View Full Version : F-94B Starfire

March 27th, 2017, 11:37
Hi All,
Does anyone know of a F-94B Starfire out there. Tried to find one, but no luck.
Thanks in advance,

March 27th, 2017, 12:47
didn't TR work on this awhile ago, Like maybe 2006?

March 27th, 2017, 13:16
Apart from Ito's F-94C (different looking bird to the -B), which we can't convert for use in CFS2, the only candidate I can find is Piglet's T33A for FS9.

Maybe if somebody could model that extended nose as a payload object you'd end up with something that looks about right... :smiley_simmons:

March 27th, 2017, 13:19

It is Ito's, but it seems to be the only available.

Forgot to add;
I did find this CFS1 84c by Allan Lowe


March 27th, 2017, 13:45
Thanks Guys,
I checked over at SimV at Tom's stuff with no luck. I did a search here and found a post for one at SunClaro, again no luck. The reason I was looking for this aircraft, my wife's moms best friend was married to a Capt. Arthur Staniland. He flew one out of Elmendorf AFB, AK and was lost 10/6/1952. I thought a repaint of his aircraft would be a good thing to do.

March 27th, 2017, 18:29
Apart from Ito's F-94C (different looking bird to the -B), which we can't convert for use in CFS2, the only candidate I can find is Piglet's T33A for FS9.

Maybe if somebody could model that extended nose as a payload object you'd end up with something that looks about right... :smiley_simmons:

Looking at Piglet T-33 now. It looks okay. I'll give it once over in gMax and see if something can be done.

March 28th, 2017, 04:06
Thank you, for taking the time to look at this situation. It's very kind of you and greatly appreciated.
Thanks again,

March 28th, 2017, 09:19
Started messing with Piglet's T-33A. Trying to fit all of the changes on the texture sheet is going to be a pain...


March 28th, 2017, 17:33


Looks better than it is. No animations as I really need a texture and some parts like landing gear are really miss placed. I have PM in at falcon409 who has paint kit for the T-33A but the kit is saved a .pspimage My old PSP6 can't open that new format. I hope I can get the paint kit in standard .PSD format so I can mod it to fit the model changes.

March 28th, 2017, 22:02
Looking fabulous Allen. Take your time a do it justice, as I know you will. Thanks again for taking something nonexistent and making it a reality. :encouragement:

March 29th, 2017, 23:13
Found Piglet texture template. Got it reworked into something that looks like it should. The fuselage texture has been squished length wise by Piglet. Not sure if this was done by purpose but it made texturing accurately impossible with out a complete redraw and I'm not going that far.

Still have to cut and name all of the tail surfaces for animation, landing gear compression animations and find a place to put the back part of the engine on the texture sheet. Right now the black ring on the back is where the texture stops and wraps around to the other side of the texture sheet.


March 30th, 2017, 19:24
Model is in game. All animations are done done but for the eye candy ones that I cut like the moving stick and nose wheel. Me and jets don't get along so some one else will need to do the .air and jets related aircraft.cfg as well as find some CFS2 jet gauges.


March 31st, 2017, 05:38

March 31st, 2017, 06:29
Good job Allen! This bird could potentially see some use in Korean War missions.

March 31st, 2017, 16:57
Had that thought as well. Working on a cheap LOD or two for the model.


April 1st, 2017, 13:14
Here is the latest shots. Got the metal texture updated now. A few LODs and DP added. Attaching a working aircraft with PSD templates for painting. They are just like Piglet's templates. Someone will have to do the all of the Jet flight dynamics and find CFS2 gauges. Think the current flight dynamics are what I made for my unfinished Stingray.



April 7th, 2017, 21:09
Is any one going to be able to to do CFS2 Jet flight dynamics for this?

April 8th, 2017, 12:24
Is any one going to be able to to do CFS2 Jet flight dynamics for this?

You should be able to use the F-80's flight dynamics as a start. You'll just have to tweek it to match.

