how she runs at Angels 18; this is near a height where the Bf-109 and Bf-110 perform best at. Make sure to remain alert for dusk patrols and do not go trophy hunting; we do not want all their hard work to go to waste!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Merry Christmas, everyone!
"summary_string"=Listen, chap! A Christmas truce has been arranged, but until midnight comes we will have to remain on our guard. Larger than normal German patrols have been intruding into French airspace. In response, both we & the French are mounting larger patrols ourselves.
"objective_string"=Following the rapid demise of Poland, this period between October 1939 and April 1940 was marked by relative inactivity. While some sporadic action did occur, these skirmishes were mainly limited to some artillery exchanges and minor aerial battles. This sortie is representative of the type of action that occurred during these months.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, continue southeast to meet up with French fighters at Reims. The French Air Force right now is operating three main types; the Bloch 152, Morane-Saulnier Ms-406, & the Curtiss Hawk 75. All types are considerably slower than a Bf-109 or Bf-110, though the P-36 and Ms-406 are maneuverable. Your joined formation should allow you to handle any German aircraft you encounter. Once finished, return to Lille-Seclin. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hurricane MK1 Early 87 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - A quick start to your morning
"summary_string"=Scramble! It seems that our dawn patrol will begin earlier this morning. German bombers are bearing down on your base at low level from the northeast. Ground mechanics have finished their maintenance & warmed up the engine, so get airborne and take down the Hun!
"objective_string"=As the Spring of 1940 neared, the level of German reconnaissance activity above northeastern France increased considerably, although any combat that occurred as a result was still considered light. As a consequence, both the French & Brits increased patrols at dawn and dusk, when their aerodromes and facilities were the most vulnerable to attack.
"intelligence_string"=Once in the air, reverse your heading to intercept the Germans coming in from the northeast. Because they are attacking at dawn, any raiders will likely be unescorted. Remember; Do-17s lack protection against rear attack from below. Try to stay below their flight path as you chase them and you should be able to bring them down more easily. Once they are destroyed or you exhuast all your ammunition, landing safely completes the mission.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gladiator Mk II 615 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Vitry-en-Artois

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - High altitude recce intercept
"summary_string"=To your fighters! A German recce plane is headed this way at high altitude, and you must intercept it before the enemy bomber can escape! The level of German reconnaissance suggests that something is afoot, this very long period of stagnation might be coming to an end. Make sure that the mission today ends with a fiery wreck by taking down this kraut!
"objective_string"=On 10 May 1940, the uneasy stalemate in the west came to an abrupt end when German forces began their attack on Holland, Belgium, & France. Within three weeks, the Germans had overrun Belgium and Holland, and they successfully cut off the Allied Armies in Northeastern France from the remainder of the force to the southwest by smashing through the Ardennes and driving to the coast.
"intelligence_string"=The French report that the recce Heinkel is flying at 6,500 meters on a heading of 350 degrees. This means it will overfly Lille & continue into Belgium. You must catch and shoot down the Heinkel before it can reach Belgium & finish its recce sweep. You will need to keep the Merlin engine at full throttle in order to hold the climb rate. Catch this kraut & make sure that he does not escape!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 85 Sqn
"airfield_string"=France - Lille

May 10th, 2018, 09:11
Good afternoon,

21 May has begun. :wiggle:

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - 54 Squadron over Flanders
"summary_string"=Listen up, airmen! German recce planes have been seen flying off of Dunkirk and the Belgian coast. 54 & 74 Squadron Spitfires are being dispatched to investigate. If you find the recce planes, shoot them down & prevent 'em from escaping with their intelligence. Our forces in France are in serious trouble, and we must keep our options open if we need to escape!
"objective_string"=The morning of 21 May saw 11 Group fighters now flying from English bases. This is a semi-historical amalgam of two sorties; Spitfires of 54 & 74 Sqn (possibly) attacked a He-111 flying recce north of Dunkirk, and later a single Spitfire of 54 Sqn ran into a large formation of Ju-88s from I/LG 1 over the Belgian coast. This sortie guesses that Ostend was the target; this is also where the He-111 was attacked again. German losses include two forced landings, and no British losses were recorded.
"intelligence_string"=Once in the air, you will fly east-southeast toward the French coast, meeting 74 Sqn's Spitfires over Kent. After you reach Dunkirk, you'll patrol from Dunkirk to Ostend, looking for the recce aircraft which were seen in the area. Your task is to locate & destroy the krauts. Once this patrol is complete, return to base. Remember, total flying time above France & Belgium is finite; fuel will be a concern now that we fly from England. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Spitfire_MK1A 54 Sqn Deere
"airfield_string"=England - Hornchurch

May 11th, 2018, 06:57
Good morning,

More completed work...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - French reconnaissance hunt
"summary_string"=Good morning, lads! You'll join up with Hurricanes from Hawkinge & fly a fighter sweep over France. Rumor has it that the British & French may attack the Germans near Arras, and we need to sweep for any Luftwaffe planes trying to gather intelligence in the area. Let's support our forces and deny the Germans information that they'll need to blunt our response!
"objective_string"=This is a semi-factual amalgam of three Hurricane patrols flown by 17, 32, & 151 Sqn on 21 May. The initial patrol found no enemy aircraft, the second located a Hs-126 of 2(H)/31 flying recce north of Amiens at 8,000ft, which was promptly shot down, and the third found another Henschel flying recce near Boulogne; this Hs-126 was also brought down. Somehow, five Hurricane pilots shared credit for the morning reconnaissance plane that was downed near Amiens! No Hurricane losses were recorded.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will form up with Hurricanes from 17 and 151 Sqns and fly a fighter sweep over France beginning at Boulogne, and then continuing to Abbeville and Amiens before turning northeast for Arras. After reaching Arras you will return to England. You're cleared to engage any Luftwaffe fighters, bombers or recce planes which you find. Your flight will take the low position, with other flights taking positions at 1,000ft intervals. Good luck, and happy hunting!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 32 Sqn
"airfield_string"=England - Ramsgate

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Moonlight across the Meuse
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! The Germans continue their use of the Meuse crossings at night to reinforce units in Belgium and northeastern France. Your bombers will attempt to halt their efforts by taking out the bridges at Dinant. If successful, this will slow the enemy effort to resupply & help prevent them from pushing our forces into the sea!
"objective_string"=The evening of 21 May saw Wellington bombers of 75, 99, and 115 Sqns raid targets along the Upper Meuse, including the crossing at Dinant. This is an amalgam of at least two RAF missions over Dinant, along with another Wellington from 115 Sqn which was lost hitting troop concentrations near Cambrai during the day. At least three of the Wellingtons from these squadrons were lost during the attacks on Dinant.
"intelligence_string"=After takeoff, you will rendezvous with the other Wellingtons and cross the North Sea into Belgium. Coming ashore above Ostend, you will continue to Dinant, where you will strike the bridges over the Meuse to halt further movement and reinforcement for German forces in the area. After your raid is complete, form up and head back over Belgium and the North Sea to England, where you will rest for the night. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Vickers Wellington Mk Ic
"airfield_string"=England - Marham

