Last week I finally gave in and updated my flight simulation computer to Windows 10. There were system issues that I hoped to fix with the update. The short version of the story is that everything is working.

The system bug is gone eliminating one frustration from weekly (non-sim) work.

FSX works without any limitations or quirks. I did follow, mostly, some instructions found elsewhere to enable full operation. I did not have to reinstall. There were quirks with my Saitek equipment, but these are well documented. After implementing some of the fix techniques (e.g., confirming drivers removed, adjusting USB sleep settings) and perhaps helped by a driver update from Microsoft (for mouse operation which is one of the bug effects), the Saitek equipment works though they won't let the computer sleep. (Restless Saitek syndrome I guess we can call it) There were also new versions of which is increasingly useful. The ability to search LVARs as well as system value and trace them is great for custom button setup for advanced planes. Yesterday I was improving the setup for Aerosoft's Twin Otter.

As part of checking for updates I discovered updates to Orbx sceneries which in addition to a couple found earlier fix all bugs I had (e.g., airports cause crashes) and added a few minor features.

Then I found time to learn the Majestic Q400 which I find rather enjoyable when a sufficient chunk of time is available.

This has been an enjoyable season for flight simulation. It is too bad that work resumes in force in a couple weeks.