April 8th, 2017, 21:38
I tried my hand at Jets and failed badly. I may just upload it "as is" or see if some one up in FS2004 can finish it.

April 9th, 2017, 08:27
First I know NOTHING about creating airfiles etc so I can't do this , besides I don't have the proper programming help. But, I happen to look over at Fightsim.com and found a couple of F-94's that were posted by Ito. Could these .airs' be used as a guide to doing one here, or could they be legally utilized in this 94 by Allen. I found the files here;

Just a thought and suggestion.

April 9th, 2017, 09:43
CFS2 and Jet engines do NOT get along is the prob. I asked about this a few years ago and got vary little. FS00? and FS02 engines have a warp fuel bug. Using warp with them will eat ALL fuel and warp you only feet.

FS98 seem to not work well with the CFS2 AI as when they are told to attack a target they will do so but its like the engines quit working for them so the slowly loss ALT and crash.

April 9th, 2017, 12:42

In the absence of Tom Sanford & the Fox Four folks, I guess we're a bit stuck.

I've flown it in Free Flight as a player a/c using either of the following:

renamed TR_F80C airfile
renamed Piglet's T33A airfile

Not looked at the numbers at all, but Piglet's T33A airfile feels nose heavy, so there may be some CG related work there. I'didn't bother to remove all the FS2K2 entries record 1539+, so that might be the cause. But it doesn't blow up, & you can get it off the ground.

Agree that CFS2 jet AI are an issue, as is fuel management, so the potential is limited. But Bub will have something he can paint, & it will fly in the sim :icon30:

April 9th, 2017, 15:45
I'm not sure what to do. The attached model is flyable using what ever flight dynamics I last had in my test folder so that should be enough for Bub.

I have a copy of FS2004 but not sure if I want to install it as it has 4 CDs but I may have to and build the F-94B as a FS04 aircraft.

No Dice
April 9th, 2017, 16:44
I have looked for what ya'll are looking for, But I get lost.

I have all perms from Tom, so someone email me what you
are looking for and I will post it on the FFS.



April 11th, 2017, 15:42
Hi All,
Sorry for "disappearing". I've been tied up with some issues lately and have been busy. Nothing serious, just a bunch of small things that eat away at your free time. When things settle down, I will start to work on a repaint for the aircraft. Thanks to all who are helping Allen and for your patience.

April 11th, 2017, 16:45

Glad your back. I did start converting the F-94 to FS04 but again I have no idea what I'm doing with Jet engines. I did finish the last 2 LODs for the model. The final aircraft will be uploaded as an FS2004 aircraft. It will include a CFS2 .mdl and .DP for any one to convert back to CFS2 if they wish.

April 11th, 2017, 18:59

Email me a copy of the airfile and i'll take a look at it. This didn't have afterburn did it? If it didn't then all should go fine.

April 11th, 2017, 19:55
My email won't send it so I'm attaching it. It is set up as an FS2004 aircraft. In FS2004 the engine has a power loss and it unable to climb to the 36,000 feet that the initial cruising has listed. A CFS2 model is included.


April 13th, 2017, 18:48
Got it. I'm looking through it now.

It is set for afterburn. So I'll look at making two different airfiles as AB won't work for CFS2 without using unlimited fuel.

I have to look at some old notes on jets before I start. I've forgotten a few things.

No Dice
April 14th, 2017, 06:49
I think the biggest problem with jets is what you just mentioned.

You either must set to unlimited fuel or do not use the warp function in missions.
The warp function will result in a no fuel reading. Unless one of you guru greats
can figure out a way around that.

April 14th, 2017, 15:10
The warp function will result in a no fuel reading. Unless one of you guru greats
can figure out a way around that.

If the sim cheats you, cheat it back. Put a refuel gauge on your panel and gas up when you come out of warp.

April 14th, 2017, 16:16
I think the biggest problem with jets is what you just mentioned.

You either must set to unlimited fuel or do not use the warp function in missions.
The warp function will result in a no fuel reading. Unless one of you guru greats
can figure out a way around that.

