So many stops... I guess these young fellas just can't sit still long enough to really fly an airplane...

Having finally gotten some of the issues out of the way I figured it was time to get started on the marathon. A pre-dawn departure from Mildenhall precluded any photos (and strangely no press types with their fancy flash bulbs).

Attachment 14228

A passably good morning with sunshine welcoming me over the Belgian coast and a trouble-free passage of western Europe. Occasional clouds obscured the scenery and of course began to get thicker as we neared the Alps.

Attachment 14223

This was worrisome as the Miles may be a stout bird and has thusfar performed flawlessly, but she strains at heights and there was also the admonishment From 119 Piccadilly to take care not to break Miss Nellie's 12,000 ft glass ceiling. That means possibly winding through the southern Alps to the Italian frontier while dodging cloud and rock!. Fortunately, there was a clearing trend that lasted until the greatest peaks were passed.

Attachment 14224

Thank goodness I chose this northern route and avoided the really tall mountains as 11,749 ft was just sufficient. The maps are just not quite correct...

From the Italian border to southern Croatia it was just a concerted effort to navigate and maintain focus on the tasks at hand. Fortunately the weather remained benign and I was treated to a pleasant sunset as the route eased away from the coast

Attachment 14225

... and finally, fighting exhaustion and cramps from the rudimentary seat I was able to negotiate final approach past the Acropolis and, with a firm bounce, a landing at Hellinikon.

Attachment 14226 and now, Ouzo and sleep (Thanks MM)