May 12th, 2018, 17:54
Good evening,

Missions are more interesting when you can play with Spitfires...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - "Sailor" Malan leads 74 Sqn
"summary_string"=Listen up, chaps! Merchant vessels in the Channel have reported being harassed by small formations of German bombers, and some of their misses have been pretty close! Your Spitfires will fly a patrol from Dunirk down to Boulogne, locate these enemy planes, and put an end to the nonsense! Let's show the Germans this is not an open area for attacks!
"objective_string"=On the evening of 21 May 1940, Squadron Leader A. G. "Sailor" Malan led 74 Sqn on a sweep of the Channel ports. Off of Dunkirk, two Heinkels from II/LG 1 were attacked and claimed as probable as they attempted to attack merchants in the Channel. Later in this patrol, six Ju-88s were encountered & three were claimed as destroyed. It seems that no British fighters were lost on this patrol, and no German escorts were reported.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will cross the North Sea and patrol from Dunkirk along the French coastline to Boulogne, scanning for any German bombers trying to hit merchant vessels in the Channel. Your height for this hop will be Angels 12. A second section of Spitfires will take the lower position at Angels 8. Once your patrol is complete or you exhaust your ammo, you will return to Rochford. Good luck, and happy hunting!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Spitfire_MK1A 54 Sqn Deere
"airfield_string"=England - Rochford

May 13th, 2018, 03:31
Good morning,

Nice to be back on a bit of a roll...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Boulogne is now threatened
"summary_string"=Let's get moving! Enemy Panzer columns are moving north on the roads between Montreuil-sur-Mer and Boulogne, & threatening our hold on this vital port. If the BEF is forced to withdraw from French soil within several days, losing the Channel ports could be catastrophic! Find the columns & destroy them, whilst reinforcements are sent to keep the port in our hands!
"objective_string"=The afternoon of 21 May saw Blenheims of 15 Sqn and possibly others raid armored columns between Boulogne & Montreuil-sur-Mer. During this assault, two Blenheim IVs from 15 Squadron were damaged by intense flak. Hurricanes from Fighter Command provided the escort, but any squadron information is not known. Twenty-four Blenheim IVs took part in the raid. It seems that no German aircraft were encountered during this sortie.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will fly southeast and climb up to Angels 8. Along the way, your escorts will meet you over Kent before you cross the Channel. Over France, you'll strike the column moving north from Montreuil-sur-Mer, while the other formation will attack the column further north near Samer. Make sure you release on these Panzers accurately, and then return to England to refuel & reload; we must try to prevent the enemy from reaching Boulgone. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Blenheim Mk4-1 139 Sqn
"airfield_string"=England - Fowlmere

May 14th, 2018, 04:50
Good morning,

The last British mission for 21 May...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - 610 Sqn gets trigger-happy
"summary_string"=To your fighters! Some of the Panzer column south of Boulogne is still intact, and more Blenheims are being sent out to locate & destroy it. You'll escort part of the bomber force striking a rail junction, while Spitfires will escort the remaining bombers. Let's show these German Panzers that they cannot roam the French countryside without paying a high price!
"objective_string"=This mission is a quasi-historical amalgam of two RAF bomber assaults near Montreuil-sur-Mer just before 1800 hours on 21 May 1940. In confused & chaotic combat, nine Blenheims of 18 and 82 Sqns were shot at by Spitfires of 610 Sqn by accident, with one lost. Simultaneously, a second bomber of 18 Sqn was shot at along the coast returning from raiding columns near Montreuil-sur-Mer, and was forced to land in France. An effort to hit the rail junction near Montreuil-sur-Mer was escorted by Hurricanes of 151 Sqn and Spitfires from 54 Sqn. To simulate friendly-fire attacks, a low chance of intercept by German fighters has been included.
"intelligence_string"=The bombers are passing over Manston right now, so once you get airborne, turn south and climb as you catch up to them. You will cover the Blenheims hitting a rail junction at Montreuil-sur-Mer, while the Spitfires will cover the Blenheims raiding the Panzer columns a bit north of Montreuil. Once the bombers release, you will escort them back to the Channel before breaking away toward Manston. Be careful what you shoot at; friendly-fire incidents have been more of a problem as these battles get more chaotic. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 32 Sqn
"airfield_string"=England - Ramsgate

May 14th, 2018, 11:40
Lucky for us you never seem to rest Rami! Looking forward to this one.


May 22nd, 2018, 13:13

May 22nd, 2018, 17:33
Good evening,

A couple of Dorniers in tight formation during a bombing run to Beauvais...

May 22nd, 2018, 22:39
Hi Rami,

Nice pic.

You can see how the Camo fits well.



May 23rd, 2018, 01:28
Good morning,

One more mission to go, then 21 May will be complete. And the last one is well underway.

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Take control of Boulogne
"summary_string"=Aufpassen Männer! The BEF is pushing back hard at Arras, & are trying to prevent us from reaching the Channel ports, including the port of Boulogne! If we can reach and capture these ports, it could prevent the British from evacuating France by sea, then we can isolate & destroy them in detail. Let's make sure that we put Boulogne out of commission!
"objective_string"=On the evening of 21 May about twenty He-111s of III/LG I with an equal number of Zerstorers from II/ZG 76 were intercepted above Calais by a RAF pilot of 229 Sqn. As other Hurricanes jumped in, a running battle developed from Calais to Boulogne, with two Hurricanes downed by II/ZG 76. Despite this, the Germans did lose one 111 from III/LG I. This mission deviates from the historical record a bit by having all RAF pilots attack as an organized force, rather than scattered elements.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll fly west-southwest & climb to 5,000m as you head for the Pas-de-Calais. You will raid the British-held port of Boulogne, which we must capture to trap the Allies on the continent and prevent their escape. Once near the port, you will raid from the sea so that you will already be heading for Germany once you release. and should help prevent you from being harassed by fighters. Once your attack is finished, return to Germany to retire for the evening!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Monchengladbach

