View Full Version : French West Africa carrier operations by Dombral

January 25th, 2017, 14:39
A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Campaigns Add-Ons

Description: Welcome to the French West Africa carrier operations package! This is a set of thirty-six missions in six short or medium-length campaigns that center around the experiences the Vichy French and British in the struggle for Dakar, in what is today Senegal, during July of 1940 and September of 1940. These missions are a mixture of history and fiction. The missions for Operation Menace & Operation Catapult are historically-based, with some guesswork and extrapolation.

The missions for Operations Catapult and Menace are based heavily on the work of Dombral, whose work in the Mediterranean is under-appreciated. Perhaps in releasing this, as well as his other works for the Med I am helping him with, his talents in CFS2 will become more widely known. The missions are largely of his design, my primary contribution is on mission texts and “flipping” missions that were on either the British or the Vichy French side, but lacked the mirror image.

The two larger campaigns consist of fictional carrier operations between the British carrier Hermes, which was present off Senegal after leaving the harbor at Dakar when the Governor of the area declared his loyalty to the Vichy régime, and the French carrier Bearn. This clash did not occur during World War II, but the premise for the campaign could have easily happened.

In actual fact, the French aircraft carrier "Bearn" made her run to Halifax, Nova Scotia to transfer French gold bullion reserves and keep it out of German hands. While there, she was loaded up with twenty-seven P-36s for the French Air Force, six Buffaloes for the Belgians, twenty-five Stimson 105s, and forty-four Curtiss SBC-4 Helldivers. After the ship left Halifax the Dutch and Germans capitulated or were overrun, so the Bearn went to Martinique, where she remained until 1944.

My premise is that she received word about the threat to the French fleet, & raced across the Atlantic. En route, she learns about the attack by the British at Mers-el-Kebir and the Hermes' presence off Dakar and decides to exact revenge. She gets close to Dakar without being detected. In these missions, you would first fly the fighters and dive-bombers off to land at the two bases near Dakar, while the SB2U Vindicators remain on-board, and your task is to annihilate the Hermes between the carrier force and the fighters and bombers stationed on land.

For the British, your task is to defend yourself against the threat with the meager forces available to the Hermes; twelve Fairey Swordfish torpedo-bombers, & eight Blackburn Skuas. As the campaign progresses, your call for help is finally answered by the HMS Ark Royal.

This is my first and likely only foray into a “what if,” but I drew inspiration for this project from three sources. First, I credit Jagdflieger for his work on the “Flying Barrels” campaign, which is a work of historical fiction. I also give credit to Dombral, whose work in the Mediterranean has been a real treat to work on, and thoroughly enjoyable. Lastly, I also give some credit to UncleTgt, who released a fictional 1942-era Vichy French Bearn carrier force skin package. Though his premise centered on disrupting the Torch landings, it spurred my mind into developing a 1940 premise.

All the aircraft included in this package are the most modernized available, and a large amount of credit goes to Allen, Shessi, Captain Kurt, and UncleTgt for doing repaint schemes, airfile/.dp tweaking, along with creating multi-lod models for the Dewoitine D376, and the Curtiss SBC-4 Helldiver. Gaucho_59 has also contributed a few panel bitmaps for the project. I am also grateful for a CFS2-converted model for the Dewoitine D510, and new paint schemes by UncleTgt.


To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit French West Africa carrier operations - Part I.zip (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?linkid=22344&catid=44)
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.

January 25th, 2017, 14:49
A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Campaigns Add-Ons

Description: Welcome to the French West Africa carrier operations package! This is a set of thirty-six missions in six short or medium-length campaigns that center around the experiences the Vichy French and British in the struggle for Dakar, in what is today Senegal, during July of 1940 and September of 1940. These missions are a mixture of history and fiction. The missions for Operation Menace & Operation Catapult are historically-based, with some guesswork and extrapolation.

The missions for Operations Catapult and Menace are based heavily on the work of Dombral, whose work in the Mediterranean is under-appreciated. Perhaps in releasing this, as well as his other works for the Med I am helping him with, his talents in CFS2 will become more widely known. The missions are largely of his design, my primary contribution is on mission texts and “flipping” missions that were on either the British or the Vichy French side, but lacked the mirror image.

The two larger campaigns consist of fictional carrier operations between the British carrier Hermes, which was present off Senegal after leaving the harbor at Dakar when the Governor of the area declared his loyalty to the Vichy régime, and the French carrier Bearn. This clash did not occur during World War II, but the premise for the campaign could have easily happened.

In actual fact, the French aircraft carrier "Bearn" made her run to Halifax, Nova Scotia to transfer French gold bullion reserves and keep it out of German hands. While there, she was loaded up with twenty-seven P-36s for the French Air Force, six Buffaloes for the Belgians, twenty-five Stimson 105s, and forty-four Curtiss SBC-4 Helldivers. After the ship left Halifax the Dutch and Germans capitulated or were overrun, so the Bearn went to Martinique, where she remained until 1944.

My premise is that she received word about the threat to the French fleet, & raced across the Atlantic. En route, she learns about the attack by the British at Mers-el-Kebir and the Hermes' presence off Dakar and decides to exact revenge. She gets close to Dakar without being detected. In these missions, you would first fly the fighters and dive-bombers off to land at the two bases near Dakar, while the SB2U Vindicators remain on-board, and your task is to annihilate the Hermes between the carrier force and the fighters and bombers stationed on land.

For the British, your task is to defend yourself against the threat with the meager forces available to the Hermes; twelve Fairey Swordfish torpedo-bombers, & eight Blackburn Skuas. As the campaign progresses, your call for help is finally answered by the HMS Ark Royal.

This is my first and likely only foray into a “what if,” but I drew inspiration for this project from three sources. First, I credit Jagdflieger for his work on the “Flying Barrels” campaign, which is a work of historical fiction. I also give credit to Dombral, whose work in the Mediterranean has been a real treat to work on, and thoroughly enjoyable. Lastly, I also give some credit to UncleTgt, who released a fictional 1942-era Vichy French Bearn carrier force skin package. Though his premise centered on disrupting the Torch landings, it spurred my mind into developing a 1940 premise.

All the aircraft included in this package are the most modernized available, and a large amount of credit goes to Allen, Shessi, Captain Kurt, and UncleTgt for doing repaint schemes, airfile/.dp tweaking, along with creating multi-lod models for the Dewoitine D376, and the Curtiss SBC-4 Helldiver. Gaucho_59 has also contributed a few panel bitmaps for the project. I am also grateful for a CFS2-converted model for the Dewoitine D510, and new paint schemes by UncleTgt.


To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit French West Africa carrier operations - Part II.zip (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?linkid=22345&catid=44)
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.

January 25th, 2017, 14:57
Good evening,

Inside both packages are a couple of incomplete panel bitmaps by Gaucho_59. If someone wants to take the bitmaps and do any panel improvements to some of the included aircraft, they are welcome to, and I will update the package at that point. However, it seemed like an utter waste to have these languishing on my storage drive, ready to go.

So I decided to release them this evening. I hope you enjoy this unique campaign environment in CFS2, as well as the fact that these missions will get you flying and fighting in several aircraft that are unique and seldom-used in CFS2.

January 25th, 2017, 22:41
Thank you, both Dombral and Rami for this unusual campaign in a new area. I'll rush to get it. :applause:


January 26th, 2017, 13:01
Nice! Many thanks to Dombral and Rami, two pillars of the CFS2 forum, without whom it would probably quickly fade away...:encouragement::encouragement::encouragemen t::encouragement:

January 28th, 2017, 14:58
Hi Rami and Dombral,

Thank you both for your efforts on this project. :applause: :applause: :applause:

I will check it out shortly.



January 28th, 2017, 23:00
Hi Rami and Dombral,

Thank you both for your efforts on this project. :applause: :applause: :applause:

I will check it out shortly.



merci Rami , j'ai installé ta version des combats fratricides entre la France et l'Angleterre de 1940 comme une nouvelle installation de CFS2 sur un disque dure externe . ça fonctionne très bien et ainsi n'alourdit pas mes jeux personnels . Ta version est très intéressante et plus jouable que mes missions qui sont plus historiques mais moins spectaculaires . Elles ne se limitent pas à Dakar mais comprennent tous les conflits en Méditerranée . En particulier le débarquement US au Maroc et Anglais en Algérie ainsi que la riposte de l'Axe en Tunisie . J'ai aussi rajouté des missions au Levant à la campagne de notre ami de CFS2 . Je ne pense pas qu'elles fonctionneraient sur une installation que la mienne . amitiés à tous
PS : j'attends toujours un bon Potez 63 II comme le nouveau Late 298 (je lui est fait de nouvelles textures à uploader

January 29th, 2017, 00:36
From Dombral (translated)

Thank you Rami, I installed your version of fratricidal battles between France and England in 1940 as a new installation of CFS2 on an external hard drive. It works very well and so does not weigh down my personal games. Your version is very interesting and more playable than my missions which are more historical but less spectacular. They are not limited to Dakar but include all conflicts in the Mediterranean. In particular the US landing in Morocco and English in Algeria as well as the Axis response in Tunisia. I also added missions to the Levant in the campaign of our friend of CFS2.

I do not think they would work on a facility that mine? Friendships to all.

PS: I'm still waiting for a good Potez 63 II as the new Late 298. (I made it new textures to upload)



It's always tricky to find the balance between strict historical accuracy and playability. I'm actually quite proud of that fictional carrier battle; it's the first time that I created a scenario like that and made it appear as if it could have really happened. To me, it "feels" real even though it is not.

I actually have those missions you mentioned, and have completed several of the 1940 missions, as well as Operation Lila, along with the German / Italian raids on Bougie and Bone. I have not touched any of the Torch missions yet though.


Il est toujours délicat de trouver l'équilibre entre l'exactitude historique stricte et la jouabilité. Je suis vraiment très fier de cette fiction Bataille porteuse; C'est la première fois que je crée un scénario comme ça et fait apparaître comme si cela pouvait vraiment se passer. Pour moi, Il "se sent" réel, même si ce n'est pas le cas.

J'ai effectivement eu ces missions que vous avez mentionnées, et j'ai terminé plusieurs des missions de 1940, ainsi que l'Opération Lila, Les raids germano-italiens sur Bougie et Bone. Je n'ai encore touché à aucune des missions de la torche.

January 29th, 2017, 02:50
Good morning,

I just want to say something...this sim community is unique and pretty awesome. Two people from very different parts of the world (USA - Madagascar) with entirely different backgrounds and languages collaborating on a single goal. Being able to work together with people in Australia and England, as well as other parts of the world is truly something that not a lot of people can say they do on a daily basis.

I don't think my kids, my wife, or even my students truly understand the sense of togetherness we all share. I'm truly honored to be a small part of this. :encouragement:

January 29th, 2017, 09:06
Nice and thank you!:applause:

Captain Kurt
January 31st, 2017, 10:13
I'm dating myself but as Monty Python would have said, "And now for something completely different".

Thanks guys. :encouragement: