First, we are pleased to announce that the 2014 Round the World Race will commence, as is traditional, on the first weekend after Valentine's Day. This year we shall start on Saturday, February 15, and probably earlier in the day than usual.

Second, we want to announce that Ed Keller will take the Austin Davis seat on the RTWR Executive Committee. Importantly, we want to express to Austin our deeply-felt appreciation for what he has done for the race both during the last year on the Committee and also during many previous years as well. Ed will bring to the table both new perspectives and a great enthusiasm for the RTWR itself.

Third, we are considering an expanded use of faster more modern aircraft, among those proven in past races, in order to increase the overall average speed and reduce flying hours.

Fourth, we are working on reducing the time commitment demanded by the Race. A number of pilots have stated that they are no longer able to dedicate the same effort to the event as they have in the past. While understanding those concerns, we are also keen to maintain the challenge of Round-the-World real-time real-weather high-adrenaline racing. For many, the RTWR is the prime team event in our flight simulation community.

While there may be many ways to go forward, two main options have been discussed. One would be a route redefinition that, while maintaining the spirit of global racing, would involve shorter overall distances. A second would involve splitting the event into two weekends which would allow racers to begin the race one weekend, pause during the normal work-week, and finish on the following weekend. (Racing would remain a round-the-clock event during the weekend windows.)

We would like to invite your comments, concerns, and suggestions about how to modulate the time commitment so as to make the race more manageable for those who also participate in a real life. In particular, we want to know how people feel about moving toward a two-weekend schedule this year or in the future.

Please post your ideas in this thread. We are keen to get the views of participants from all the forums.

Mike, Rob, and Ed