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Thread: Internecine!!!!?????

  1. #1


    Hello All,

    I have not seen where anyone on this site was too vitriolic. However, are we not allowed to express ANY opinions on what the flightsim developers have to offer? Are we that politically correct?! I still believe in freedom of speech (to a point). After all, it is the feedback from the end user that is most beneficial to the developer. Deliver what the people want! Dare to not only meet the challenge but exceed it.

    I apologize for insulting anyone, but in an era of "political correctness", I am just tooooooo tired of it!

    Daniel Gressmann (That's Me).

    PS, Ban me if you want.

    Just This Guy!

  2. #2
    I must have missed something here. What are you referring to?

  3. #3
    Daniel, SOH also supports freedom of speech. We encourage comments about developer products. This helps us all. What is not allowed would be personal attacks directed at people or developers. This is stated in the rules of posting for SOH. We also encourage those with specific problems to email the moderators and or administrators. Hope this clears things up for you.
    Regards, Tom Stovall KRDD

  4. #4
    Robert, Daniel is referring to the Please All Read thread in the sticky area. Roger is just reiterating SOH will not stand for personal attacks against individuals or developers.
    Regards, Tom Stovall KRDD

  5. #5
    Any site which requires 'membership' to enable interaction is not by definition a 'public forum' and thus the tenets of 'free speech' [a much mis-interpreted phrase] do not apply.

    If I had a dollar for every time I've had to explain that on the site which I administer I'd be quite rich...

  6. #6
    One of the things I have learned the hard way is how you state your case. I think every forum should allow for those who purchase payware a place to give an honest an open critique as long as its not an insulting one. I will say that it does seem from time to time that some developers get a certain amount of favoritism from time to time, that said......I too think the Politically correct world has gone a bit too far as to not allow an open and honest discussion without fear of hurting someone's feelings. Sadly.....we are in an age where men are no longer men......they have become demonized for being open and honest. Instead they have been silenced with PC, or threats of banning if they don't use caution when expressing themselves. I've been there.....I've felt what you feel. Honestly.....this is my first real post since I decided months ago to sit on the sidelines for just these reasons. Please don't I have decided not to......but sit on the sideline and watch in. Some have decided that forums like this are marketing tools instead of being an open forum of opinion. I don't condone personal attacks, unless attacked and don't think our forum needs that. I do think that developers should be put on the carpet if they are misleading us, or not being honest with matter who the developer is.

  7. #7
    Ahh... Thanks for the clarification Tom.

  8. #8
    To adapt someone else's signature, if you're going to criticise a product it costs nothing to be polite. Nothing to do with political correctness, everything to do with good manners, which is why I like SOH.
    __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
    Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

  9. #9
    Charter Member 2011
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    yup its all about how you say it .. for example

    "product XYZ is absolutly f***** s****!! wouldnt touch it with a 24 gazzilion ft pole" = bad
    "product XYZ is ok, however they could improve upon this, this and that" = ok

    "company XYZs support is b***** useless!!" = bad
    "company XYZs support isnt the best in the world, just so you know, heres why" = ok

    basicly, keep it polite!

    yes i know i cant spell half the time! Thank you kindly to those few who pointed that out

  10. #10
    I think its fairly self explanatory... If you are going to criticise a developer's work, don't just say 'oh lol Milton's new Cessna 172 is poo!' Give the reason... explain what makes you feel that way.... texture? model problem? Offer constructive criticism to improve it. Trust me, Developers appreciate constructive criticism offered in the right manner.

    Public shaming isn't one.

    Personal attacks are abuse, not criticism. If you want to rock up and abuse a developer or member, that's prohibited, but nowhere does it say we can't discuss their products and give opinions. Now granted... SOME developers may not take kindly to your criticism, (personal experience) no matter how well phrased, so be prepared for someone to tell you were to put it, but if they do, its their fault, not yours.

    Freedom of speech on the internet is a curious concept... people scream about freedom and rights... when in fact, we abide by the TOS offered in every single venue we visit. Like many others, SOH is a private forum, it is not, 'a right' to be a member, and it is not 'a right' to be allowed to say anything you wish. The owners set the rules, and we abide, if we want to stay, thats the gig... There is no such thing as 'freedom of speech' on forums, no matter how many people scream and cry like Mel Gibson in the Patriot.

  11. #11
    Oddly enough, it is not so much the owner of the site that sets rules. The real issue comes with potential breaches of law, for which the owner of the site becomes responsible if he/she does not take action.

    Either way, this is a partially closed forum. You need to be a member to post, but not to read... so that written by the members is in the public domain.

    You have to choose your wording very carefully when it is to be published in the public domain.

    All personal attacks may be deemed to be libellous, insulting and so on.

    Anyway, you can very politely trash an addon, just through careful choice of wording...

    I also have learned that the best way is to approach people as you would want to be approached by them.

    Per Ardua ad Astra

  12. #12
    SOH thanks you for the comments. Alehead mentions how to get along perfectly in his last statement. Seems his words have been called "The Golden Rule."

    Being human beings, sometimes some folks just need a reminder. Guess that is my job.
    Regards, Tom Stovall KRDD

  13. #13
    imma make a small comment here,i think the locked post in the sticky is mostly pointed at the personal attack on the gentleman from the aerosoft forums,mte it had al that much to do with all the n

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