Quote Originally Posted by JDTinballs View Post

maybe making it into a 'Freeware classics' Sub-forum? That would preserve it for prosperity. Maybe with separate threads for Scenery, mesh, tubes, GA, military, vintage, warbirds, etc.

ét Voila, a permanent reference for future newbies?

BTW, AWESOME thread, as relatively recent CFS2 convert, shows me some I missed, many thanks.

Quote Originally Posted by Tom Clayton View Post
Not a bad idea at all. I don't have the access to do that, but I can take it up with the ones that do.

I was also thinking of some sort of list collated from the different links here. Still mulling that over...

Meanwhile - keep 'em coming!:ernae:
in short, this thread is fantastic!
although, it's overwhelming....
I am over amped. :isadizzy:
organizing into separate threads,
like Jamie suggested,
would sure help the brain cells.

personally, I'm looking mostly for Scenery and terrain upgrades,
like Holger Sandmann's work
then Utilities and maybe some must have gauges.

Tom, this is a daunting task,
many thanks for the effort.