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Thread: Terran Conflict X3; Extreme Addiction!

  1. #551
    Join Date
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    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!

    I had done it for just our room. I didnt think it would be accross the entire forums. eeeks..

    I wonder if the Nemesis is designed for ramming ships!? With this long prongs on the front and the odd hatch like apparatus, it almost looks like it rams its enemies, and then cuts into the hull through that opening section.

    Cool looking bird...

    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  2. #552
    The Nemesis is one of the coolest looking ships there are.

    There is one other that has the pincers, but it isn't as mean looking though.

    Good job on the banner Bill, very cool.

  3. #553
    Join Date
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    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlin View Post
    The Nemesis is one of the coolest looking ships there are.

    There is one other that has the pincers, but it isn't as mean looking though.

    Good job on the banner Bill, very cool.

    Thanks Marlin,

    I felt kind of bad though. Its a 'flight sim' website, not a space sim website. I only did it for us in here. I hope the others arent angry about it.

    I guess they can think of it as a futuristic Tube Liner... :d

    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  4. #554
    Charter Member 2011
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    Cochran, GA
    OK, simple question here... How exactly, do I activate/utilize/or make work the cheats? I've downloaded and installed the "cheat package" and plug-in manager written by "cycrow", but haven't figured out yet how to activate anything.. I'm really new at this, but was really loking only to get the "carry passengers" cheat installed, so I can earn a bit of money while exploring in my Discoverer ship. I've used most of the money I was given to start with improving its speed and rudder (goes about 400m/sec now), but I've got no weapons and minimum shields. Was cruising along last night, went through a gate in a pirate sector (found this out this morning when I peeked at a map) and was run into by a much bigger ship, causing me to explode...lol. I'd been warned about not lingering near a gate, but got a bit of forgetfulness while I looked at my sector map... Dummy, eh?? lol :isadizzy:

  5. #555
    Join Date
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    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!
    Hey Yank,

    Its such a huge game, theres no way you can learn it all quickly.

    If you have installed the package via the Mod Manager, then its ready to run.
    * Bring up your Command Console menu (dark gray or black, bring up via Shift-C when 'un-docked' )
    * Click / select 'Special' and then Cheat, and then Add Wares, Upgrades, and Equipment

    There, you can now select Shields and select add max quantity of shields. You can add Equipment, and select 'Add Cargo Lifesupport. Transporter is also in there.

    There is also a Mod for hyper jumping. Well, 2 actually. I downloaded both, and they are now in my Command Console / Navigation menu. I 'hot-wired' my quick jump to my ~ key and now if I want to jump somewhere, I use that key. But I need Jump Drive for it to work. I always purchase my jump drives. I usually only cheat on things I cannot normally buy or obtain.

    Quick Jump will not require batterys. One version of this Mod though will deduct the amount of cost of batteries for each jump, so you at least have some realism to it.

    Yep, hanging out by a gate will sometimes have bad results...

    I was watching a Xenon J pick off people as they came through the Xenon gate. Each time a ship came through, it barraged them with a huge wave of weapons fire, lol... Bumms...

    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  6. #556
    Charter Member 2011
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    Bill, you are absolutely right about the games "hugeness" t say the least. I really only want to get the "carry passenger" cheat activated at this point, just to be doing something while I'm exploring. I just got out of the safer sectors last night for the first time, and after reviewing a map this morning, I could see I was headed right out of the pirate sectors I had go into anyway. I do not have the map-tied-to-the-game installed yet, and will probalby keep it that way fro awhile, as the exploring is good fun for me right now. I'm sure I'll drift over to the fight them area soon enough, but that's for the future... so much space, so little time....:isadizzy:

  7. #557
    Join Date
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    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!
    Quote Originally Posted by yank51 View Post
    I do not have the map-tied-to-the-game installed yet, and will probalby keep it that way fro awhile, as the exploring is good fun for me right now. I'm sure I'll drift over to the fight them area soon enough, but that's for the future... so much space, so little time....:isadizzy:

    I didnt at first either. Not till I had found just about everything did I start looking at the map, and that was usually just to find the routes as some of the routes seperate in junctions and you have to find a joining link to get through to certain sectors without the Jump Drive, (like when bringing home a new clunker one finds for sale cheap on the other side of the known galaxy, lol).

    Man its fun finding all those new sectors... I would fly for an hour each night finding new ones and mapping out each sector. So much to explore...

    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  8. #558
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    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!
    Quote Originally Posted by luckydog View Post
    Anybody know where to find weapons platforms ?? I think they're Argon, but I've looked everywhere ....... and nada (including "cheats").

    I just found this in the ships listings. Weapons Platforms are called;

    Small Orbital Weapons Platform
    Medium Orbital Weapons Platform
    Large Orbital Weapons Platform

    Look for that in the cheats

    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  9. #559

    Help! I've been assimilated! Gad, this is an addictive game!
    Thanks guys, I think this will break my Entropia addiction!

