Quote Originally Posted by Milton Shupe View Post
Yes, and remember to assign material ids to each poly(s) you want to map separately.
Set your poly(mesh) Select, select by ID, add uvw, collapse.

If you make a mistake or oversight, just redo the process for the incorrect polys.

I noticed on your video that you had assigned poly's ID's before even doing the poly select modifiers. Are you doing this within the editable poly modifier, or did poly selects and assigned ID, then collapsed before the currently shown select and mapping sequence ? Are you doing all the assigning BEFORE actually assigning a material to the object ?

Just to keep it simple, I'm trying to use a standard material (MatID=1), so is there a sequence I have to map (i.e. Left,top,right,front,bottom,back) and/or does each following mapping from te base object need to touch each other ?