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Thread: Windows 10

  1. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Mont Saint Hilaire, Québec

    DirectX 9

    I have been a Windows 10 Insider for some time now, having upgraded from 8.1. I continued to use FSX (with DirectX 9) as usual, until...

    With the "final" update to Windows 10 10240, FSX would only show a black screen. Sound was OK, but no graphic display at all.

    It turned out, after a lot of help from SOH fellows, that Windows 10 was using DirectX 12, and did not recognize the installed DirectX 9.

    I had two options, both of which got FSX working again:

    1 - I enabled DirectX 10 Preview


    2 - I re-installed DirectX 9, but NOT from the usual Microsoft Web installer, which refused to override the existing DirectX 12. SOH user Flaviossa pointed me to this version: That version did install. And FSX worked, without selecting the DirectX 10 preview.

    I am sticking with DirectX 10, with the improvements achieved with Steve's DX10 Scenery Fixer.

    I hope my experience will encourage others to make the upgrade to Windows 10.

  2. #27
    Ok I'm back from the doctor and at my neighborhood bar having a cold one.
    Installed FS9 earlier and for it to run two things are required, you must install the v9.1 update and you must replace the FS9.exe with the no CD FS9 replacement of FS9.exe. The old CD security system is the problem and the replacement no CD file can be found with a little bit of searching. If you can't find it PM me. After you get the ULA screen and it starts the screen will go black. Simply hit the alt+enter keys and bingo your up and flying.
    On the question of previously installed programs on my system after installing Win 10, which I will now start calling Win X for ascetic purposes, everything has worked without problems. The only problem I have encountered so far is related to 3ds Max and I cannot attribute it to Win X since it is a minor graphics glitch that occurs once in a while.
    Sipping some beer.............ahhh good.
    Before installing Win X delete any and all login passwords,this caused a problem in the early builds of Win X insider preview. Win X will not know what to do with them and will lock you out. Don't forget to do this! The new system now uses pins like your debit cards but if you forget a Windows Live account will bail you out.
    For those who want to wait before installing Win X it comes as an ISO download that you burn to DVD. Get it and wait until you feel comfortable about installing it. I agree with Johan on making a clean install which is what I will do on my main system when the time is right.
    Ok back to the beer....... And if anybody cares I will need some surgery. My doctor called me a dick head and when I objected he said, no no you have a second penis growing out of your forehead and it needs to be removed.

  3. #28
    Maybe this will finally get me to buy Steves DX10 Fixer.... NC

  4. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by jschall View Post
    I have been a Windows 10 Insider for some time now, having upgraded from 8.1. I continued to use FSX (with DirectX 9) as usual, until...

    2 - I re-installed DirectX 9, but NOT from the usual Microsoft Web installer, which refused to override the existing DirectX 12. SOH user Flaviossa pointed me to this version: That version did install. And FSX worked, without selecting the DirectX 10 preview.
    Ah....there IS hope, then...
    Most recent insider I have is 10130, I think... but will experiment with the FSX Demo....

    When I built this machine in December I had to re-install FSX completely...all 260gig of it... so am not looking forward to doing it again for 10. THAT can wait a year.

    This system is designed for 10 ...afterall some of the hardware is too new for 7 to even recognize without a bit of nudging first.,,,ie. WEI fails....

  5. #30
    This is my opinion. When winx comes out, fsx will work just fine. Remember, you heard it from me first.

  6. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by rich12545 View Post
    This is my opinion. When winx comes out, fsx will work just fine. Remember, you heard it from me first.
    Don't be stealing my thunder boy, they heard from me and Johan first in a previous post on the subject as well as this one. And I'm the one who coined the term Win X so don't you forget it. And it pisses me off and I don't care if this locks the thread up.

  7. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Domingue View Post
    Don't be stealing my thunder boy, they heard from me and Johan first in a previous post on the subject as well as this one. And I'm the one who coined the term Win X so don't you forget it. And it pisses me off and I don't care if this locks the thread up.
    You should be more respectful of your elders. What's the matter with kids these days?

  8. #33
    Darn whippersnappers! Wait a sec, I am younger than they are! NC

  9. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Navy Chief View Post
    Darn whippersnappers! Wait a sec, I am younger than they are! NC
    LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! You oldtimers kill me, you really do!!


  10. #35
    Sorry everyone, I went a little bit overboard, to much beer. Just goes to show you drinking and texting don't mix.

  11. #36
    Now you whipper snappers look here. If you are talking about age and elders, I resemble that remark. I have not reserved Win X just yet as I am watching what happens with the guys that are using the trial version. Really interested in how FSX and P3D 2.5 works in Windows 10. Any input is greatly appreciated. Now where did I put the Meta Mucil.
    Regards, Tom Stovall KRDD

  12. #37
    Hell..I taught I said it first....oh,well I really don't remember !!


