The Ongoing Mystery Aircraft Thread Part Deux. - Page 129

Thread: The Ongoing Mystery Aircraft Thread Part Deux.

  1. #3201
    Had me totally banjaxed with that last one, Kevin - a proper Bastianelli, it was.....

    This Polish lady is the OKL TS-11 Iskra.

    I think it will be a while before Moses surfaces, so will proceed with another rather nice floater.

  2. #3202
    The unequal wing lengths has a Caproni look but I think this might be French. Not sure at all.

  3. #3203
    From this side of the pond but not French or Italian.

  4. #3204
    OK, long enough - it's the 1925 Saunders A.4 Medina.

    Now it looks like I'll have to go for the hat-trick with this 1935 trainer........

  5. #3205
    Sorry to deprive you of the hat-trick there Lefty....

    I believe we're looking at the Chinese Fu-Shing AP-1

    (just happy to get one after coming up short for the last week or two !!! :mixedsmi: )

  6. #3206
    Barnstormer, or maybe not.

  7. #3207
    Hmm, has a slightly oriental feel to it too - they have obviously sourced the wheels from a supermarket trolley....

  8. #3208
    Not from the land of pointy straw hats....

  9. #3209
    According to my research on this rarity, it was built as a floatplane modification of a different type. The photo is the only known one of the bird on wheels. And to complicate matters I have it cross referenced under 3 different names (theres a big hint for you). Lastly, you can't tell from the photo, however it is a two bay biplane.

  10. #3210
    All I hear are crickets. Well, here's a head-on shot of her - maybe that will help.

  11. #3211
    Slight detour from the current stinker mystery-

    Carry on!

  12. #3212
    Guys, another quick detour to show you a real oddball glider I found (French of course) - I was wondering if you had any ever seen it, or had any information about it - there doesn't appear to be anything on the web. It's a Riout 102T Alerion.

    P.S. Lefty, congrats on getting mention for your detective work. That's pretty cool! The only time my name ever showed up in any publication was in the local police blotter, but that's a whole 'nuther story. :mixedsmi:

    Anyhow, I'll reveal our biplane tomorrow unless one of you sleuths uncovers it's identity.

  13. #3213
    I'm covered in embarrassment.....:redf:

    Re the glider -Nice one !

  14. #3214
    Well well - I took one look at the date and thought DHC2Pilot had come up with the ultimate Photoshop job ! Then I found this

    And the site of the Musee Regional de l'Air d'Angers-Marcé, who claim to have one !

  15. #3215
    Alright kids, pencils down, close your books. This test has come to conclusion.
    The mystery biplane is none other than the Chasovikov RV-23, aka Mikhelson RV-23, aka Polikarpov RV-23.
    Apparently a (highly) modified Po.2. Personally I don't see much resemblance to the Po.2, but that's what the story says. Moving on.....

  16. #3216
    Uh oh, your are gonna hear it from Lefty on this one!

    Oddly, was just looking at a similar low wing 2-place open cockpit trainer with wing struts the other day. Now where was that...

  17. #3217
    uh oh, what'd I do wrong this time?

  18. #3218
    You didn't do anything wrong. I just know Mike's reaction to a small type such as this.

  19. #3219
    Lefty's not reacting to much just now.. Under the knife today to remove a wee cyst from the back - nothing serious but 5 stitches which are beginning to smart a bit ! (Lots of Scottish anaesthetic needed tonight.)

    DHC2Pilot's (do we have to keep calling you that ?) mysteries had me beat - this latest baby looks much like an Avia BH-11 but the tail is all wrong - maybe Mr Avia had a brother in Idaho, or somewhere........

  20. #3220
    Well, considering how many one-off's he's pulled out of the farthest reaches of aviation history I'm betting he'll get over it pretty quickly. :mixedsmi:

    I suppose John would be easier than DHC2Pilot, eh?

  21. #3221
    "somewhere" would be a better place to start. Idaho is a looong loooooong way off.
    Perhaps a bit of that apple brandy would help you forget about the stitches? After a few brewsky's. Curious - do the Scot's typically drink their beer at room temperature as in Deutschland, or chilled as us Yanks do?

  22. #3222
    Depends on your age, John. The kids drink lager (just like American beer, really) out of supercooled fonts.

    Old farts like me prefer their beer (or cider, if you can get the real stuff) at room temperature. We have an outfit called CAMRA who are 'real ale' men, and there are a few pubs in Scotland which serve the good stuff.

    I have also had some very fine beer in the US - a memorable lunch in a brewery pub in Providence R.I., where I sampled just about all of their brews, springs to mind. Not everyone drinks Miller, you know....

  23. #3223
    Gotcha ! It's the JD-2 from the Warsaw University.

    Going to hit the sack now so please carry on.

  24. #3224
    That didn't last long. Not long at all. I knew I should have posted the Schlaffelkopfdinger Dr.VII bi-parasol quadruplane flying boat instead. <banging head on desk>

  25. #3225
    Ahh, the would that be the first or second prototype ????

    Anyway, I can do light aircraft too, you know...

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