Milviz F-15E Service Pack - Page 4
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Thread: Milviz F-15E Service Pack

  1. #76
    Charter Member 2012
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    Nov 2010
    Lost in the clouds of my mind!
    Wow well done!

    Can Aerosoft and VRS do that?! (Yet)

  2. #77
    It's not that, Weapons are great!!! Yes, but the VC is not like a real F-15E, I am just saying this so they can fix it, not to start an argument.
    Also I know for a fact, that the VRS Bird is more accurate then this, that's just a fact, not my opinion.

    So Milviz I hope you can at least get the bugs fixed and come correct with a TRUE and ACCURATE F-15E.


  3. #78
    Charter Member 2012
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    Lost in the clouds of my mind!
    Quote Originally Posted by robert_basil View Post
    It's not that, Weapons are great!!! Yes, but the VC is not like a real F-15E, I am just saying this so they can fix it, not to start an argument.
    Also I know for a fact, that the VRS Bird is more accurate then this, that's just a fact, not my opinion.

    So Milviz I hope you can at least get the bugs fixed and come correct with a TRUE and ACCURATE F-15E.

    Hi Rob

    Sorry Im just a bit lost as to what is inaccurate within the VC? Im not sure what you mean so forgive if i misundertand. Is it textures, layout, features? Your comments are of interest to me as I have no experience of F-15s

  4. #79
    Trying to decide whether to get this or wait for the F-15C.

    I got to fly in an F-15D, so I want the performance of an F-15C, but I want the back seat view that's in the F-15E...

    (No chance the F-15C model will include a D, will it? You can count on $49.99 from me for a D, if that helps decided if it's worth the effort. Hey, first sale!)

  5. #80
    The VC IS very accurate. However there are some pages that are missing or non functional from the MFDs because:

    a: they were not going to be used much
    b: they were beyond our skill/time limitations
    c: both of the above

    With that said, we decided on a progressive release approach. Aside from any issues that may occur that slipped past us in the functionality of this jet I have plans for even more upgrades.

    EDIT: As for the F-15C, we will look at a D model as well depending on the sales response we get for both jets. This project wasnt only insane in complexity, it cost us a HUGE amount. So....we need to make sure the company's financial status is stable before we can add new stuff to the modeling side which happens to be the most costly.

  6. #81
    There is a "beefy" flight control step that sits somewhat under the seat and comes up, Not a stick that comes out of the floor. That's a major eye sore, also the canopy is painted black to reduce glare in the real aircraft and also they have a "A" style locking lever on the side instead of the ECS venting. The seat is incorrect, there has never been armrest in an F-15E, sorry not real. Also the seat is just wrong, they have a folding pitot setup, instead of a static with canopy breaker. I also notice some incorrect functionality and indicator lights. I mean I could go on and on. I was really hoping their plane was more accurate as they said it would be. Another thing that was wrong, is a lot of the panels on the outside are riveted shut, why? When the real aircraft has screws, and all of the rivets are counter sunk and are very rarely noticeable. The JFS on the outside is riveted shut, in reality how would it start if it was like that? There is a lot of little things that people who don't know the Eagle wouldn't notice.

    Again, I hope all of these things can be fixed. I don't want to go any further, and I will not post about this again. Please Milviz fix these items for me and other people who know and love the Eagle.


  7. #82
    I was going to purchase this addon until I read Rob's gripes with it. Now, I am going to purchase it even faster!! If someone who is intimately familiar with an aircraft can nit-pick such minor things (sorry, Rob...just minor to me)...then it clearly indicates how well the aircraft was modelled/implemented. Must go buy it!!

  8. #83
    Has anybody been able to feel "the drag" of bombs, missiles, fuel, ... ? my bird is performing exactly full loaded as clean in aceleration... maybe am I doing something wrong?

    Thank you

  9. #84
    Odd...I definitely feel the drag/weight effects.

  10. #85
    Yes I feel the weight, but not the drag. Tested right now with a crono and references and no difference between fully loaded and clean.

  11. #86

    Thus far...

    ....I can't get it to show ant external loads. Probably operator error on my part....I just need to play with it more.


    ****Later edit: Let me please make clear here what I thought I said above-- I don't think the problem is with the airplane-- I think the problem is that I haven't yet sat down and REALLY tried to understand the systems***

  12. #87
    I believe there is a answer to that in the support forums.

  13. #88
    How can I log into the forums? no register instructions in the purchase can i do?

    Thank you!

  14. #89
    you need to contact roadburner440 at milviz dot com.

    I will be removing the drag part of the advertising. I have just been informed that it does weight but not drag.

    Sorry for the messup.

    Please feel free to return the plane if you are not happy with it.

