Texture Mapping, UVW & Lithunwrap
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Thread: Texture Mapping, UVW & Lithunwrap

  1. #1

    Texture Mapping, UVW & Lithunwrap

    Hi Everyone.

    I'm hoping someone may be able to assist me.. I've finished an external model and ready to create a "paint kit"
    Following the Sim OutHouse tutorials, and using Lithunwrap this far seems unsucessful. Nothing lines up and when it comes to checking it out in Lithunwrap theres lines everywhere.

    When I use the UVW map, I'm only selecting either the top, bottom, left or right at any one point in time. Even selecting for example one side of the fuselage (ignore backfacing OFF) I still seem to get lines all over the screen after exporting and opening in Lithunwrap. I've also attempted different areas of the aircraft - Canopy, Fuse & Wings - nothing seems to work

    Has anyone else had trouble? If so, is there an easy remedy or perhaps more in depth info regarding the procedures? perhaps I'm missing something.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    I assume that all the lines on the screen are the outlines of every polygon in the model. This is normal.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by tgibson View Post
    I assume that all the lines on the screen are the outlines of every polygon in the model. This is normal.
    If I was at my PC I'd send a screenshot.
    Once it exports to Lithunwrap. The lines everywhere don't resemble any form of aircraft shape or part. Quite literally they run everywhere in all sorts of patterns. I don't know how else to explain it.

  4. #4
    This will happen when all the polys have not been selected or mapped for the objects that you exported.

    I recommend that you use "Shade Selected Faces" in the customize tab to ensure you are not missing and polys for each map selection.

    A better way is to assign all the polys for each UVW map to a channel so you can easily call them up, or add/delete selections as necessary to complete the mapping.

    This will also help you identify any polys overlooked.

    If you need help with this, see the video tutorials I posted on mapping in the SOH library.

    Milton Shupe
    FS9/FSX Modeler Hack

    My Uploads at SOH - Here
    Video Tutorials - Gmax for Beginners

  5. #5
    If you have a lot of straight lines running to the same point at bottom left in Lithunwrap then there are polys of an object which haven't been mapped. There will be no such lines when all polys are mapped. I'm working away or I'd post a screenshot example.
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