Putting floats on the Avia 56 got me thinking about all the cargo haulers I've done.

This particular one stands out because we had so much fun doing it. Yea, dirtied up, busted out gauges, commercial freight, hand drawn maps, FSNav flight plans, and just a whole lot of fun.

This release ended up with a nice developer's award and strangely, I had it in the back of the hanger where it used to stay.

The "Hanger Queen" LOL

If you are interested in just having some fun running small time cargo routes, give it a try:


It's a little dated, but just as much fun as always. She's a great hand flyer, easy to operate, TO/Land/and navigate, even with the busted out gauges. :-)

Oh yeah, there are 3 aircraft in the package, two dirty, one clean. :-)

If you have any favorite cargo haulers of this class, share them with us.