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - KG 2 now takes their turn
"summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! Our Kampfgeschwader units have been raiding cities and towns north of Paris throughout the day. KG 53 has paid a price for the attacks, so other units are being sent to give them rest. You will attack a major railyard & factories at Beauvais, with help from escort fighters. Let's deny French forces the resources which they need to continue fighting us!
"objective_string"=On the evening of 21 May, Do-17 bombers of KG 2 were attacked by French Ms-406s from GC III/2 west of Estrees-St-Denis, northwest of Creil. The escort of Bf-110s from V(Z)/LG 1 damaged two of the enemy fighters badly enough they were forced to land. In the same area, a third Ms-406 was also forced to land after being engaged by Zerstorers from III/ZG 26, northwest of Creil. It is assumed that the Dorniers struck the town of Beauvais, but neither this, nor German losses, can be comfirmed.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll fly west-southwest to reach the town of Beauvais. The escorts will rendezvous with you shortly after takeoff. Once you approach Beauvais, the bombers will spread out; your height will be 4,000m, whilst the other flights will stack above and below you. These escorts will remain in front and draw any fighters away from you. Your target is a factory complex just southwest of the large rail yard, other flights will hit the railyard & another factory complex just to the north. After you release, return to Germany and retire for the evening. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
"airfield_string"=Germany - Biblis

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - KG 53 in trouble at Creil
"summary_string"=Kamerad, herhören! The city of Creil has a major aircraft manufacuring plant that is making enemy fighters at a breakneck pace. Your bomber gruppe will attack this French factory & destroy it. Your bombers will have escort protection, so let's show the French that their efforts to force us from the air are too little and too late!
"objective_string"=This is a semi-historical amalgam of two raids; the primary strike was on the evening of 19 May, when bombers of III/KG 53 struck rail targets at Creil. In the primary raid, one bomber was shot down by Bloch 152s from GC II/1, southeast of Compiegne. The second element is more ill-defined; during the afternoon of 21 May, a Zerstorer of II/ZG I was shot down providing escort for He-111s southwest of Soissons. This mission combined the two events.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll fly west-southwest & climb to 5,000m. The escort fighters should rendezvous with you over Eastern France. When you get close to Creil, your bombers will attack a major aircraft manufacturing plant and railyard in the city. This target is likely to be heavily defended, and with you being so close to Paris, fighter intercepts are likely. Make sure you hit your targets hard, we do not want to lose a lot of aircraft making repeated attacks!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Wiesbaden

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - An unusual twin encounter
"summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! Luftwaffe bombers will be hitting rail and industrial targets to the northeast of Paris today, & all available fighter gruppen are being sent to help! You will provide fighter escort for Heinkels of III/KG 53 who will hit a railyard and vehicle depot at Noyon, and a munitions plant at Montdidier. Let's show the French that we just won't allow them to create the materials they need to defeat us!
"objective_string"=This is a quasi-historical mission. While the actual mission occurred during 19 May, the date has been shifted to 21 May to more closely tie in with other missions within this same general area. The Bf-110 escort is fictional, but intercept by Potez 631s of ECN 1/13 and 4/13 east of Compiegne is real. The bombers of III/KG 53 were attacking rail targets between Noyon & Montdidier. One German bomber caught fire from attacks by Potez 631s, but there is no record of whether it made it back to base or not.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will head south to rendezvous with the bombers over Eastern France. You should reach 4,500m by the time you rendezvous with the bombers, and then form up and escort them to the targets at Noyon & Montdidier. Above the targets, make sure to draw any enemy fighters away from the bombers. Once the bombers clear the targets, bring them back toward Germany before returning to Asch. Good luck!
"airfield_string"=Belgium - Asch

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Counterattack near Arras
"summary_string"=Besatzungen, aufgepasst! Our Panzers have pushed the Brits out of Cambrai, but they're now fighting back at Arras. You will fly a patrol between these two cities, and deny enemy fighters from assisting the attack at Arras! We must help our forces push back this BEF counterattack, otherwise our forces in the area could be vulnerable!
"objective_string"=This is an amalgam of three engagements flown by Bf-109s over the Arras-Cambrai sector on 21 May. In the morning, 109s of I/JG 3 jumped Bloch 152s from GC II/8, downing two but losing two of their own. Later in the afternoon, two Ms-406 fighters of GC I/6 were damaged and a third shot down by Bf-109s (JG ?) east of Arras. Following this, four Ms-406s from GC III/6 were claimed by I/JG 21 over Cambrai. Two more escaped, but were likely finished by Werner Molders' Gruppe: III/JG 53. This mission combines these three events.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will head for the city of Arras & climb to 4,000m. The patrol sector will be from Arras to Cambrai, where you'll look for & engage British or French fighters. Other German fighters will be in the area, and will assist your efforts if needed. Make sure to identify your targets before shooting, we do not want to lose our own fighters to friendly fire! After you finish the patrol, head to Chievres to refuel and reload. Good luck!
"airfield_string"=Belgium - Chievres

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Patrolling before breakfast
"summary_string"=Guten Morgen! Your gruppen has been assigned to fly a dawn patrol over France to the north & east of Paris. You'll sweep the area for enemy fighters and engage them, and hopefully knocking them out of the sky so that they won't attack our bombers slated to hit the area today! Let's show the French that we now control the skies!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 21 May, Bf-110s of III/ZG 26 on a dawn patrol over France, engaged Bloch 152s of GC I/1 & GC II/I between the city of Creil and the village of Chantilly, badly mauling two of the French fighters & forcing them to land. There are no records of any German losses, nor is there any information on the numbers of aircraft involved in this engagement.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will join the other Bf-110s and fly southwest into the patrol zone. You will patrol over the Creil-Chantilly area, & hopefully draw up these French fighters into combat. Your goal is to shoot down as many fighters as you can, and then fly back to Monchengladbach. You'll probably be in action again above this area today, so let's get started on a good note!
"airfield_string"=Germany - Monchengladbach

May 23rd, 2018, 01:29
Good morning,

Here are three of the French missions from 21 May...

"title_string"=Battle of France - Heinkel reconnaissance over Lille
"summary_string"=Mettons-nous en l'air rapidement! A German recce bomber has been spotted between Orchies & Lille, observing our ground forces! You must get to this area quickly and destroy this bomber before she has a chance to escape. The Germans may use this intelligence to attack our frontline at vulnerable points to try and push us into the sea. We must not allow this to happen!
"objective_string"=Just after noon on 21 May, two Dewoitine 520s of GC II/3 collided during attack on an He-111 north of Douai. The bomber of 1(F)/121, which was shot down, was performing observation of Allied troop movements between Lille and Orchies. The element of Luftwaffe fighters coming to the rescue of the Heinkel isn't historical, and just added to provide an element of action in the mission.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll fly north-northeast & climb to 4,750m. When you reach Orchies, look for this Luftwaffe recce bomber, and try to shoot it down before it nears Lille. If you can't, enemy fighters may reach the bomber and provide protection so it can escape. Once the bomber is destroyed, return to base. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dewoitine D520 Mai 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Dammartin-en-Goele