  10. #560
    Retired SOH Administrator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Penzoil3 View Post

    Help! I've been assimilated! Gad, this is an addictive game!
    Thanks guys, I think this will break my Entropia addiction!

    I have beaten by the same bug, Sue....:isadizzy:

    This is so cool! I love to blow the enemy ... it's fun...

    I learn a lot from this thread... and the cheats and from these guys...



  11. #561
    Quote Originally Posted by Penzoil3 View Post

    Help! I've been assimilated! Gad, this is an addictive game!
    Thanks guys, I think this will break my Entropia addiction!
    AND.... Anonther one Bytes the Dust.... How many times have I typed this now

    Welcome aboard Penzoil, Live Long and Prosper
    Mike "Ears Hopin" P.
    Freedom , everyone enjoys it, very few defend it. - If You Won't Stand Behind Our Troops then feel free to stand in front!

    "Let Being Helpful Be More Important Than Being Right!"

  12. #562
    I've kind of taken a break from X3 and am trying to finish Dragon Age Origins, but I know that the call of space will suck me back in. Kind of like a floating rock heading towards a blackhole.:mixedsmi:

  13. #563
    Quote Originally Posted by yank51 View Post
    OK, simple question here... How exactly, do I activate/utilize/or make work the cheats? I've downloaded and installed the "cheat package" and plug-in manager written by "cycrow", but haven't figured out yet how to activate anything.. I'm really new at this, but was really loking only to get the "carry passengers" cheat installed, so I can earn a bit of money while exploring in my Discoverer ship. I've used most of the money I was given to start with improving its speed and rudder (goes about 400m/sec now), but I've got no weapons and minimum shields. Was cruising along last night, went through a gate in a pirate sector (found this out this morning when I peeked at a map) and was run into by a much bigger ship, causing me to explode...lol. I'd been warned about not lingering near a gate, but got a bit of forgetfulness while I looked at my sector map... Dummy, eh?? lol :isadizzy:
    Yank51, the "Cheats" are activated using the Script editor then running the script you want to activate each cheat, which sounds simple but it is farily involved. Here is a quick list of the steps.

    1- Download and copy the scripts you wish to use and place them in the Scripts folder inside the main X3 folder.

    2- Activate the Script Editor ingame by renaming your pilot;
    a) make sure you are in space do not do this while docked at a station.
    b) from the main menu select Personal (the top icon on the left side), then select Advanced.
    c) in the Advanced Menu select Rename
    d) enter the following new name for your pilot "Thereshallbewings" - no quotes, and be careful for some reason the game does not accept repeat letters quickly so you often do not get both "L's" if you type them too fast.
    e) the screen will freeze for a moment as if the name is changing but when you look if you have the same name you started with the script editor activation was successful.

    3- Now go back to the Personal Menu again and select Global Commands, at teh bottom you should see "Script Editor" select it and it will appear on the right side.

    4- activating a script is simply a matter of finding it in the list and highlighting the specific script then press the "R" key (do not press enter this will open the script for editing) and then depending on the script you will either endter an option such as the number of credits you want to add, Then press enter to finish and you are done.

    There are a huge number of scripts for all kinds of purposes, some are cheats some are for specific game purposes or mods, you have to expirement a little to find what you want but there are plenty to choose from. If you want to have the best overall Super Script "Package" look for the Cycrow Collections, if you find the full package and run it successfully it will add a new menu to the Ship Command menu - "Custom", when you select that ingame you can do all kinds of neat stuff, load all equipment for free, load up on Energy cells etc.

    Thats the quick and dirty version if you still have questions let me know I can probley help with specifics if you have problems.
    Mike "Ears Hopin" P.
    Freedom , everyone enjoys it, very few defend it. - If You Won't Stand Behind Our Troops then feel free to stand in front!

    "Let Being Helpful Be More Important Than Being Right!"

  14. #564
    Join Date
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    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!
    Also... You can get the infamous Cycrow Plugin Manager.

    I use that to install things. Works great and its easy enough for me to learn how to work, lol..

