View Full Version : Error in cfs2 Magazine corrected.

Robert John
December 27th, 2016, 07:16
I have been rebuilding my CFS2 install and had to downloaded issue 9 of the cfs2 Magazine from Dave's website http://www.thefreeflightsite.com/CFS2_Magazine.htm and discovered I could not get the old_scenery_cfs_library to work, kept coming up with missing objects, it seems I made an error compiling the file. I had received no messages of this error so was unaware of the problem, the problem has now been corrected, Thanks Dave for adding the new file so quickly.
I will be uploading a new issue in the new year with more goodies.
Talk soon.
Hope Christmas is going well for every one, Merry Christmas and hope you all have a wonderful new year.


No Dice
December 27th, 2016, 10:08
Welcome back RJ.
Ready and waiting for your next issue.


December 27th, 2016, 16:25
Great to see you back at it. I look forward to your new works.

January 16th, 2017, 03:28

Thanks, this also fixed an issue that I have been having. :encouragement: