View Full Version : Flight Yoke Comparison

Steven KLein
December 30th, 2016, 13:43
This may be the wrong part of the forum to post this but I'll try anyway. I have used a joystick for a number of years in all my flight combat sims and space combat sims and have thought about getting a flight yoke since I have quite a few 2-engine planes in my flight combat sims. My problem is of the choices available, which is the best for a COMBAT flight sim as opposed to the other flight sims that emphasize mostly civil and commercial aircraft? I'm used to using a joystick for single engine fighter aircraft but flying twin engine fighters and bombers it would seem more appropriate to use a flight yoke since most 2-engine piston aircraft flown in WW2 and Korea used
one. Hope I get a lot of response from this. Also wondering about getting a throttle quadrant for use in combat flight sims and should you even use a yoke in a combat flight sim.

December 30th, 2016, 13:53
I have the Saitek 'Cessna' yoke which is great for civil flying, but I find it a bit cumbersome and sluggish in fighters. I wouldn't personally recommend it for such.

No Dice
December 30th, 2016, 18:45
Sorry Steven,
In my opinion...the Logitech Extreme 3d pro joystick is the only way to go
in CFS1 or CFS2...not expensive and a button for everything.

December 31st, 2016, 08:31
I agree with No Dice. the Logitech Extreme 3D PRO is the best bang for the buck I've found. They don't last forever, but replacement is cheap. For throttles I've used the Logitech G Saitek PRO for years, with no problem.

December 31st, 2016, 09:48
Thrustmaster HOTAS X (http://www.thrustmaster.com/products/tflight-hotas-x). Stick and throttle, plenty of programmable buttons and mapping software available online. Less than $50. Not force feedback, but I've found that inexpensive force feedback input devices do not last long.

December 31st, 2016, 11:09
...but I've found that inexpensive force feedback input devices do not last long.

Disagree...depends on the maker. My MSFFB stick went out in 2006 after four years of hard service in a number of combat flight sim arenas. Now that might seem like a short time to some, but its replacement - a Logitech Force 3D Pro joystick - has soldiered on like a bulletproof trooper ever since entering service in '06. It will be 11 years soon without any signs of wear except a very rare, occasional hiccup in button #8 that actually started this year.

December 31st, 2016, 12:40
I still have my MSFFB stick that I bought in 2004, still works fine, and use it in CFS2, FS9, and FSX. I also use CH Pro rudder pedals as well.

Why not have both a yoke and a stick? You can swap them as needed, so you have the best of both .

Curtis P40
December 31st, 2016, 13:20
I seem to have the opposite problem. I like flying twins and the heavy props. I have used the CH yoke and their throttle quadrant for over 8 years now with no problems. Racking A2A's fighters through the air have been no problem, other than it just doesn't "feel" right. Took a flight in an AT-6 last summer, with a little stick time, and fell in love ! Now I'm looking at getting A2A's AT-6 and a throttle for the left hand and stick for the right.

December 31st, 2016, 13:37
My father had a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro that he bought back in 2004 or so. He used this joystick extensively throughout the years, and then I inherited it back in 2014.

I used that stick until about a year and a half ago when it started having issues with the down position of the HAT switch as well as one of the buttons in the base. So I figured, what the heck, might as well buy a new one.

Low and behold, I discovered that the new Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joysticks were NOT built as well as the older versions... even though they have the EXACT SAME part number.

The first one that I bought started having centering problems due to the centering spring being weaker in the newer versions of the joystick compared to the older versions, and I discovered that this was the norm for ALL of the newer versions. They start to develop HORRIBLE play in the handle after a few short months of moderate use.

It was still under warranty and I exchanged it. 10 months later, same problem, so I got a warranty replacement for that one as well. 3 months later, SAME problem, so I got yet ANOTHER warranty replacement.

I then bought ANOTHER one new, and it developed the centering issue 5 months later... got a warranty replacement for that one too.

Anyhow, I currently have about SEVEN of these warranty replacement joysticks laying around (not including dad's original), and I finally decided to completely throw in the towel with Logitech joysticks. I ended up Frankenstein-ing dad's, using parts from the newer ones I had laying around (replaced the HAT switch board, as well as the switch boards for the switches in the base of the joystick).

Dad's worked fine now, but I was still quite fed up with the lower quality of the newer versions of the joystick.

Anyways, long story short, I purchased a Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS, and I LOVE THAT JOYSTICK... and will NEVER return to the Logitech. The T.16000M FCS is a bit more $ than the Logitech, but it beats it, HANDS-DOWN. Compared to the Logitech joysticks, it's SUPER smooth, SUPER precise, the twist grip has more deflection to it (and is really precise), and the stick itself is a dream to operate and use :)

On to the subject at hand though, I think that a CH Products Virtual Pilot Pro USB flight yoke would probably fit the ticket for you. I have the gameport version of that one that I bought back in 1995 or so, and it STILL works great. If the newer USB models of that yoke are anywhere near the quality of the older versions, they'll be great :)

Steven KLein
December 31st, 2016, 16:14
I still have my MSFFB stick that I bought in 2004, still works fine, and use it in CFS2, FS9, and FSX. I also use CH Pro rudder pedals as well.

Why not have both a yoke and a stick? You can swap them as needed, so you have the best of both .

I was seriously thinking just that! I have an old Microsoft Precision 2 Sidewinder that still works great after 15 YEARS of use and still considering buying a CH Throttle Quadrant, but I'm not sure a Flight Yoke and or a Throttle Quadrant would work well a Space Flight Combat Sim like Freespace or Starshatter. My Joystick works fine on those 2.

January 2nd, 2017, 01:06
BTW, I recently ordered a Saitek throttle quadrant from Amazon ( https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M00UHE3 ), and it should be arriving by January 7. These things have been out of stock for well over a YEAR now ALL OVER the Internet, but they FINALLY just became available again :)

I'll let ya'll know how well it works after I receive it.

Shadow Wolf 07
January 2nd, 2017, 02:10
I use the Saitek X52 on my desktop system. It has a gazillion programmable buttons but a single throttle control. For my laptop (which I use primarily) I have the Saitek Cyborg F.L.Y. 5 12-Button Joystick. It costs around $50, is very durable and reliable and it collapses and breaks down into 2 sections - which is convenient for travel. It has dual throttle controls, 12 programmable buttons, but is a joystick, not a yoke. It has no force feedback either. I think it's a great buy. :santahat: