I'm going to start a new P.C. build, going to Windows 10, mobo, ....blah blah blah + fixings .....

My I.S.P. address and email will remain the same.

I read this on the DCS support Forum :

Home > Support > Technical questions > Authorization errors

Note: user must turn off OFFLINE mode on the same PC*. OFFLINE mode cannot be turned off from another PC even with the
same user's login.

* on the same PC - it means exactly the same for both hardware and software. For example, changing BIOS or reinstalling
Windows in offline mode will not allow you to log in.

The mode is unlimited in time, thus all network services (Manager of Modules, multiplayer, news) will be inaccessible.

More information you can find on forums:

If you get an error code 409 that means you are no longer able to play DCS.
Also you can't enable or disable OFFLINE mode.

..... alright then, if I'm reading this correctly ...... I boot up DCS on this current P.C. .... go to it's start up screen and click on that little antenna icon thing at the top that says "OFFLINE MODE" .... play DCS for say 15 minutes in OFFLINE MODE .... shut down and say good bye to my old Windows 7 'puter and all of the stuff that I've not backed up .... do my new P.C. build ...... re down load DCS Beta and install .... this is where I get confused .... it says in the above sentence :

For example, changing BIOS or reinstalling
Windows in offline mode will not allow you to log in.

.... now, am I going to be able to log back into DCS with my account and get all of my stuff ?

Can somebody help explain this this !

Thanks to anyone and all
