I wish to announce my retirement
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Thread: I wish to announce my retirement

  1. #1
    SOH Staff .."Bartender" AussieMan's Avatar
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    Woy Woy, NSW, Australia Zulu +11 AEDST

    I wish to announce my retirement

    As no apology appears to be forthcoming following the insult to repainters yesterday by fsxar177 I wish to announce that I am no longer going to repaint aircraft for the flight sim community.

    While I am basically a novice repainter I got great pleasure seeing screenshots of my repaints flying about in the FS skies. To do a repaint is not just a simple matter of splashing a coat of paint on a model. There is the time involved researching a particular colour scheme and sometimes creating a paint kit from scratch. Some paint kits are produced with one or two layers only and therefore there is the added time creating new layers. One repaint I have been working on for nine months trying to get it right and at the moment I am getting it ready to put in a zip file and send it to the developer for him to look at and see if he can help me.

    I am not putting my paint brushes away completely as I will doing paints for myself. There are a couple of developers who, if they think my work is good enough I will work with them but other than that I am finished.


    "Some people might say that freedom is being alone in the bush with the only sounds being the murmurs from the birds ... but I believe freedom is at 5000 feet with no other sound than the engine roaring."- William Hutchison, a young man taken from us far too young (16).

  2. #2
    Sorry to hear that AussieMan, I for one have enjoyed your creations and will miss your input. Thanks for all you have done for the community. For sure some developer will pick up your talents and we may enjoy them again in the way.
    Regards, Tom Stovall KRDD

  3. #3

    To you and everyone who release free repaints: Thank you.
    Sure, some are better than others, but every one of them is 100% better than I could do. I wouldn't even know where to start.

  4. #4
    Very odd jobs man and MiGaholic
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    Can't fault you mate, sorry your leaving but understand your reasons fully. Paint for yourself and your mates and have a cold one for me. If you ever need any help on anything feel free to drop me an email.


  5. #5
    I'd say the same as SteveB did.........don't give it up.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Hmmm... that is a shame. I am sure that the vast majority of the non-repainter, non-developer flightsim consumers are like me; appreciative of every contribution, payware and especially freeware. I am sure most of them like me dont say thanks often enough to the free ware contributors, but still greatly value the hard work and time donated for our hobby.

    I sure hope you change your mind!

  7. #7
    Pat we can not let the least common denominator rule our lives.

    We do here what we do based on our love for our hobby.

    What someone else feels about how we represent our love for that hobby should be ignored.

    Do with this hobby what you love and hold your head high as the victor in the arena of ideas.
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  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by clmooring View Post
    Hmmm... that is a shame. I am sure that the vast majority of the non-repainter, non-developer flightsim consumers are like me; appreciative of every contribution, payware and especially freeware. I am sure most of them like me dont say thanks often enough to the free ware contributors, but still greatly value the hard work and time donated for our hobby.

    I sure hope you change your mind!
    Exactly what your saying...ditto !

  9. #9
    SOH-CM-2020 gman5250's Avatar
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    There's been more than one occasion when I was tempted to leave various situations for various reasons that made perfect sense at the time. I have kind of a golden rule that I follow, 72 hours.

    I give it 72 hours, then if I still feel the same I move on. Usually, I feel different and stick around...to my benefit.

    I'd hate to see you go, but you should do what suits you best. You decide to come back, I'll be that much more pleased.
    He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.
    Thomas Jefferson

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  10. #10
    That guy was dead wrong in everything he said, Pat. Do it for the fun of it, not to make him and his kind happy. It is people like him that are destroying the community that I have been a part of for almost 15 years. But here is a secret, Pat. There are more of us than there is of him and his kind, so proceed with FUN in mind. Just think Pat, while you're happily repainting, he'll be sitting in therapy wondering why the world won't bend his way!


  11. #11

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudyjo View Post

    To you and everyone who release free repaints: Thank you.
    Sure, some are better than others, but every one of them is 100% better than I could do. I wouldn't even know where to start.

    Rudyjo hit the nail on the head for me,
    You have always given of yourself here at the outhouse, I thank you for that, and the many many paints I have of yours :salute:

  13. #13
    Member trucker17's Avatar
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    Sad to see you leave my friend....
    He did in a way make an apology with his thread, Re-painters showcase thread.....
    I think he meant many of the painters who rush to through together a repaint and publish it.....Their are many painters out here, doing both freeware and payware aircraft......
    Sometime we get in a hurry to finish the paint.....And many times we will add updates to the paints, and sometimes they want a particular looking paint, like a friend of mine who wanted the test paint I had been working on for BLOOD AND BONES...He did not want the black paint that I finished the P51D in......I was testing the paint in a polished finish, and that's what he wanted.....
    Your paints will be missed my friend....

  14. #14
    dude - people say stupid sh*t all the time - I'm famous for it

    its what people do best - live and let go man, more people appreciate what you do than don't and that's the best anyone can hope for..

    seriously - you will feel better when you tune out the flat notes...just don't hear it - its noise for the filter
    enter..the Sandman

    visit Heywood Planes - YouTube

  15. #15

    Don't hang up your brushes just because of some &@*%@_$) can't remember the manners his mamma taught him.

    I have lost track of the number of repaints I have uploaded to SOH...it's a lot! Are any of them really outstanding works of art? HELL TO THE NO! I started doing repaints while using CFS2, self taught all the way, developed a style and level of detail that works for me, that I am happy with....and that is how I do my repaints. I don't do weathering...because I SUCK at it! I don't do dirt and grime....because I SUCK at it! I do basic, clean repaints of planes....both fictional and historic. Have I ever been down right dogged over the quality of my repaints...no. Have I ever been given a ticker tape parade....no to that too. And I could care less if I got the first, and don't care that I never got the second. I do my repaints primarily for my enjoyment...then I share them with who ever wants to download and use them.

    Some painters begin as amateurs and advance to experts. Me...I found a happy middle ground and I am going to hold that ground. I will let the true masters of repainting do all the fancy weathering and dirt and grime and oil drips and cigar ashes and mud splashes. I am happy to just draw basic panel lines, sometimes throw on some rivets (I have doing rivets!!!!) then apply some paint and stickers and shove the thing out the door and move onto the next one. This method once allowed me to do 30 some repaints for the CFS2 version of Wozza's P-51D Mustang in 4 days....I think I took a 2 hour nap during that period of time....I know I was WAY LOOPY before it was said and done.

    I digress.....sorry.....Don't hang up your brushes just because someone had a tizzy!


  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by heywooood View Post
    dude - people say stupid sh*t all the time - I'm famous for it i
    LMAO, too true, we all do it.

    here I thought painting in FS was part of retirement, man I am sooo confused, LOL

    Don't let anyone get to you, do what you enjoy and share what you want.:salute:
    Best, Michael

  17. #17
    Do whatever makes your day better Pat, in the end its your hobby that matters, the post you're referring too annoyed the **** out of me too.

    For what its worth I get people saying some frightfully horrible things about my work/or projects I have been involved with, but the reality is 99% of those comments are from jaded/jealous competitors who couldn't do better so instead resort to insults, I even get to watch my hard work get pirated within 12 hours of release most times

    But you know what?, its my hobby, so if yeh dont like it...yall can go get %$#%$

    Tim Harris

  18. #18
    Member trucker17's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerousdave26 View Post
    Pat we can not let the least common denominator rule our lives.

    We do here what we do based on our love for our hobby.

    What someone else feels about how we represent our love for that hobby should be ignored.

    Do with this hobby what you love and hold your head high as the victor in the arena of ideas.

    So true.....Your an INSPURATION to many of us here Pat.....

  19. #19
    SOH Staff .."Bartender" AussieMan's Avatar
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    Woy Woy, NSW, Australia Zulu +11 AEDST
    Thanks for the support fellas.

    Yes I am a retired gentleman and do have more time than others to do these things. If I put my mind to it I can produce a repaint in 4 days but the average is 7-10 days. Some can be very frustrating and can take up to 6 to 8 weeks. One has been in the shop for 9 months and I am turning to the developer for help.

    If I have the aircraft in my hangar I will do a request paint and upload it to my DropBox but nothing public.

    I have belonged to the Outhouse for almost 10 years and over that time I have seen a lot of negativity towards developers and repainters and the thread in question was the straw that broke the camel's back. SOH now have my work exclusively because the other site I used to upload to demanded that I put the flag of the country on an upload picture. As a consequence I no longer upload to there.

    Also over the years I have been a beta tester for aircraft and scenery and if asked I will keep doing that as I really enjoy doing that. I have even considered learning gMax and designing my own aircraft.


    "Some people might say that freedom is being alone in the bush with the only sounds being the murmurs from the birds ... but I believe freedom is at 5000 feet with no other sound than the engine roaring."- William Hutchison, a young man taken from us far too young (16).

  20. #20
    I used to paint lots of A2A B-29's (files lost in long ago crash of SOH) and have painted tons of A-7 skins...sometimes I get thanked, sometimes I don't even get a reply. I do repaints for fun, have for years, never had anyone say they didn't like them, but even if they did, I didn't charge, and they didn't pay, I love to share.

    Point I am trying to make is consider the source of your anger, and their age....its easier to dismiss a child than one of your peers, eh? Let the youngens have thier bottles, keep sharing your paints, a tall cool one, and good times with yer mates.

    Best to you, Pat, in whatever you do..


    Visited Aussie land in August of 1981 aboard the USS America, CV-66.
    FSX Miramar XO, RAZBAM Flying Club founder, Team member, crud crew, beta tester, and all around good guy!

  21. #21
    Please give it a few days.

    It's not uncommon to see posts made on line that the poster would never say in person. Some people are better at it than others and some just don't have a clue. Don't let a hastily made post sour you and cause you to bail. Give it a few days and let it settle. It usually does. In the meantime, I also appreciate and thank you for your efforts on our behalf.
    Keep your airspeed up,




    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty
    to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
    deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    Benjamin Franklin

  22. #22
    Just a personal opinion, not reflective of the SOH staff role that I recently possessed....

    This is a small hobby, and we're on a niche forum with interests often representing what amounts to a "niche of a niche". On that note, the internet has all types, and all sorts of opinions. Some you may find valid, others you disagree with. While I can see getting upset and considering "quitting" if an opinion you disagree with (regardless of it is FS related) gains significant traction, I don't believe it is wise to emotionally invest yourself so significantly in the thoughts of others, especially when it concerns a single instance or small group. If you are that quick to end everything after a perceived slight, then I question how much enjoyment you were getting from repainting in the first place.

    It should be obvious, but no-one here wishes to see you or anyone else go, and I don't think you need to be told that because you know it too, and in the off chance that you perceived the broader SOH community as hostile to you for whatever reason, I think the responses you've received in this thread indicate otherwise.



  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by AussieMan View Post
    ...One has been in the shop for 9 months and I am turning to the developer for help....

    Hi again Aussie,
    Hope you were able to read my private message?

    To a better topic;
    Is that the Just Flight DC-6B that's been such a trial? If so, I may be able to help you in some of those problem areas. After doing the Air Atlantique, and Braniff Airways liveries, I pretty much gave up on it, having so much difficulty. If I remember correctly, the right wing is the worst, but also some areas of the tail-plane. Can't remember for sure. Please let me know which areas were causing the most trouble, maybe I can go back to my notes, and see what can be done?

    With much due respect,
    - Joseph
    VFR Simulations

  24. #24
    I would suggest shrugging off the critics. If they have a valid point, learn from it. If they're just being obnoxious, try to let it go. People who develop, commercially or freeware, are going to catch crap from a few nitwits. You can't be too thin skinned about it. I do photo scenery and mostly get positive replies, but there's always that one clown. Sometimes I'll spend a year on one project because many are large and I fix all of the airports, plus full autogen.

  25. #25
    and this entire thing is why i just babble on about nothing most of the time........i dont get yelled at anymore......well i did get admonished my Mr Ickie reciently..and i deserved that...its all good.........

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