  15. #90

  16. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck_Jodry-VJPL View Post
    The project ( and installer ) are the most complex bit of fsx software Milviz has developed to date, 20 some people were involved at one point or another and the first time we saw it in game was about two years ago, at that time some 700,000 poly's and as detailed a model as was ever exported , there were many modifications to bring it in line with the capacities of the average computer , poly optimization and map layouts among them , but it was a team effort , and to some extent ground breaking on a number of levels, including the teamwork needed to pull it off, that was all Colin , pulling a team together.

    You nailed it plumb with that comment. It's the total truth what you said. Colin has worked his fanny off and went the last three days with little to no sleep to try to get the installer working.

    I ask patience from the customers. In terms of perspectives, 20 people just basically have tried to build a fully working virtual model of the F-15E which remains one of the most expensive and complex weapons systems in human history! Everyone is going to have to read the manuals and look at the tutorial videos to understand the systems. I'm not going to lie and tell anyone that this is a 100% simulation of the actual F-15E systems and weapons functionality. It is not. However, in 100% truth, it is the closest to that mark of anything I have seen released for FSX.

    There are things we are still working on which we hope to get into the patch. Yes, it does need a patch, but right now, as it is this very second, it is one hell of a fine virtual aircraft and a sheer beauty to look at with excellent flight dynamics. When the systems are mastered, you will be rewarded with an experience I'm not sure you've experienced before in FSX. And when you compare it to the previously released arcade combat flight games, the fidelity of these systems are miles ahead for accuracy to the real world systems.

    To say we tried to stretch the envelope with this one is an understatement. We reached for the moon, and while we haven't gotten everything we wanted, and are still working to make further improvements, we got something that I don't think anyone else has achieved for FSX.

    Meanwhile, Colin is sleeping, hopefully getting the first quality sleep he's had in three full days!


  17. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by robert_basil View Post
    Sorry this Plane doesn't even come close to the VRS Superbug. Also agreed the Aerosoft F-16 was lacking a lot of functionality, But something they had which the Milviz plane doesn't, an accurate and correct simulation of the F-15E. I'm sorry it just does not look like a real F-15E. I do how ever commend the people who made weapons system, that is superb.

    I am not trying to put it down, but I have to say and say it here, it lacks the very thing that makes Flight Simulator a simulator. Am I wrong to say that I would like a real F-15E (at least one that operates and looks like the real thing) in the sim? I know they put a lot of hard work into making it, but I am just not liking what I see. I only wish Milviz will revisit the visuals and make it like the real plane.


    If you see something you think is flat wrong, please post it in the MilViz support forums and we'll work on it. But, frankly, the virtual cockpit layout is on the money. So, when you say "an accurate and correct simulation of the F-15E," precisely what are you speaking about? You have said you like the weapons so apparently that is not what you are talking about and we have already said the weapons are not completely realistic due to the coder pulling out of the project unannounced. So, what is it?

    If your yardstick is that you truly want a 100% virtual replication of all facets of a real world F-15E in FSX for a price of $50, then that's an enviable goal post and one I'm sure everyone would be thriled by. But, is that realistic?

  18. #93
    He already stated that he was letting this go. It would be good if everyone else would do likewise. :salute:

  19. #94
    Yup. Would the Milviz team please back off of Robert? We know who he is and what he has done (or not done) in the past.

    Let's keep this not only civil but fun too!

  20. #95
    Well that works ... I was the guy in front 'cough ' only Joking ... time to hit the silk

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveWG View Post
    Attachment 52998

    Yay, first AA kill

  21. #96
    SOH-CM-2017 gradyhappyg's Avatar
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    One teeny weenie tiny lil complaint.
    POV seems a bit to far forward, every time I go from full burn to half throttle I keep banging my head on the glareshield. LOL!
    Even using - zoom out or control/shift/enter/backspace I can't seem to get far enough back to see the whole cockpit.
    Other than that A+++++++++++.

  22. #97
    Ya know, I have to say, honestly, I have always felt that way myself too. It shall be fixed as soon as everyone is back from their much deserved break... (family and friends...) @Robert. Sorry. I was out of line.

  23. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by gradyhappyg View Post
    One teeny weenie tiny lil complaint.
    POV seems a bit to far forward, every time I go from full burn to half throttle I keep banging my head on the glareshield. LOL!
    Even using - zoom out or control/shift/enter/backspace I can't seem to get far enough back to see the whole cockpit.
    Other than that A+++++++++++.
    If you are willing to do a small bit of manual editing in your panel.cfg file, I can show you how to tweak that to your personal desires.

    Unless, of course, you already know how. In which case, please disregard!


  24. #99
    Same here but worth the price so no complaints.

    Quote Originally Posted by ColoKent View Post window pops up to prompt you to upload the coupon-- you have to remember to go in on your own and use the coupon button. Don't get bitten by this-- I did.


  25. #100


    ...I agree a $10 delta isn't that bug of a deal for me...wish I could "give" my discount to someone else who needs it, though.


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