Here's the latest in the 'Tako Tours' series.

I created this tour a while ago but then beta testing of a certain J-3 Cub took up a lot of my time and I have only just got back to flying it again and thought I'd upload it so that others can enjoy it too.

This time it's a tour of every FSX airport in Italy (including the islands of Sardinia, Sicily plus a few smaller ones too) and has 93 legs in total.

So far I am about halfway down the west coast and it has been very enjoyable with lots of changes in scenery and terrain and suits a wide variety of aircraft.

If you would like to fly the tour proceed as follows:
1. Download the attached zip file and save it to a safe location on your computer, then unpack it.

2. Move the 'Italian Tour.PLN' file to the same location that FSX uses when you save a flight plan (in XP that would be 'C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files' I am not sure of the location for Vista users....sorry).

3. Start FSX, go to the 'Free Flight' screen then select your initial aircraft, the time and season and your weather preferences (I used real weather to add some variety during the tour and some days were really bad and added an extra dimension to the flying!)

4. When you have the above set click on the 'Flight Planner' button then click on the 'Load' button at the bottom of the screen. Navigate to the 'Italian Tour.PLN' file and double-click it.

5. Click on the 'Find Route' button and you should see the same as the screenshot below.....

NOTE: The flight plan only shows the start and finish locations at this point.

6. Click on the 'Load' button on this window and reload the 'Italian Tour.PLN' file. You should now see the entire flight plan as shown below....

7. Click on 'OK' and then click on 'YES' on the notification pop-up window.

8. Click on 'Fly Now' when you are ready to start the tour.

9. When you reach a point where you want to stop for that session simply save your flight with a suitable name and it will also save the flight plan at your current location. When you want to continue the tour simply reload the saved flight using the 'Load' button on the 'Free Flight' screen and the GPS will already have the flight plan in it and will show the next leg to fly.
Hopefully a few of you will give it a try and maybe even leave feedback as to what you think of the tour.