Cannot find bombs and More Aircraft Folders
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Thread: Cannot find bombs and More Aircraft Folders

  1. #1

    Cannot find bombs and More Aircraft Folders

    I wonder if anyone can point me to guides or answers in regards to the above.
    Having downloaded a flyable Dauntless and Devastator I find that it cannot load the various bombs in the game.Not good for a Dauntless.I can load a torpedo for the Devastator but it would good to try it out as a level or skip bomber.

    Also is there a knowledge base anywhere that explains how to have say for example 3 or 4 different aircraft folders of the
    Same aircraft but with different repaints.Just to say I only want to fly US planes against Japanese stock or repaint non flyable Japanese planes.But I would like to have varieties of each.

    When I originally played CFS2 some years I knew how to do this,but I cannot seem to reproduce the technique.

  2. #2
    I believe I have found the solution.
    Thanks for viewing.

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