  13. #38
    So far FSX works well, I've been testing it for a while in DX10 preview and while I have nothing to compare it to it does seem to run smoother on the low end system I have win x running on.
    FS9 I just installed yesterday and after overcoming the security system it also is working fine. I won't be testing P3D until I convert my main system but that will be a little bit in the future because I want to do a clean install and I have projects I want to finish first.

  14. #39
    SOH-CM-2024 WarHorse47's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Domingue View Post
    So far FSX works well, I've been testing it for a while in DX10 preview and while I have nothing to compare it to it does seem to run smoother on the low end system I have win x running on.
    FS9 I just installed yesterday and after overcoming the security system it also is working fine. I won't be testing P3D until I convert my main system but that will be a little bit in the future because I want to do a clean install and I have projects I want to finish first.
    Interesting. If you can run FS9, then can you run FSX without DX10 preview? I'm not clear as to how or why DX10 is necessary to run under a Win 10 install.
    -- WH

    If at first you don't succeed, try, try,try again. ... or go read the manual.

  15. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by WarHorse47 View Post
    Interesting. If you can run FS9, then can you run FSX without DX10 preview? I'm not clear as to how or why DX10 is necessary to run under a Win 10 install.
    I turned on the DX10 preview otherwise FSX still runs DX9 in Win X.

  16. #41
    There is no reason to suppose that FSX will not run in Direct X 9 under
    Windows 10 RTM.
    The misunderstanding appears to have been generated by the allegation
    that an update to Windows 10 stopped a previously installed FSX from working.

    While that may or may not have been the case, it seemed to have been limited
    to one user and a fundamental lack of understanding of Direct X may have

    There are so many other things that can stop FSX, after 8 years of user research
    they have not yet all been found, that the likelihood of Direct X 12 being the first
    ever version that was not backwards compatible for at least three versions is remote.


  17. #42
    From what I understand software needs to run under the version of DX that it was written for. The same goes for software that requires Microsoft Net Framework. Most people can find several versions of Net Framework on their systems. There is no reason why Microsoft would intentionally exclude any version of their own software from running on Win X expect by accident and then they would have an update to correct the problem once discovered.

  18. #43
    In my wildest imagination I can't see microsoft screwing up with directx9. It has been the staple for a long time. Not only is it used for flight simulator but a absolute ton of games. Not including compatibility would totally piss off millions of people. It just ain't gonna happen.

  19. #44
    Windows 7 doesn't have DirectX 9 by default and some older software just won't run without it. Add the DirectX 9 runtime linked above and the same old software carries on quite happily. It doesn't replace Dx 10 or 11 on your system, just runs happily alongside them. Since Windows X previewers have already found this is the solution to their problems, we don't seem to have real worries ahead, other than the sky falling on our heads, by Toutatis!

    And tonight I find an email from MS flagging up Win X's imminent release...
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    Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

  20. #45
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    I have 2x laptops. My 'main' one has Win VII on it. I'm running FSIX (FSII00IV) as well as PIIIDVI.IV. My problem there is that DxDiag shows that I have DXX hardware & DXXI software & thus I cannot run P3DvII.IV! That laptop is an iV with IVGB (or is it IIII?) Ram. My other laptop is a Win VIII.I, IIGB ram, so, not worthy of putting a sim onto it.
    I have reserved Win X for both.
    Any ideas as to any issues I might have with my 'main' laptop once it has been upgraded from Win VII to Win X? Will my FSIX, of which I have II (2) versions, & PIIIDVI.IV run without issues? Will the DXXII be backward compatible with DXIX?
    Last edited by zswobbie1; July 24th, 2015 at 00:57.

  21. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by zswobbie1 View Post
    I have 2x laptops. My 'main' one has Win VII on it. I'm running FSIX (FSII00IV) as well as PIIIDVI.IV. My problem there is that DxDiag shows that I have DXX hardware & DXXI software & thus I cannot run P3DvII.IV! That laptop is an iV with IVGB (or is it IIII?) Ram. My other laptop is a Win VIII.I, IIGB ram, so, not worthy of putting a sim onto it.
    I have reserved Win X for both.
    Any ideas as to any issues I might have with my 'main' laptop once it has been upgraded from Win VII to Win X? Will my FSIX, of which I have II (2) versions, & PIIIDVI.IV run without issues? Will the DXXII be backward compatible with DXIX?
    Romanes eunt domus!


  22. #47
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    And now for something completely different!.. As John Cleese also said!
    Sorry I just could not resist. Us oldies do need a bit of latitude..

  23. #48
    Heavy numerical confusion, man. I see you're running P3 506.4 and some version of FS way before my time: FS MMII is the earliest on my shelf. You also have 520 hardware with 521 software??? My head is spinning... and I don't think the Romans used decimal fractions either. What were you smoking this morning?
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    Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

  24. #49
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    If I tell you, I will have to share with the youngsters here. Not going to...

  25. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjoern View Post
    Romanes eunt domus!


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