Actually i wasn't a fence sitter I had all intentions of buying this and all information was NOT readily available especially SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. The defense of orbx for most issues is that its a demanding program. Ok if its demanding then try posting some recommended specs or at least a disclaimer, nowhere on the orbx or flightsim store website is there any mention of this, only touting of the product. When I see none of the mentioned, then i figure there shouldn't be any performance issues, considering up till this point I had never had an issue with any addon for FSX. I tried every workaround and fix and setting I could to get it to work and nothing worked, on the forums my post was ended with "just avoid cities" and when I replied stating that wasnt acceptable i got no response ever again. I sent a PM to someone from orbx on here with no reply to date. I even took their advice and reinstalled it with no luck.