"title_string"=Battle of France - Chase down a enemy spy at Senlis
"summary_string"=Décollage vite, pilotes! Les espions allemands sont dans l'air! You will find this German recce bomber spotted above Senlis & shoot it down before it has an opportunity to return to Germany! We must not allow the Germans to gain any intelligence on this important industrial sector because if they attack it, we may lose crucial resources we need to fight them. Let's deny the Germans any intelligence!
"objective_string"=At 1100 hours on 21 May, a Bloch 152 of GC II/9 was forced to land after being damaged by return fire from a Dornier Do-17p of 4(F)/11. This recce aircraft, taking photographs between Compiegne & Senlis, was also attacked by French fighters from GC II/1 & ECN 1/13 when it was intercepted again northeast of Creil. As a result of this attack, this German recce plane never made it to Germany and was forced to land in France.
"intelligence_string"=After takeoff, you will fly northeast and climb to 3,500m. You'll reach Senlis initially; sweep from there up to Compiegne, continuing your northeast course. The assignment is to shoot down the recce bomber, but it is likely that German fighters will try to protect her. Other fighters may assist your efforts, but it is your flight that has the primary task. Once the bomber is destroyed, clean up any combat with German fighters, complete the patrol by reaching Compiegne, and return to Guyancourt. Bonne chance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Bloch MB.152
"airfield_string"=France - Guyancourt

"title_string"=Battle of France - Prevent the German push on Paris
"summary_string"=Besatzungen, aufgepasst! Luftwaffe bombers have been striking targets north of Paris for two days, and their fighters have taken a heavy toll on ours in the process. You will respond today by leading an aggressive patrol over the area and showing the Germans we won't cower on the ground. Make sure they hear the message by taking them down. Bonne chance!
"objective_string"=This is a semi-historical amalgam of two sorties by Ms-406 fighters of GC 5/1 & GC III/7 on 21 May. During the morning sortie, two Ms-406s of GC 5/1 were shot down by Bf-109s northeast of Creil. In the afternoon sortie, five Ms-406s from GC III/7 were shot down by Messerschmitt 109s of I/JG 2, III/JG 2, II/JG 53, and III/JG 53. One Bf-109s of Stab II/JG 53 returned damaged, but no other German losses were recorded.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll fly north-northeast to reach the village of Montdidier, then patrol from there southeast to Compiegne. Other flights of Moranes will be with you. During your patrol, look for and then engage any Luftwaffe fighters that enter the area, and try to take down as many of them as you can. Once completed, return to Velizy-Villacoublay to refuel and reload.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=MS 406 Sgt de Puybusque 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Velizy-Villacoublay

May 23rd, 2018, 05:44
Good morning,

Here is the last mission for 21 May, 1940...

"title_string"=Battle of France - 520 reasons to decimate Dorniers
"summary_string"=Décollez maintenant, les bombardiers allemands se dirigent de cette façon! German bombers might be attacking the areas south & east of Compiegne and Creil. We have numerous factories turning out war matériel in this area, & we cannot afford for them to be destroyed! Find the German bombers and try to prevent the raid!
"objective_string"=Late in the afternoon on 21 May, a Dewoitine 520 of GC II/3 was shot down by Bf-110s from II/ZG I, likely part of an escort for Dorniers from KG 3. One of these Dornier bombers was damaged by the French squadron southwest of Compiegne, shortly after the first Dewoitine was lost. No other losses on either side were recorded. This fictonal attack is streamlined somewhat by having the Zerstorers with the Dorniers at the point of intercept.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will climb up to 3,500m, while the second flight of fighters will climb to 1,000m above you. You will try and intercept the bombers before they reach the towns south & east of Creil and Compiegne. Before rolling in for an attack, be sure that you look for escort fighters. Attack the enemy until you exhaust all your ammunition, then break off and return to Dammartin-en-Goele. Rest well, tomorrow will likely be another busy day of combat. Bonne chance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dewoitine D520 Mai 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Dammartin-en-Goele

May 23rd, 2018, 07:32
Good morning,

Here is the grocery list for 22 May...


Mission one (British bomber) - 15, (Wyton) 103, 142 (Gaye)

0530 Battle (103) crash-landed damaged by ground-fire during attack on enemy armour between Amiens and Bernaville.

Battle of 142 force-landed outside Paris in bad weather following attack on enemy tanks between Amiens and Abbeville.

2250 Battle (142) lost bearings and force-landed south of Paris during sortie to attack targets near Florenville.

1900 Blenheim IV (15) returned damaged by AA fire during attack on columns south of Boulogne.

Mission two (British fighter) 605 - (Hawkinge) I/JG 3 - (Cambrai-Niergnies)

1210 N of Arras Hurricanes of 605 Sqn attack He-111s (III/KG 27) and their escort of Bf-109s (2/JG 3). Four Hurricanes lost, but three bombers shot down.

1215 Four Hurricanes (605) shot down by 2/JG 3 109s during attack on He-111s (III/KG 27) N of Arras and W of Douai. Three bombers shot down. (RAF: 11 Group)

Mission three (British fighter) 54, 65 - (Hornchurch) III/LG 1 - (Monchengladbach)

1400 Ju-88s of 8/LG 1 encountered by 54 and 65 Sqn Spitfires during an attack on shipping, including the tanker Clary, west of Boulogne. Two bombers shot down and another damaged.

Ju-88a-1 of 8/LG 1 shot down by 54 during attack on shipping west of Boulogne.

Ju-88a-1 (8/LG 1) attacked and seriously damaged by Spitfires of 65 during an attack on the tanker Cleary west of Boulogne. A/c force-landed near Montreuil.

Ju-88a-1 of 9/LG 1 badly damaged in attack by Spits west of Boulogne. (RAF: 11 Group)

Mission four (British bomber) 15, 57, (Wyton) 107 (Wattisham)

1700 One Blenheim IV shot down and four returned damaged by ground-fire during attacks on enemy transport Hesdin-St. Pol.

1800 Blenheim IV (107) hit by AA during attack on enemy transport south of Samer. Ditched seven miles from English coast.

1900 Blenheim IV (15) returned damaged by AA fire during attack on columns south of Boulogne.

Unknown Blenheim IV of 57 crashed alongside Cambrai road at Harcourt, south of Arras.

Mission five (Stuka) 145, (Hawkinge) III/StG 2, (Vassincourt) I/JG 51 (Laon)

1910 145 Sqn engage Ju-87s (9/StG 2) and 109s (2/JG 51) southwest of Hazebrouck.

1910 Bf-109e of 2/JG 51 shot down in combat with 145 over Aire, west of Hazebrouck. (RAF: 11 Group)

1925 Ju-87B (9/StG 2) shot down by 145 southwest of Arques. (RAF: 11 Group)

Mission six (Stuka) 151, (Ramsgate) StG 77, (Brustem)

1930 151 Sqn attack Ju-87s (4/StG 77) during bombing of roads east of St. Omer. Four dive-bombers shot down.

1930 Four Ju-87b-1s of 4/StG 77 shot down by 151 during attack on roads east of St. Omer. (RAF: 11 Group)

Mission seven (German fighter) 32, (Ramsgate) I/JG 1 (Laon) I/JG 27 (Laon)

2000 Near St. Omer, 32 Sqn Hurricanes, patrolling Arras-Merville, get into a scrap with 109s of 3/JG 1. Two 109s downed for the loss of one Hurricane.

2000 Hurricane of 32 shot down in combat with 109s near Arras. (RAF: 11 Group)

Unknown Two Bf-109e-3s of 3/JG 1, shot down by Hurricanes near Arras.

Bf-109e-1 of I/JG 27 shot down by Hurricanes near Arras.

Mission eight (British bomber) [Ramsgate]

2010 One Lysander shot down and another damaged (2) by ground-fire during bombing attack on roads between Etaples and Boulogne.

A third was destroyed when unreleased bombs detached and exploded on return to Bekesbourne. 11 Lysanders were involved in this clearly desperate mission.

Mission nine (British bomber) [Gaye]

26 AASF bombers (Blenheims, Battles) sent against Meuse crossings at Fumay and Chateau-Regnault. Nine returned without locating targets.


Mission ten (French bomber) GB II/19, (Evereux) GBA I/51 and GBA II/51, (Velizy-Villacoublay) I/JG 3, (Cambrai-Niergnies) II/JG 3 (Cambrai-Niergnies)

1140 Two Potez 633 (GBA II/51) shot down by 109s of JG 3 during low-level attack on armour between Cambrai and St. Quentin.

1152 Breguet 693 of GBA I/51 damaged by flak and then engaged by 109s (II/JG 3) during attack on enemy armour between Cambrai and St. Quentin.

PM Two Douglas DB-7 (GB II/19) shot down by flak during attack on motorised columns between Cambrai and St. Quentin.

Mission eleven (French bomber) GB I/63, (Evereux)

1215 Two Martin 167Fs (GB I/63) damaged by flak during attack on motorised columns between Cambrai and Le Cateau.

Mission eleven (French fighter) GC II/3, (Dammartin-en-Goele) I/Tr.Gr.186 (Juvaincourt) I/ZG 1 (Monchengladbach)

1715 Two D-520s (GC II/3) damaged, and one shot down by 110s, following combat with Ju-87s of I/Tr.Gr.186 between Bapaume and Cambrai.

Bf-110c of 1/ZG 1 shot down by fighters east of Lille.

Two Stukas shot down and one damaged.

May 23rd, 2018, 13:34
Wow, when you list it like that it shows the level of commitment made... and the losses incurred trying to stave off a French defeat.

May 23rd, 2018, 13:42
Wow, when you list it like that it shows the level of commitment made... and the losses incurred trying to stave off a French defeat.


For each day I'm working through, I start by consolidating the two lists and making coherent sense of it, and then figure out from which side the mission will be flown. I also am trying to avoid too much repitition, although in some cases it's unavoidable. Without having a ready-made mission and having to do every one from scratch, I plan and map it out in my mind before I turn mission builder into my own personal etch-a-sketch. :costumed-smiley-034

May 24th, 2018, 08:39
Pity she's not really fast enough to catch anything once they knew you were around...

May 25th, 2018, 12:00
two can play this game


the first 'stealth' fighter

May 27th, 2018, 17:04
Baldy and UncleTgt,

Great pics. :encouragement: I've been plugging away, working through 22 May...

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Support the drive to Calais
"summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! Allied forces are now about to be pushed out of Boulogne, and our kommanders want to eliminate any aerial resistance in the area as Panzer units will now start their push on Calais. To this end, you'll raid the airfield at Saint Omer and destroy any resistance there. Show the Allied soldiers their time in France is over! (In actuality, the British left this base the evening of 20 May)
"objective_string"=On the evening of 22 May, Stukas from III/StG 2 were intercepted just west of Hazebrouck, France by Hurricanes of 145 Squadron. It seems that one Stuka from 9/StG 2 was lost on this mission, along with a Bf-109 from 2/JG 51. No Hurricanes seem to have been lost. A target was not specified, but given where the Germans were intercepted and the locations where aircraft were lost, the airfield at Saint Omer was the likely target, & this has been reflected during the mission. The total number of planes involved is unknown.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will join the other Stukas and fly northwest toward the Channel. As you pass the airfields northeast of Reims, you will meet up with the escorts, whom will protect you over the target. As you approach Saint Omer, you will use the town of Hazebrouck (just off the starboard wing) as a reference point. Over this aerodrome, focus your attacks on hangars, fuel stores, ammo crates, and other buildings. When finished, quickly clear out to the southeast and fly back to base. NOTE: This mission will nearly exhaust your fuel stores, so do not linger too long over the target. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=France - Vassincourt

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Hunting over Hazebrouck
"summary_string"=Achtung, kameraden! The British have been thrown back at Arras; they are now trying desperately to hold on to the Channel ports as we push them back to the sea! You will hit a vehicle depot that recce units located in the town of Hazebrouck, east of Saint Omer. If we can destroy this depot, we may be able to paralyze their retreat, and be able to trap them in France! Let's do our part to make this happen!
"objective_string"=On the evening of 22 May 1940, whilst III/StG 2 was attacking Saint Omer, II/StG 77 was nearby, attacking vehicles on the roads east of this base. Unlike the Stukas of III/StG 2, this Stuka force lacked escort, & got intercepted by Hurricanes of 151 Squadron. Four Stukas were shot down, & the effectiveness of the raid is not known. Two major changes have been made to this mission; an escort of Bf-110s are included to improve survivability, and a vehicle depot in the town of Hazebrouck has been chosen as the target.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will join with the other Stukas and then head west into France. While StG 2 raids Saint Omer, your flight will raid an enemy vehicle depot in Hazebrouck, about fifteen kilometers to the east. Along the way, an escort of Bf-110s will meet you before leaving Belgium. Over the target, focus on destroying enemy vehicles, fuel stores, & buildings in the depot. When complete, break off and return to Brustem. Hopefully, the escorts can fend off enemy fighters so you can hit your targts accurately. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=Belgium - Brustem

"title_string"=Battle of France - Supporting our forces at Bapaume
"summary_string"=Attention, pilotes! Aujourd'hui, nous aurons besoin de vos meilleurs effort! Allied forces took back & are still controlling the town of Bapaume, & we'll patrol over the area to try & ward off any German attacks. The town lies on a major road junction, & the Germans want to take it back. Let's show them that we will protect and support our comrades on the ground!
"objective_string"=The evening of 22 May 1940 saw Ju-87s in action all over the front. Prior to the evening attacks by StG 2 and StG 77, Stukas of I/Trägergruppe 186 were intercepted by Dewoitine D-520s of GC II/3 between Bapaume and Cambrai. These Stukas were escorted by Bf-110s. During this running dogfight, two Stukas were shot down and one damaged, but a D-520 was lost & two damaged. Another Bf-110 was lost in combat just east of Lille; this has been absorbed into the mission. Any Stukas lost are not known. The town of Bapaume has been selected as the target, but this can't be verified historically.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will join the other D-520s and head north-northeast, climbing up to 4,000 meters before you reach Bapaume. From here, continue to Cambrai, scanning for German fighters or bombers in the area. If you do run into any bombers, try to keep them from reaching Bapaume, where some of our forces are desperately keeping the town from enemy hands. Let's lend support to our friends on the ground and protect them from the Germans!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dewoitine D520 Mai 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Dammartin-en-Goele

"title_string"=Battle of France - Martin Marylands entering the fray
"summary_string"=Écoutez aviateurs! Les véhicules allemands sont en mouvement, et nous devons les arrêter! Today, you will fly a new bomber, the 167F, which is fast and more nimble, so let's now put these planes to good use and knock out the Wehrmacht column. We must show the enemy that they cannot move around with impunity!
"objective_string"=Around noon on 22 May 1940, Martin 167Fs made their debut in the Battle of France with GB I/63, attacking German columns along the roads between Cambrai and Le Cateau. While raiding the columns, two of these bombers were holed by flak. Luckily, the bombers did not encounter any enemy fighters despite lacking escorts, & they all appear to have made it back. The effectiveness of the raid on the column is not known.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will head northeast toward the town of Cambrai. From there, you will continue to the east-southeast, sweeping the road and looking for any sign of enemy vehicle movement. When you find the enemy column, use your bombs to wipe out as many vehicles as possible. If German fighters are not nearby, you may use your machine guns to make a strafing run. Once your attack is complete, continue to Le Cateau to make sure the roads are clear, then return to your base at Evereux. Bonne chance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Martin A167 GBI/62 1940
"airfield_string"=France - Evreux

"title_string"=Battle of France - Débuts des bombardiers américain
"summary_string"=Écoutez aviateurs! Les véhicules allemands sont en mouvement, et nous devons les arrêter! Today, you will fly a new bomber, the DB-7, which is fast and more nimble, so let's now put these planes to good use and knock out the Wehrmacht column. We must show the enemy that they cannot move around with impunity!
"objective_string"=Around noon on 22 May 1940, Douglas DB-7s made their debut in the Battle of France with GB II/19, attacking German columns along the roads between Cambrai & Saint Quentin. These were accompanied by Potez 633s of GBA II/52 & Breguet 693s from GBA I/51, who were attacking in the same area at the time. Over this column, they were intercepted by Bf-109s of I/JG 3. Two Potez 633s were shot down, together with two Douglas DB-7s, while one Breguet 693 was damaged by flak & then by 109s, but apparently survived. The escort of Bloch 152s for this mission is fictional, but provided for your protection.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will fly northeast, meeting up with these Breguet and Potez bombers before you reach Cambrai. From Cambrai, you will follow the roads south toward Saint Quentin. When you find the German column, use your bombs to wipe out as many vehicles as possible. If enemy fighters show up, the escorts should be able to handle it, while your bombers clear the area. After reaching Saint Quentin, turn southwest and make your way back to Evereux. The other bombers will break off and return to their base en route, as will the escorts. Bonne chance!
"airfield_string"=France - Evreux

Killer Svend
May 27th, 2018, 22:29

I look forward to fight the battles on the day I was born, the 22nd May 1940.

Killer Svend:applause:

May 27th, 2018, 23:35

I look forward to fight the battles on the day I was born, the 22nd May 1940.

Killer Svend:applause:

Would that be a milk run?:jump:

Killer Svend
May 28th, 2018, 01:46


Killer Svend:applause:

May 30th, 2018, 05:27
Good morning,

Here are a couple of interesting missions...

"title_string"=Battle of France (Stuka) - Raze the field at Aspelare
"summary_string"=Männer, herhören! A Henschel Hs-126 recce plane witnessed a British Lysander land at a small field near Aspelare, Belgium. Your Stukas will raid this field, hitting stores, aircraft, & the enemy forces now occupying the field. Let's show the enemy that they will not use this airbase to spy on our forces without being overrun!
"objective_string"=After dawn on 16 May 1940, a German recce plane spotted a British Lysander landing at a small grass field in Belgium, near the village of Aspelare. The German plane radioed the location of the airfield, & a large formation of Stukas were sent to hit the field. The RAF planes were a flight of six Lizzies detatched from 4 Sqn, based out of Lille-Ronchin. This mission differs from history by having a low chance of intercept by Belgian biplane fighters, & by having these Stukas also raid the nearby towns of Ninove and Geraardsbergen.
"intelligence_string"=After take off, form up with the other Stukas and climb up to 3,000 meters as you head into Belgium. Near Aspelare all Stukas will spread out, with one gruppe hitting Ninove, & another Geraardsbergen. After your attack, clear out toward the northeast and head back to Germany. The Belgian aircraft is not yet a defeated force, so keep those eyes open for all enemy fighters, just in case. Near Aspelare airfield, Make sure to pound parked aircraft, fuel stores, and ammo crates. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=JU87B Stuka 2-I-StG1 Maj.Werner Rench
"airfield_string"=Germany - Koln-Ostheim

"title_string"=BoF Kampfgeschwader - Set a trap for Lysanders
"summary_string"=Meine Herren! Our friends on the ground have set a trap to catch the British aircraft that have been recording our movements, & we'll finish them off. The shelling of their airbase has ceased, allowing them to escape. They are heading for Saint Omer, where we're attacking, and the fighters escorting your bombers will finish 'em off! Let's swat these enemy flies right out of the sky!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 22 May, the remaining thirteen Lysanders left Lille-Ronchin after a lull in German shelling allowed them to escape. However, it was a ploy; by the time they reached St. Omer they were met by an attack of some fifty Dorniers, Bf-109s, & Bf-110s. This lull in the shelling was a trap, and these remaining Lysanders were forced to scatter. This eliminated many of the remaining Lysanders, as they were picked off by fighters. For the sake of variety, this German version has the Lysanders attacked at St. Omer, the British mission will have the attack at Lille-Ronchin.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll fly west-northwest & climb to 3,250 meters. Along the way to Saint Omer, you will meet up with the escort of Bf-110s & Bf-109s. You'll be lower than usual for this raid; the 109s and 110s will try to intercept these Lysanders who should be reaching Saint Omer around the time of your raid. Your bombers are essentially "bait," so after you release, clear the field while the escort fighters mop up. Let's try to get all these bombers home, we have got the Brits on the ropes and will need all our resources to finish the job!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17Z2
"airfield_string"=Germany - Gelnhausen

May 30th, 2018, 09:11
Good afternoon,

If you aim them right, they can be effective...