    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  15. #565
    Charter Member 2011
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    Thanks Mike... I opted for installing the Cycrow Plugin Manager like Bill suggested. I've been trying it out the last couple of days. I did notice your point about the "double letters", as the first time I tried to change the name to "Thereshallbewings", it missed the double "LL". I had done that at first, but don't know if the Cycrow cheat package will work without the name change. I was sure busy exploring yesterday, as it's been rainy around here that last few days. Found out you can't trust your autopilot in docking, as I was run into the station last night right after I entered a new sector (for me anyways) and was trying to save the game before I explored. Also ran myself right into a station I was trying to protect from some pirates while "engaged"....lol

  16. #566
    Quote Originally Posted by yank51 View Post
    Thanks Mike... I opted for installing the Cycrow Plugin Manager like Bill suggested. I've been trying it out the last couple of days. I did notice your point about the "double letters", as the first time I tried to change the name to "Thereshallbewings", it missed the double "LL". I had done that at first, but don't know if the Cycrow cheat package will work without the name change. I was sure busy exploring yesterday, as it's been rainy around here that last few days. Found out you can't trust your autopilot in docking, as I was run into the station last night right after I entered a new sector (for me anyways) and was trying to save the game before I explored. Also ran myself right into a station I was trying to protect from some pirates while "engaged"....lol
    Yank51, we have all learned the Autopilot has "Brain Farts" it is even worse if you have ships of your own following you, they often get a terminal case of "Stupid" I have seen them fly stright into an asteroid - I blame it on Scotty and his D@m Space Fuel...lol
    Mike "Ears Hopin" P.
    Freedom , everyone enjoys it, very few defend it. - If You Won't Stand Behind Our Troops then feel free to stand in front!

    "Let Being Helpful Be More Important Than Being Right!"

  17. #567
    WooHooooooooo!!!! It was real late, but got the call earlier that my copy is in. Sleep this weekend? Better get some tonight, as there will be none in the coming week!!!!!!

  18. #568
    Quote Originally Posted by aeronca1 View Post
    WooHooooooooo!!!! It was real late, but got the call earlier that my copy is in. Sleep this weekend? Better get some tonight, as there will be none in the coming week!!!!!!
    AND.... "Another one BYTES the dust"... Welcome to the Xuinverse Aeronical, you are going to have a blast
    Mike "Ears Hopin" P.
    Freedom , everyone enjoys it, very few defend it. - If You Won't Stand Behind Our Troops then feel free to stand in front!

    "Let Being Helpful Be More Important Than Being Right!"

  19. #569
    Join Date
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    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!
    Quote Originally Posted by aeronca1 View Post
    WooHooooooooo!!!! It was real late, but got the call earlier that my copy is in. Sleep this weekend? Better get some tonight, as there will be none in the coming week!!!!!!
    Welcome aboard Aeronca1.

    If you cant sleep at night, at least you can have some fun...

    Flying freight, dog fighting pirates and evil aliens, discovering 200 to 400 gates, hovering in orbit over huge planets with cloud systems slowly moving over a rotating planet, ultra sophisticated stations with animated cars running along rails, tons of functioning AI traffic...

    Alot to learn though.. Read the basics on it..

    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  20. #570
    Quote Originally Posted by Lionheart View Post
    Welcome aboard Aeronca1.

    Alot to learn though.. Read the basics on it..

    Thanks! I surely will be reading a lot after I pick it up this morning. I'm a "wounded" veteran of online gaming, and am really looking forward to an adventure that won't be "blasted" by A**hats out to ruin your gaming experience simply because they like to hassle people.

  21. #571
    SOH-CM-2024 Craig Taylor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aeronca1 View Post
    Thanks! I surely will be reading a lot after I pick it up this morning. I'm a "wounded" veteran of online gaming, and am really looking forward to an adventure that won't be "blasted" by A**hats out to ruin your gaming experience simply because they like to hassle people.
    That's the main reason that I won't do any multiplayer beyond FS (Disclaimer: flies occasionally for Avsim in the RTWR).

    This one is strictly solo, although it would be cool to cooperatively blast some Kha-ak or Xenon! :ernae:
    Craig "CB" Taylor

  22. #572
    Charter Member 2014 luckydog's Avatar
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    Howdy Doo, All......

    Anybody discovered a good ship for playin' taxi / haulin' peoples ??
    Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass....

    It's about learning

    to dance in the rain.

  23. #573
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    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!
    Quote Originally Posted by luckydog View Post
    Howdy Doo, All......

    Anybody discovered a good ship for playin' taxi / haulin' peoples ??

    Hey LD,

    I saw a interesting Taxi job service addon pack last night at Egosoft.com in the XUniverse forums in the main library at the top in X3TC Modding forums.

    Mike was telling me about it a while back.

    Also, 'Haulers' are the ships that are like tubeliners in X3. They are the airliners.

    You 'could' convert a Super Freighter to have life support in the cargo bay which would make it a 747 (or A380), but as you know, thats like putting people in an oil tanker and sending them to another land, lol... (Yah gotta have windows).

    If I see that Taxi service script page again, I'll send the link here.

    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  24. #574
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    Found it.


    I dont think that is 'exactly' it though after reading it. Mike may know of a better one.

    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  25. #575

    Thanks for the welcome. I'm just a humble trader, been through only 18 systems so far. Only have 6 ships. Haven't killed any pirates, but did fire on some. They growled at me, and flew away..

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