View Full Version : Just Out of Curiosity

November 1st, 2016, 16:11
During the building and flying of Meridian/BPF mission aircraft I have noticed that very few of our panels in Royal Navy aircraft have fuel gauges.

I always hit the F3 key to check my fuel throughout the missions because I have run dry before landing on my carrier.

Many times I will fly at 50-66% power to conserve fuel, or go to zero % throttle just before hitting the "X" key on the longer distance missions to warp.

Did British aircraft really not have fuel gauges on their panels?

Also, while I am on panels...... Has anyone modified the clock so it doesn't look like a Windows 95 version?

All of our other gauges actually look pretty realistic. The clock in Corsair, Hellcat, and TBFs look like really poor graphics circa Windows 95.

Just wondering.

November 1st, 2016, 22:17
All British AC had fuel gauges. Whatever you're missing has more to do with designer oversight than reality. For adding fuel gauges or changing clocks, you can mod any panel to suit with either CFGedit or FS Panel Studio. You can collect nice clocks from the panel/gauge packages of FS98, FS2000 and FS2002 models.