Razbam EA-6B Prowler - Cabin Light Not Working
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Thread: Razbam EA-6B Prowler - Cabin Light Not Working

  1. #1

    Razbam EA-6B Prowler - Cabin Light Not Working

    Hi all,

    I'm having a frustrating problem with the Razbam EA-6B Prowler. I just bought it (they're having a great sale on their store right now, FYI) and flying it is a blast. But for some strange reason, when I hit the instrument lights, nav lights, cabin lights switches, there is no lighting effect in the VC, even at night. I'd love to fly this bird around in the dark, but I can't get the blasted interior lights to turn on. Judging by a review of Razbam's earlier A-6 addon, I can see that the A-6 had cabin lighting implemented. But I haven't been able to find any photos online of the Razbam EA-6B at night or any other info about this problem occurring for the Prowler addon.

    Does anyone have any recommendations for me about how to fix this?

    Thank you!
    Alex ("Badger")

    My Aviation Content: [Blog] , [YouTube] & [Twitch]
    Favorite Aircraft: FSX Grumman G-21 Goose with [Redux] , [Flight dynamics] , [Sounds] & [RealEngine]

  2. #2
    Are you running Acceleration?

    I seem to remember that there were lighting issues with the Prowler on systems without it. Some fixes were published in this forum.


  3. #3
    Thank you for the reply! I am indeed running FSX Gold. I have read every single forum post I could find on this issue, including these and others on SOH:
    Cabin lights??
    Fixing VC lighting
    None of the threads I looked at seemed to address my problem directly.

    After bashing my head against the proverbial wall trying to solve this problem last night, I think I've made some traction this morning looking at it with a clear head (mind you, I'm still new to how things work in FSX on the back-end). I checked the aircraft.cfg file for the Prowler and found that the [LIGHTS] section was referencing the file 'fx_Razbam_vclight_red,' but this file does not exist in the Effects folder! I tried editing the aircraft.cfg file to reference the (default?) 'fx_vclights' file instead, and, voila!, the cabin lights turn on in the Razbam EA-6B Prowler when I hit 'L,' albeit the "wrong" cabin lights.

    Edit: In addition, I tried installing the software to a temp folder just to see what files/folders get unpacked. There is no 'Effects' folder in the installation. Could the developer have simply forgot to include some necessary files/folders?

    So... Has anyone else encountered this issue? Can you confirm that you're also missing the 'fx_Razbam_vclight_red' file with the Prowler? Is there anywhere to get the file or install a patch to fix this? Am I correct in my diagnosis or am I missing something?

    Thank you so much for your feedback and help.
    Alex ("Badger")

    My Aviation Content: [Blog] , [YouTube] & [Twitch]
    Favorite Aircraft: FSX Grumman G-21 Goose with [Redux] , [Flight dynamics] , [Sounds] & [RealEngine]

  4. #4
    Hey Alex, I have the A6 and can confirm that I do not have that VC effect in my FSX effects folder! I do have the Razbam A7 that does have a red VC light effect!

    You could probably rename it to the original config or whatever you like and give it try...


    Hope it works,

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  5. #5
    Thanks a lot for the file, Greg!!

    I tried it out and both the instrument and cabin lights work well now! Time to fly this thing on a night mission

    If anyone happens to have the original file too, it would be great if you can share it here also (in case the two are different). It's a really fun addon, but I wish the QC at Razbam was better (e.g. the developer posted a thread for customers to fix a certain file years ago, but then didn't bother to update the installation file in the company store so future customers wouldn't have this issue).
    Alex ("Badger")

    My Aviation Content: [Blog] , [YouTube] & [Twitch]
    Favorite Aircraft: FSX Grumman G-21 Goose with [Redux] , [Flight dynamics] , [Sounds] & [RealEngine]

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