Thought I should post this question before I think about it too much. Might change my mind. We all fly 'scientifically'. We develop 'routines'. Some of us are sticklers for detail. Where 'some' of us use slew to take off and use tower view to fly (you know who you are). My question is this: Do you often 'Do The Dishes'? And if so, what ('scientific') ROUTINE (if any) have you developed over the years? And finally, how has being a simmer influenced that routine? Just curious.

My routine is to scrape the goop of plates. Then pre-rinse. Then I do the crystal (glasses, cups) first. Then I do the silver (spoons, forks, etc). Then I do the plates. And finally I do the pots & pans. It HAS to be in that order in my book (or rather, house). And I clean the stove top (yes burners too) and counter(s), plus I throw out the trash. No exceptions (hehe). What's your routine? (Let the 'ladies' do it? Order pizza? Eat out? Bar-B-Q? Skip meals? Boil some Ramen? Use (ugh) paper plates?).
Chuck B