Orbx Releases FTX Pacific Northwest Free Demo! - Page 2
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Thread: Orbx Releases FTX Pacific Northwest Free Demo!

  1. #26
    Actually i wasn't a fence sitter I had all intentions of buying this and all information was NOT readily available especially SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. The defense of orbx for most issues is that its a demanding program. Ok if its demanding then try posting some recommended specs or at least a disclaimer, nowhere on the orbx or flightsim store website is there any mention of this, only touting of the product. When I see none of the mentioned, then i figure there shouldn't be any performance issues, considering up till this point I had never had an issue with any addon for FSX. I tried every workaround and fix and setting I could to get it to work and nothing worked, on the forums my post was ended with "just avoid cities" and when I replied stating that wasnt acceptable i got no response ever again. I sent a PM to someone from orbx on here with no reply to date. I even took their advice and reinstalled it with no luck.

  2. #27
    We do not reply to personal messages as per the rules of the Orbx forums. I would suggest to open up a thread at Orbx to actually explain your situation without the angst and have the team help you out, it is a double edged sword though, if you do not do what they ask you to do .. we cannot help you.
    [SIGPIC]Vista Australis[/SIGPIC]

  3. #28
    I did open a thread, i applied the suggested settings with no luck, thats when i was told to just avoid cities. The PM was here not on orbx.

  4. #29
    Hello deimos256,

    I went back to that thread in the ORBX forum and it was another user that suggested to stay away from cities not any one of the ORBX staff. It wouldn't make much sense for us to create an add-on and then tell our paying customers to not use parts of it.

    Obviously, the urban areas are harder on system resources than the backcountry but we've done our best to give people advice about which settings and tweaks they can expect the most improvements from, such as the max_autogen_buildings parameter, etc. I too have a Q6600 based system and can fly above the PNW cities without blurries.

    For reference, the link to the thread is here:

    Cheers, Holger

  5. #30
    Thanks holger but I have a e6600 not a q. Also yes another user suggested that but also nobody bothered to correct him.

  6. #31
    That is because a golden rule at any payware forum is: If you have a question, listen to the staff, not the experts' because we all know what experts are don't we ?
    [SIGPIC]Vista Australis[/SIGPIC]

  7. #32
    I did listen, and the experts advice didnt work for me, im pretty sure I made that clear in my post, and it was ignored. Bottom line is it doesnt work on my pc, and if there were some sort of requirements listed or some sort of disclaimer about needing a rather powerful PC, I would have waited for the demo, but since the page is just riddled with praise I figured why not, and now im $50 in the hole and learned a valuable lesson.

  8. #33
    Have the demo installed and been flying in it most of this evening. Like it very much but think I found 2 problems and don't know if it's just my machine or not. Seattle the city has all the tall buildings,the docks and ships the roads and traffic but NO houses at all anywhere. Olympia the same the capital building is there all by itself no other buildings around at all.
    Sliders are set as per instructed except that Autogen is maxed out too.
    USMC Retired SEMPER FI:USA-flag:

  9. #34
    Seattle city is not included in the demo so what you're seeing there is default or other addons. For Olympia we did not model the city at all, but used landclass tiles like the other cities in PNW (except Seattle, which is photoreal).

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