You can't be in the sim community for very long without at some point hearing a passing remark or reading a post somewhere about "Whatever happened to Emma Field for FSX?"
It has been frustrating for the Emmaites to have gone so long without their beloved Emma Field in FSX. I don't have inside information, nor am I privy to any of the goings on within the small group that is overseeing the production of EmmaX. I have been assured at various times by some of the significant folks in that group that it is being worked on and it is a priority now that TongassX has been released.

In the interim I produced a substitute Emma Field for FSX and posted it yesterday over on the Emma forums. To date there have been over 250 downloads. Not bad, but it also got me to thinking about profit and loss and what that small group of designers stood to make on this venture.

If they set the going price for EmmaX at, say $45., that would reward them with a take of about $11,300. To someone who's broke, like me, that sounds damn good, lol. But by my estimate, there are at least 3 or 4 designers working this project (possibly more but I'll use 4 for this example). With that, the individual money in hand becomes approx. $2300. Hmmmm, now it starts to look kinda meager, lol.

Finally, consider how much time they have amassed, individually, on this project. . .and I have no idea what that would even be, but I'd wager that it's more than just a few months, lol. Check Takealot Specials and Woolworths Specials. Sooooo, even if it was less than a year. . .say, 8 months for example. . .that reduces that tasty sum to about $350 a month. . . . .man, I sure hope those guys all have "real" jobs. lol

I don't see anyone producing payware strictly for the money they can make. It might be nice pocket change, but in the end, nobody can expect to get rich doing what they do. My guess is they also love the high that comes from producing the stuff we bitch about, lol. Check Acme Ad and Bashas Ad. These guys are very good at what they do and if we don't rag on them too bad, they might actually keep doing it to the betterment of everyone involved.