May 31st, 2018, 13:49
There were lots of Blue on Blue incidents this early in the war.

This Blenheim IVF of 248 squadron was part of a vic of 3 that fought an air battle with three Bf-110s off the Belgian coast, claiming a kill. The British flight claimed two in total, with a single Bf-110 escaping. Only on their return to base did they find out they had shot down a Potez 631. The French similarly reported an air battle with Ju-88s...

One of the Frenchmen that bailed out was nearly lynched by Belgians on landing, who were also convinced he must be a German. Talk about a bad day! :beaten:

May 31st, 2018, 13:59
Good evening,

A couple more in the books...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Guard the Channel convoys
"summary_string"=To your fighters, gentlemen! British vessels are in the Channel and your Spitfires have been assigned to fly a patrol over the ships, defending 'em from attacks by German fighters and bombers. Meet the ships off of Boulogne, & then keep them safe until they get through the Channel, & show the Germans that the waters of the Channel belong to us!
"objective_string"=In the early afternoon on 22 May, Spitfires of 54 and 74 Squadron intercepted Ju-88s of III/LG 1, raiding British ships in the English Channel off of Boulogne. Two Ju-88s were shot down and another bomber damaged; in actuality, the total might have been as high as three, with another damaged after being attacked by 65 Squadron. She crash-landed near Montreuil-sur-Mer. It seems that no Spitfires were lost during this mission.
"intelligence_string"=After getting into the air, you'll form up with the other Spitfires & then head southeast to reach the Channel. Once over the water you'll trace the path of the ships from Boulogne up to the north & east, defending the convoy from attack. The tanker ship Cleary is the ship that we can least afford to lose. Once all attacks are repulsed, you'll sweep ahead of these ships to confirm their path remains clear, & then return to the airfield at Hornchurch. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Spitfire_MK1A 54 Sqn Deere
"airfield_string"=England - Hornchurch

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Dusk patrol of Pas-de-Calais
"summary_string"=Get airborne now! A Blenheim bomber is about to overfly your base, and 32 Sqn will escort it while the recce bomber monitors German vehicle columns moving on the frontline. Try to protect the bomber if it's possible, but also attempt to get the better of any Germans you encounter. Let's show the hun that France has not been conquered yet!
"objective_string"=Just before dusk on 22 May, 32 Sqn undertook an evening patrol across France, flying from Merville to Arras. Above Arras, they ran right into Bf-109s of I/JG 1 and possibly I/JG 27. It seems that the Hurricanes got the better of these Bf-109s during the encounter, shooting down two, possibly three Bf-109s for the loss of a Hurricane. This mission has been combined with a single Blenheim bomber which crash-landed at Haucourt, just several miles southeast of Arras. It is unknown if there was any connection, but the two events happened in close proximity, so it appeared logical to combine them.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, your Squadron will form up around the Blenheim and follow her as the bomber sweeps from Merville down to Arras, looking for any signs of enemy vehicles, especially along the road from Cambrai to Arras. If German fighters are sighted, engage them and attempt to keep these away from the recce bomber. Even if this Blenheim is lost, be aggressive and take down as many fighters as you can. Once you exhaust all ammo, break off & make your way back to Manston, where you'll retire for the evening. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=AH_Hurricanemk1 32 Sqn
"airfield_string"=England - Ramsgate

June 1st, 2018, 12:03
Good afternoon,

More work completed....

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Quelling German movement
"summary_string"=Listen up! Tonight, we will attack crossings along the Meuse, focusing on the bridges being used to funnel enemy troops to the front. If we can knock out the bridges & factories in these towns we may blunt the German offensive in this area, and force them to divert forces from elsewhere. Let's keep the pressure on them!
"objective_string"=The evening of 22 May 1940 saw a force of some twenty-six Battles and Blenheims attack crossings along the Meuse near Fumay and Château-Regnault. (The town of Revin has been used as a substitute) No information on the effectiveness of the raid is available, except that nine of the planes returned without locating their targets. The Battles of 103 and 142 Squadrons, operating from Gaye, were in action primarily at night, but as the situation grew more desperate, they began being used in daylight operations again.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will fly north-northeast to hit the town of Fumay, which is along the Meuse River & has been used by the Germans as a crossing for their troops and for vehicle columns. A formation of Blenheims will hit the town of Revin just after your release. Over this target, focus on factories or bridges in the town, and watch out for German fire. Once your raid is complete, return to Gaye to refuel and reload. Do not linger too long over the target; these Battles are very vulnerable to enemy fire!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Battle Mk1
"airfield_string"=France - Gaye

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - The Blenheims test thier luck
"summary_string"=Listen up, airmen! Our brethren on the ground are trying to hold on to the port at Boulogne, and your bombers will bolster their effort by locating and attacking any German columns moving toward them along the road from Samer and Montreuil-sur-Mer. Let's show the Germans we won't hang our forces on the ground out to dry!
"objective_string"=In the early evening of 22 May, two Blenheims of 15 and 107 Squadron were lost over the course of two hours, with seven more being heavily damaged by ground fire while making attack runs on enemy columns between Montreuil-sur-Mer and Boulogne, concentrating at the town of Samer. Fortunately, the exposed bombers were not attacked by enemy fighters, but their overall effectiveness in halting the German columns appears to be minimal. By the end of the day, the situation for the British at the port seemed hopeless.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off you'll form up and fly southeast, crossing the French coastline near Boulogne. Your altitude for the sortie will remain low; your flight will release from 2,000 feet, while the other two flights will stack at intervals of 1,000 feet above you. As you approach Samer, look for any German columns moving north & attack them, destroying as many vehicles as you can. After you release, turn due north to clear the area and return to England. If these skies are clear, you may make a strafing pass, but be careful; we cannot afford to lose our bombers at this critical time. Get back safe, & be ready for the fight tomorrow!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Blenheim Mk4-1 105 Sqn RAF Hughie Edwards
"airfield_string"=England - Fowlmere

June 5th, 2018, 18:04
Good evening,

The last missions for 22 May...

