Creating toolbars in Gmax for MeshTools
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Thread: Creating toolbars in Gmax for MeshTools

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    Creating toolbars in Gmax for MeshTools

    The bamse_MTPalette for MeshTools 2.5 is a handy way to access the tools once they're installed, but here's an alternative method. Gmax is highly customisable and creating your own toolbars for a particular set of tools is really easy. I don't use all the options in MeshTools, plus I prefer not having a floating panel of partly-redundant buttons taking up viewport space, so I made my own toolbar as follows:–

    That's the toolbar made, now to populate it with buttons! First call up the MeshTools commands in the Customize User Interface dialogue:–

    Now just drag & drop!

    In no time at all you can have your favourite tools on one toolbar.
    Last edited by hairyspin; October 15th, 2017 at 10:48.
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