A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FSX Skins

Description: Douglas A-26C Blank Metal Finish base texture for FSX Acceleration. You will need to download and install the SOH A-26 Invader FSX Coversion.zip first.

This is the C Model in a highly polished metal finish. With an emphasis on detail, this texture is intended to be used as a base layer for the enthusiast who wishes to add their own artwork. The skin is fully reflective with special attention paid to specular mapping. The enhanced spec files are designed to take full advantage of the FSX environment. The metal finish will react with light differently depending on time of day.

The blank metal texture file is in 32 bit, high resolution format and contains all bump and specular maps. Simply load the texture to your upgraded aircraft file and go flying. Be sure to read all instructions. Artwork by Gordon "********" Madison.

Based on the freeware paint kit by Sim-Outhouse.

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit Douglas A-26C Blank Metal Finish.zip
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