The Ongoing Mystery Aircraft Thread Part Deux.
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Thread: The Ongoing Mystery Aircraft Thread Part Deux.

  1. #1
    Retired SOH Administrator Ferry_vO's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Zeist, Netherlands

    The Ongoing Mystery Aircraft Thread Part Deux.

    So who posted the last one before the crash..?


    If you are new to the mystery game here is a quick set of guidelines.

    -You must correctly guess before posting a new one. (Usually you wait for the previous poster to verify the answer). If you are confident on your answer, you can post a new picture without waiting but risk hearing it from the forum regulars if wrong!

    -You are allowed to remove nationality and registration numbers (to prevent easy googling of answers). You cannot add bogus markings to throw off the hunt.

    -No gliders unless very unusual or of historical significance.

    -Please refrain from using Google image search. This is a cheap way of identifying photos and frowned upon.

    Have fun! This is not a serious match although we do take pride in being able to spot an obscure aircraft.

    I think that is it. Also, don't forget to give the person who guessed your plane a beer on Henry's tab.

    Good luck spotters-

    PS: Our first thread was 6 months along and had over 15,000 views with nearly 1200 posts!
    Last edited by Moses03; March 20th, 2015 at 04:33. Reason: Updated guidelines
    Intel i9-13900 Raptor Lake , Be Quiet! Dark rock slim cooler, 32 Gb Corsair DDR5 RAM, MSI Z790 Tomahawk motherboard, Asus RTX 4060Ti 16Gb, Thermaltake 1050 Watt PSU, Windows 11 64-bit 1 m2, 4 SSD, 2 HDD.

  2. #2
    Well, our record thread just went down the plumbing !

    We'll just have to start all over again - I don't think there were any answers to my last post, which was an ID for these triplets.

  3. #3
    Hoping we can recover the lost threads. If so, I will merge this one back into the original one.

    I was just getting ready to troll through our nice big thread and extract every plane into a master list by Country/Manufacturer/Model/Year etc for future reference.

  4. #4
    Now I was just waiting for some brave and selfless soul to think of that - what a splendid idea !

    Buy it on Amazon - 'Uncle Moses' Big Book of Balkan Bogeys.' Oh yes. :costumes:

  5. #5
    Is there anyone else out there ?? I feel lonely !

  6. #6
    I'm here, just about sobered up from last night, but still no idea what they are!:ernae:

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Hurricane View Post
    I'm here, just about sobered up from last night
    And there was me, thinking you were a good clean-living boy. Mind you, it never did me any harm ! :d

  8. #8
    Just checked my last post. Where on earth did that edit notice come from ??????

  9. #9
    The forums are still a bit buggy from the crash.

    Sorry, I have not been in a mystery plane mood since we lost the thread. Really bummed out over it.

  10. #10
    These three floaters are oddly obscure. This is not helped by the fact that this picture is wrongly captioned in Jane's, and it took me a while to sort out the correct designation.

    I can reveal that the roundels displayed are, from the outside, red, white and blue. This will probably not help you a lot, as there is nothing remotely French about them at all.

    Come on, you Sherlock Holmeses !

  11. #11
    Well, it's all very distressing about the collapse of our wonderful thread (oh, AND the whole planet's economy), but I have also found a little time to be distressed by thinking about what those three seaplanes might be.

    Not sure at all, due to differences of photos (and engines!), but might hazard some kind of Northrop - they look a bit like the N-3PB, originally built for Norway, though they & their pilots ended up with the British RAF.

    Probably barking up the wrong street, but at least it's a guess! :d

    De Vliegende Hollander

  12. #12
    It was the only guess, Ralf, and a fair one, at least the right country -I think we'll move on.

    These are Seversky SEV-3M-WW's destined for the Colombian Air Force.
    Janes lists them as SEV-2PA's, but that was a later model - Seversky's numbering system idiosyncratic to the last.

    Right, what is this big-spanned effort ?

  13. #13

  14. #14
    Welcome, sir ! (Good to see another Junior Member in his prime !)

    You got it dead right with the Tupolev ANT-25.

    Over to you for a new mystery. (If not in Kansas any more, where are you ?)

  15. #15
    .............that would be telling - ain't it enough I ain't in Kansas? - where's my beer? (or is it true about Scotsmen?)

    anyhoo - try this little sporty number

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Sopwith Chameleon View Post
    . where's my beer?
    Well it's far too early in the morning for a beer - at least it is here - but maybe not where you are - wherever that is !

    Anyway here's a Scottish pint - and it's OK, I won't breathe a word of your whereabouts to the IRS.

    Over to your mystery - looks suspiciously like a light aircraft to me but we'll have a go...............

  17. #17
    Yup, it's a Miles M13 Hobby.

  18. #18
    ..........thanks for the Beer!

    & here's your of Pedigree for the Miles

    OK - I'm in England - on the edge of the Peak District.............

    Over to you..................

  19. #19
    Thanks. It's nearly lunchtime so a Marston's will do nicely.

    Here's an interesting one.

  20. #20
    Is it a more common type which has been modified?

    The fuselage has a look of the 504N about it.

    And whats the marks on top of the wing, is it just stitching or are they bits of wool to show airflow?

  21. #21
    You're right about the airflow tufts, James, and the thingy on the tail houses a camera.

    But it is a specific type and not modified from anything else.

  22. #22
    I'm back in action with Lefty's Parnall Parasol.

  23. #23
    On the ball, Moses.

  24. #24
    Thanks for the lunch hour brewski.

    I'm afraid I have to get a little revenge on the Seversky.

    Have at it-

  25. #25
    This one is a bit obscure, and not from Eastern Europe.

Members who have read this thread: 67


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