So the FS98 jet engines work fine. The FS2k jet engines allow for afterburn. It is the afterburn that causes the warp bug. FS98 engines don't have afterburn. Thats why the Fox Four jets function fine. So my plan is to use one of the airfiles and see what I can do to get it working.


I think its the FS98 engine that is causing the problem for FS2004 model. That maybe why you're loosing power. FS2004 uses the aircraft CFG more than CFS2 does. The T-33 airfile from Piglets model should work fine for it. Just adjust the weight and thrust to match.

Is there a way to model a drag chute. Maybe use the Tail hook to activate it.

April 14th, 2017, 16:20
If the sim cheats you, cheat it back. Put a refuel gauge on your panel and gas up when you come out of warp.

I like the Idea of the refuel gauge. I was thinking of making a Tanker refuel mission. Basically you would have to fly formation with the tanker in the slot for X amount of time. You could then use the gauge to add fuel. I'll have to look at the event triggers and see if it can be done. I may need help to get all of them parts to work. It would work great for Vietnam.

April 14th, 2017, 19:47
So the FS98 jet engines work fine. The FS2k jet engines allow for afterburn. It is the afterburn that causes the warp bug. FS98 engines don't have afterburn. Thats why the Fox Four jets function fine. So my plan is to use one of the airfiles and see what I can do to get it working.


I think its the FS98 engine that is causing the problem for FS2004 model. That maybe why you're loosing power. FS2004 uses the aircraft CFG more than CFS2 does. The T-33 airfile from Piglets model should work fine for it. Just adjust the weight and thrust to match.

Is there a way to model a drag chute. Maybe use the Tail hook to activate it.

With FS98 jet engines I ran into the AI engines quitting when ordered to attack. In FS04 I removed the 600 Engine Jet FS98 and ran into the same loss of power. Around 18,000 feet I think RPM start dropping. Can't get close to the 380 knots+ needed at 36,000 feet. Only around 190 knots if I'm recalling right in FS04 with only 36 gal on the plane.

The tail hook has no drag logic attached to it.

No Dice
April 15th, 2017, 15:18
Well I did say Gurus,
Between bearcat, Allen and Blood_Hawk, seems we can "and will"
and already have:
bring this dusty ole sim to another level.:ernaehrung004:

April 20th, 2017, 03:41
Hi Guys,
Again, sorry for any delays in working on this repaint. Had a small problem over the weekend and spent the last few days in the hospital getting "through the roof" blood pressure taken care of. A lot better now and will have some time to finish this paint. Hopefully, when done it will look something like this.

April 20th, 2017, 07:25
There has been work on the F-94B in FS2004 as well. One page 2 there is a shot of a texture that may be close what you have in mind bub.


April 20th, 2017, 10:51
Put some color on her today. Kind of the same, Allen. That International-orange thing going on.

April 21st, 2017, 06:05
Starting to look like something.

April 21st, 2017, 13:00
Looking good so far!

April 22nd, 2017, 08:41
Got a little more accomplished. Taking the rest of the weekend off before the wife cracks me on the head with a frying pan.

April 23rd, 2017, 14:54
Found a little time, no NASCAR at Bristol due to rain. Still needs some touching up. It will be done in a couple of days. Thanks.

No Dice
April 23rd, 2017, 15:28
Looking great sir,

Just looking at it puts one in the pilots seat.

April 27th, 2017, 16:54
All done. I'll have it packaged up and out soon.

April 27th, 2017, 16:56
Forgot this one.

No Dice
April 27th, 2017, 17:17
Wow, Wow and Wow............
Great job Sir

April 27th, 2017, 23:45
Vary nice! I did look to see if I could find the info on the F-94 you are painting and came up with nothing so glad you had the refs.

May 1st, 2017, 09:58
Hi All,
Just got the F-94B Starfire texture uploaded. Thanks to Allen for his wonderful rendition of this aircraft.
Have fun,