"title_string"=BoF Jagdgeschwader - Boulogne is now the focus
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kamerad! Luftwaffe bombers are now passing through Belgium, well on their way toward the Pas-de-Calais, where they will attack the Port of Boulogne. You'll meet the bombers & shield 'em from interception over France. Let's show the RAF that we will knock out these ports and prevent the British from escaping the continent!
"objective_string"=Just after noon on 22 May a formation of He-111s from III/KG 27 with a fighter escort of Bf-109s from I/JG 3 were intercepted north of Arras and west of Douai by 605 Sqn Hurricanes. During this ensuing fight four Hurricanes were brought down, but not without taking three enemy bombers down with them. It's unclear what the enemy target was. For the purposes of the mission Boulogne has been selected as the target, but this cannot be verified historically.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will head north-northwest to meet up with the bombers just northeast of Ypres, Belgium. After forming up you will head southwest back into France, remaining with these bombers as they raid the port of Boulogne. If British fighters appear, you will engage them and try to draw their fire away from the bomber formation. All escorts will be Bf-109s on this mission, so you won't have to worry about any Bf-110s on this mission. After the bombers clear the target, bring them back into Belgium before you depart the formation & return to Cambrai. Good luck!
"airfield_string"=France - Cambrai-Forenville

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Early-morning Battle attacks
"summary_string"=To your planes! Our task is to fly an early morning armed reconnaissance, looking for enemy columns on the move at first light. You will patrol between Amiens and Abbeville, using your bombs to attack anything any enemy vehicle that moves! Let's show the Germans that we won't let them move along the frontline with impunity!
"objective_string"=Just after dawn on 22 May, Fairey Battles of 103 and 142 Squadrons attacked a German column near the village of Bernaville, just to the northwest of Amiens. While they were not intercepted by enemy fighters, three Battles were forced to crash-land with severe damage from ground fire. There were other Battle raids in this area throughout the day; these have been included in the mission.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll fly north & then northwest, heading for the front near Amiens and Abbeville. Your altitude for this mission will be low to ensure accuracy, but this also means you will be exposed to ground fire, so keep your speed as high as you can. When you locate the German column, attack at will. If you do miss with the bombs, make strafing passes. Once the raid is complete, clear out to the south & return to the airfield at Gaye. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Battle Mk1
"airfield_string"=France - Gaye

June 7th, 2018, 03:30
Good morning,

I'm doing a full CFS2 backup this evening to make sure I have everything saved for the final push. But to wet your whistle, Kdriver sent me a couple of small airfields for Lysander close support missions. This one pictured is Aspelare in Belgium, near the towns of Geraardsbergen and Ninove.

June 7th, 2018, 03:32
Hello again,

The second is Monchy-Lagache, which is close to the town of Péronne.

June 7th, 2018, 03:41
Hello again,

Here is Schiphol airfield at Amsterdam, now GSL; the roof textures are a work in progress. :applause:

June 15th, 2018, 11:12
Good afternoon,

Here is an interesting mission...

"title_string"=Battle of France (RAF) - Rescue of 74 Sqn Ldr White
"summary_string"=Attention!! C/O White of 74 Sqn had to force-land his damaged Spitfire at Calais-Marck following an engagement with a Henschel Hs126 reconnaissance plane. You've volunteered to get him back. A Miles Master advanced trainer is warmed up and waiting for you, and you'll head to Calais, land, and bring back this C/O. We can't lose experienced pilots at a time when our own country is the next in line to be attacked!
"objective_string"=During 74 Squadron's dawn patrol. C/O & Sqn Ldr White's Spitfire was damaged, & he was forced to set down at Calais. At 1030 hours, a Miles Master was sent to rescue the pilot at Calais, escorted by two 54 Sqn Spitfires. Over Calais, P/O Allen saw Bf-109s diving on them from 9,000ft, and both he & P/O Deere engaged 'em, claiming three of these Bf-109s, while the Germans reported two lost. One Spitifre was damaged. The Miles Master was able to escape, and the pilot reached England safely.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will head southeast and depart England over Dover, then heading over the Channel & coming ashore in France just east of the port of Calais. As you near Calais-Marck, set down on one of the two grass runways. Once you reach the spot where the runways cross, wait with engine running until you receive a notice Sqn Ldr White boarded the plane. Once this happens, clear out and return with Sqn Ldr White to Hornchurch. Two Spitfires will escort you & handle any German fighters that may interfere. However, if fighters do attack you, evade them and make good your escape. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Miles M9 Master Mk1a
"airfield_string"=England - Hornchurch

June 15th, 2018, 13:18
...and this is what she looks like...

You'll have escort, so no problem, ehh. :biggrin-new:

June 15th, 2018, 13:27

Very nice! :ernaehrung004:

I actually sent Jamie a message regarding the Miles Master..."Could you please do me a big favor and check the Miles Master aircraft series to see if the contact points are "off," or perhaps there is another problem?...The problem that I am having is during the takeoff roll and when taxiing after landing, the aircraft will just blow up at a speed somewhere between thirty and fifty knots. I've tried it at several different airfields, and have gotten the same result." :dizzy:

I know he read the PM, but if you could take a look at it, that may help too.

June 16th, 2018, 04:06
...and this is what she looks like...

You'll have escort, so no problem, ehh. :biggrin-new:

Yikes!:icon_eek: An escort will be an absolutely necessity for a rescue plane with that "here I am, come and get me" yellow scheme. :biggrin-new:

Just kiddin...nice paint tho.

June 16th, 2018, 04:11
Yikes!:icon_eek: An escort will be an absolute necessity for a rescue plane with that "here I am, come and get me" yellow scheme. :biggrin-new:

Just kiddin...nice paint tho.


You could always paint on the sides of the fuselage and the tops of the wings..."Ich bin ein Rettungsflugzeug, kein Kämpfer. Bitte schießen Sie nicht auf mich!" :costumed-smiley-034

June 16th, 2018, 05:16
And then add in small print "Sobald wir diesen Kerl zu Hause haben, werden wir ihn in eine andere Spit schnallen und ihn zurückschicken, um Sie abzuschießen, obwohl Sie ihn verschont haben".

June 16th, 2018, 05:24
And then add in small print "Sobald wir diesen Kerl zu Hause haben, werden wir ihn in eine andere Spit schnallen und ihn zurückschicken, um Sie abzuschießen, obwohl Sie ihn verschont haben".

:costumed-smiley-034 :costumed-smiley-034 :costumed-smiley-034


Somehow, I get the feeling that would go over like a ham sandwich at a Jewish wedding. :very_drunk:

June 17th, 2018, 03:27
Good morning,

I bought this yesterday for Part II. Much of the focus is on the Battle of Abbeville and Luftwaffe action for Fall Rot, after Dunkirk.

The French Air Force got stronger, not weaker, into June with better aircraft. They didn’t have enough pilots to fly after heavy attrition, so they brought in Czechs and Poles to fly in the air and fight on the ground. Really interesting read.